Holy Island Trilogy 03 - The Final Countdown

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Holy Island Trilogy 03 - The Final Countdown Page 10

by Sheila Quigley

Dr Raymond Vickers, a small black man with greying hair, and small round gold-rimmed spectacles, was a specialist in childhood disease. He asked, in a South African accent, ‘So, just about everything in place then?’ He smiled, one of pleased relief. There was an air of excitement about him as if something he’d wanted for a long time was about to happen.

  Tony nodded, as the other two men leaned closer over the table. ‘I think this is the real start of it. We have a lot of people in place now. Soon, hopefully in the next few years, none but a very few of the families will remain.’

  All three sat back with satisfied smiles on their faces.

  ‘At last,’ Derek Quinn, the American vice president said. ‘It’s been a long time coming.’ He fiddled with the right side of his brown moustache, as he looked at the other two.

  ‘And the transmission, it will be smooth?’ asked Lars Abendroth, a German priest, a small, very portly man with only one arm, who had always refused to wear a prosthetic limb.

  Unable to completely share their optimism, Tony looked at all three of them in turn. These were the headmen, along with a very courageous woman who had carried the fight their ancestors had started into this century. Only a fool would think that the families didn’t know about them. They knew all right, but they didn’t know just how organised the rebellion was. Finally, when the priest was starting to show some agitation, he said, ‘As smooth as it can possibly be. Of course, there will always be rumours, waves, speculations, but the truth of what will happen, and what has happened in the past, will be kept hidden, hopefully forever.’

  'And the keeper of the book? She is well?’

  Tony smiled. ‘Very well.’

  The vice president said, ‘Well, this will be our last meeting, this side of’ - he shrugged - ‘the surprise.’

  The others nodded, as Tony was thinking, 'Sad that they are so naive. A thousand things can go wrong. So easily.'



  In less time than it takes to draw breath, Kristina reached the back gate. Quickly pulling the bolt out, she was halfway through before it was even properly open. The sea was in front of her, and to the right, about a half a mile away, was the fisherman’s cottage. A dozen or so upended boats surrounded the blue-washed cottage. The ground was uneven, but Kristina was pretty fit and guessed she could run the distance in a few minutes. That was before, she was suddenly grabbed by the throat.

  ‘Going somewhere?’ Rafferty asked, her grip tightening as she pinned Kristina against the wall.

  Kristina quickly reacted by bashing her on the side of her head with her bag and, at the same time, jumping on Rafferty’s toes.

  The woman grinned at her, but Kristina, yelling like a banshee, then grabbed a handful of Rafferty’s hair, yanking her head to the side. Rafferty screamed and let go of Kristina’s throat, but lashed out at her face with her nails, drawing blood from two deep scratches. Kristina pushed her hard enough for Rafferty to fall over, then without hesitation took off in the direction of the cottage.

  By the time Rafferty scrambled to her feet, Kristina was out of sight. Guessing the direction she’d headed, Rafferty ran in a beeline for the blue-washed cottage.

  It was only a few minutes before she spotted Kristina. The sight of her spurred Rafferty on, and she began swiftly, step by step, to close in on her. ‘Got you now, you bitch,’ she muttered, as each second brought her closer to her prey.

  For a brief moment, Kristina disappeared as she ran down a small dip in the ground. Then she appeared at the top, looking behind her at Rafferty, who was now close enough to see the fear in her eyes, and grinned at her.

  A moment later, Rafferty was pushed from behind, and she went spinning down the bank.



  Sitting in the chair by the fireplace, staring out of the window, but seeing nothing of the sunshine, nor the buses, cars and people passing by, Smiler flicked the ash off his cigarette, completely missing the ash tray. The ash landed on Tiny’s back who, feeling nothing through his thick coat of hair, slumbered on at Smiler’s feet.

  Smiler was trying as hard as he could to see Mike, but it was so hopeless. He knew, without knowing how, that somehow he was being blocked by someone or something. Frustratingly, where Mike should be in his mind, there were nothing but numbers again. And once more he had no idea what they meant. All he could think that it meant was a silent count down to nowhere.

  He looked down and saw not one but three or four strands of ash on the dog's back. ‘Shit…sorry, mate.’ Smiler rubbed the ash off Tiny’s back.

  All-forgiving, as was his dog way, Tiny rose to his full height and, standing on his back legs, placed his front paws on Smiler’s chest, giving him a huge slavery kiss.

  Grimacing, Smiler wiped his face then put his arms around the big dog and hugged him. A moment later, he looked into the dog's deep brown eyes and said, ‘Jesus, mate. Don’t want to hurt your feelings, like, but your breath so stinks.’

  Tiny wagged his tail.

  ‘Come on, mate, we’ve got plenty of time. We’ll head down to the pet shop, get something to clean your teeth, scruffy mutt.’

  Still wagging his tail, Tiny got down and stood still while Smiler snapped his lead on.

  ‘And where do you think you two are off to?’ Rita asked, coming up the hallway behind them. ‘Don’t forget, we’re off in an hour or so.’ Rita looked at her watch. ‘The person we’re waiting for should be here shortly, that’s if the traffic’s been OK.’

  ‘We won't be long,' Smiler said, opening the door. ‘Just off to the pet shop. Give you time to put your slap on.’

  Rita tossed her head, and went back upstairs.

  Near the end of the long street of terraced houses, Smiler frowned. Was it suddenly getting darker? He looked up at the sky with a puzzled look on his face.

  No rain clouds around.

  A few more steps, and Tiny whined low in his throat. Smiler’s uneasiness increased. ‘What’s the matter, boy?’

  Tiny whined again, and sat down. A moment later, he stood and turned in the direction of home. It was then that Smiler heard a voice he knew.

  ‘You owe me.’

  Whispered in a menacing tone in his ear, as if the person was standing next to him.

  ‘No.’ Smiler said out loud, looking quickly around, expecting to see Snakes at any minute.

  ‘What… Where?’ Smiler muttered, when there was no one in sight.

  Tiny whined even louder, and started pulling on his lead. Pulling Smiler towards home and safety.

  But Smiler was rooted to the spot in fear. Tiny started to bark. He kept looking at Smiler, then turning to look homewards. Finally he moved quickly up to Smiler and started nudging him, each nudge punctuated with a swift bark.

  But it wasn’t until a car pulled up alongside them that Smiler blinked and stared at the driver.

  What the fuck’s he doing? Danny thought. Could he have found a rougher looking fucker than him to ask directions from?

  But instead of asking directions from the youth with the smile carved on his face, the driver jumped out of the car and bundled the youth into the front seat. Grabbing the dogs lead, he ushered him into the back next to Danny,

  ‘What the fuck?’ Danny yelled, pushing at the dog who, his tail wagging like crazy, seemed intent on swallowing him whole, out of the way.

  ‘What the fucking hell?’ Smiler said scowling at Danny.

  ‘Shut up both of you,’ the driver said, as he took off along the street, stopping outside of the house Smiler had just left a few minutes ago.

  Danny was still trying to brush off Tiny’s friendly intentions when the driver opened the door to let them out.

  ‘Must be more good in you than I thought,’ the driver said to Danny, who blinked his puzzlement at the longest speech he’d heard from the man in all of their travels.

  The man nodded his head towards Tiny. ‘The dog! He knows.’

  Danny looke
d down at Tiny. He raised his hand, unsure whether to pat the huge beast or not, the risk of losing his hand uppermost in his mind, even though the dog seemed friendly enough. Actually over-friendly, Danny thought, scowling at Tiny. As if I don’t stink of friggin' dog enough. Then the man said, ‘Quickly, inside.’

  The urgency in the man’s voice was infectious. Smiler, Danny, and even the dog scuttled quickly in through the gate and down the path into the house.

  Coming through into the kitchen from the opposite direction, at the same time as they all tumbled in through the door, Rita stared at them for a moment, before nodding her head. ‘It’s the electricity charge in the air, Smiler. A build-up, that’s all, their far-seers trying to find you.’

  ‘Guess they nearly did.’ Smiler shivered.

  ‘Didn’t the dog warn you?’

  Smiler looked down at Tiny. ‘I guess he tried to.’

  ‘Take notice of him in future, Smiler. Dogs are very sensitive to this sort of stuff.’

  ‘What fucking sort of stuff?’ Danny demanded, sick of being handed to one stranger after another like an unwanted parcel. Then he went on impatiently, ‘You want to know something?’ He looked Rita up and down. ‘It doesn’t matter. I’m just about fucked off with everything.’ He turned to go, only to find his way out blocked by his travelling companion.

  ‘And you can fuck off an' all, Mr fucking Happy.’

  ‘Danny, calm down,’ Rita said softly.

  Danny spun back round. Shaking his head, he stared at Rita. She was dressed in a yellow sundress with matching high heels, and her blonde wig curled on her shoulders. ‘You know what? I don’t care any more. Do you know what I think, eh? Do you?’

  Rita nodded.

  ‘I think I’ve been right all along. I’m locked up in some nut house, and all this is nowt but a fucking dream. ‘Cos you wanna know what, Mr…Mrs…whatever…you are just about the final fucking straw.’

  Smiler quickly moved in front of Rita and faced Danny. ‘Watch your fucking mouth when you’re talking to her.’

  ‘Or what?’ Danny squared up to Smiler. Never the bravest of souls, Danny had finally reached the end. This lot and their fucking dog could just fuck off. He raised his fists to Smiler.

  Quickly Rita inserted herself between them. ‘OK, that’s enough, we’re all on the same side. Now, come on. Let's go sit down and talk this through.’

  ’Best of luck,’ the man said, giving Rita a wave as he walked out the door.

  ‘And who the fuck’s he? The bastard hasn’t said more than half a dozen fucking words the whole time I’ve been with him.’

  ‘Come on, I’ll explain.’

  ‘Explain!’ Danny said, under his breath. ‘This I gotta hear.’

  ‘Shut up, fuck face,’ Smiler snapped.

  Danny glared at Smiler. ’You gotta be kidding.’

  ‘Enough.’ Rita pushed Smiler in the direction of the sitting room.

  Without looking at each other, Smiler led the way and Danny followed Rita into the sitting room, with Tiny bringing up the rear.

  Sitting down in the brown leather chair beside the fire that Rita offered him, Danny muttered, ’This better be good.’

  Rita and Smiler sat opposite him on the matching settee. Between them, an oak coffee table held half a dozen women’s magazines. In the corner near the window there was a revolving globe on a metal stand, and a large pink orchid in full bloom in the window.

  Seeing Danny looking at the magazines, Smiler said hastily, ‘They aren’t just for Rita. There’s a few girls here as well.’

  ‘Never said nowt.’ Danny shrugged.

  ‘No, but you--’

  ‘All right, enough. Danny meet Smiler… Smiler meet Danny… Both of you have suffered greatly at the hands of the families, so please, I really need you to get along.’

  ‘Why?’ Danny asked.

  ‘Yeah, why?’ Smiler looked Danny up and down, then sniffed.

  Danny narrowed his eyes at him.

  Rita puffed the air out of her lungs, disturbing her heavy blonde fringe, as Danny and Smiler shrugged together in a move which looked as if it had been set by a choreographer.



  Shelly dressed carefully, from the clothes in her wardrobe that Coral had filled the day before. She chose nondescript colours, matching various shades of grey, in leggings, long plain tunic top and short jacket, even managing to find a pair of grey shoes amongst the half-dozen pairs at the bottom of the wardrobe.

  She had never bothered to ask where the clothes had come from, just accepted them as part of the service. What Coral, Ella and others around the country were doing was definitely a service, and a very noble one, too.

  Looking in the mirror she decided against make up of any kind, and brushed her short, recently bleached blonde hair behind her ears.

  She gave herself the once over and, satisfied that even her own brothers would never recognise her, slipped three fully loaded insulin pens into her pocket.

  ‘Now to get out of here without anyone seeing me,’ she said to the mirror, and headed for the door.

  Slowly she opened it and, straining her ears and satisfied that there was no one in the immediate location, crept slowly along the hallway. Pausing a moment when she heard a low moaning coming from one of the bedrooms as she passed, she grimaced and thought, I know exactly what you’re going through, love.

  Reaching the back door into the garden, she slipped outside, past the pond, and was at the gate in seconds. Next minute, she was out in the street and closing the gate behind her.

  It had been easy slipping Aunt May’s purse out of her bag, when she went with Coral and Ella to check up on Annya. Lifting a twenty and ignoring the fifty, knowing it would bring strange looks when she tried to cash it in, she’d dropped the purse beside the chair, trying to make it look like it had fallen out of the bag.

  Walking to the end of the street, she justified her theft, thinking that she would pay Aunt May back as soon as she could, and that, in the long run, they would thank her for what she was about to do. It was the only option she had. They certainly wouldn’t let her go willingly, and that was a fact.

  And this is something I have to do!

  Even supposing it kills me, and it probably will. After all, no one really cares if I live or die.

  Danny hates me. Annya hates me. Probably the whole fucking world hates me.

  Five minutes later, she was in a taxi and heading for town. She knew just the bars she wanted, the routine that was used, and what worked before would surely work again. It would be easier and less suspicious if she was actually picked up from town.

  An hour later, she was dancing in one of the town centre's busiest bars. She’d joined a girl who was way gone, and wouldn’t know her own mother from a mad gorilla. Already she was behaving as if Shelly was her best friend.

  ‘So,’ Shelly said five minutes later, as she was propping her up in the queue for the Ladies. ‘Where did you get the gear from, then?’

  The girl, small and elfin-featured with long black hair, giggled, put her hand over her mouth and muttered, ’Not supposed to say till they’ve seen you.’

  ‘You can tell me, though, can’t you, Sarah? We’re best friends, aren’t we?’

  For a moment, the girl looked at her as if she didn’t have a clue who she was. Then, grinning, she muttered, ‘Course I can. You’re my best friend, ain't you… See him over there?’ She motioned with her head towards a young guy standing at the bar.

  Shelly looked over to her right. It was hard to pick faces out in the dimly-lit club. ‘No,’ the girl nudged her, ‘over that way. Him leaning against the bar, with the red shirt on… Ooh, if we don’t hurry up, I’m gonna pee right here on the floor!’

  ‘Won’t be long. Look, we’re moving again.’

  ‘Good, ‘cos--’

  But Shelly wasn’t listening. She had already disappeared as, frowning, the girl looked around for her.

  Shelly circled
the room and stood a few yards away from the young man, looking him up and down. Dark-haired and clean-shaven, he looked fresh out of college at first glance, not the druggie type. But as Shelly knew well, you couldn’t always tell. Some showed their addictions a lot more than others. Though in the end, they all paid the price.

  She knew that the Leader liked the men and boys clean-shaven, just the same as he liked the girls to have long black hair. Guess this is it, then, she thought, moving closer. My ticket in!

  He turned then, and caught Shelly looking at him. On cue, she smiled and moved next to him.

  Pretending to be drunk, she put her arm over his shoulder and whispered in his ear.

  ‘What makes you think I’ll have anything like that on me?’ he said, a touch of mock anger in his voice. ‘Somebody said something, have they?’ He looked around.

  Shelly shrugged. ‘No, just thought you might... you know, know somebody?’

  He studied her for a moment, then smiled. ‘You tried the new stuff yet, babes?’

  ‘No, but I’ve heard it’s mind-blowing, all right. Why? You got some on you?’ She batted her eyelids at him.

  He slipped his arm around her waist. ‘Come with me.’

  Arm in arm, they went outside to the car park. ‘Fancy a drive?’

  ‘Where to?'

  ‘Well, got no stuff on me now. Actually,’ he grinned, as he ran his forefinger down the middle of her cleavage, ‘sold out today much quicker than anticipated.’

  ‘OK.' She smiled at him, even though what she really wanted was to snap his finger off and shove it right up his arse. ‘ Why not?’

  ‘Come on, then.’ He took her hand and led her over to his car, a white open-topped sports type. He opened the door for her, then went round to his side. Jumping in, he started the engine. As they drove out of the car park, he asked her name.

  ‘Sss...Sandy. What’s yours?’

  He didn’t answer. Instead he winked at her.

  ‘So, where are we going, babes?’

  He stared at her for a moment before smiling. ‘To a place you are just going to love.’


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