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Hacked by Love, Part 3

Page 11

by Sharon Cummin

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  “Really?” I asked and pointed to her ass. “Those cheeks will definitely be matching the pink on your other ones later. I'm going to spank you so hard.”

  “Lance,” she snapped, as she looked around me.

  “Is mommy being bad?” I heard from just behind me.

  My eyes went wide, and I looked at Lauren silently begging her to help me out.

  “No,” she said. “I just said something silly about Lance and he was being a big baby.”

  She stood up and walked by me, brushing against my cock on the way.

  “We'll be out here,” she said with a smile on her face. “Come out when you're ready.”

  When she stretched the word come like I had just moments before, I made a mental note that payback would be a bitch for sure.

  We worked well into the night fixing up what I'd shown her the night before. She was ready to call them. It was solid.

  “It's time for you to meet with them,” I said, as I closed my laptop for the night.

  “How are we going to do that?” she asked. “Jackson.”

  “I'll stay here with him,” I said.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Do you have a problem with him staying with me?” I asked, feeling slightly offended, more than slightly actually.

  “No,” she said. “You're going with me.”

  “Nope,” I said. “This is all yours.”

  “No, Lance,” she said. “It's not. We worked our asses off on this, together.”

  “You sure?” I asked her.

  “I'm positive,” she said.

  Two days later, we were on a plane. Jackson was at my parents' house. Lauren was totally freaking out, but my mom assured her that she'd send her a message every hour if she wanted one. We were only going to be gone one night, so we'd be back the next afternoon.

  I made sure to tell Lauren that we couldn't let them know she was staying with me. She seemed a bit offended, but she'd just have to deal with it. I didn't want anything to ruin her chances with them, and I wasn't sure what they'd think if they knew. It was none of their business what she'd been through since we'd last seen them. She was quiet the rest of the flight and car ride. I wasn't sure if she was pissed at me or just really nervous.

  We walked into the building, and I looked around. I was starting to feel like it was just any other building. It didn't give me the same feeling it had the first couple of times I'd walked in. Our flight hadn't gotten in until lunch time, so we had to go straight there. When we walked through the conference room door, I saw his ass right away and my blood instantly began to boil. The fucker stood up and pulled the chair next to him out.

  “I have your seat right here, Lauren,” Eric said.

  I knew she heard the rumble in my chest from right behind her, and she quickly coughed. Did she seriously think that was going to cover it up, I wondered? When she walked around the table, I kept my eyes on him. She sat down, and the asshole scooted closer. It took all I had not to jump across the damn table at him.

  “Lance,” the man behind me said. “You okay?”

  “I'm fine,” I said, as I pulled out my own chair and sat down.

  I kept my eyes glued to Eric. I'd never in my life felt so protective before. It was the craziest feeling. I seriously felt like my arms were going to explode, like I could have torn the fucker in half.

  “You have news for us,” the man at the end up the table began. “I know you got through, and I'm excited to hear what you've come up with, Lauren.”

  I felt her looking at me, but I didn't move my eyes away from him. Then she did it, she shocked the shit out of me.

  “Lance actually got through before I did,” she said.

  “Really?” the man asked.

  My eyes shot over to her and I knew damn well they were filled with warning. What the fuck was she doing? She was supposed to say it was her. I'd agreed to her telling them that I'd helped find a fix, but she was the one that had gotten through. We'd had a very clear conversation about it.

  “Yes,” she said before I could even speak. “I called him when I'd gotten through, and he'd gotten through as well. The awesome part was that we'd gotten through two different ways. We've been working together to fix it, and we feel it's solid.”

  “You feel that way too, Lance?” he asked.

  “I do,” I said, not moving my eyes from her.

  We spent the next two hours going back and forth between the two of us explaining our findings. She'd insisted that I explain for myself the way I'd gotten through. I couldn't believe how well we'd worked together after everything that had transpired between us. The whole situation was messed up. We were supposed to be competing for our dream job, but things had really taken a few twists along the way.

  She handed them an envelope with everything they needed to solve the problems and make their work unbreakable. When we stood up from our chairs, that Eric fucker leaned over toward Lauren.

  “I'm very happy with the results. We'll go over everything and get back with you,” the man at the end of the table said as he stood and walked to the door to open it.

  Eric was still leaning over. When he leaned in even closer and whispered something in her ear, I walked out the door and down the hall to the elevator. Neither of us said a word the entire way down to the lobby. She got into the car before me, and I slid in beside her. The moment the car door closed, she looked over at me.

  “You okay?” she asked with concern in her tone a few moments later.

  “What the fuck did he say?” I asked louder than I should have, considering the driver had already gotten in.

  “Lance,” she whispered.

  “Now,” I growled out.

  “He said I should have called him,” she said.

  “That it?” I asked.

  “He asked if I wanted to get together for dinner tonight,” she said.

  “Your answer?” I asked.

  I was so pissed. I swear, I felt like the veins in my head were going to blow. Never in my life had I ever felt like that before.

  “I told him that I had plans,” she said with a hurt look on her face. “Do you honestly think I would have said yes? I'm not the one afraid to admit to us knowing each other. You're the one that doesn't want them to know I'm staying with you. You're the one that's embarrassed.”

  Chapter 21


  Lance stared out the window the rest of the drive. I wanted so badly for him to turn his head so I could see his face, but he wouldn't. Even when I whispered his name, he didn't respond. I knew he was going to ask about Eric. There was no way I would have met up with the guy. He gave me the creeps. Not to mention, I was sleeping with Lance. While I knew it wasn't a forever situation, I didn't want it to end yet. I wasn't ready.

  The tension in the car could have been cut with a knife. I'm not kidding. It was awful. I couldn't remember the last time there was so much between us that was being left unsaid. He didn't want them to know about us, and it took every bit of me not to move across that seat and straddle his lap so he'd have no choice but to look at me. When I said he was the one wanting us to keep them from knowing I was staying with him, he hadn't responded. That was all the proof I needed. He was embarrassed. Fuck that, I thought. I didn't deserve or need that shit. The longer we drove, the more upset I became. Was I pissed? Was I hurt? I had no clue what I was exactly.

  I didn't even have time to reach for the handle of my door. The moment the car stopped, Lance threw his door open, grabbed my hand, and pulled me across the seat. I barely made it out without falling on my face. He grabbed our bags from the driver and walked toward the hotel entrance. The second we were through the door, I yanked my hand away from his, grabbed my bag from him, and walked toward the desk to check in. He walked to the available spot next to me where a very young, pretty woman walked up to help him. She had the biggest smile on her face as she asked his name. I watched the interaction between them, as th
e man in front of me rattled off questions that I quickly answered. Lance kept the most serious face through the entire thing. She was flipping her hair and flirting as much as she possibly could, but he never responded. He was even more pissed than I thought he was. I could see the veins on the side of his forehead popping out and felt so relieved that I was getting my own room. At the rate he was going, I didn't think I'd hear from him until we were back at his apartment.

  When he finished checking in, he turned and began walking. Again, relief. When I was finished, I took my time picking my bag up and turning to walk toward the elevator. He was gone, and I instantly felt sick to stomach. He really was pissed at me, but I hadn't done anything wrong. I would have told Eric I was with him. Shit! I would have walked into that meeting and let them all know. There was only one problem, Lance. Well two problems actually. We weren't together. I wasn't with him. We were fucking, and I was only staying with him until I could get on my feet. I let my shoulders fall, as I pushed the button for my floor. I was so busy watching the woman practically crawling over the desk to get to him that I hadn't heard his room number. I stepped into the elevator sure that I wasn't going to see or hear from him until the next day. I'd seen him every day for months. I'd slept in his arms most of those nights. The thought of going into my room alone had me ready to take the next flight out of there.

  When the elevator doors opened and I stepped out, I jumped when a hand grabbed mine. He held it tight as he stormed off down the hallway pulling me behind him. My heart was thumping so hard in my chest. I wasn't sure if it was from the shock and scare he gave me or the thought that he hadn't gone to his room and left me alone. He stopped in front of a door, slid his key through the slot, and pushed the door open wide. Then he stepped through, dropped his bag, grabbed my key and my bag, and dropped them too. He took a deep audible breath, and I heard the door click closed behind me.

  When he turned around to face me, my entire body shivered. There was something in his eyes, something so damn deep. What came next was something I'd never experienced in my life, not like that, not even close. He stepped forward with purpose. Then he wrapped his hand around my neck, covered my mouth with his, and slammed my body against the door. He pulled my bottom lip through his teeth and thrust his tongue into my mouth. When my tongue tried to take control, he didn't let it happen. His growl made it very clear that he was the one controlling the situation. He wrapped his hand in my hair and pulled my head back so I was looking up into his beautiful, dark eyes.

  “I'm not embarrassed,” he said sternly. “Do you hear me, Lauren? Not one fucking bit. I'll go back to that office with your hand in mine and fuck you right on top of that conference room table with all of them watching. Don't you ever say that again.”

  “Lance,” I whispered.

  “You were supposed to take the credit,” he said. “That's what we said.”

  “That's what you said,” I snapped, looking up at him the entire time.

  The weight of his body against mine had every part of me wanting him to shut up and take me.

  “You worked just as hard as I did,” I said. “You deserved the credit.”

  “The only reason I told you not to tell them about you living with me,” he began, but I cut him off.

  “Staying with you,” I corrected.

  He didn't acknowledge my words and kept his eyes on mine.

  “I didn't want them to judge you,” he said.

  “You mean the way you do?” I asked.

  He shook his head, and I saw his nostrils flare.

  “You worked your ass off. I didn't want anything to ruin that,” he said.

  “We worked our asses off, Lance,” I said. “There was no way I wasn't going to tell them that.”

  “You drive me crazy, Woman,” he said. “That fucker Eric.”

  “What did you want me to do, Lance?” I asked.

  “Tell him you're fucking mine.”

  “Really?” I asked. “I wasn't supposed to tell them that I'm staying at your apartment, but it was okay to tell them I'm yours. What exactly does that even mean?”

  I moved to slide out from between him and the door but he wouldn't let me. Instead, he held his body tighter against mine. I could feel his chest beating hard when I put my hand up to push him away.

  “What does it mean?” he asked in return.

  “Yes, what does it mean?” I asked. “I'm staying with you until I can get on my feet, and we're fucking.”

  I saw something pass over his face, and then it was gone. His eyes were looking into mine, and I felt like he could see straight into my heart. When his mouth came down on mine with the most intense passion I'd ever experienced, I had to gasp for air. I felt like I couldn't breathe. When he pulled his mouth from mine, I knew my lips were already swollen. His mouth moved down my neck, and his hands lifted my shirt up and off. He unclasped my bra and let it fall to the floor. When his hands moved up my arms and held my hands above my head against the door, I felt a shiver run from my fingers to my toes.

  “Leave them there,” he said.

  His fingers moved softly down my arms, along my shoulders, and to my chest. He leaned forward and sucked one nipple into his mouth while he rolled the other through his fingers. My back arched as I pushed forward against his mouth. My head fell back, and I moaned.

  “Mine,” he said, and I shook as his voice vibrated around my nipple.

  He pulled my nipple through his teeth just as he pinched the other with his fingers, and I cried out. When his mouth came down hard on mine again, I was lost in the kiss. His fingers moved down my stomach and undid my pants. Then he quickly shoved them down my legs. I never pulled away, as I kicked them off and to the side. When his hands went between us again, I heard him unbutton and unzip his pants. Then they were gone as well. I could feel his hard cock against my belly and wanted more than ever to feel him inside of me.

  “Lance,” I moaned against his lips.

  He didn't respond. I'm not sure he even heard me. It was like he was lost in the moment. I heard the rip of my panties and felt the cool air hit my skin. Then I felt his fingers.

  “Open,” he demanded, and I did. I took a step to the side.

  Without any warning, he moved his fingers lower and thrust two of them inside of me causing me to cry out.

  “Mine,” he said again.

  My hands dove into his hair to pull him closer, but It wasn't possible. Our tongues were tangled together in the most aggressive, passionate kiss. I'd been with Lance many times during those months, and each time had been amazing. There was something happening in that moment. He was different. The look in his eyes and the way he was making me feel as if he was actually claiming me as his had my emotions working overtime. What did he mean mine?

  He pulled his fingers from me before grabbing my ass hard and lifting me. My fingers held tightly to his hair which earned me a growl. I loved the sounds he made. It was like they came from deep inside of him. My mouth was on his, and I was claiming him as much as he was me. I didn't want Eric or anyone else. The only one I wanted was Lance. I felt his cock at my entrance and couldn't wait to feel him, but he didn't move. He had me hovering just above him. I moved my hips hoping he'd get the point, but he didn't. Then I tugged at his hair, still nothing. When I opened my eyes and saw him looking back at me, I felt something in my chest. There was something in that look, and I wasn't going to say anything to ruin whatever it was. For just a moment, I felt like I was right where I belonged. Then I felt his cock tease me and moved my hips again. He sat still, starting into my eyes. I felt like he could see deep inside of me, but I wasn't sure I wanted him to. I needed to keep my heart in check. There was no way I was going to let it fall for him. When I moved against his cock again and he didn't move, I couldn't take it. I needed him more in that moment than I'd ever needed him before. I looked into his eyes again and knew I had to stop whatever it was going on in my head.

  “Please,” I whispered. “I need you, Lance.”

  In one fast move, he lowered me as he thrust up so damn deep inside of me. My back hit the cool door, my hands pulled him close, and my mouth covered his. I sucked his bottom lip before letting my teeth scrape against it as I released him.

  “Fuck,” he moaned.

  Then he snapped. He pulled out and thrust in deep and hard again. It was my turn to moan. My head fell back against the door, as he moved my body up and down it. He was reaching deeper than ever.

  “Mine,” he barked out, as his lips hit my neck and sucked it hard.

  I cried out his name when I felt his teeth scrape my neck. My hands went to his shoulders and I lifted myself up before letting go and dropping down on him.

  “Fuck,” he cried out. “So good, baby.”

  I didn't miss it, but I couldn't stop what was going on. We were both lost together. I felt needed, protected, and wanted all at the same time.

  My fingers dug into his neck as I lifted myself again. I wanted to feel him so deep inside. I needed every bit of him. My cries and moans were mixing together. His fingers held so tight on my hips that I knew I was going to see their marks in the morning. His grunts and the rumble in his chest came more and more as he held tight and thrust into me hard over and over.

  “Harder, Lance,” I cried out. “I need you. So good.”

  He was fucking me harder than I thought he could. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tight while I crashed my mouth against his. I couldn't think straight as I exploded around him. When I felt myself pulse around his cock, he stilled and filled me with jolt after jolt of him.

  When my body relaxed in his arms, he held me and walked toward the bathroom. I didn't want him to let me go, and that thought scared me. I knew better than to get attached to him, but I wasn't sure how hard I could fight it. One night, I thought. I'd give myself that one night. Then I'd get my head together and figure out what was next for me.

  When he stepped into the shower still inside of me, I felt the hot water hit my back and felt more relaxed than I'd felt in a very long time. As soon as he pulled out of me, I missed the connection. Then he put me on my feet, and I missed his arms. He grabbed the soap and began moving it softly over my body. I wasn't sure I'd ever figure him out. He'd been fucking me so hard and been so aggressive just moments before he was being so caring and loving. Not loving, I knew better. It was just different, and it felt so good. He washed my entire body, taking extra time on my breasts and ass of course. When he poured shampoo into his hands, I was shocked. He washed my hair and massaged my scalp. It felt so damn good and relaxing that I couldn't help but close my eyes and enjoy every moment.


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