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Unwritten Page 4

by Lauren Runow

  Allison walks into the gym the next morning wearing short loose running shorts, knee high socks and a tank top that reads “WOD LOVE.” I’m sitting at the counter watching her in awe as this is the first time I’ve truly seen the delicious curves that make up her tone body. She’s not pear shaped or hourglass, she’s just… hot!

  “Good morning,” she says walking up to me.

  “Well, good morning, Allison.” I turn to Andy, “This is my friend, Allison, she works out at the CrossFit on Van Ness, is it cool if she joins me today?”

  “Of course man, just have her fill out the waiver,” Andy replies.

  Allison signs the paperwork and we walk over to see what the WOD is. I laugh when I see it, “A birthday WOD.” I look to Allison with a hint of sarcasm in my voice, “You came on a fun day.”

  “Holy shit!” she laughs before looking at me with squinted eyes declaring, “Bring it on!”

  The birthday WODs are always harder than a normal day and are used to celebrate a fellow CrossFitter’s birthday through moves they like and amounts that signify their birthday somehow. The WOD consists of a 20 minute AMRAP of 10 pushups, 100 meter sprint, 10 thrusters then 100 double unders.

  I look to Allison, “How long have you been doing CrossFit? How are your double unders?”

  She offers me a reassuring smile, “I can hold my own.”

  I show her around the gym as we warm up on the rower and stretch to prepare for today’s WOD before setting up our bars for the thrusters.

  “You ready?” I ask.

  She gives me a not-so-sure look and says, “Ready or not, here we go!”

  “Hey Tiffani, will you start a clock for us?” I shout to a trainer on the floor.

  “Sure! Ready? Three, two, one – Go!”

  We begin and finish the ten pushups at the same time, heading out for the run together. Both of us are smiling as we sprint off just barely starting to raise our heart rate. After the run, we start the thrusters and I’m completely taken out of my game as I watch Allison squat low making her shorts raise up from behind. I shake my head, trying to focus solely on what I’m doing as the song Porn Star Dancing by My Darkest Days plays over the gym speakers talking about a girl’s body lighting up the room.

  God damn! Her body is lighting up more than just the room.

  She drops the bar seconds before me and picks up the jump rope beginning her double unders. Starting with two single jumps to get the rhythm, she begins swinging the rope around faster, completing her double unders. After 40, the rope trips up, slapping across her legs leaving a red mark.

  She lets out a little yelp making me laugh. “You ok?” I ask through bated breath as I stop to remove my shirt.

  “Damn double unders!” she laughs as she swings the rope back around to prepare to try again. I can tell by the look in her eyes that she was thrown off by me removing my shirt and I’m glad I’m not the only one who is having trouble focusing.

  We’re a couple of rounds in when sweat starts to drip down Allison’s forehead and she lifts the bottom of her shirt up to wipe her face revealing her soft, tan, bare stomach, distracting me once again as I throw myself down to start the ten pushups.

  I can feel her glancing up any chance she can and for a second we lock eyes and a surge of electricity runs through me as we pause for a brief second, caught in each other as Just a Lil Bit by 50 Cent plays talking about all the little bit of things he wants to do.

  What is up with these songs today? Could they be any more sexual when I am trying not to lose myself to this girl? Figures.

  The run is next. She grabs me to pull me behind her and I’m more than happy to play along. I grab her slim waist, pulling her back into me, whispering, “There’s no way I’m letting you go ahead of me.”

  We both complete another full round and are spent, breathing hard as we pause to catch our breaths.

  Tiffani yells out, “Come on you guys, one more minute! Push it! Every rep counts.”

  Without a second thought, we both drop to the floor and complete our ten pushups. Twenty more seconds on the clock and we burst out the door to complete the run before the clock is up. This time even more playful as we both want to beat each other back in time before the clock stops.

  Laughing, I pick her up at the very end of the run swinging her around to place her behind me. Allison puts up a playful struggle as we enter in through the door making us both fall to the ground. I end up lying on top of her, breathing hard and I want to lean down to kiss her so bad.

  She looks up to me, sweat dripping all over and I’m frozen, not sure what to do, just stuck staring into her eyes.

  Tiffani walks over to us, laughing, “Are you guys ok?”

  She takes me out of my trance and I’m instantly upset with myself. Damn, how could I puss out again! I could tell she wanted me to kiss her and it would have been perfect but I couldn’t do it.

  We both start laughing through our heavy breathing as I sit up, offering my hand to Allison to help her up. I pull her in close, looking into her eyes as I reply to Tiffani, “Yeah, we’re good.”

  Allison smiles, still trying to catch her breath as she whispers, “Yeah we are.” Then she places her other hand on my bare chest. “Good job man! That was a good one!”

  “It was.” I pause as I release my grip from her hand, “I’ve never had a friend workout with me. I mean besides the people here. That was fun,” I smile a real genuine smile and I’m surprised it came to me so easily. I smile a lot but I always feel like I do it because I’m supposed to, not because I want to.

  “It was. Kicked my ass though!” she says matter-of-factly, still breathing hard.

  “Yeah, that was no joke! Good job. I’m impressed. How’s your leg?” I ask referring to her rope slap from the double unders.

  Allison turns her leg to examine it. The sight makes my chest tighten seeing her legs in her short shorts up close like that. “Um, it will be fine. I’ll just look like I was beaten,” she laughs, “That’s what I get for wearing shorts.”

  I wrap my arms around her whispering in her ear, “Oh, but they look so good on you,” then walk away to put our bars back to where they belong.

  I meet her at the stretching corner where she is already cooling down. She holds the yoga pose, downward dog, before moving to cat-cow pose where she is on her hands and knees, tilting her hips back then rounding her back up. I’m caught staring at her from behind when my friend, Paul, walks by hitting my shoulder, laughing. I smile as we lock eyes, Paul giving me an I-totally-agree look.

  “Allison, this is Paul. Paul this is Allison,” I sigh wondering what smart-ass comment Paul will make.

  Paul reaches out his hand to Allison, “Looking hot girl. How come you’re here with this loser?” he teases hitting me on the arm.

  “So far I’m pretty happy with him, but if he misbehaves, at least I’ll know where I can find you instead,” she laughs, obviously playing around.

  “Damn, I like her!” Paul jokes back nodding his head to me.

  I smile to Allison, “Yeah, me, too.”

  After stretching, we walk out of the gym toward Market Street both quiet, not wanting our meeting to end so soon. I finally break the awkward silence, “Thanks for coming. That was a lot of fun.”

  “Thanks for inviting me. I like your more open gym format. I thought all CrossFits were structured classes.”

  “Yeah, that’s why I go here. I like to do my own thing sometimes. It makes it go a little faster.” I look around knowing it’s time to say goodbye but not sure how.

  “Ok, well I go this way,” she pauses and I can tell she doesn’t know what to say next either.

  There’s another awkward pause as we both stand there. We aren’t saying goodbye, but we aren’t talking either. Just standing here like awkward teenagers and I feel ridicules at how nervous I am.

  Finally she breaks the silence. “Do you have any meetings today?”

  I lift my phone, scrolling through my calendar. “Actual
ly, no, I don’t.” I look up smiling to her. “Can I see you tonight? Take you to dinner?”

  “I’d love that.”

  I can tell she tries to hide her excitement at my invitation but she fails miserably and yet another genuine smile spreads across my face. “Great. Where should I pick you up?”

  “I live on the corner of Mason and Jackson, the brown building, I’m number two.”

  “I’ll pick you up around seven?”

  “Sounds good. Thank you again for the workout.”

  She turns to walk away and I grab her hand to stop her. I don’t know why. She turned to leave and without even thinking I grabbed her, I really just didn’t want her to go. Now I’m stuck, holding her just staring with nothing to say. I’ve never been so tongue-tied and all I can get out is, “Take care of your leg,” as I let go of her hand.

  She smiles, “It’s no big deal. Thank you.”

  We walk in our different directions and I’m hitting myself, frustrated that I was so tongue-tied as we said goodbye.

  At exactly seven, I hear a knock on the door. I was so excited for tonight that I’ve been ready for a half hour. I tried on three different outfits finally deciding on a pair of slim Joe’s jeans, brown knee high boots and a loose silk top. I don’t know where he’s taking me so I have no idea how dressy I should be.

  Slowly walking down the stairs, I take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. I don’t know what it is about this guy but just the thought of him on the other side of my door is sending chills up and down my spine. I open the door and then I remember why – because he’s hot. I mean, totally gorgeous.

  He’s wearing designer jeans, a black zip up cashmere hoodie with a green shirt underneath. I liked him in his suit but seeing him more casual, more himself, makes him look sexier than ever.

  I watch as his face lights up and a smile covers his face when he says, “You look amazing.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” I smirk as I turn to lock the door behind me. “So where are you taking me?”

  “I thought we would go to one of my old favorites. I haven’t been there in years though.”

  “Great! Where is it?”

  “In the Haight. I have my car right here, I’ll drive us there,” he points to an old Mustang parked in front of my place.

  “Nice car. I’ve always been a fan of Mustangs. If I ever get my license I would want a Mustang.”

  Charlie laughs; in disbelief I’m sure, before asking me, “You don’t have your license?” as he opens the door for me.

  I wait until he enters through the driver’s side to answer, “I grew up in the City. Why would I need to drive?”

  “Touché, Miss Hayes,” he smirks to me. “Maybe I’ll teach you sometime.”

  I smile as he pulls out from the parking space and we make our way through the City to Haight Street. He parks near the panhandle of Golden Gate Park and we walk the two blocks up Shrader Street to Cha Cha Cha on the corner of Shrader and Haight Street.

  Cha Cha Cha is a small silver and blue building at the beginning of the infamous Haight Street. The side has Cha Cha Cha painted over and over again along the entire length of the building with a bright red door.

  We enter into a small, over decorated room full of reds, dark blues and green colors. Loud Latin dance music fills the air around us as the smell of Cajun spices overcomes me. Alters devoted to the Saint-Gods of Santeria decorate the walls with large plants taking up any unused space available. I’m on sensory overload as the hostess leads us to a table near the front window before asking, “Can I get you some Sangria?”

  Charlie responds, “Yes, a pitcher please,” then he looks to me. “They have the best Sangria here.”

  I smile in appreciation as I look over the menu wondering what I could possibly order. I’ve never even heard of some of the things on the menu and I’m trying to read everything they have to offer.

  Charlie must have noticed my look of confusion and offers, “The servings are pretty big and it’s good to try a few things. Would you mind if I order for us and we share everything?”

  I quickly shut my menu, grateful I don’t have to decide and smile, “Yes, thank you. I had no idea where to even start.”

  The waitress arrives at the table with the Sangria and two glasses asking, “Do you two know what you want?”

  Charlie speaks up, pointing to the menu to make sure she hears him over the loud music. “We’re going to split the Ceviche to start, then an order of Fried Platanos Maduros, Fried New Potatoes and the Cha3 Jerk Chicken.”

  The waitress takes the menus and Charlie pours us both a glass of Sangria, handing one to me then holding up his own to offer a toast, “To getting our asses kicked today,” he pauses and winks at me, “and loving every minute.”

  I smirk and clink my glass to his in agreement before taking a drink. “You’re right, this is delicious. So what did you order us?”

  “Well, you’ve heard of Ceviche before right?”


  “Ok, so besides that the Fried Plantanos is going to be the only thing you might be a little afraid to try. It’s a fried sweet banana with black beans and sour cream.”

  I must have made a funny face because he laughs saying, “I know, it sounds weird but it’s so good. Just try it. Then just seasoned potatoes with a fantastic sauce and a Jamaican Jerk Chicken served over rice. Don’t worry, you’ll love it all.” He sits back in his seat, casually taking another drink of his Sangria.

  I look around the room, lost in the décor of the restaurant. “There is so much to look at, it’s kind of overwhelming. How did you find this place?”

  He presses his lips together and I can tell he doesn’t want to tell me something. I hold my breath waiting for what’s to come. Please don’t tell me he’s taken me to his ex-girlfriend’s favorite spot. He’s taking a long time to answer and I’m sure that’s why. Ok, so he can’t be perfect. I knew there had to be something.

  “Well…” he takes a deep breath in before continuing. “My mom used to bring me here. She loved Haight Street and, as a child, we would always come here,” he pauses as I watch his face change and he almost looks sad, I’m not quite sure though. “It’s been years since I’ve been here though.”

  “Really? Why haven’t you come?”

  He tilts his head to the side, pushing his lips together, tapping his finger to his lips –which totally turns me on when he does that – and then his eyes light up looking like he just thought of something.

  “In all honesty,” he shrugs, “I haven’t had anyone I wanted to bring here.”

  He looks softly into my eyes as he says the last words and I literally melt, right there, into my chair like a silly little girl. I know I totally blush but try to hide it by taking another sip of my sangria.

  Our Ceviche arrives first and we both dig in, lost in conversation. I love how easy this is between us. One second I’m melting in my chair, lusting over a man I barely know and the next I’m laughing so hard my cheeks feel like they’re going to split. He’s so relaxed, so comfortable with himself and the things that come out of his mouth leave me in awe.

  Once our other food arrives, I take a second look at the Plantanos, which makes Charlie laugh. “Just trust me. I know it’s a weird combination but you’ll like it.”

  I nervously slide the fork into my mouth, still not sure what I am up for. Closing my mouth around the fork, I look to him and watch as his lips part slightly. He’s staring at my lips and not even trying to hide it. A flush comes over me as I decide to put on a little show by moving the fork out slower and seductively licking the top of my lip before closing my eyes.

  Closing my eyes wasn’t part of my sexual plan but when I started to taste the food it just automatically happen. It was so good.

  I open my eyes to see him still staring at me. The sexiest smile floods his face as he says, “See, I told you it was good.”

  He scoops me up a plate full of the Plantanos, potatoes and chicken as we
sit back to enjoy our meal together.

  I love listening to him talk. Even though the place is crowded and super loud, I’m completely focused on him and everything he has to say. I feel like the entire world doesn’t exist and we’re in our own little bubble.

  I love the faces he makes when he’s talking about something important to him or the subtle way I keep catching him checking me out.

  After awhile I wipe my mouth with a napkin, proclaiming, “I’m so full. That was amazing. I’m so glad you introduced me to this place.”

  Charlie smiles in appreciation. “Thank you for joining me. Should I order us some more Sangria?” he asks holding up the empty pitcher.

  I smile, shrugging my shoulders up, saying, “Sure, why not.”

  Time flies by as we close down another restaurant. I look around to see we’re the last people there and start to laugh, “Boy, we have a knack for shutting places down.”

  He smirks, “Yeah, I think they want us to leave.”

  Charlie pays the bill and I thank him again for a lovely dinner. We walk out of the restaurant with his hand on my lower back. Once we’re outside, we walk to his car, hand in hand and he opens the door for me to get in. We drive back to my place in silence, both of us trying to slyly look at the other and smiling hidden smiles when the other is caught.

  I’m so nervous about the looming goodbye and how it will go that my palms are starting to sweat and my chest is tightening. I hate this part. Will he kiss me? Should I invite him in? If I do, what will he expect? Should I sleep with him? Technically this is our third date so that would be ok, right?

  God, I hate these dating rules. Why can a guy do what he wants but a girl has to play this game, acting like she doesn’t want the same thing so she doesn’t come off as easy?

  I find a place to park a few doors down from her place and put the car in park but don’t turn off the engine. I don’t want to seem eager and just expect her to invite me up but there was no way I was just going to double park in front of her door and let her out.


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