Moonlight Kin 2: Aidan's Mate (Mid-Length Novel)

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Moonlight Kin 2: Aidan's Mate (Mid-Length Novel) Page 7

by Jordan Summers

  Her floral scent changed, became richer, muskier. With infinite care, he pushed a stray curl away from her face. Jenna’s heart pounded so hard that he could hear it. His gaze flicked to the pulse jumping in her neck.

  “So soft,” he said.

  “Thanks.” She brushed a hand through her hair and cleared her throat. “Is this some kind of animal sanctuary?”

  The question brought him up short. Aidan had never thought about his estate in those exact terms, but the idea was close enough. “Something like that.”

  Jenna tilted her head. “You know people in town talk about your wolves.”

  His heart slammed against his ribs, but Aidan managed to maintain his calm exterior. “What exactly do they say?” He touched her hair again, the silky strands slipping through his fingers.

  Jenna gave him an odd look, but she didn’t pull away. “Honestly, I don’t know where to start. They are a crazy bunch.” She shook her head. “And when I say crazy, I mean crazy. They think you howl at the moon with your wolves like some kind of werewolf.” She giggled, missing Aidan’s startled expression.

  “That’s quite a theory,” he said softly. “Wonder how they came by it?”

  “You haven’t heard the best one yet,” she said.

  “Can hardly wait,” he deadpanned.

  Her grin widened. “One person in town is convinced that you’re a vampire.” Jenna roared with laughter. “A vampire! Can you believe it?”

  Aidan snorted. “As if I’d ever stoop to that level.”

  * * * * *

  He was quiet for quite some time, then asked, “What do you think?”

  Her gaze drifted to his sensual mouth. No fangs there. Were his lips as soft as they appeared to be? The urge to close the distance between them and find out nearly overwhelmed her.

  Jenna shoved her hands in her pockets and tore her gaze away from his mouth. “It’s true that you allow wolves to run loose on your property, but I haven’t seen you howling at the moon.” She winked.

  She was actually flirting with him. Jenna hadn’t flirted with anyone in months. It felt good. Felt right. Even if it was a little awkward.

  “It’s not full yet,” Aidan said dryly.

  She laughed. “Right. I forgot.” Jenna glanced at the moon, basking in its soft glow. Her smile faded. “I think people start rumors to make themselves feel better, feel superior to others. They don’t know you, which makes them even more jealous of your success.” Her gaze strayed to the house.

  Aidan sighed. “Material things do not define who I am. You should know that by now.”

  His words shamed her. Aidan had gone above and beyond to help a total stranger. But Jenna had allowed a handsome face to sway her before. The consequence of which had destroyed everything she’d worked for.

  It pained her to admit, but other than striking good looks, Aidan didn’t have much in common with Ethan. It wasn’t fair of her to compare them.

  Jenna had been comparing people to her ex for three months and all it had done was make her bitter. She was tired of being bitter. She was tired of the distrust. Jenna was tired period.

  She needed that chapter of her life to be over, so that she could be open to new things. Perhaps the things right in front of her.

  Aidan’s sharp amber eyes glowed the longer he stared at her. A trick of the light no doubt. The intensity of his gaze made it hard to breathe. Hard to think.

  She casually moved to the side to give herself some space. If Aidan noticed, he didn’t say anything. He turned his attention toward the trees.

  “Why are you really here?” he asked.

  Ice encased Jenna, leaving her shivering inside. “What do you mean?”

  “Why Breakbend? Of all the places to settle, why did you come here?” he asked.

  Some of the tension left her body. “Like a lot of people, I needed the work.”

  Aidan glanced at her. “That doesn’t explain why you’re on the run.”

  She flinched. “Who said anything about...I don’t know where you got that idea from, but you’re mistaken.”

  “Am I?”

  Jenna nodded, but couldn’t meet his gaze.

  “Do you know why I’m so successful in business?” he asked, throwing her off balance.

  She shrugged stiffly. “Because you’ve developed innovative software?”

  Aidan shook his head, sending his black hair into his face. “No, it’s because I have an uncanny ability to read people. My competitors, my business associates, my enemies, and my friends. I know without fail, when someone is lying to me.” He reached out and clasped her hand.

  Fire shot up Jenna’s arm, melting the ice as it spread throughout her body. She couldn’t catch her breath.

  Pull away, her mind screamed, but her hand refused to cooperate.

  “You’re not a liar,” Aidan said, “but you’re definitely hiding something.”

  Her stomach ricocheted off her knees, then bounced into her throat. “I’m tired,” she said abruptly. “I think I’m going to head to bed. Thanks again for the room. I’ll do my best to get the car fixed tomorrow, and then I will be on my way.” She took a step toward her room, forgetting that he still held her hand.

  The warmth of his fingers scalded her. Their gazes met and lingered. Aidan stepped closer and leaned in next to her ear. His warm breath brushed her skin, making her nipples harden.

  “You’re safe here, Jenna,” he murmured. “I’m a good friend to have.” And a worse enemy, was left unspoken. “I offer you my protection freely. No strings attached.” His lips brushed her jawbone.

  Jenna closed her eyes and shuddered. Her resolve wavered. The urge to come clean burned her esophagus as the words tangled in her throat.

  She wanted to trust him. Wanted to believe what he was saying was true, but she didn’t know Aidan Fortier. And he certainly didn’t know her.

  Still, it was a tempting offer, but he didn’t realize the trouble she was hauling in her wake. Aidan might genuinely mean what he’d said, but Jenna had been wrong before.

  Jenna couldn’t risk it—not even for him. She wouldn’t survive another betrayal.

  “Goodnight Aidan.” This time when Jenna stepped back, he released her.

  His jaw tightened, but he didn’t say another word. Aidan simply nodded, then turned back to face the woods.

  * * * * *

  Whatever she was running from had Jenna spooked. You didn’t have to be a werewolf to see that. He’d only known her for two days, but Aidan needed her to trust him. He refused to look at why it was so important. Her scent faded, replaced by the thick green growth of the woods.

  Something moved to his right. Aidan’s hackles rose. He swiftly inhaled, scenting the night air. He caught a wisp of sweetness and expected to see a female Were.

  Robert stepped from the shadows.

  How long had he been standing there watching and listening? The fact that Aidan hadn’t noticed him until now was testament to how much Jenna distracted him.

  Aidan checked to make sure that Jenna’s sliding door was closed. “You were supposed to order the wolves to stay in the woods.” Without another word, he moved them to the far end of the porch.

  “I relayed your message,” Robert said. “But I cannot make them follow orders. Only the Alpha has that power.”

  Aidan bristled. “The Alpha is who gave them the order to stay away.”

  Robert looked down at the stone floor. “Did they scare the human?”

  He sounded hopeful.

  Aidan watched him closely. “Their appearance intrigued her. She wanted to get closer, to know more. Maybe even become part of the pack.” The idea wasn’t as appalling as it should be, but he’d said it to see how Robert reacted.

  “We can’t let in strays! She wasn’t born Lycan. She’s not one of us.” Robert’s eyes glowed with barely contained fury. “What did you tell her?”


  “I didn’t tell her anything,” Aidan said. “She came up with her o
wn conclusions.”

  Robert searched his face. “And what conclusions would those be?” he asked.

  “She believes the estate is a wildlife refuge.” Aidan kept his expression bland and crossed his arms over his chest. “I saw no need to correct her assumption.”

  Robert sighed and deflated under scrutiny. “I suppose there are worse things for her to believe,” he said. “It isn’t safe for her to be here. For her or for the pack.”

  Aidan strode down the stairs into the backyard, leaving Robert scrambling to catch up. “I will handle Jenna Dane. There’s no need for concern.”

  “I’m only looking out for the pack, Alpha.”

  “As am I!” He growled low in his throat. “The only reason I allow you to question my judgment is because of your loyalty to the pack. Do not make me regret my decision.”

  Aidan was under no illusion, when it came to Robert’s loyalty to him. Because of his lack of strength, Robert would suck up to any Alpha—or potential Alpha in order to maintain his current position. Without his job, Robert would drop to the bottom of the pack.

  “Yes, Alpha.” Robert’s gaze burned holes in the grass, but he never looked up.

  Aidan stripped his clothes off. “I’m going to go for a run.” He walked to the edge of the woods and glanced at Jenna’s darkened room. Aidan saw the curtains part, then he felt her heated gaze upon his bare skin.

  She might not trust him, but she did want him. That was a start.

  Aidan stood in plain view for longer than he normally would have. He wanted Jenna to see him. Wanted her to want him as much as his wolf wanted her.

  It shouldn’t want her at all, something inside him snapped.

  Aidan waited a few seconds more, then stepped behind a tree. Black fur rippled over his skin and claws sprang from his fingertips as he shifted, freeing his Other form. Aidan threw his head back and howled, then took off in search of the rest of the pack.

  * * * * *

  Jenna was convinced that she’d swallowed her tongue. That was the only reason for the strangled gasp that had come from her throat, when she watched Aidan strip off his clothes and walk toward the woods.

  She couldn’t hear what he was saying. There’d been no reason that she could see for him to stop walking, but he had. And for that, Jenna would be eternally grateful.

  Never in all her years of existence had she ever seen anything more shocking or more spectacular. The man was gorgeous from his head to his...oh my.

  Her body clenched.

  That particular part of his anatomy had to be a trick of the light. Jenna gulped and tried not to drool.

  Too bad he was crazy as a loon. Because only a crazy person would walk into woods, teaming with wild wolves. Naked as the day he was born.

  Jenna watched until he’d disappeared, then slipped into bed. She closed her eyes, doing her very best to erase Aidan’s naked body from her mind. But no matter how long she laid there, Jenna couldn’t forget.

  The more she thought about him, the more she ached. She turned over and punched the pillow.

  His perfect male form haunted her, turning her thoughts carnal, before she drifted to sleep.

  * * * * *


  Long, strawberry blond curls brushed Aidan’s abdomen, causing gooseflesh to rise over his skin. His stomach muscles contracted as moist lips brushed an open-mouthed kiss over his navel.

  “Jenna,” he hissed, sinking his fingers into her hair.

  Her green eyes sparkled mischievously, as she moved his hands away and placed them on the bed beside him. She grinned and went right back to raining kisses over his chest.

  Aidan fisted the sheets to keep from reaching for her again. His swollen shaft ached as her lips skirted around it, teasing him, tormenting him. She was trying to destroy him.

  Her curls caressed his thighs and Aidan trembled. Jenna’s blunt nails dug into his legs as she pushed them apart and positioned her body between them. She looked at him once more from beneath her long lashes. Their gazes locked and embers burst into flames.

  Jenna lowered her head. Her lips drew closer and closer to the place he needed them most. Aidan’s shaft bounced against his belly. He stared, transfixed by the sight of her and held his breath. Jenna’s lips parted and she...chirped.

  Aidan was too far gone to care. “Please don’t stop,” he begged, his desperation dire.

  Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!

  Aidan frowned. What the hell? Why was she making that sound? Strike that—how was she making that sound?

  Her breath brushed over him and he shuddered. Forget about the noise. Aidan wasn’t going to let anything interrupt this moment. He was too close.


  The sound was louder now. More insistent. Aidan squeezed his eyes closed, willing it to go away. When he opened them again, Jenna was gone.

  “No!” He shot straight up in bed.

  Sunlight poured into the room, temporarily blinding him. Chirp! Chirp! His gaze strayed to the alarm on the table.

  Aidan closed his eyes and groaned. He hit the snooze button and fell back onto the bed, his body hot, hard, and trembling with need.

  A dream.

  It had all been a dream.

  Disappointment hollowed his chest, leaving behind a soul-deep yearning he could no longer ignore.

  * * * * *

  Jenna didn’t have to be into work until the afternoon, which was a good thing considering how fitfully she’d slept. Every time she’d tried to close her eyes, she’d seen Aidan’s naked body. The image had been burned into her retinas.

  In the moments she’d managed to catch some sleep, the dreams had taken over. Vivid, active, and so intense that they’d felt real. He’d felt real. She and Aidan had devoured each other, their bodies twining like boa constrictors in the middle of a mating frenzy.

  Jenna threw back the covers and climbed out of bed. She might as well get some work done on the car, since there was no way she was going back to sleep. At this point, she didn’t dare close her eyes.

  She showered quickly; making good use of the adjustable massage head, then went to the garage. Her body still ached, despite the orgasm, but at least she’d taken some of the edge off. Jenna had had to do something, before she faced Aidan again.

  The garage was empty when she arrived. It didn’t take long to realize that her beloved Bug needed several new parts in order to run properly. Parts that weren’t available in the garage. Parts that cost money. Money she didn’t have. Wouldn’t have, unless she could get an interview with Aidan.

  She was still under the bonnet, where she’d been for an hour, when Nic and Bernie arrived. “Morning guys.” She peered beyond them. “Where’s Josh?”

  “He drove into the city last night to pick up more parts. Should be back later this afternoon,” Bernie said.

  Nic stared at her face and frowned. No doubt noticing the circles under her eyes. “You’re up early,” he said.

  “Couldn’t sleep. The wolves kept me up,” she lied.

  It hadn’t been the wolves occupying her thoughts, but she wasn’t about to tell them that she’d dreamt about their boss.

  Both men froze and exchanged an odd glance. Bernie recovered first. “You should stay away from the monsters in the woods. They’re dangerous. Every child familiar with Little Red Riding Hood knows that.”

  Was he kidding? Jenna couldn’t tell, but something in his cautious expression told her that her response mattered. “The only monsters I’ve ever encountered are the two-legged variety.” Without conscious thought, her hand moved to the healing wound above her eye.

  The men exchanged another telling look.

  “What?” Jenna asked.

  Bernie once again broke the silence. “You’re not like most people that I’ve met.”

  Jenna laughed. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  He picked up a wrench and polished it. “You should.”

  “Now that we’ve bonded, you’re not going to ask me to join
your commune, are you?”

  “Commune?” he asked, his confusion evident.

  “Just checking,” Jenna said, only half kidding.

  “Oh, I get it.” Bernie shook his head and chuckled. “This isn’t the type of club that you can just join.” He winked. “You don’t have worry about anyone trying to convert you.”

  Jenna snorted. “Good to know.” But she did wonder what type of club Bernie was referring to. All the clubs she knew about had special jackets, funny handshakes, or silly hats. She hadn’t seen any of those things on the estate. Maybe they only trotted them out for special occasions? Or maybe they only wore them when outsiders weren’t around?

  Nic walked over to a coffee maker tucked between the shelves and poured himself a cup. “Thanks for making a fresh pot,” he said, then added, “Want one?”

  “Sure.” Jenna smiled. “As long as you promise not to trip over anything while you’re bringing it to me.”

  Nic smirked. “I’ll do my best.”

  Jenna had forgotten all about making the coffee once she’d popped her head under the hood of the Bug and calculated the cost of repairs.

  He poured her a cup and brought it over. “Figure out what’s wrong with it yet?”

  “Thanks.” Jenna took the coffee from him. “Still working on it.”

  Nic brought the cup to his lips. “Need help?”

  Jenna shook her head. “Nah, but thanks for the offer. I’ve worked on her so many times that I know this car inside and out. She doesn’t keep her secrets for long.”

  She wasn’t keeping secrets at all. The Bug had pretty much shouted that she was badly broken.

  “If you have time later, I’d like to get your opinion on some diagnostics I ran on the truck,” Bernie said.

  “Yeah, I’d love to help,” Jenna said. “Just let me finish up here.” It felt good to be included, to once again be part of a team.

  Nic walked over to the Lincoln and set his coffee cup down. He didn’t go back to work. Instead, he glanced at Jenna. His mouth opened and closed a couple of times, then his hand moved to the back of his neck. Nic rubbed the tendons absently.


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