Rise to Fall

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Rise to Fall Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  And then it began to pull away.

  Omar damn neared cried.

  “We are clear of the gates, but still under watchful eyes. Do not attempt to get out.” Walker’s voice sounded exhausted.

  “Are we going to make it out of here or is Walker going to come back to his own mind soon?”

  “That is a very good question,” the vampire replied.

  Omar’s gut clenched. “What do I do if you lose your hold on him?”

  “Kill the guard and bring him to me.”

  “How?” Omar asked.

  “If he unzips the bag, use your changeling strength to overpower him.”

  Omar didn’t like that answer. He may have gotten off the cot and followed Walker, but he was just as drained, just as exhausted as the vampire. The experiments had taken their toll on his body. He was already fighting not to fade into sleep. Omar prayed like hell he had the strength to overpower his guard.

  They drove for a few miles, and then Omar felt the vehicle come to a stop. He crossed his fingers and prayed like hell it was their safety point and not another military stop because he knew the vampire was just about drained.

  Chapter Eight

  Before Freedman could reach the Humvee, Salvador ripped the driver’s door open and pulled the soldier from the front seat, sinking his fangs into the guy’s neck. The vampire had gone pale as he stood next to Freedman and had slipped into some kind of trance. Freedman knew that Salvador was controlling someone. It was just strange as hell to stand there and watch the vampire have a conversation with no one.

  His heart had nearly stopped when Salvador started talking about finding a quiet room to rest in and not seeing them leave the place. Freedman knew that meant someone had tried to stop whoever was helping Omar escape.

  Walking to the back of the Humvee, Freedman was shocked speechless when he saw the black body bag. It was a brilliant plan, but made his heart beat overtime. Freedman didn’t like seeing the body bag and knowing Omar was inside.

  He quickly unzipped the bag, his eyes settling on Omar’s silent form. Freedman knew Omar was alive, but jumped back when the werewolf’s eyes snapped open. Omar sat up, lending to Freedman’s vivid imagination. It was as if Omar had come back to life.

  The man blinked a few times as he glanced around, and then his eyes settled on Freedman. Their eyes locked together, and Freedman knew Omar was finally safe.

  “How do you feel?” Freedman asked as he looked over Omar’s form. The man was naked. Freedman turned, looking over at Dorian. “He needs some clothes.”

  When Freedman turned back, Omar was still sitting there staring at him. “Are you hurt?”

  Omar shook his blond head. “I’m weak though.”

  As gently as he could, Freedman lifted Omar from the bag, cradling the man in his arms. He carried Omar to the truck Dorian was standing by, shuffling through a bag. Freedman glanced down when he passed Salvador, seeing that he was starting to get his tan back as he drained the soldier.

  “Is that who helped me?” Omar asked.

  Freedman nodded.

  “Thank you,” Omar called down to Salvador, but the vampire didn’t reply as he continued to drink.

  “Set him right here,” Dorian said as he turned, a pair of jeans and a shirt in his hands. “These should fit.”

  Freedman watched as Omar lifted a shaky hand. He wasn’t sure what was done to the werewolf, but Omar didn’t look any worse for the wear. The skin under his eyes was slightly dark, and the man did look exhausted, but other than that, Freedman couldn’t see anything wrong with the guy.

  “Let me help.” Freedman grabbed the jeans from Dorian’s hand and helped Omar into them. He was extremely gentle as he lifted Omar up. Freedman didn’t know the extent of the man’s injuries or if he had any injuries.

  Omar’s fingers curled around Freedman’s arms as he allowed the help. Freedman felt very protective of the man. Once Omar’s pants were on, he helped Omar into his shirt. His pale-blue eyes were flickering around, not meeting Freedman’s gaze.

  Freedman buttoned the man’s shirt, going extra slow, trying to give the man a sense of safety. After being in the detention center for close to a year, Freedman knew it was going to take time for Omar to feel safe again.

  When Omar finally glanced up at him, Freedman gave him a soft smile. “I’m here, Omar. I’m not going to let anyone else take you away from me.”

  Omar glanced away.

  As badly as Freedman wanted to pull the changeling into his arms, he wasn’t sure if Omar was ready for anything that close. He ran his hands down Omar’s arms and then stepped back, giving the man some room.

  “We need to get out of this area,” Rick said from behind them. “Someone is going to discover Omar’s absence.”

  Omar’s eyes flickered up to Rick, and then he glanced away. Freedman moved back over to Omar. “Are we heading to California?”

  Rick nodded. “That’s the plan.”

  Freedman could see that Rick wanted to talk to Omar, but was thankful when the alpha turned and walked away.

  “Why are we going to California?” Omar asked.

  “Sellers Pharmaceutical has two labs there. We have to make sure they aren’t holding any more changelings.”

  “But what about the changelings in the detention center?” Omar asked. “We can’t just leave them.” There was a haunted look in Omar’s eyes. Freedman was stunned Omar would even consider the possibility of another rescue. He was damn sure Omar wanted to get as far away as possible.

  Salvador came to stand next to them. “They will be freed, meu destino.”

  When Omar glanced up at Salvador with a questioning look, Freedman grunted. “Don’t ask him what it means. He won’t tell you.”

  “It’s Portuguese for my destiny,” Omar replied, his eyes flickering over Salvador’s face.

  “Why in the hell would you call me and Omar that?” Freedman asked.

  “Because we’re his mates,” Omar replied in a hushed tone.

  Freedman stilled, glancing from the werewolf to the vampire. “We’re what?” He knew what mates were. Freedman was just shocked to his core that—oh, hell.

  “How?” Omar asked. “We pick who we want to mate. How can you know this?”

  “Because,” Salvador began, lifting his hand and running the tips of his fingers down Omar’s face, “vampires have no choice. Fate decides for us.”

  “The hell it does,” Freedman said, feeling the fear rise up in him. He knocked Salvador’s hand away from Omar. “We are not mates.”

  Rick glanced over at them, his expression startled.

  “Fuck,” Selene groused. “Now we can’t shoot him.”

  “I wouldn’t count on that,” Freedman replied.

  “I can pull my cross out,” Benito offered.

  “That won’t work,” Salvador said with narrowed eyes.

  “I can throw some holy water on him,” Miguel replied. “Just as soon as I find some.”

  Salvador hissed at the enforcer.

  “That is why he can’t enthrall you,” Rick said as he walked back over to them. “I should have figured that out. He can’t enthrall his mates.”

  “True,” Salvador said, giving a slight nod to his head. “But don’t test me, Freedman. I have told you before, my patience is not limitless.”

  “Actually,” Dorian said, “that would be me you said that to.”

  Salvador turned, waving a hand at Dorian, as if dismissing him. “It applies to all who dare challenge me.”

  “Full of yourself?” Nate asked.

  “No,” Salvador said, his eyes growing even darker. “I’m very aware of my capabilities. Trust me. You do not want to find out their extent.”

  “Threaten my mate again and we just might see what you are made of,” Sasha said with a feral edge to his voice. “The only one who gets to threaten Nate is me.”

  “Thanks,” Nate said as he scratched his jaw. “I think.”

  “We need to get going,” Fr
eedman reminded them. He picked Omar up and carried him to the backseat of the truck. The man didn’t protest, which told Freedman just how weak Omar was.

  “I will follow.”

  “Hold on,” Freedman said as he held a hand up. “Every time you use your powers, you are drained…and then a human is drained. You’re riding with us.”

  A flash of fear appeared in Salvador’s eyes as he glanced at the truck, but just that quickly, it was gone. “I cannot.”

  “We don’t have time to argue. The area will be flooded with military soon. Get in.”

  Salvador took a step back. “On this, there is no compromise.”

  Freedman blinked and Salvador was gone.

  “I have to remember that,” Nate said.

  “Remember what?” Freedman asked.

  “If I want the vampire gone, just offer him a ride.” Nate grinned, but the expression wasn’t friendly. Freedman crawled in next to Omar, fully aware that if he was Salvador’s mate, and Omar was Salvador’s mate, then Omar was Freedman’s mate.

  That changed everything.

  Freedman lifted Omar from the seat and put the man in his lap.

  “I don’t need reassurance,” Omar grumbled. “I’m fine sitting on my own.”

  “I’m sure you are.” But Freedman didn’t let the man go. He wrapped his arms around the smaller man as Rick got into the driver’s seat and Dorian into the passenger’s. Miguel and Benito climbed in back, and Nate and Selene rode with Sasha.

  Freedman was glad their group had become smaller. Everyone who had been with them was now in hiding. It was for the best. Mason found it hard to fight when he was constantly worried about Ian. Rick had suggested Dorian’s parents, along with Mason and Ian, go stay with Edward. Although Lillian had protested leaving Dorian behind, they finally relented and left.

  Now it was just eight of them, ten including Omar and Salvador.

  Freedman wasn’t sure what to think of the vampire, but his gut was telling him Salvador hadn’t been lying about them being mates.

  As they pulled away, Freedman held Omar tighter, and then gasped when the smaller man exploded in his arms, and then there was a small cougar sitting in his lap.

  Kraven paced the underground vault he and his coven had fled to. Normally, he would have sent the Mãos da Morte after the threat he felt coming his way, but Kraven knew that ominous feeling.

  He was all too familiar with the dark and deadly presence inching its way down his flesh. Kraven knew without a shadow of a doubt that he could not beat the vampire, nor could he kill him.

  Salvador Santos Almeida was here in America. He was a muerto desde el útero. Born vampires held special gifts, and Kraven knew one of Salvador’s gifts was controlling another’s mind from a distance.

  The other was picking up resonant conversations. That was why he had the misleading conversation with Remee in the club. Kraven wanted to throw Salvador off his trail. He wasn’t giving up the Mãos da Morte without a fight, and he wasn’t honoring his end of the bargain.

  He couldn’t.

  Kraven was not about to become the man’s servant for the next thousand years. Fuck that. He had become too powerful in his county to give that up to be enslaved by another. He was nobody’s lapdog and he most certainly did not kowtow to anyone, not even an ancient. He knew from meeting the ancient vampire two hundred years ago that his enslavement would not be a vacation. Salvador was a powerful man.

  And with that much power came insanity.

  He was pretty sure Salvador had other gifts up his sleeve, but Kraven was not going to wait around to find out what they were.

  Too bad he couldn’t deal with Enrique before he fled. But Kraven wasn’t down and out just yet.

  He walked into the room at the far end of the hall. Opening the vault door, he stepped inside and closed it behind him. He still had control of his boogeymen until Friday night. He was going to unleash them on the world before he was hunted down like an animal.

  “Darkest creatures of the night, come forth and show yourselves.”

  The twelve Mãos da Morte slowly appeared in front of Kraven.

  “Enrique Fernando Marcelo.”

  Kraven watched as the vampires disappeared.

  If Kraven was going down, so was everyone else. He hadn’t wanted to kill Enrique. If the werewolf alpha died, then the military would focus on the vampires.

  But it seemed Kraven’s time just might be coming close to the end. He still planned on battling to stay out of Salvador’s servitude, but if he had to fight to stay alive, so should Enrique.

  Salvador felt electrical currents running down his arms and knew his beloved creations had been dispatched. Just what was Kraven up to? Salvador rose from his resting place, heading toward the cave entrance. He hated using a cave, but he had no choice. He wasn’t at home and couldn’t use his vast underground dwelling to rest.

  He flew through the night, using Freedman’s blood as a beacon. He knew they were traveling. The werewolf alpha and the others had said they were heading for California. It would take him no time to catch up to them.

  What stunned Salvador was to find that Omar was his other mate. Although having more than one mate was not unheard of, Salvador had not expected this revelation.

  But he welcomed it.

  Now he just had to convince both men to lay down their guard and mate with him. That seemed like a task easier said than done. Both were stubborn men.

  He liked the fire both his mates exhibited, but he did not like that fire turned against him. That would not do. Salvador had been through too much torture in his lifetime. He had endured too much pain and suffering to not enjoy what fate had deemed his.

  He was going to claim them, whether they knew it or not.

  As Salvador neared the home he sensed Freedman in, his heart seized in his chest. All twelve Mãos da Morte had been dispatched.

  And all twelve were entering the home.

  Chapter Nine

  Rick dropped the keys onto the table by the door. He was weary as hell. They had made it as far as Bishop, California, before Rick needed rest. It was going to be another seven hours before they reached the outskirts of Warner Springs where Sellers’s two labs were located.

  One of the sympathizers had loaned Rick and his group their home. Rick didn’t like being so close to a damn cemetery, but he wasn’t going to be picky. All he wanted to do was rest.

  “It’s been a long day,” Dorian commented as he glanced around the bedroom they shared.

  “That it has been,” Rick agreed, thinking about his mate’s meltdown. He couldn’t blame Dorian. They had been running and fighting for over a year. Sooner or later one of the members of his group was bound to lose it.

  He just hated that it had been Dorian. But Rick had already seen the signs months ago. He had just stupidly chosen to ignore them. Rick hadn’t wanted to face the fact that maybe Dorian needed to go into hiding, to leave the front lines for a while. He didn’t want his mate to leave his side.

  By being selfish, he had risked Dorian’s health. That thought made him feel like shit. Rick knew what he had to do. He just didn’t want to do it.

  But before he let Dorian go, he wanted to drown in his mate’s scent, to make love to him one more time. He wasn’t sure when he would see Dorian again, and Rick was scared shitless he would be killed and leave his mate all alone in this world.

  Dorian had his family, but that would not be the same for his mate.

  They had a deep bond. Sending Dorian away was going to be hard enough on both of them. But to leave Dorian’s side forever was unthinkable.

  “Come here, gatito,” Rick said as he pulled Dorian into his arms. He could see the bags under his mate’s eyes and the weariness on his face. It killed a part of Rick to see his mate like this. “If it takes my whole life, I’ll make this up to you.”

  “Make up what?” Dorian asked.

  “The running and fighting.” Rick crushed his mouth against Dorian’s, pouring his emoti
ons into that one kiss. The kiss wasn’t gentle, but filled with fire and passion. Rick pulled back, staring down into Dorian’s Peruvian-brown eyes. “I never meant for my mate to have this kind of life. I need you to know this.”

  Dorian placed his hands over Rick’s. “I know this, Rick.”

  “Do you?” Rick asked. “My heart hurts thinking about everyone we have lost. But I would no longer have a heart if I lost you. I was drifting along until we were thrown together in this fucked-up situation. My head tells me to let you go, but my heart is screaming to chain you to my side.” Rick gripped Dorian’s hair, pulling his mate’s head back, looking him right in his eyes. “Don’t leave me.” He swallowed hard, knowing he was being a selfish bastard.

  Dorian growled and pushed at Rick’s chest until Rick stumbled back, falling back on the bed. His mate crawled over him, a savage gleam in his darkening eyes. Rick wasn’t sure what the hell was happening, but fuck if his cock wasn’t hard as steel.

  “Can you feel me in your heart? Can you take it to your soul? I don’t want to be alone. I’ve changed. But the thought of never seeing you again isn’t an option.”

  Without warning, Dorian slammed his lips over Rick’s. The kiss was brutal, crushing, and Rick could taste the metallic flavor of blood in his mouth. Dorian tore at Rick’s shirt, an animalistic sound rumbling in his throat.

  Rick didn’t fight his mate.

  Dorian was branding him, making his own claim, and Rick was so turned on that he was about to explode in his jeans. He lay back and let Dorian have his way. Once Dorian had his shirt ripped open, he began to work on Rick’s pants. His movements were wild, unforgiving, and dared Rick to interfere.

  He didn’t do a damn thing but watch.

  Dorian slipped from the bed, ripped Rick’s jeans down his legs, and then looked at Rick with a wicked glint in his eyes before swallowing his cock down to the root. Rick shouted as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His hips bucked, driving his cock further down his mate’s hot mouth.

  God, the man was sucking him so hard that Rick was mindless. He threw his legs onto the bed, spreading them further apart as he began to fuck Dorian’s mouth.


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