Passion For Hire (Passion #5)

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Passion For Hire (Passion #5) Page 8

by J. a Melville

  I swallowed, struggling to keep my expression neutral. I hated that I was keeping a secret from the man who had offered me a place to live but I couldn’t betray the man who I was destined to be with either. “If I think it’s something beyond his control then yes Fabian, but please don’t pressure me. Adrian is starting to trust me or at least I think he is. If he won’t accept that my visions show us together, then I want to be his friend. I think he could use a friend.” I shot him a quick smile and as I stared into his pale eyes so like his son’s except they were more grey than Adrian’s, I felt a wave of horror roll over me. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” I threw myself into his arms and I felt him tense up for a moment. “I forgot to thank you.” I pulled back enough to meet his curious expression. “The money, I forgot to thank you for the money. It’s too much and it will take me forever to pay you back. Flame gave me some too and I feel so bad because you’ve given me a place to live and I can’t do anything for you in return.” I rambled on until Fabian began to chuckle.

  “It’s not necessary for you to do anything in return little one. You are Flame’s sister so you are part of our family, and I have only one request from you. Look after my son. I suspect you will be the one who can get past the façade he puts on for all of us. Can I ask that of you? Can you persevere with him? I know he’s pushing you away, but you have insight with your visions. Unlike Adrian, I have more respect for your ability. Can you do that for me and for Sirene?”

  I stared up at his gorgeous face seeing so much of his son in Fabian’s features. “You know I will.” I said quietly.


  Adrian’s car skidded to a halt in the car park of the club and he leapt out, heading for the entrance, his hands balled into fists by his side and his rage barely contained. Damn that woman, he was going to strangle her. No, he was going to kill her, or maybe he should just throw her in one of the cells in his father’s dungeon where she couldn’t do anything bloody stupid. Why hadn’t she gone straight home when she’d turned up outside Donna’s home? She was dressed for sex. Fuck every man would be panting and desperate to dip their cocks into that untouched cunt of hers but of course they wouldn’t know it was untouched. What had she been thinking? If she’d made it through the evening so far without being raped or at least propositioned in ways she wasn’t experienced enough to deal with, he’d be surprised.

  “Damn her.” He muttered as he pushed the doors open and stepped into the noise of the club. The loud music immediately felt like it was beating out the notes on his chest and the smells hit him, the smell of alcohol, blood, sweat and hundreds of different perfumes mixing together.

  God he was glad he didn’t need to come here to hunt like his family often did. He had a regular blood source with his clients and as long as they still wanted him, he’d always have them to tap into for his daily meal of their vital life force.

  He stood inside the club for a moment trying to get himself under control before he began the search for Faith. He’d start by seeing if his parents had seen her since Sirene was performing tonight. “Damn her.” He muttered again and began to move through the club on the way to where his mother would be on stage.

  Hopefully Faith would be ok and that no man had done anything to her, or had raped her given she looked like a pay by the hour girl the way she was dressed. He wasn’t putting down the oldest profession given he made his living from selling his body but she wasn’t a prostitute, she was a virgin, and she had gone out of her way to put herself at risk.

  He couldn’t believe it when Francesca had come home and said she’d seen Faith at the club. He’d barely heard a word she said after that, and he’d basically left her speaking to herself when he’d rushed from the house.

  Adrian pushed his way through the crowd until he got to the doors that led into where his mother performed. As he swung them open and stepped inside, the beautiful sound of Sirene’s voice filled his ears. He could give credit where credit was due and his mother sure could sing. It was kind of sweet the way his father, the vampire that had reportedly been a real asshole prior to falling in love, often chose to accompany her to the club. Fabian hated the place as much as he did, but he was protective of Sirene so he came to keep the drunken men off her.

  He started walking towards the stage and when he finally got close to where his mother was, he spotted his father. Then it registered that there was a blonde haired woman by his side and that it was Faith. Instantly the sight of her caused a wave of rage to sweep through him. He knew he should be glad she was safe and he was, but at the same time he wanted to strangle her. He’d rushed to the club thinking he’d need to pluck her from the arms of some asshole trying to get between her legs and instead she was chatting away to his father?

  “Hello father.” He spoke in Fabian’s ear to make himself heard over the music. “I see you found her.” He turned to Faith before his father could respond. “What the fucking hell were you thinking? You came here? You came to a fucking club dressed like that? Are you trying to get yourself raped?”

  “Stop yelling at me. You’re not my keeper, my boyfriend or even my damn friend it would seem. You keep telling me to leave you alone so I did, and I came here. I thought I’d find myself someone to take care of that problem you won’t fix for me.”

  “Thank you for keeping her out of trouble father but I need to speak with Faith where it’s a bit quieter. I’ll take care of her now.” He told Fabian before turning to the woman who seemed determined to drive him crazy.

  “Hey, hang on a minute. I want to stay here. I haven’t had a chance to look for any suitable candidates yet. You run along, I’m fine.” She waved her hand to dismiss him and he immediately saw red. He literally saw it rise up clouding his vision and his teeth snapped together.

  “Don’…well…” He lowered his voice in an effort to regain some control. “I said I need to speak to you and you’re going to listen to me.”

  “I can speak to you at home Adrian. I’m fine, really. Your father will keep me safe from any advances I don’t want.”

  “FUCKING HELL FAITH!” He roared his usual control pushed to its limits by this annoying woman. “Will you stop dismissing me? Damn you, damn you to hell, you’re coming with me.” He snapped and without thinking about what he was doing which was rare for him, he reached down, wrapping his arms around her legs. She cried out in shock but he was so wound up and out of control that he couldn’t stop. He lifted her and threw her over his shoulder before bidding his father a good night.

  She started yelling and hitting him on his back with her small fists, but he ignored her and continued to push his way through the crowds. People looked at him but no one tried to stop him, and after catching a glimpse of his reflection in the glass doors of the main bar he wasn’t surprised. He looked like he was about to kill someone and maybe he was he thought when Faith suddenly bit into his back, making him curse loudly.

  As he pushed through the doors to the car park, he decided he’d had enough of her behaviour and he brought the palm of his hand down hard over her ass that was nearly exposed by the scrap of fabric trying to cover her but largely failing.

  “Ouch that hurt.” She complained and for the first time since he’d left her outside Donna’s home, he smiled.

  “That’s the whole idea sweetheart. You need to be punished for being so bloody stupid. Do you have any idea what could have happened to you tonight if the wrong person had brought you outside? What are you trying to prove and don’t tell me nothing.”

  “I’m not trying to prove anything Adrian. I’m just trying to get rid of the ball and chain between my legs. Well that’s how it feels to still be a virgin. No one wants to touch me because I’m one, so I figured I’d go find someone to lose it to.” She glared up at him. “I don’t know why you’re getting all bent out of shape. You made it perfectly clear you don’t want me. You reject me constantly and you told me to stay out of your life. There has to be at least one man out there who
would want me.” She waved her hand towards the club. “You don’t have to worry about me and you don’t have to pretend you care.” He heard the slight catch in her voice and his eyes moved to her face seeing the shimmer of tears in her eyes before she turned away from him again.

  “Damn you Faith. Why, why the fuck did you have to show up and complicate my life, why?” He began to pace restlessly, back and forth in front of her. “You just keep pushing me and pushing me. Are you trying to drive me insane?” He stopped to glare at her. “Fuck my life, fuck this, fuck you and fuck…just fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” He shouted as his frustration continued to rise. Damn her, he couldn’t look at her because if he did he’d want her, and if he wanted her too much, if his need became too great, he’d fuck her. He couldn’t take her virginity. The first time was significant for a woman and she deserved so much better than a vampire with a complicated life, and a career that didn’t make it possible for him to have a normal relationship. He couldn’t do that to her. Despite how much she pushed his level of control. he couldn’t break. He wasn’t going to be a bastard and take the virginity she’d offered him.

  He stopped pacing briefly. “You know it’s not necessary to dress like a whore to get fucked either Faith. Most men want it all day every day, and the ones in there will be gagging for it by the end of the night when they’re tanked up on alcohol. He glanced over at her and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her face.

  She stood there unmoving, her gaze on his as big, fat teardrops spilled from the corners of those beautiful blue eyes of hers and rolled down her face before dripping from her chin. She made no effort to stop them, she just watched him with such a wounded look on her face, he groaned and in three long strides he was before her.

  He brought his hands up to cup her cheeks, feeling the dampness of her tears beneath his palms and as he stared into her pain filled eyes, he felt a stab of some emotion that made his stomach clench. It was an emotion he was familiar with, guilt. “Goddammit I’m sorry Faith ok? I just…you just…fuck you drive me crazy.” He snapped and watched as a fresh wave of tears trickled from her eyes and over his fingers. “Damn you to hell.” He said softly as he bent his head and his lips closed over hers, the taste of her tears against his tongue.


  First my heart felt like it was being torn in two with Adrian’s cruel words. All he seemed to do was go out of his way to be hurtful to me and I couldn’t protect myself from the pain any longer. The tears had started despite my valiant attempts to stop them, and I could do nothing more than stare into the face of this vampire who I knew was my destiny, if he didn’t crush my heart to nothing first.

  What I hadn’t counted on was his rapid turnaround, his gentleness and certainly never in a million years would I have thought he’d kiss me. At that first soft touch of his lips against mine, I gasped. How could they be so soft on a man?

  As soon as my lips parted, his tongue pushed its way into my mouth. He licked over mine, caressing me, exploring my mouth and I was frozen for a moment, my senses overloaded with his scent, his touch and the taste of him as he kissed me.

  Tentatively I touched my tongue to his, mimicking the way he’d caressed mine and I heard him groan, a deep groan that I felt rumble through his chest which was pressed to mine before vibrating against my lips. His hands left my face and moved down my neck, my shoulders until I felt his cool palms against my bare back. His grip tightened and I was yanked against him as one hand continued on down my back until he reached the swell of my buttocks.

  I gasped again when he pulled me even harder against him and I felt my heart begin to drum out an erratic beat at the feel of his erection pressing into my stomach. He did want me. He could deny it all he wanted but he really did want me, no matter how hard he fought it.

  As he continued to kiss me, overwhelm me and ignite an answering desire within me, I raised my hands and finally got to touch him as I’d longed to do. I could feel his muscles shifting as I slid my palms up his chest to his shoulders and finally into his hair. The strands were so soft and silky as I raked my fingers through them and I tugged gently on them, hearing him groan again. “Fuck, Faith. You smell so good and you taste so good, fuck.” He moaned against my lips and I felt a shiver of excitement course through me at his words.

  “Adrian, Adrian.” I whispered his name against his lips before pulling his head closer and pressing his lips firmly to mine again. It was like something snapped, like the gun at the start of a race had been fired but in actual fact it was simply that his control appeared to snap. He backed me up until I hit the brick wall of the club. One hand slid down to grab a leg and he pulled it up against his thigh as he tilted his hips, bringing our bodies more into alignment. At this angle I could feel him, feel how hard he was, and it excited me and frightened me too. I wanted this, I wanted him but I was scared, scared that it would hurt, scared that I would disappoint him.

  He began to thrust against me, his movements restless as if his control was just hanging on by a thread. His hands caressed me, cupping my breasts, before one moved down and pushed the short skirt of my dress higher. I felt his fingers slip under my panties and suddenly two were inside me. “Jesus Faith. You’re so wet, so beautiful.” I felt his lips against my neck and I tensed slightly when I felt the sharp edge of his fangs on my sensitive skin. “I just want to have a taste, just a little taste.” He murmured and I cried out when he bit down, burying his fangs in my neck.

  It hurt, god how it hurt at first but then it felt different, nice, oh my, it felt really nice. I clenched my thighs in an effort to bring them closer together as the feeling rose in me. Adrian’s hand was still between my legs and he began to rub furiously over that little sensitive bud until with another cry, I let go, my orgasm rushing through me in wave after wave of intense pleasure. As I came apart, my body shaking and shuddering, he drove his fingers inside me again and I clenched around them through my climax.

  When the tremors had settled a little Adrian pulled his fingers from me and leaned back enough to trace them over my bottom lip. “Taste yourself, see how sweet you are.” He whispered and stuck his fingers into his mouth, sucking my moisture off them.

  I flicked my tongue out to lick them, tasting myself and suddenly feeling embarrassed. “Oh sweetheart, don’t be embarrassed. You taste so good, so sweet, you are beautiful.” He thrust restlessly against me again, his eyes heavy and dark with desire. “Fuck I want…” His voice trailed off as the club doors suddenly swung open and a group of noisy men and women walked out. They were talking and laughing loudly, a couple of them stumbling as if they’d had too much to drink and I felt Adrian tense against me.

  “Hey, you two get a fucking room.” One of them called out and my knees nearly buckled when suddenly Adrian was gone, no longer holding me up.

  When the men and women had gone off and piled into a couple of cabs leaving us alone again, I felt my heart sink when I met his eyes. The heat was gone, his expression a mask of nothing again. “Get in your car and go home Faith.” His voice was quiet.

  “No but I…” I started to say but he spun on me his face filled with rage.

  “I said get in the fucking car and get the hell out of here now, and for fuck sakes stay the hell away from me.” He yelled and spun away again. I watched him stride over to his car, climb in and with a roar of the engine and a squeal of tyres, he was gone.

  “You came to me Adrian.” I whispered as I watched his tail lights disappear into the night.

  Chapter Seven


  When Adrian was gone, I hurried to the Mercedes and climbed in, closing the door and locking it before dropping my head to the steering wheel. As my mind relived the evening from when he’d kissed me and how quickly it had turned and gone bad, I burst into tears.

  It had been beautiful, he’d been so gentle, so tender and I thought he’d cared, that he’d wanted me. Well he did, I’d felt him against me. He’d been hard so he’d wanted me.

  Then those p
eople had walked out of the club, and one had yelled that comment about getting a room, and just like that, the mood was well and truly gone. Adrian had done as he’d done so many times before. He’d turned on me, so angry and hurtful. Those few minutes of sheer ecstasy for me were effectively obliterated with his final words, before he’d jumped in his car and left me alone.

  I let my tears do their worst to me for a while but eventually they stopped and my pain turned to anger, which in turn became frustration and finally determination. Like it or not, fight it or not, he did want me. Ok, his control was good, but then I guess in his line of work it had to be good, but my determination was strong. My sheer stubbornness even stronger and the longer I sat in the car, my head filled with flashes of past visions I’d had with Adrian, the greater my need became to prove him wrong.

  “You want to go head to head? Well, prepare yourself for a battle. Like it or not, I will make you crack because I believe in my visions and I believe you deserve more than you think you do.” I whispered to myself. “Plus, I didn’t survive numerous foster homes by letting others push me aside. Prepare yourself for a battle.” I grinned to myself as I sat up, started the car and headed home.


  When Adrian let himself into his father’s home, he was relieved no one else was there. Well Damien and Flame were; he could hear them as he walked past their door. Hearing a couple having obviously hot sex wasn’t helping him after just leaving Faith, and his already hard cock got harder.

  He stormed into his room, slamming the door and as he walked across the room, he started tearing off his clothes, tossing them around him with an uncharacteristic lack of concern. He was tidy by nature, well normally he was, but Faith drove him so crazy he was starting to act in ways not typical of his usual behaviour. Fuck, dry humping her up against a brick wall was definitely not usual behaviour for him. It was humiliating to be caught displaying such lack of control by those people, but it also scared the hell out of him that Faith had got under his defences that much. He wondered if he’d have been out of control enough to fuck her against the wall if they hadn’t been interrupted. He was a fucking gigolo, women paid him for sex and they all were amazed at his control and some saw him as a challenge to try and break him before he was ready to do so. None had succeeded and yet one little blonde woman, a fucking virginal one at that, with no sexual experience at all had almost brought him undone.


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