Rise to Fall

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Rise to Fall Page 11

by Lynn Hagen

  “I need to feed.” It was a blunt statement.

  “Sorry, fresh out of dead yahoos.” Freedman was joking, but he knew what Salvador was asking. The thing was, could he do it? Could he tilt his head and allow the man to drink from him? The vampire had said his bites weren’t addictive, but it made Freedman uncomfortable as hell.

  Salvador rose from his prone position, moving toward Freedman like a graceful predator. His bronzed face drew closer, his lips slightly parting. Freedman blinked, amazed at how much he wanted this man.

  “Will you let me feed from you, meu amor?” Salvador grazed his lips over Freedman’s cheek, his warm breath made Freedman briefly close his eyes as he tried to slow his racing heart. “Or do you fear me?”

  Freedman glanced into Salvador obsidian eyes. “I’m intelligent enough to fear what you can do,” he said in a low tone, mesmerized by the twin orbs. “But I don’t fear you as a person.”

  Lips as soft as silk skimmed over Freedman’s neck, making him shiver with need. His cock was painfully hard and images of what could be between them filled his mind. Then Freedman realized that Salvador was putting those images in his mind, showing Freedman what he wanted to do to him.

  His cock pulsed with need.

  “I could make it so pleasurable for you, my love.” Salvador’s tongue slid over Freedman’s Adam’s apple. “So pleasurable.”

  “No mind tricks,” Freedman managed to say between pants. “It has to be genuine.”

  “I promise.” Salvador breathed the words over Freedman’s skin.

  He couldn’t believe he was agreeing to feed the man. Freedman never thought he would do something like this. Normally, he wouldn’t. But Salvador was his mate. Freedman knew from being around Rick’s Rebellion group how precious a mate was. Rick had told him that mates had an unbreakable bond that only grew deeper with time.

  Freedman had craved to have something even remotely close to what Rick had described. And now he had it, or would have it once the three of them got their act together. “How do I do this?” Freedman asked.

  Salvador sealed his lips over Freedman’s neck, sucking up a bruise as he slowly lowered Freedman to the bed. His insides formed knots, his muscles locked into place, waiting for the man to bite him.

  But all Salvador did was suck erotically at his neck. The sensation only made Freedman’s cock harder, throbbing more heavily in his pants. Gentle hands slid down Freedman’s sides until they reached the snap on his jeans.

  Freedman held his breath as Salvador slowly began to work Freedman’s jeans free. Salvador pulled away from Freedman’s neck and took Freedman’s pants down and all the way off. He stopped momentarily to remove Freedman’s shoes, and then Freedman was naked from the waist down.

  God, I’m about to have sex with a vampire. The thought startled and excited him in the same measure. But Freedman couldn’t just lie there. He pulled at Salvador’s shirt until the man lifted his arms and allowed Freedman to slide it over the man’s head, tossing it aside.

  “Diga que você me quer. Diga que você precisa de mim tanto quanto eu preciso de você.”

  Freedman hadn’t a clue what the man just said, but it sounded so erotic, so sensual in the thick accent that he shivered.

  “Say you want me. Say you need me just as much as I need you,” Omar recited, his back turned to both of them. “You really should speak English. You are going to confuse the hell out of Freedman.”

  Freedman turned, but gazed up at Salvador first, giving him a look that said he wasn’t finished with the man, not by far. Salvador dipped his head, saying he understood, and then Freedman slipped under the covers, pressing his bare chest to Omar’s naked back.

  Omar stiffened.

  “Tell me to back off and I’ll move away,” Freedman said as he pressed his lips to Omar’s ear. “I swear this to you.”

  Omar didn’t say a word, but neither did he relax. Freedman lay there holding the changeling, his breath shallow. The man’s heat began to slowly seep into Freedman, his cock pressed between Omar’s butt cheeks.

  The man didn’t move away.

  Splaying his fingers, Freedman ran his hand down Omar’s chest. When his hand reached the man’s lower stomach, he felt the head of his mate’s cock.

  Omar was rock hard.

  Salvador moved in behind Freedman, his lips grazing over Freedman’s exposed shoulder, sending tiny sparks of electricity along his flesh. This would be the first time Freedman had ever been with two men at the same time, and the thought excited him. Salvador and Omar weren’t two strangers sating a need, but his mates. That thought only made what they were doing more intimate, more profound in his eyes.

  And having the changeling he had been attracted to for a very long time only solidified Freedman’s need to protect the man from the world.

  He grazed his fingers over the head of Omar’s cock and then played in the man’s pre-cum. He slid the clear liquid over his fingers, enjoying how it felt. Omar’s breath was coming out in short gasps.

  Freedman pressed his lips to the nape of Omar’s neck and slid his tongue across the smooth expanse, tasting the salty skin as Salvador’s fingers curved around Freedman’s ass. He wasn’t sure if he should press forward into the crease his cock was nestled in, or push back into Salvador’s warm hand.

  Both options filled him with desire and a need that was making his head spin.

  “Place him between us,” Salvador whispered into Freedman’s ear. “Let us both show the changeling how much we want him.”

  It was Omar’s decision. Freedman wasn’t going to force the man. If Omar wanted them both, he would let them know. If he only wanted Freedman, then he wasn’t going to move the guy.

  Omar gave a slight nod.

  Freedman mentally pumped his arm in the air. He was going to tap that tight little ass. He had to breathe out slowly, gaining a measure of control before sliding Omar over him and settling the smaller man between him and Salvador.

  Of course, Freedman made sure Omar’s ass was turned toward him.

  “It’s all yours,” Salvador said with a chuckle. The smile made the man’s dark eyes shimmer. It was a beautiful sight.

  “In my mind again?” Freedman asked.

  “No, my love. I can feel your need thick in the air.”

  “So can I,” Omar said with a slight snip. “Why don’t you just call dibs on my ass so—”

  “Dibs!” Freedman quickly shouted and then felt his face flush with embarrassment as Salvador laughed. Even though Freedman was blushing from his outburst, he felt the stroke of the man’s laughter deep inside of him where no one should have been able to reach. He had sealed his heart off from feeling anything tender toward a lover ever since the love of his life had crushed Freedman’s heart into a fine powder under his foot.

  He swore he wasn’t going to fall for another man.

  And he wasn’t. The three of them were going to have a good time, but Freedman’s heart was going to stay intact—and wholly his.

  Omar gave a throaty growl, which only made Freedman’s cock throb. The noise was too damn sexy.

  “Then I call dibs on his tempting cock,” Salvador said, even though Freedman could tell the man didn’t fully understand what dibs meant. The guy was basically calling claim to one of Omar’s body parts—and a damn good choice in Freedman’s opinion. He understood the word enough to grasp what he wanted, though.

  Omar just lay between them, his light-blue eyes wide as they flickered from Freedman to Salvador. “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Watch,” Freedman said as he bounced his brows up and down. Omar looked skeptically at Freedman until Salvador slid down the bed and swallowed Omar’s cock down to the root.

  “Goddamn!” Omar shouted as his hands slammed onto Salvador’s head.

  Freedman just watched in fascination as the vampire worked Omar’s cock with expertise. Salvador was using his lips, tongue, and teeth as Omar arched into Freedman’s chest, his breathing becoming labored.
r />   Gripping Omar’s chin, Freedman tilted the guy’s head back and kissed a trail down his neck, adding pleasure to what Salvador was already giving Omar. The man in his arms bucked, his moans echoing through the room. Freedman hitched his hips as he sucked at Omar’s neck, letting his cock slide up and down between the crease in Omar’s ass. “You want to feel my big, thick cock in your ass, stretching you wide?” Freedman asked Omar, keeping his tone silky smooth.

  Freedman’s eyes dipped, locking with Salvador’s as the man continued to drive Omar wild with his wicked mouth. There was a sparkle in Salvador’s eyes, but Freedman knew without a doubt that this man was a predator inside and out.

  The two men made Freedman feel raw and wild things that threatened to break his vow—a vow of never giving his heart to anyone. Strangling the strange emotions budding inside of him, Freedman reached down and ran the tips of his fingers over Omar’s quivering hole. “I’m going to shove my dick right in here.” He pressed a tip into the entrance.

  “Shove it. Shove it,” Omar begged breathlessly as he pushed back on Freedman’s finger.

  Freedman chuckled.

  Salvador released Omar’s cock and moved up the bed, his eyes sultry and dark. “And then I’m going to shove my cock into your ass, Freedman.”

  Freedman forgot how to breathe. Well, damn! That was an invitation he would gladly take the man up on. It had been too long since he felt rough hands holding him down as he was fucked clean into the mattress.

  “You’re on,” Freedman said with a wink before rolling Omar onto his stomach. The blond-haired man was pliable, rolling over with ease. He jutted his ass in the air, candidly showing Freedman what he wanted.

  And damned if Freedman wasn’t ready to deliver.

  “Lube, we need lube.” Freedman was desperate. He knew without a doubt—more than he had ever known anything in his entire life—that if he didn’t get his cock into Omar’s ass in the next sixty seconds, the damn thing would break off.

  It was just a given fact of life.

  “Uh…lube?” Omar fluttered innocently at Freedman over the man’s shoulder as if he had never heard of the slippery stuff.

  Freedman’s heart was pounding out of control. He was going to have a coronary. He just knew it. “Lube, baby, you know, the slick stuff, nut cream, hand lotion, oil, bath soap. Hell, at this point, I’d settle for Crisco.”

  Omar’s eyes widened a fraction of an inch. “Really?”

  Freedman stared down at Omar, letting the man see the full measure of his need for the very first time. He had always held that part of himself back, especially from the changeling. He hadn’t wanted to scare Omar for one. He was also a little afraid of being so enamored with one single person.

  Lucky him, now he had two.

  Omar inhaled a shaky breath, his eyes darting around wildly. “Okay, we need lube.”

  “Will this suffice?” Salvador asked as he held up a bottle of cocoa butter hand cream.

  “Yes!” Freedman grabbed the small bottle and damn near ripped the lid off. The burp that came from the bottle as the cream inside dropped out onto his fingers was one of the most satisfying sounds Freedman had ever heard. He made sure that his fingers were liberally lathered then handed the bottle back to Salvador.

  “Ready, baby?” he asked as he looked down into Omar’s big pale-blue eyes.

  Omar gulped then nodded his head. “Just go…go easy.”

  Freedman’s lust went on hold when he saw the fear shining in Omar’s eyes. He would never do anything to hurt the changeling, no matter how much his dick hurt. “I won’t hurt you, Omar, I promise.”

  “Not real fond of promises.” There was a wealth of emotion behind those words, but Omar hid it quickly as he dropped his eyes. “Too many people make them and never keep them.”

  Freedman grabbed Omar’s chin with his unlubed hand and brought his face up until their eyes met. “I have never made a promise to you that I didn’t keep, and I won’t. I also won’t do this if you don’t want it.”

  Omar stared up at Freedman with his wide eyes for what seemed like a million years. Freedman knew it had only been seconds because his dick was still in one piece, but he was never more grateful than when Omar nodded his head.

  “I’ll go slow, Omar.”

  Omar nodded again then closed his eyes. He turned his head back to face the top of the bed and tensed every muscle in his body as if waiting for the pain to come. Freedman’s lip curled back and he once again wished he could get his hands on the asshole that had made his beautiful little man afraid of sex.

  Freedman refused to hurt Omar and with him this scared, Omar would feel nothing but pain if Freedman tried to breach him at this point. But all was not lost. There was a whole lot of body for Freedman to explore before he got to the good stuff. Freedman brushed back a strand of dark-blond hair from Omar’s temple before kissing him there. He skimmed his lips along the nape of Omar’s neck then down to his lips, blazing a trail across Omar’s silken skin.

  Omar’s deep moan was music to his hears. Freedman smiled as he nuzzled at the changeling’s throat before kissing another trail down the curve of Omar’s back. His time in captivity had been bad, even Freedman knew that, but it hadn’t drawn away from how incredibly gorgeous Omar was. Freedman just couldn’t believe he was allowed to touch after all of this time of wanting him.

  Freedman’s balls started to ache when the tremor of arousal began to shake Omar’s slighter form. His body tingled with the need to come, but he refused to without Omar’s pleasure coming first. That just meant one thing. He needed to up his game.

  Freedman heard a high strangled cry fill the room when he leaned down and swirled his tongue around Omar’s puckered hole. He grinned for a moment then gave the tight opening a long lick. He speared his tongue just inside, along with his index finger. He thrust it in again and again, adding a second one when he thought Omar could take it.

  Freedman tongue-fucked Omar over and over, then alternated with a finger and finally two. He moved his fingers in a steady rhythm, making sure to nail Omar’s gland as often as he could, until the changeling seemed to be barely hanging on the edge.

  Freedman scooted between Omar’s legs and positioned the head of his cock at the changeling’s entrance and slowly fucked his way in, stretching Omar’s tight ring of muscles around his thick girth inch by glorious inch. Tremors started to shake his body before he even got in all of the way. This was going to be the shortest sex scene in history…like milliseconds.

  “God, Omar, you feel so fucking good.”

  “Glad…” A small shudder wove its way through Omar’s body. “Glad you approve.”

  Hell yeah he approved. He had been fantasizing about fucking Omar’s little ass since the day he met the man. His fantasies were just never this good.

  Freedman started to move, as slowly as his body would allow him to, thrusting his hips forward then pulling back until just the head of his cock remained gripped in Omar’s tight hole. Little by little, as Omar’s body seemed to start sucking him in, Freedman began moving faster.

  Until he backed up once and felt a slick finger drive into his ass.

  Freedman grasped and held on as his ring of muscle squeezed down on the invasion. He almost couldn’t breathe through the pleasure that raced through him as Salvador stretched him. He pushed out, grinding into the thrusts to take Salvador’s fingers deeper, then drove his hips forward, sinking into Omar.

  How had he missed out on a threesome before? It was the perfect way to have sex, the only way…with him sandwiched in the middle.

  “Salvador.” Freedman wasn’t begging, not exactly. He was just highly suggesting that the damn vampire hurry the hell up, or the show would be over before Freedman got fucked into the mattress. He could already feel a small tingle at the base of his cock and he knew he didn’t have long before he blew. He was kind of hoping to take his mates with him.

  The head of Salvador’s thick cock suddenly pushed between Freedman’s ass
cheeks and popped inside. They both froze at the pleasurable sensation. Freedman loved the feeling of Salvador’s rigid length buried inside his sweat-slick body. It was just as good as feeling his own cock buried inside of Omar.

  “Now, my love,” Salvador whispered into Freedman’s ear.

  Freedman began to pump slowly in and out of Omar. He could feel Omar’s tight channel contract around his cock with almost brutal intensity. Freedman’s hand moved under Omar to skim his stomach and chest. He stroked down between their bodies, tracing his fingers over Omar’s hard shaft.

  Freedman’s fingers gripped Omar’s cock, and with one strong stroke, he felt the warmth slide over his fingers as Omar came, his ass clenching and milking Freedman in the most sensual way he had ever encountered.

  Freedman moaned as the long thick cock that seemed to fill him so perfectly brushed across his prostate with every thrust of Salvador’s hips. He groaned as Salvador’s angle altered and his sweet spot was struck again and again.

  His thrusts began to falter as he neared orgasm. He rammed his cock harder and harder into Omar, rocking the bed with the force of his thrusts. He swelled inside Omar, stuffing his ass full as he came on a bone-deep groan. He buried his face into Omar’s shoulder, smelling his sweet scent, and feeling Omar’s slick skin against his own chest.

  The vampire behind him hissed and then clasped Freedman’s shoulders from underneath and began to lift and lower him, impaling him as his thrusts suddenly increased in their intensity. Freedman was fully aware of the hardness of Salvador’s thighs brushing against his as the man pounded into him. He was even more aware of the fangs that scraped along his throat.

  Honestly, in that second, with Salvador buried in his ass and his cock buried in Omar’s ass, Freedman wouldn’t have cared if the vampire drank from him.

  “Thank you, my love.”

  Freedman cried out as liquid fire exploded throughout his entire body when Salvador’s fangs pierced his neck. The pleasure induced from the bite was so exquisite that dark spots danced in front of Freedman’s eyes as he came a second time, filling Omar’s ass until it overflowed and trickled down his thighs.


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