Initiating Amy (Dominion Hotel Book 3)

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Initiating Amy (Dominion Hotel Book 3) Page 18

by Michelle Peters

  As he lay on top of her, she felt his hips tighten. She knew he was close. She arched her back and moved her hips backwards, slamming hard against his pelvis. He slid deeper into her while she pushed back on him. He released into her, his semen mingling with her rippling orgasm. Spent, she fell forward onto the couch, Lance collapsed on top of her.

  Amy woke naked on the couch, her eyes closed, her mind filled more with what she physically felt instead of what she thought. Her nipples hurt, and her ass stung inside and out.

  Lance lay on the couch behind her, his strong arms enveloping her. She lay motionless, enjoying every sensation. She wasn’t cold, Lance’s body warming hers. She didn’t want to think right now, just feel. Feel the pinch on her nipples, the sting on her ass and the warmth and safety of being in Lance’s arms. She dared not move. She wasn’t sure if he was awake or not, and she didn’t want to break the spell this moment cast on the evening.

  The Lover’s Ball—absolutely! She was in love.

  When she finally did move, she slid her body back, deeper, closer to Lance. She took his forearm in her hands, brought it up to her lips and kissed it.

  “You’re awake.”

  She heard the deep timbre of his voice in her head. Was he in her head too, or did he actually speak? He raised his head and kissed her shoulder. He was awake.

  “Hmm,” she murmured. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Been awake for a while.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “Because I wanted to watch you sleep. You’re so beautiful when you sleep. I was happy just looking at you.”

  Amy opened her eyes wide. “The ball.”

  “What about it?”

  “We’re missing it.”

  “We’re not missing anything.”

  Amy slid back further into him. He opened his arms wide to let her in closer, wrapping them around her once again. She was so close; he was so warm.

  “I love you, Lance.”

  The words just slipped out, Amy had no intention of saying them, not so soon. Her body tensed. She held her breath, waiting for a reaction from him. None came.

  Lance’s phone vibrated on the coffee table in front of them. No, not now. Not after what I just said. Wait, stop. Stop buzzing. Lance tried to raise his body, but Amy kept leaning against him, pushing back even more, not wanting to let him get up. He tried twice and fell backwards both times.


  “Yes?” She had to breath to speak.

  “Can you pass me my phone, please?”

  Gone. The moment was gone. Or worse, maybe he didn’t feel the same way. Either way, it was gone. She reached over to the table, picked up the phone and passed it to him without looking. He took it and pushed the face, bringing it to his ear.

  “Okay, I’ll be there.”

  He gave the phone back to her and she tossed it back on the coffee table.

  Amy rolled in his arms, turning face him. Forlorn, disappointment in her voice, she said, “You’re going?”

  “We’re going.”


  “Now that I’ve fallen in love with you, do you think I will ever let you out of sight?”

  Amy’s face lit up with joy and delight. “You love me?” She looked hard at Lance’s smiling face. “You love me.”

  “I love you,” he said, reaching in to pull her closer.

  “I love you,” she said as he wrapped her up into him.

  He held her close and tight for what seemed like an eternity, but Amy wasn’t complaining. Eternity was fine with her. As she lay, wrapped in his arms, her ear pressed to his chest, she could hear his heart beat; calm, steady and strong—just like him.

  He finally released her, saying, “But now, I’ve got to go to the front door. There’s someone I’ve got to meet there. Come out when you’re ready. Meet me in the lobby.”

  As Amy was retouching her makeup, sitting on the couch, dressed, purse on her lap, mini mirror in her hand, Tony burst into the office.

  “Oh,” he said, stopping short when he saw Amy.

  Quick wittedly, Amy replied, “I just needed to find a quiet place for a few minutes. Needed to fix my face, and the ladies room was so crowded.” Amy reclined onto the couch, slipping her lipstick and mirror back into her purse. “Sorry, is this your office?”

  “Yes, well not for much longer, but yes. How’d you get in?”

  Amy just shrugged her shoulders. “It was open.”

  Tony seemed distracted, satisfied enough with her explanation not to pursue it any further. He walked over to his desk and picked up the phone.

  Amy rose. “Excuse me, I’ll give you some privacy.”

  Tony looked at her, telephone receiver in hand. “No, stay. It’s okay. Just a quick phone call then I’m back into the lobby.”

  “I’m going to meet Lance in the lobby.”

  “Then we’ll go together.” Tony turned his attention back to the telephone, dialing and then waiting for someone on the other side to answer. “Evelyn? Tony. Can you meet me in the lobby?” Tony was silent while he listened. “Yes, the lobby. Five minutes?” Tony hung up the receiver. Turning to Amy. “Ready?”

  Amy followed Tony through the hallway behind the front desk, emerging into the lobby through a well-disguised door. Tony walked fast, and she did her best to keep up with him. When she first stepped into the lobby it took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the lighting, the back offices were so well lit compared to the dim, evening lighting of the lobby.

  The first thing she saw was Evelyn and Eve coming down the grand staircase. Evelyn looked amazing, walking slowly, one hand on the railing, her other holding her dress aside as she took each step carefully, calculatedly. Her dress was white and elegant, slim at the waist and hips, billowing out below. Dangling from her ears were diamonds that caught and radiated the muted lobby lighting, her hair pulled back and swept up and held from behind with a comb. Amy had never pictured Evelyn this way—Grace Kelly elegant—but seeing her now, it looked so right. As Evelyn descended, her focus was on something in the distance, her expression one of far-off recognition, in her eyes a hint of uncertain memory.

  Amy turned to see what was occupying Evelyn’s attention. She spotted Lance, standing ever so handsomely in the middle of the lobby in his tuxedo. A little shiver ran through Amy’s body as soon as she saw, remembering where his hands and his penis had just been.

  Tony stood beside Lance, and beside them there were two other men. One was as tall as Lance. He was handsome, but in a different way. He was handsome in a pretty way, his features fine, his build slight. He was younger than Lance, and his fine features made him look even younger than he probably was.

  The young man stood with one hand on the back of a wheelchair. The second man was sitting in the chair, the mobility in his legs lost. The man in the chair was an older, more distinguished version of the young man who stood beside him, grey at the temples and on the sides. Seeing them side by side, you immediately knew that they were related.

  The four men in the lobby were motionless, almost statuesque as they looked towards the staircase, watching Evelyn and Eve reach the final step and stop at the base of the staircase. Amy didn’t know where to go or what to do. She remained on the edge of the lobby, watching the scene unfold. Now that it appeared to be taking on shape, she wasn’t sure if she should go to Lance or to the Evelyn and Eve at the staircase. Eve helped her make the decision. Seeing Amy, she reached out an arm, calling Amy towards her. Once Amy reached the staircase, all three women began to move towards the men.

  Amy wasn’t sure if Evelyn even knew she was beside. She hadn’t taken her eyes off the man in the wheelchair since the moment she spotted him. She walked slowly across the lobby. When they reached the men, Evelyn looked at the young man standing beside the wheelchair. The pretty young man smiled but didn’t say anything, He simply removed his hand form the back of the chair and took a step away from it.

  Evelyn placed her hand on the chai
r, looking down kindly at the man who sat in it. He looked up. She spoke.

  “Where have you been all this time?” She placed her hand on his cheek.

  “I’m so sorry.” He brought a hand up and placed it on the outside of hers, leaning his face into her hand. “That night.”

  “Where did you go? Why did you leave me?” Evelyn repeated.

  “I didn’t leave you.” He paused. “Well I did, but only went for a moment. It was only supposed to be for a moment. I went for a smoke. You were sleeping…so beautiful. I didn’t want to wake you. I was going to be back before you even knew I was gone.” He paused again, looking away, looking at Eve for the first time, then back to Evelyn. “As I was crossing the street, I don’t know. I didn’t see it, the car.”

  As the man spoke, Evelyn’s eyes welled up with tears, but she didn’t shed a single one.

  Amy leaned into Eve, whispering. “How do they know each other?”

  “I think they were lovers. That’s him. William Lawrence. Tony found him for me, for her. My aunt’s first love. They met here, at the Lover’s Ball, many years ago, then he disappeared. Tony found him for me, for Aunt Ev.”

  Evelyn drew a finger just below her left eye, brushing away the beginning of a tear. “Why didn’t you call me? Why didn’t you come back to me?”

  “I wanted to, really, I did. But the recovery was long, almost two years, and by then I figured you would have moved on, forgotten me, found someone to love you. Besides, I wasn’t sure you would have wanted to see me in my broken state.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Evelyn opened her clutch purse to find a linen napkin, drawing it into the palm of her hand, holding it scrunched up. “You should have let me try.”

  “You’re right, you’re right. It was selfish of me. I went through a lot, learning how to live without my legs, learning how to live a normal life again, learning how to be a doctor again.”

  The young man spoke for the first time. “Uncle Will is the finest doctor on two wheels.”

  William chuckled. “He always says that. He’s my biggest fan.”

  “Your nephew?” Evelyn asked.

  “Yes. Lynn Lawrence.”

  “You never married?”

  “Never.” William smiled. “I never found the right woman.” William turned his gaze to Eve. “Is this your daughter? I see the resemblance.”

  “My niece. Eve.”

  “Never married?”

  “Never found the right man. Rather, I did once, but he disappeared.”

  Evelyn and William looked at each other, everyone else around them silent, rooted to their spot. Eve was the first to move, nudging Amy, stepping forward and slipping her arm through Lynn’s.

  “Let me buy you a drink.”

  Lynn looked to his uncle, who nodded approvingly, before moving away with Eve. Amy took the hint and did the same with Lance. “Let’s join them,” she said, not waiting for Lance to answer before dragging him off in the direction of the bar, “I’ll buy you a soda.”

  Tony was left standing, Evelyn and William looking at him expectantly. Tony felt the weight of their stare.

  “Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have a ball to check on.” Tony was off.

  Evelyn stood beside William’s chair, placing her hand in the back of it once again. A few moments passed before she said, “You underestimated me.”

  “I barely knew you. Besides, I underestimated myself.” William paused, his face and voice brightening. “But that was then, and this is now.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means I’m with a gorgeous woman, I’m dressed in a tux, and we’re at the Lover’s Ball. There’s no other place and no other woman I want to be with.”

  “Good answer.”

  Evelyn smiled, stepping behind the wheelchair, pushing it towards the elevator.

  They were silent a few moments as they crossed the lobby. When they reached the elevators, Evelyn stopped and stepped forward to push the button, walking past the wheelchair. She turned her back to the elevator doors, placing a hand on each arm of the chair, leaning her face close into William’s.

  “I’ve waited a long time for you, William Lawrence.”


  Michelle P

  Michelle has been writing stories for as long as she can remember. After several years working in the hotel industry, Michelle has now dedicated herself to her writing. While she has dabbled in short fiction, freelancing and stage plays, Romance is her genre of choice. Michelle creates relatable characters that explore the steamier side of romance, stories with a little spice. An incurable romantic herself, she draws on personal experiences as much as possible.

  Michelle lives in Canada with her partner and their two terriers, Jack and Lilly. Between stealing time to write, Michelle, her partner and the dogs are rarely found indoors, taking full advantage of the outdoor lifestyle Canada has to offer, no matter the season.

  Follow her on Facebook: MichelleWrites4321

  Follow her on Twitter: MichPeters4321

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  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Michelle Peters and Blushing Books!

  Dominion Hotel Series

  Warrington’s Way - Book One

  Loving Miranda - Book Two

  Initiating Amy - Book Three

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