Passion For Hire (Passion #5)

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Passion For Hire (Passion #5) Page 3

by J. a Melville

  “What was your vision about? It was sexual I’m guessing going by your reaction. Don’t be shy about getting turned on Faith. Sex is a very important part of life, for everything. It produces life, it relieves stress, fuck, it’s life for my family and I. It’s not just about the blood; the sex and blood go hand in hand for us. We can’t have one without the other.” Adrian sat down on my bed and I found myself scooting higher up the mattress, to give him more room.

  For the first time I really took a closer look at him and noticed the way he was dressed, or not dressed. Obviously I’d woken him as his hair was sleep tousled and he was naked from the waist up. Colour stained my cheeks again when I saw what he was wearing. It was apparent even to someone like me that he’d been naked, and had pulled on a pair of very well worn, faded jeans which he hadn’t bothered to do up properly. He’d done the zip up but the button was undone and I could tell he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Of course I was immediately curious as to whether he normally wore underwear or had simply pulled the jeans on in too much of a hurry to bother? When I realised where my thoughts were going, I blushed again and my eyes shot to Adrian’s when I heard his soft chuckle.

  “Oh to be inside your head right now sweetheart.” His eyes moved over my face as if looking for something. “I think your thoughts are definitely not very virginal or innocent at all.”

  If it was possible to turn an even deeper shade of crimson, I’m sure I just did. Again I heard Adrian chuckle and when he spoke I could hear the humour in his voice. “Give me your hand.” He held one of his out to me, palm up.

  I stared down at it for a moment, noticing how big it was, how his thumb curved right back like he was double jointed. “Why?” I asked, still staring at it.

  “Just give it to me Faith.” His tone was firmer and without questioning him again, I placed my trembling hand in his, fascinated with how much smaller it was against his.

  Immediately he smiled and then began to laugh softly, his eyes bright and knowing as he looked over at me. I blushed again, although I wasn’t sure why and tried to pull my hand free of his, but he closed his fingers over mine, tightening his grip. I stared at him, wondering what was so amusing to him and found myself blushing yet again. When he suddenly yanked me towards him and plunged the hand that was holding mine, down his jeans, I squealed with surprise.

  I felt the cool skin of his stomach and then my hand brushed over something hard making me gasp. My eyes widened as I met Adrian’s and he shot me another one of those lopsided grins which made me snatch my hand out from his jeans and hug it against me as if I’d just been burned. It had taken me a couple of seconds to work out what I was touching and then the penny dropped. Adrian had made me touch his penis and he was hard, erect. Now that realisation sent a shiver of excitement through me. He could deny it all he wanted but he must like me a little bit at least to be erect.

  “Well you wanted to know didn’t you?” He asked and I frowned at him.

  “Know what?”

  He flashed me another one of those crooked smiles. “No underwear sweetheart. Not now, not ever. That’s what you were wondering, weren’t you?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “You’re not the only one with some insight in this house little girl. I can’t read minds as such but I can feel emotions when I touch someone. I don’t know why I somehow knew you were curious as to whether I wore underwear. Still I don’t see you and I as the happily ever after like you.”

  I felt colour flood my face again and seriously began to wonder if I’d ever be anything other than bright red in front of this gorgeous vampire.

  He laughed at my expression. “You know that stunning blue of your eyes really stands out against the red of your skin.” He said and before I could stop myself, I poked my tongue out at him.

  Instantly his eyes heated and his expression sobered. “Oh little girl, you should never do something like that around me.” He leaned forward and began to advance on me, crawling his way up the mattress. “I’m a vampire and I might just be tempted to…bite…that…tongue…off.” He whispered and dropped his head once he was in front of me, nipping my bottom lip.

  “I…I think you should go now.” I stammered, my senses scrambling at having him so close. He smelled divine and my nostrils flared as I tried to breathe in as much of his beautiful scent as I could.

  “I’m not going anywhere yet Faith. You woke me with your cries and I came to your room believing you to be having a nightmare only to discover you were having more like a wet dream than a nightmare. You are aroused, I can smell it and since you know what I am, you nearly revealed that in front of my family, you will also know what I can do to help ease your problem.”

  My eyes widened at his words and I began to shake my head, trying to move further up the bed but I was already nearly climbing the headboard so there was nowhere to run. “I’m ok; you don’t need to do anything.” I held my breath waiting to see if he would leave.

  “I’m not going sweetheart. I’m going to make you come and then I’ll leave. How do you normally do that? Do you have a vibrator or do you just use your fingers?”

  At his words, I turned yet another shade of beetroot under his intense pale stare. “I…I…I’ve never…I’ve never…I don’t…” I stammered and Adrian’s eyebrows shot up.

  “Fuck me! Are you trying to say you’ve never masturbated? Don’t you ever get horny? Don’t you ever want that release?”

  “I…no.” I finally whispered. “I can feel things but…ok one time I tried to touch myself but it got too much and I felt strange, there was this feeling inside me and I panicked.”

  Adrian groaned. “Shit Faith. What the fuck made you stop? You denied yourself an orgasm because of what? You were going to come. That’s what that feeling was. It sounds like you were going to come and you denied yourself because you got scared?” He raked a hand through his hair. “Well prepare yourself because I’m not leaving this room until you come. You’re my challenge now and I do love a good challenge.”

  “Why are you here Adrian? You were mean when I first met you. I know you don’t want me here, so why are you being nice to me now?”

  “You took me by surprise earlier. I don’t know what you’re used to, but walking up to a complete stranger in his home and telling him you’re his isn’t typical behaviour. I also don’t like your seemingly natural desire to say whatever pops into that beautiful head of yours. You can’t reveal anything to my family. You think you know me, all of me, what I do, but I doubt you do. If you care anything for me, don’t expose me.”

  I stared up into his face and saw something in his eyes, something that told me just how important my continued silence was to him and I knew I would do what he asked. He couldn’t see it yet and ok, I wasn’t in love with him, I barely knew him, but I knew what my visions told me. He and I were going to be together one day. I don’t know how long it would take to happen, my visions didn’t have dates on them, but I’d never doubted them either. Eventually I would be Adrian’s and he would be mine.

  I reached up and cupped his cheek in my palm, feeling the abrasiveness of his stubble against my skin. He jerked, something flickering in his eyes before his expression turned wary. “I won’t say anything to anyone Adrian. I promise you that.”

  The tension seemed to lift from him and he dropped his head to kiss my cheek but I turned my lips to his, taking him by surprise. His were soft, not what I’d expected actually, and I pressed mine more firmly against his, wanting more. I wanted him to kiss me but he reared back, breaking the contact and sat back on his heels, eyeing me off like he was unsure of my intentions. “Don’t cast me in some romantic role Faith. I’m not for you. I’m not for anyone. I can’t commit to anyone. I need…I need to do what I do and I can’t be with someone and still keep doing it. That wouldn’t be fair.” His expression was haunted for a fleeting moment by something I couldn’t decipher. As I watched he shook his head slightly as if trying to clear away whatever was bothering him. “Enough of this now, I’m go
ing to make you come, and then I’m going back to bed. Take off your panties.” His tone was firm and his expression showed clearly that arguing with him was not an option.

  With shaking hands I hooked the waistband of my panties and slipped them down my legs, hastily trying to pull my dress lower to cover up the fact that I was now naked underneath it.

  “Oh little girl stop trying to hide your sweet virginal cunt from me. I will touch it and look at it and make it purr like the beautiful pussy that it is.”

  Hearing those words coming from Adrian’s lips resulted in another rush of colour to my cheeks. Would I ever get to the point where I didn’t turn the colour of a tomato in his presence? He was delusional if he thought I could let him touch me down there and actually like it. I was close to freaking out now and he’d done nothing yet.

  “Lift up so I can slip this under you.” His voice broke through my troubled thoughts. “I need to tip you up so I can enjoy you better.”

  Reluctantly I lifted my buttocks off the bed and felt the pillow slide under me before I was told to lower myself again. “Really Adrian, I’d prefer it if you just went back to bed now.” I tried again to get him to leave and not put us through what I was sure would be a waste of his time at least. I wouldn’t be able to relax enough around him to find anything he was doing even remotely pleasurable.

  “I would like it if you would refrain from speaking any more sweetheart. I’m going to blindfold you ok? If you can’t see, it will force you to feel, and perhaps if you can’t see what is happening you will stop overthinking this. I can almost hear your brain ticking over.” He shot a quick smile at me before climbing off the bed and disappearing into the walk in robe. I wasn’t sure what he was looking for in there. I certainly didn’t have much with me. I still had to go and collect my clothes from the van I’d been forced to live in with my father and his wife so when Adrian walked back out carrying a scarf, I was more than a little surprised. “One of the left over spoils of my brothers’ I suspect. Now lift your head.” He said and I lifted enough for him to slip the scarf over my eyes and quickly tie it in place at the back of my head.

  I wasn’t plunged into total darkness but I couldn’t see anything through the fabric all the same. “Are you comfortable?” Adrian’s voice came to me from the side of the bed and I nervously nodded my head. “Very well, now I just want you to lie there and relax and let your body feel. Don’t fight it Faith. I am going to make you realise just what your body has been designed to enjoy.” He fell silent and I tensed when I felt his weight on the mattress again. When he placed his hands on my knees pulling on them, forcing me to spread for him, I didn’t fight him. I could feel my face heating at the thought of what he would be seeing and I hoped that the scarf hid that I was blushing again. I hoped that everything looked and smelled fresh down there. I hadn’t had a shower because I’d been too tired and I didn’t shave myself bare like some women, choosing to keep a narrow landing strip of pubic hair. Would Adrian find that offensive? My mind raced with all possibilities and when I felt a hand close firmly over one of my thighs I jumped violently.

  “For fuck sakes Faith, stop. Your brain is too busy. Close it down. No you don’t smell, only of your arousal. You women waste too much time worrying about what is going on between your legs, but if you asked any man he would tell you that for the average woman who looks after herself, there is nothing better or more intoxicating, more likely to drive a man crazy with desire, than the scent of a woman’s cunt. All I smell on you is your desire. You can deny you want this, you can deny you’re turned on, but I can smell it and I do know what the scent of an aroused woman smells like. You’re beautiful, all of you and I want you to shut down all those crazy thoughts now and just let your body feel.” He stopped talking and I was just about to wonder what he’d do or say next when I suddenly felt a sweep of something wet between my legs and I squeaked with surprise. Oh my god, it was Adrian’s tongue. The man had his mouth on me, his gorgeous, sexy soft lips against those parts that had never been touched by any man other than my doctor. Well that had only been for a Pap Smear which was cold and clinical.

  Again Adrian licked his way over me, his tongue flicking over that one little part of me that felt so sensitive and with each flick, I felt a jolt of pleasure shoot through me. It confused me to feel anything other than total humiliation at having a man with his face where Adrian’s face was right now. He was kidding himself if he thought he could make me feel anything other than embarrassment and I couldn’t believe I was letting him do this. That I was letting him touch me there; put his mouth there. It wasn’t going to work. He’d get tired of trying after a while and go to bed and I’d be left feeling even more embarrassed than I was right now.

  I jumped again when I felt a vibration over my sensitive flesh and I could tell Adrian had raised his head. “Fuck you Faith. I can still hear you. I want you to lie back, stop thinking about what I am doing to you and clear your mind. Long, slow breaths ok?” He made it sound so simple and not wanting to upset him, I tried to comply with his wishes and concentrated on my breathing, doing as he said and after a couple of minutes, or what felt like a couple anyway, I could feel the tension starting to ease slightly. He must have sensed the change in me because I felt the brush of his soft hair against my inner thighs again and then the long sweep of his tongue as it resumed its licks over those previously unchartered parts of my body.

  Chapter Three


  God she was beautiful. Adrian lifted his eyes from his position between her thighs to see her expression or what he could see beneath the scarf at least. Her lips were trembling and he knew she was uncomfortable with what he was doing to her. He wasn’t even sure why the hell he was still here, in her room doing this to her. He should have gotten the hell out of there the minute he realised she was ok and certainly he should have removed himself the moment he saw she was turned on and touching herself. She was a virgin and no way would he ever touch her, well he was now but he’d never fuck her. What the hell was wrong with him? Why this sudden need to be all gallant and show her what an orgasm could be like? He knew he was acting out of character but he couldn’t seem to help himself. He wanted to make Faith come. He wanted to watch her come apart from what he did to her and knowing he would be responsible for her first orgasm was one hell of a fucking turn on.

  He pushed the thoughts in his head away and forced himself to concentrate on what he was doing. He started to lick her from her tight little asshole, feeling it clench under his tongue and up through her wet folds, tasting the sweetness of her cunt before laving her clit, which began to swell and harden.

  He repeated the process over and over again, feeling her body twitch and jerk under his administrations and as he licked and sucked at her, he reached up with one hand and slipped it under her dress. Slowly he worked his way up her body, over the soft, smooth skin of her flat stomach, which quivered under his fingers until he reached the underside of her breast.

  He pushed her bra up to free one breast to his touch and as his tongue caressed her, his fingers pinched and tugged on her nipple until it was a hard peak. He shifted his attention to her other breast and briefly smiled with satisfaction when he heard her soft moans. She might be going to battle mentally with everything he was doing to her but her body was losing the fight whether she liked it or not.

  As he caressed her with his hands and mouth, his contact with her delectable body sent flashes of emotions and thoughts through his head. She was still fighting the way she was feeling, still scared of letting go. He wasn’t sure why she would be fearful of reaching orgasm other than yes; at times it could be so intense it was a fine line between being pleasurable and painful.

  Despite her mental struggle her body began to shift under his mouth and he could feel her hips rising from the pillow as she pushed more firmly against his lips. He could smell her, the sweetness of her arousal, taste the increased moisture pooling at her entrance ready for him to lap up.

Adrian flinched when her hands suddenly delved into his hair, tugging hard on the strands and he winced, pulling away from her. “Put your hands on the bars of the headboard Faith and do not let go until I tell you. If you cannot obey me, I will be forced to tie you so you can’t touch me. Do you hear me?”

  Her tongue came out to wet down her bottom lip before her perfect white teeth started to gnaw away at it, and he was sure that she would damage it’s full perfection. He smiled when finally she lifted her hands and he watched as she took a firm hold of the heavily ornate metalwork of the headboard, her knuckles white from the death grip she had on it.

  Once he was sure she knew to stay like that, his head lowered between her thighs again and he began to plunge his tongue into her, stabbing at her like he was fucking her with it. He brought his hands up either side of his head and circled her clit, faster and faster, feeling her twitch and writhe under his duel assault on her body.

  He finally shifted his tongue until he was flicking it over her clit as he gently pushed two fingers inside her. Her soaked flesh parted to let him in and he pressed forward, until he felt that proof of her innocence. That tiny, delicate barrier that one day, some man would have the honour of breaking, as he gained entry to her sweet body for the first time. It would be a man deserving of her, a man who hopefully realised what a prize she was giving him and who took care of her. It just wouldn’t be him, no matter what she thought. He felt a flicker of some emotion pass through him but it was gone again before he could fully decipher what it meant.

  Dammit, now he was allowing this woman, this sweet, innocent woman to distract him from his goal and he dragged his fingers back out of her, curling them to be sure they brushed over that spot inside her that would bring her such pleasure.

  Over and over again he worked on her, slowly breaking down those mental barriers that were hindering her from fully letting go and simply enjoying what he was doing to her. She was taking a lot more effort on his part than he was used to. The women he normally pleasured were hungry for it, hungry for the release he could give them. Desperate, lonely housewives mostly, who just wanted a man who would give them what they wanted, who would make them feel cherished at least for a short time. He was happy to give them what they wanted and they seemed happy to pay him for the privilege too.


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