My Naughty Boss

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My Naughty Boss Page 6

by Charlotte Grace

  “Do you mind me asking how long you’ve known Lucas?” I asked.

  I had heard from Danny, as well as Lucas, that they’d been friends for years.

  Danny grinned. “Not at all. We met each other in third grade.”

  “Wow, that’s a long time. Did you guess he'd be a genius back then?”

  Danny chuckled. “Actually, he was the smartest kid in class. He loves what he does, and I love working for him. He’s a great boss.”

  Suzanne nodded vigorously. “Best boss I’ve ever had. There’s a reason I’ve been working here since the company was founded.”

  It didn’t help my state of mind to know he was a great guy. Lust was one thing, but starting to hope for more was crazy. I forced my brain to stay on topic. “I think I'm still getting my feet under me. I don’t think the way he feels about my job is quite the way he feels about you two.”

  Danny burst out laughing. “Oh, I’d say not. That's why I wrote the ad the way I did. The fact he hasn’t fired you yet speaks volumes. You seem to be handling him quite well,” he offered.

  “He's also done better with you than I expected,” Suzanne added.

  I glanced between them. “You think?”

  She grinned. “You don't seem to take it personally when he gets cranky, and he's actually done pretty much everything you suggested. That’s quite amazing.”

  Danny nodded firmly. “Absolutely. It’s good you don't have an ego about your suggestions. Just keep running things by us first. We can give you pointers if we think things need to be tweaked. I'll tell you this, if you can get the press to stop gossiping about his personal life, you'll make a friend for life. I don't think he'll ever let you go.”

  I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the flash of wishful thinking that rose inside. I’d love to say it was because I was proud of my work. “It wouldn't even be gossip if he wasn't so cranky about it.”

  “I know, we’ve told him that all along,” Suzanne said with a sigh. “The whole mess with Kayla blew up because she made a bunch of noise about it. I told him when he started seeing her that I didn't think she was a good fit for him. It took her screwing someone else and then getting all upset when he said he wanted a prenup agreement to show him the writing on the wall as far as she was with concerned.”

  This was a detail I’d pushed to the back of my thoughts. I could only imagine how the combination of those two factors felt for Lucas.

  Danny rolled his eyes. “Pisses me off. No matter what I think, Lucas is a decent guy and that was some shitty stuff she pulled.”

  “Well, I suppose it's good he found out before they got married. It sounds like she was only after his money,” I commented. Lucas was so much more than just his money that it made me angry to think his ex had been after only that.

  “Exactly what I told him. He’s so focused on work, I don't think he paid all that much attention to Kayla, or frankly to any woman he dated. I think he liked her enough to consider marriage might be a good option. She's gorgeous too. I hate saying it, but she is,” Suzanne said with a twist of her mouth, clearly offended that she had to even acknowledge Lucas’s former fiancée was beautiful. “In the end, I'm glad he broke it off.”

  Danny sighed heavily. “You and me both. I tried to tell him a few times she was too focused on money. Don't get me wrong. I know he's ridiculously wealthy, but that's not what defines him as a person. He loves his work, and the money is just a side benefit. I'm relieved it's over,” he said with a faux shudder.

  “I worry though,” Suzanne piped up. “Ever since he broke it off with her, he's hardly dated.”

  A flush rose inside, and I hoped it didn't show in the dim lighting of the café. It's not like I could consider what Lucas I had done dating, but we had spent the night together. It made me wonder if I was just one in a line of women he found physical release with. I swatted those thoughts away. I didn't need to speculate. The best thing for me was to take a step back to draw some clear lines for myself. I needed to get a handle on this rampaging, out-of-control desire he elicited inside of me.

  We continued to chat through dinner. By chance, I learned a few more details about Lucas. I was feeling comfortable enough with them I thought I could ask the one question I’d hesitated to ask before. I glanced between them.

  “Do you mind me asking about Lucas's father? If I'm crossing a line, just say so. I'm only asking because when I spoke with the interviewer to review the questions, that was one she wanted to ask about.”

  Danny eyed me and then shrugged. “We trust you. It's not this big thing. It's just Lucas doesn't like to talk about it. He and his dad aren’t on speaking terms and haven't been for years. It has nothing to do with his father’s work in the oil industry. His dad left when Lucas was still in grade school and hardly had a relationship with him the whole time. All he did was pay child support and occasionally appear at family holiday functions. That's it. There's no big story other than that.”

  My heart twisted a little in my chest. I might not know Lucas too well, but it was obvious he cared about those close to him. His long-term friendship with Danny was one example. From what I gathered from Suzanne, many employees stayed with Chandler International for a long time. The firm paid well, yet he also treated staff well. It hurt to learn his father was that distant from him.

  “Is he close to his mother?” I asked.

  Suzanne nodded. “Oh yeah. She lives here in New York. She occasionally stops by the office too.”

  Conversation moved on when a friend of Danny’s stopped by the table. We finished our dinner and then went our separate ways. I let myself into my quiet apartment later on. I slipped out of my shoes and my work uniform, a fitted skirt and blouse, and headed straight for the bathroom. After a bubble bath, I settled myself on my couch to watch television.

  My phone buzzed as I was drifting off. Snagging it, I glanced down to see a text from Lucas.

  I'll be home tomorrow. Can I persuade you to meet me for dinner?

  I stared at his message, my pulse speeding and my belly executing a slow flip. It was ridiculous the effect he had on me. A text, nothing more than a text, and I was getting hot and bothered. The emotional side of me wanted to immediately type yes with a few too many exclamation points. Then, there was the rational side of me that knew a bit better. It was a bad idea for me to pursue anything much further with him. I had already had one situation with a former employer who threatened to give me a bad reference, and I’d never even gotten close to being intimate with him.

  My reaction to Lucas was too powerful. I wanted too much. I had an annoying tendency to fall quickly for men in the past. I’d believed myself well beyond that. Now I felt silly because I was in a freefall. Just thinking about our night together made me hot all over.

  Calling on my willpower, I took a deep breath, my thumbs hovering over the screen of my phone. I forced myself to type a rational reply.

  I'm not so sure that's a good idea unless you're talking about a working dinner. Perhaps we should meet at the office.

  I reread my reply twice before hitting send and setting my phone down. It buzzed almost instantly again. I couldn't resist the foolish urge to look at it right away.

  I don't want a working dinner. I want you.

  His blunt reply startled me and sent liquid need sliding through my veins. Oh. My. God. How was I going get a grip if he said things like this?

  I had to forcefully ignore the little part of me that was jumping up and down for joy and flat out burning up with need for another night with him. I forced myself to reply rationally.

  I work for you. The other night was a lapse in judgment on my part.

  That was all I said. This time he didn't reply. I berated myself for being slightly disappointed. I fell asleep later, wishing I could be a more impulsive person. I wished I could throw caution to the wind and dive into a white-hot affair with him. One night with him had been the best sex of my life. It would be so amazing to let it play itself out. Yet, I couldn’t let
myself lose my mind over him. There was that and the small matter of my heart.

  Chapter 12


  I stepped off the plane at LaGuardia Airport, slung my bag over my shoulder and walked through the airport, quickly texting for my driver to come pick me up. By the time I made it out the front doors of the airport, my longtime driver was waiting outside. Stanley stepped out of the car, took my bag for me and gestured me into the car. We rode in silence for the first few minutes as he threaded through the busy traffic surrounding the airport and headed into downtown Manhattan. I hated driving in Manhattan. It was a madhouse.

  Stanley glanced my way after a few minutes, a glint in his blue eyes.

  “How was the trip?” he asked.

  “Effective,” I replied with a nod.

  Stanley was endlessly amused at my annoyance with negotiations, such as the one I’d just tidied up. Stanley had been my father’s driver years back and had known me since I was a boy. After my father left my mother, Stanley had resigned his position. Years later, when I had enough money to hire my own driver, I’d immediately reached out to him. He’d become part of my full-time staff. I preferred to have people surrounding me day-to-day that I trusted. Stanley, Danny, and Suzanne were in a small circle around me. I trusted each of them completely.

  “How are things here at the office?” I asked.

  Stanley flicked his eyes to me and back to the road. “Uneventful,” he replied succinctly.

  “You have another trip next week,” he added.

  I bit back a groan. I’d forgotten I was supposed to go to London next week. Dammit. I didn't want to go. Sophia’s final reply to me last night had left me frustrated and unsettled. It annoyed me to no end to have her creating this artificial boundary about working for me. I thought it was bullshit. Adding to my annoyance and unsettled internal state was the fact I hated how much I cared. I'd hardly been able to stop thinking about her and had been impatient to see her. When I’d finally given in and told her I wanted her, I hadn’t expected her to turn me down.

  I was furious about it. Part of my anger was with myself because I liked to be in control. Yet, I was definitely frustrated with her and didn’t intend to stand politely by while she blew me off. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and called Danny quickly.

  He answered on the second ring. “Lucas, I assume you've landed,” he said by way of greeting.

  “That I have. Stanley just reminded me of my London trip next week. I'd like you to reschedule it.”

  I heard a subtle hesitation in Danny's reply, but he moved past it quickly. I knew he was wondering why I would schedule reschedule any meeting. I intended to remain in New York for a few weeks. I wanted enough time to get things back on the right track with Sophia. The last thing I wanted was to try to woo her, only to turn around and leave next week.

  “Okay, is there any explanation I should offer?” he asked.

  “Just tell them something came up. If necessary, let them know it's a personal matter. Wait. Scratch that. Let them know I have a project delay I need to deal with.”

  That was a blatant lie, and Danny knew it. I anticipated he’d ask me about this at some point, but he was the master at waiting for the right time. One of the small advantages of being a worldwide leader in your own field was you could generally get away with things like this. I had no one left to impress and called my own shots. At the moment, I couldn't even remember who I was supposed to meet with in London. Probably one of the partners on an international project. No matter. Nothing was urgent except for Sophia. At least, not in my mind. An alarm sounded in the back of my thoughts, but I ignored it.

  Stanley entered the garage for my building and rolled to a stop in front of the private elevator. Usually when I got home after a trip like this, short or long, I always felt a sense of relief when I arrived at my quiet apartment. Here and my house in San Francisco were the two places I called home. I spent the most time in them and could relax.

  I beat back the urge to text or call Sophia right away. It occurred to me just now that I didn't actually know where she lived, but I knew how to find out. Normally, I would return from a trip like this and head straight to my pool for a few laps and a soak in the hot tub, or a steam in the sauna. This evening, I went directly to my home office, logged into the company's system and searched in the HR files.

  I knew I shouldn't be doing what I was doing. In fact, if Suzanne knew, she would be furious. She played by the rules, and that meant HR records were handled by HR. All I wanted was Sophia's address, so I convinced myself it was okay. As soon as I found it, I entered it into my phone and logged out. After a quick shower, I changed into a fresh pair of jeans and a jersey shirt. Sophia lived only blocks away from me. I threaded my way through the evening shopping crowds before turning down her cross street. The doorman to her building let me in and requested my name before buzzing her. I briefly wondered if Suzanne would refuse to see me. After a few minutes, the doorman glanced back at me.

  “I'm sorry. It appears Ms. Dawson isn’t available.”

  I didn't wait for further information and spun on my heel. I paused outside on the sidewalk, briefly considering whether to call Stanley. Yet, I’d just told him to take the rest of the night off. I stepped onto the street, contemplating whether to hail a cab, or walk to the office. My best guess was Sophia was still working. Impatient to see her, I snagged a cab.

  Within minutes, I was entering the office. It was past seven at night. There were a few lights on in the engineering side of the offices, but the administrative side was quiet. I stopped in front of the suite Sophia shared with Suzanne. Light filtered under the door. Just knowing I might be about to see her sent a bolt of lust through me. The effect she had on me was beyond my comprehension. I simply wanted her with a raw burning need.

  I didn't knock and stepped inside, closing the outer door quietly behind me. A quick look towards Suzanne's office verified she was gone for the evening. Sophia had left her door open. I stepped through the doorway just as she looked up from her desk.

  A sense of relief washed through me, mingling with another notch of need, the combination unsettling and invigorating. She set me on fire. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

  “Lucas,” she said simply.

  I leaned against the doorframe, sliding my hands into my pockets, feigning some semblance of control.

  “Hi Sophia. You appear to be working late.”

  Her hair was tied in a slapdash knot atop her head, loose auburn tendrils falling to frame her face. Her brown eyes were wide and the soft light from the corner lamp illuminated her. For a beat, she looked uncertain and then she nodded.

  “I am. You haven't replied to any of my emails.”

  “No, I haven't. I figured we could discuss anything necessary in person.”

  I pushed off the doorframe and crossed the office toward her. I still wasn’t accustomed to the way the air came to life around us whenever I was near her. She bit her lip and let her breath out in a sigh.

  When I reached her desk, I stopped. I wanted to kiss every freckle scattered across her nose.

  “Are you here to work?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “No, I was hoping you’d reconsider dinner with me.”

  She was quiet for a moment. I could practically feel the wheels spinning in her brain. “Lucas, I told you I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she finally said, her tone resigned.

  Intellectually, I knew why she was saying that, but I couldn't bring myself to care, not at all.

  “At least have dinner with me. We'll call it a working dinner if that makes you feel better,” I added.

  She tried not to smile, but she lost the fight, her lips curling and a little laugh escaping.

  Chapter 13


  I tried not to smile. Dammit, I tried. But it was impossible. A smile tugged at my lips, and a small laugh bubbled up.

  My eyes soaked him in. Dear God, even his hands were sexy. He rested one
on the edge of the table, the subtle motion drawing my eyes there. They were strong, just like all of him. I remembered the feel of his fingers buried inside of me, teasing me to an explosive orgasm. I gave my head a shake.

  Don't go there. Be professional. Stay professional.

  “I'll ask again,” he said. “Have dinner with me.”

  His mouth hitched at the corner in one of those dangerous, ridiculously sexy half grins of his. I felt my own smile stretching in response. Sanity flew out the window, although I tried to hang onto it.

  “That wasn't a question.”

  The other corner of his mouth curled up. “No, I suppose not. Let me try again. Will you have dinner with me?”

  I meant to shake my head, but instead, I laughed. He made me feel giddy and hot all over, flushed inside and out with need. I drummed my fingertips on the table, eyeing him and trying not to smile. I completely failed. I angled my head to the side.

  “Lucas, you know this isn't a good idea.”

  He was quiet, his hot green gaze locked to me.

  “Actually, I don't know that. In fact, I wouldn't be asking if I didn't think it was a very good idea,” he countered, his gruff voice doing crazy things to my insides.

  I clung to sanity by my fingertips, keeping the intellectual side of my brain barely functioning. The static and the fuzz of desire roaring through me were hard to rise above, but I managed. If only just barely. I tried to take a deep breath, but all I managed was a shallow gulp of air. With my pulse pounding, it was hard to breathe.

  “Lucas, I work for you,” I said, almost in a whisper.

  He lifted one shoulder in a subtle shrug, drawing my attention to the fit of his jersey shirt and jeans. His shoulders filled out the shirt, and I knew exactly how they felt, strong and muscled. I knew every inch of him was hard. My eyes, my willful eyes, kept moving. He didn't even try to hide the bulge of his hard cock. I swallowed. I remembered exactly how his cock felt inside of me, filling me and stretching me. My sex clenched, and I had to press my thighs together to try to ease the ache that suddenly developed there.


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