
Home > Other > Unwritten > Page 18
Unwritten Page 18

by Lauren Runow

  “Yeah, is it cool if my friends from back home come in, too, they’ve never been here.”

  “Well, first timers,” he smiles to Jason and Jen, “Go on in. Hey, have a good time tonight.”

  “Thanks, brother!”

  We walk through the ropes and enter the dark, loud club. Jen loves to dance and I watch her face light up at the scene. I know they don’t get out much with the kids and all and it makes me happy thinking they can at least enjoy their kid-free freedom tonight.

  We walk to the bar where I buy them a round of drinks as they watch the crowd get into the clubbing mood.

  Jen’s face goes white as a ghost and I turn to see what she’s looking at. That’s when I see it. My worst fucking nightmare, come true.

  Allison’s about twenty feet away, dancing very seductively up against a guy. He’s behind her with his arms around her waist – my girl’s waist. She has her hands up, wrapped around his neck and I watch as his hands slowly move down her thighs, pulling her closer – to him.

  My chest tightens and my ego kicks in. I see nothing but red and all sanity I’ve ever had is thrown out the window. Putting my drink down, I charge toward them without a second thought. Both Jason and Jen run after me but there’s no stopping the feeling deep inside that’s about to come exploding out.

  I grab the guy by the back of his shoulder, pulling him off of her as I reach for Allison.

  The guy is pissed but I don’t care. He’s touching my girl and I had to stop it. He steps up to me, “What the fuck man?”

  I stare at him, giving him my best don’t-fuck-with-me glare, “Back off, she’s with me.”

  What the hell? Did he really just do that?

  I scream, “Charlie, what are you doing here?”

  He looks at me, pleading, “Allison, come on, please don’t do this.”

  “Charlie, just go away, leave me alone!”

  “You heard the girl. She doesn’t want you, she’s with me tonight,” the guy I’m dancing with steps up to Charlie, acting very pompous and I know things are about to get ugly.

  Charlie turns to him, throwing a punch and knocking him to the floor. I scream and run off the dance floor, crying, heading into the women’s bathroom.

  Thankfully, my friends saw everything happen and run after me, following me into the bathroom, trying to console me. I look up to see Jen approaching me and I’m totally thrown off by the sight of her.

  She gives me a shy smile, “Allison, may I talk to you?”

  “Jen…? What are you doing here?”

  “Charlie asked us to come to the City tonight. He’s a wreck.”

  I sit quietly, not sure what to say.

  “Allison, I know everything.” She looks to my friends, and I can tell she’s not sure what to say with everyone around. “I’ve known him for years and I’ve never seen him with anyone. When he introduced you as his girlfriend, Jason and I were shocked. He’s never dealt with anything like this, and after all he’s been through, I didn’t think he would ever open himself up to anyone. I’m sorry for everything that happened but believe him when he says he’s willing to give it all up to be with you. He loves you, Allison.”

  I finally open my mouth, “But Jen, how? How do I forget? How do I get past all of this?”

  Jen grabs my hands, looking into my eyes, “Don’t let his past stop what you two have. He’s a great guy and he truly deserves someone like you. I’m thrilled he finally found you. Trust me when I say, don’t let him go.”

  She hugs me and walks away, leaving me with my friends who I’m sure have so many questions they don’t even know where to begin.

  Lacy speaks up first, “What the fuck is going on? Who was that? And girl, what did Charlie do?”

  I start to cry, “Please, let’s just go.”

  Sonia wraps her arm around me, kissing my head, “Ok, Allie, let’s go.”

  “What time’s your flight?” Nichole asks while she’s helping me pack.

  “Four. We should be there around two though since I have to go through customs and everything.”

  “Have you spoken to Mom? Why does she keep calling me asking about you?”

  I freeze for a split second. I haven’t spoken to my mom since that night, and I still have no intention to. “Sorry, I’ve just been so preoccupied. I’ll call her when I’m checked in and waiting for my plane.”

  Even though it’s been five days since I last saw Charlie at the club, I still find myself checking my phone every couple of minutes hoping he will call. I don’t know why. I’m not even sure I would answer if he did call. All I do know is that every time I see he hasn’t called, my heart breaks that much more.

  A loud piano sound starts to radiate through my room making Nichole and I both eye each other speculatively. After a few seconds Rihanna’s strong voice starts with the lyrics to the song Stay while the piano plays the same tune over and over again in the background.

  Dropping the clothes we were folding, we both walk over to the open window at the front of our apartment. As we open it wider, the tune grows louder, blaring the love song.

  We look out the window to see Charlie standing next to his Mustang with the top down, holding one single red rose in his hand, staring at our front door. He glances up and we lock eyes as the song continues. We stare at each other, both not sure who should move first.

  Nichole looks to me, “Man, he’s got it bad. Allison, I don’t know what he did but you need to go down there.”

  I break eye contact, looking to Nichole for clarification, her eyes saying it all. She smiles, placing her hands on either side of my face, “Allison, I know you love him. You’ve been moping around here like a lost puppy for the last couple of days. Go to him.”

  My face lights up for the first time in awhile as I turn around, running down the stairs. When I open up the door, I stop, looking lost into his eyes.

  He stands up tall in anticipation as we both just stare at each other. He slowly starts to walk toward me as the song starts to play again and I can’t help but look away. The tears are rolling down my face and the intense feeling running through me is just too much.

  He stands next to me, not saying a word. I start to play with my fingernails, nervously trying to think of what to say. Placing his finger under my chin, he slowly moves my face up so our eyes meet. Not a moment too soon, he leans in, passionately kissing me, slowly lifting me off my feet, holding me as tightly as he can against his body.

  Lost in each other like we are the only people around, I literally feel all of the stress and sadness from the last week melt away with every breath we take.

  The sound of the song starting for the third time brings us back to reality and Charlie pulls back, looking into my eyes, holding my face with both of his hands as he whispers, “Please stay. Stay with me.”

  My eyes sink, “Charlie, I have to go…” A tear starts to fall down my cheek as I look away.

  I hear his sharp inhale and I feel his body cower away from me.

  I look back up to him, my eyes slowly morphing, filling with love as an idea pops into my head. I place my hands on his, holding them tightly, asking, “Charlie, come with me?”

  He looks at me as his eyes light up when I repeat myself, “Yes, Charlie. Come with me? To Paris. Away from everything, just you and me.” It’s so compulsive, but the idea makes me happier than anything else. It’s perfect.

  He leans in to kiss me and I feel him screaming yes with his entire body, picking me up swinging me around.

  We both laugh before Charlie places me down on the entryway steps looking into my eyes, full of love, whispering, “Thank you… Thank you for saving me.”

  Allison leaves as scheduled but it takes me a week to get things situated before I can leave. When I step off the plane, there’s a woman carrying a sign that reads “Charles Ashley.” I walk up to her, smiling, “That’s me.”

  The woman blushes as she answers, “Hello, Mr. Ashley. Miss Hayes was busy with a photo shoot and asked that I mee
t you here. She sends her deepest apology. I was instructed to take you to the hotel where she’ll meet you when she’s finished.”

  We wait for my bag and head to the hotel.

  The hotel’s facade is old architecture style but completely re-done on the inside, making it very modern. Allison already has our room and left me a key at the front desk. The room is a suite with a living area and a separate bedroom, decorated in neutral colors and burnt orange accents.

  I set my bag on the couch, walking over to the window to take in the view. Situated on Champs Elysees, there’s a view of the Eiffel Tower in the distance from our suite.

  I’m anxious to see Allison; we haven’t spent any time together since everything happened since she left pretty much right after our make-up kiss and her asking me to join her in Paris. Really, we haven’t even discussed it. I’m torn if I should even bring it up; remembering phone conversations since she’s arrived in Paris is making me feel a little uneasy.

  Our first conversation consisted of things like, “It’s amazing here. I can’t wait until you arrive so we can share it together.” Changing midway through the week to, “Things are so busy. I barely have time to eat.” And finally, “My mom keeps calling me. I don’t want anything to do with her.”

  As I sit alone in the hotel suite, I wonder if it was a good idea for me to come to Paris. She doesn’t want anything to do with her mom, what if she changes her mind and doesn’t want anything to do with me?

  The day goes on and I try to busy myself while I sit alone in the hotel. After unpacking, watching television in French, which I don’t understand, and looking through some local magazines provided by the hotel, I decide to do a home WOD consisting of flipping through a deck of cards with each suit meaning a different workout and doing the amount that the card shows. It took me an entire hour to go through the cards and she still isn’t here.

  Thankful I found something to do with my time, I shower and decide to head out for something to eat, alone.

  The hotel offers a few different eating options and I decide on the outdoor terrace to dine by myself. Looking over the menu, I pull out my phone trying to translate some things. The waitress comes over trying hard to help me through her broken English but I can tell she’s getting frustrated with me.

  Allison walks up just in time, laughing and ordering for me in French before leaning down to give me a chaste kiss hello. Not exactly the welcome I was hoping for after a week apart.

  She sits down opposite me, smiling sweetly, “Well, hello there handsome. Are you waiting for someone?”

  I smirk, thankful for her playful mood. “Why, yes, I’m meeting this hot brunette so if you would excuse me, I don’t want her to get the wrong impression with you sitting here.”

  She laughs, letting out a small sigh of relief and moves closer to me with a sense of our old selves together coming back slowly. I reach out to hug her but the wall instantly goes back up and it’s an awkward hug, more like a business acquaintance rather than a lover, which makes my heart sink.

  “Have you eaten?” I ask.

  “No, and I’m starving. I ordered myself the same thing I got you.”

  Embarrassed, I flush, “Man, I really need to learn French. I didn’t know you spoke it so well.”

  “Yes, I took it in high school. Never thought it would come in handy but here I am,” she holds up her hands to her side in her proud moment.

  “Yes, you are. How was your day?”

  “Busy. But I’m loving every minute. I think I’m holding my own, too.”

  “I knew you would. I’m very proud of you.” I lean in to kiss her and she tilts her face to the side offering me her cheek making my heart ache even more. Fuck, I was right, I shouldn’t be here…

  We eat our meal together; both trying hard to fight the awkwardness between us but it keeps showing its ugly head. We head back to our room where it’s even more prevalent.

  I’m not sure how to act around her; so much has changed yet here we are. I still feel the same about her, but I’m not the one who was lied to or kidnapped. I just know I need to play this very cool so I don’t lose her again. I can’t lose her again.

  I attempt to grab her by the waist to pull her close to say hello once we’re alone but she moves fast out of my grip, trying to act like she didn’t see my real intentions and changing the subject as she walks into the bedroom, “So did you unpack?”

  I’m left shaking my head, hurting on the inside, “Yeah, I did. I was here for a few hours alone. I even got a good workout in.” I’m running my fingers through my hair, frustrated and glad she can’t see.

  “Sorry, I have to work though,” I sense a tinge of irritation in her voice.

  “No, I know. I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t want to get in the way of your work.”

  There’s another awkward silence between us as we sit in different rooms. I finally get the courage to walk toward the room and stop in the doorway as we lock eyes.

  This is it, the moment I’ve longed for and, at the same time, dreaded for the past week.

  We stare at each other for a minute before I finally get up the courage to whisper, “Are you ok?”

  A lone tear falls down Allison’s face and I see that she’s not. I timidly walk toward her; she’s looking down to her hands, playing nervously with her fingernails. I take the back of my knuckle and wipe her tear away as I lean down so I’m underneath her gaze. She looks up to me as more tears start to flow.

  “Allison, I can’t tell you how bad it hurts me to see you cry,” I lean in to kiss one of her tears away. She doesn’t back away; allowing me to touch her but doesn’t say a word. So I ask again, “Are you ok?”

  She grabs my hand, taking it away from her face and finally speaks, “Charlie, I just don’t know.” She stops not saying anything else, just looking away.

  “You just don’t know what? Do you not want me here?” God, please don’t say it.

  She looks to me without hesitation, answering, “Yes, I do. I just didn’t know it would be this hard.” She stands to move away from me. “It’s just so complicated.”

  I smirk at how the roles have changed in our relationship, trying to lighten the mood with a wisecrack, “Complicated, I can do complicated. We’re used to complicated.” I look to her to see if she shares my sense of humor.

  Her shoulders visibly drop as she starts to laugh. “Oh, Charlie, what am I going to do with you?”

  I walk toward her, holding out my hands to her hips pulling her close, “You’re going to love me.” I lean in to kiss her softly on the lips, “And I’m going to love you.”

  She kisses me back with a small kiss before she steps back, looking at me, “It’s going to take time. Please be patient with me.”

  I frown at her backing away, reaching my hand out to her, “I’ll be here, no matter how long it takes. I’m willing to do anything to have you back.”

  She pauses and I can tell she’s having a deep conversation in her head. It hurts to see her so torn over me. After a long pause, she turns and walks into the living room, leaving me standing there with my hand out.

  She sits on the couch putting her head in her hands, starting to cry again. I walk over to her, wrapping my arm around her, “Please don’t cry. Just tell me what I can do.”

  “Just hold me. Please don’t try anything else. I’m not sure how much I can take, please just this.”

  I’m so thankful for her response that I don’t say a word, leaning back in the couch and holding her close. We wrap up in each other, not saying a word until we both fall asleep.

  When I wake up, hours later, I notice that Allison has moved into the bedroom leaving me on the couch. I wonder why she didn’t wake me and if I should I join her or not.

  I look at my phone to see it’s four in the morning and peek around the corner to see that she’s asleep in bed but she took the time to clear off the other side of the bed that had my suitcase on top of it. Taking a chance, I go into the bedroom, remove my p
ants and shirt, sliding into bed cautiously, trying not to wake her.

  She is curled up facing me and opens her eyes as I slide in. We’re stuck in each other’s gaze and I’m unsure what to do so I whisper, “Hi.”

  Her lips form a small smile as she turns to her other side, sliding closer to me and allowing me to wrap my arm around her. Holding each other, we fall asleep again.

  Morning comes and we’re awakened by her alarm clock at six a.m.

  Allison turns to me, smiling sleepily, saying, “Morning,” before she sits up, walking to the bathroom wearing her same plaid shorts and tight tank top that she slept in back at her house.

  My mind is in a fog as I watch her walk away. Though just the sight of her makes my dick hard and my heart beat faster.

  The shower starts and I have to hold every part of myself back from walking in and joining her. I’m still not sure what’s going on and her saying, “Please don’t try anything else,” last night keeps replaying in my head. No, I have to play this cool. I can’t lose her.

  When she finally exits the bathroom, she’s wrapped in nothing but a towel. I’m lying in bed, propped up, looking at my phone. I look up at her, smiling and she lets a shy smile overcome her face. Nothing is said as she walks over to the drawers to dress herself.

  Looking back down at my phone, I try to sneak in any peek I can at her while she’s getting dressed. I know she notices but doesn’t say a word, making me smile on the inside.

  “Did you want to come to the photo shoot today? Maybe see what we’re doing?” she asks.

  I’m excited for the offer, “I’d love to. Should I get ready now?”

  “Yeah, you can come as we set up. Not sure how long you can stay but we can play it by ear.”

  “No worries, I don’t want to get in the way. I’ll shower real quick.”

  While I’m in the shower, Allison opens the door and a smirk comes over my face as I look at her through the glass door.

  We catch eyes and Allison blushes, “Sorry, I need to blow dry my hair. Do you mind?”


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