My Naughty Boss

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My Naughty Boss Page 8

by Charlotte Grace

  “Of course not. My sister can take care of my mom. I've only been to London once. Do I get to bring Roberto with me?” he asked with a grin.

  “Of course,” I replied, thinking to myself I would need to let Suzanne know she could bring her husband, which would then make it seem like three couples.

  Whatever. I was bringing Sophia with me no matter what. It occurred to me I hadn’t even had a conversation with her about this. I’d somehow convinced myself during my short trip out to California that I’d needed once more with her and that would get her out of my system. Clearly, that wasn’t the case. The more I was with her, the more it fed the raging need inside of me. For now, I didn’t care to ponder the meaning of that.

  Danny stood from his chair, pausing before turning towards the door. “Just so you’re aware, Sophia mentioned the interviewer wanted to ask a question about your father. She ruled it out, but I trust her, so I filled her in on the history.”

  I stared at him, thinking I should’ve been angry. But I wasn't. The story of my father wasn't much of a story. It was an old cliché. A rich guy abandoned his wife and child because he couldn't be bothered. Really, it wasn't a big secret. It just rubbed me the wrong way for anyone to be curious. The downside to how successful Chandler International had become was the media attention to my company and the need for me to play nice. I needed approvals and permits, and I needed our company to have a good public image.

  I’d rather the attention be about our business, but people were nosy, naturally so. They loved the story that my father was an oil executive, and I’d become a revolutionary change maker for sustainable energy. Whether or not my interest in sustainable energy was a reaction to my father's own career, I didn't know. All through school, I'd loved to build things. When I landed at MIT, I was assigned a project on sustainable energy and that formed my career path.

  I was more interested in the technology of the future, not the past. Oil was the past—a finite resource that was guaranteed to end. I enjoyed developing technologies that helped ensure a more sustainable world for the future.

  I looked across at Danny and shrugged. “It's fine. I trust Sophia too.”

  For the second time today, Danny's mouth dropped open and then a slow smile spread across his face. “Oh, you do?” he asked.

  I grinned. “Her instinct was to say the question is already off-limits. That's why I trust her. You and Suzanne chose well.”

  “I can't wait to tell her,” he said.

  For a flash, I wanted to tell him not to say anything, but it didn't matter. She might as well know I trusted her. It had nothing to do with the chemistry between us. She was simply a trustworthy person. She had a basic, innate decency to her. Even if I didn't like admitting it, the advice she’d given me so far had steered us right. Perhaps it was a small matter, but dammit, my break up with Kayla and then the way she pulled the strings of the media had gotten under my skin these last six months. It was nice to have Sophia step in and nip it in the bud.

  “Go right ahead and tell her. I'm sure she'll be glad to hear it. It doesn't mean I won't still give her a hard time when she gives me advice I don't like,” I added.

  Danny’s laugh trailed behind him on his way out the door. “I wouldn't know what to do if you didn't. I'll make those travel arrangements and forward you the schedule,” he called over his shoulder.

  I spun in my chair, glancing at one of my monitors. I looked at the latest design our San Francisco office had sent over. Seth didn't waste time. As soon as we'd sealed up our deal the other day, we had the patents and the information to go along with them sent out to our teams. They were already working together to build on the new technology.

  I should’ve been focused on this. In fact, my favorite part of project development was the early stages. Yet, I was distracted. I wanted to see Sophia again. I’d persuaded her to meet for dinner, but I had hours to go. I snagged my phone, my fingers hovering over the screen. I almost texted her to meet me in my office, but I had no reason other than the fact I wanted to see her. A thread of discomfort wove through me. I should’ve been more concerned about the effect she had on me, but I couldn’t see past my desire for her. With a hard mental shake, I forced my attention onto the new project.


  That evening, we were at dinner when I heard my name. I glanced up to see Kayla walking over to our table. You’ve got to be kidding me. Sophia's back was to her, so she hadn't seen her yet. I spoke quickly. “Kayla’s coming over.”

  Sophia's eyes widened slightly. Kayla reached our table. I didn't see anyone with her and was curious about that. She was rarely out in public without being draped on someone. Once upon a time, that someone had been me. She was still beautiful, but right now she did nothing for me. Sophia's earthy, sensual beauty outshone Kayla so brightly, Kayla was barely noticeable in its glare. Kayla was a typical beauty. She had long blonde hair, light gray eyes and a tall, willowy frame. She rested a hand on her hip, her gesture measured and calculated.

  Her eyes flicked between me and Sophia. “Hello Lucas,” she said in her throaty voice.

  It grated on me. It was a wonder I’d ever thought it was sexy, but then I hadn’t known Sophia when I used to know Kayla.

  “Hi Kayla. How are you?” I asked.

  “I'm fine,” she said curtly.

  I sensed she had more to say, but with Sophia here, it was unlikely she would. Kayla glanced to Sophia. “Hello, I'm Kayla, Lucas’s former fiancée,” she said, as if that was somehow important. “And you are?”

  “Sophia Dawson,” Sophia said quickly. She didn't stand, nor did she hold out her hand.

  I looked from her to Kayla and then added, “Sophia’s our new PR Consultant. She's doing a wonderful job for us.”

  Kayla's eyes narrowed slightly. I could practically feel her sharpening her claws mentally. She looked to Sophia. “I don't suppose you would give us a few moments alone.”

  I cut in. “I don't think so, Kayla. We have nothing to say to each other.”

  The air was thick with tension. Kayla was quiet, but only for a moment. “I thought we had something once Lucas.”

  I held her gaze. Honestly, I felt nothing. I was coming to realize the warm affection and superficial appreciation I'd had for Kayla were nothing compared to what I had with Sophia. In the short time we'd been together, Sophia was like a living, breathing flame, the desire between us pulsing with its own force. She was smart, kind and genuinely warm. Kayla was all gloss and surface with nothing underneath. She was just bright enough to trick someone into thinking there was more to her, and I’d admit I’d been tricked. I’d been so focused on my work I hadn't thought much beyond it.

  “Please excuse us and allow us to enjoy our dinner,” I said clearly.

  If Kayla meant to stare me down, she thought better of it. She turned, her cheeks red, and walked away. Even though I knew she was embarrassed, she still managed to walk as a though he was on a runway, her hips swinging in a calculated way, her stride long and smooth.

  No matter how calculated she was, she couldn't hold a candle to Sophia. Sophia took a sip of her wine. “Well, that was mostly uneventful,” she said with a rueful smile.

  She seemed slightly uncomfortable, and I didn't like it. I wanted to put her at ease and tell her not to worry about it.

  “I suppose it would have to be a bit awkward. The last time I saw her I’d just learned she’d been fucking a colleague of mine, and she was arguing with me about a prenup agreement. She concocted the entire discarded fiancée story. It wasn't mine. I should've taken Suzanne and Danny’s advice much sooner and hired someone like you right away.”

  Sophia's eyes widened and a small smile unfurled. My heart did that funny thing where it gave a hard kick to my ribs. My pulse notched up. I could deal with lust, I could deal with losing control with her, but I didn't know what to do with this feeling in my chest, this emotion that felt like it was tying my heart up into knots. But I loved when she smiled.

mentioned you told him you actually trusted me,” she said. “I take that as a good sign.”

  I stared at her, thinking I should say something. What came out had nothing to do with our conversation.

  “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  Chapter 17


  The following day, after another night when I couldn't bring myself to say no to Lucas, I was in the middle of a meeting with Suzanne when Danny stepped into the open doorway. Suzanne waved him in, and he slipped into the chair beside me across from Suzanne's desk.

  “So, we're all going to London for five days,” Danny announced with a gleam in his eyes.

  “We are?” Suzanne asked.

  “We sure are.”

  “Does we include me?” I asked.

  Danny glanced my way and grinned. “It sure does.”

  “Oh. Well then,” was all I could manage.

  Suzanne laughed. “Lucas travels plenty, but he rarely takes any of us with him. That's actually one of the nice things about working for him. Chandler International has its staff for all of its offices, but for the most part, Lucas doesn’t require us to travel with him.”

  Her gaze sobered. “Will it be okay for you to be gone for five days?” she asked Danny.

  As I'd gotten to know Danny over the last few weeks, I’d learned his mother was ill and he took care of her. He nodded. “It's one trip. My sister’s going to stay at my place. Oh, and he said I can bring Roberto, which means you can bring John. Think John will want to go?” he asked, referring to her husband.

  “I have no idea I'll ask him tonight. What about Roberto?” she asked in reference to Danny's boyfriend.

  “He’ll be there. It’s only five days, so we can swing it,” he replied.

  “Any reason why we’re going?” I asked.

  Danny shrugged. “He said something about the approvals he needs for the new project in London, but who knows? Will it be okay for you to travel?” he asked. “Lucas wants you there, something to do with PR for the London project.”

  I willed my body not to heat and my pulse not to go crazy, but just thinking about Lucas had that effect. “I can make it work,” I said, wondering about this abrupt change in plans. Lucas hadn’t mentioned anything about this trip.

  We chatted for a few more minutes and then Danny left. Suzanne and I finished up what we'd been working on before I returned to my office. I wasn't so sure it was a good idea for me to go to London, not with Lucas. Last night had been a mistake, as well as the night before and the first night. I seemed helpless in the face of my desire when it came to Lucas.

  Later that evening, Lucas was tied up in an emergency meeting on a project with his team in Silicon Valley. I took the opportunity to leave and called Megan, accepting her invitation to spend the weekend with her at her family's vacation home on Cape Cod. I was supposed to fly to London tomorrow afternoon according to Danny. I hadn’t received my official travel itinerary yet, and I planned to come up a plausible reason why I couldn't go. As unsettled as I was over Lucas, the deeper and faster I sensed myself falling for him, I needed to take quick action to create distance between us. Skipping the London trip would buy me six days away from him.

  In the meantime, I would figure out whether or not to keep the contract I’d signed with Chandler International. I primarily handled all of my consultations, but I occasionally outsourced smaller contracts to a former colleague, Andie Denton, who ran her own small PR consultation company. In flashes of sanity, I knew that was the best decision.


  Over dinner that evening with Megan, I finally fessed up about my intense fling with Lucas.

  “So…that’s it. Now I just have to find a way to gracefully get myself out of this contract,” I finished before taking a healthy swallow of my margarita.

  Megan’s gray eyes widened, and she stared at me for a long moment before leaning back in her chair with a sigh. “Why are you hell bent on ending this? It doesn't make any sense. It's obvious he's seriously into you. That night he joined us for dinner, I thought he was going to eat you up right there in front of me,” she said with a little laugh.

  I felt so foolish about the whole thing. I considered myself an intelligent woman, focused on my career and certainly not focused on roping in a rich guy. Yet, the way I was feeling was ridiculous. I could hardly stop thinking about Lucas, and I knew I needed to latch onto some sense. After hearing why Lucas broke it off with Kayla, I understood why he wasn't interested in something serious again. I needed to get sensible and stay sensible.

  “Look, here's what happened with his ex-fiancé. For starters, he found out she was screwing around with some other exec here in New York, and then she pitched a fit over the prenup. From what I've gathered from Danny and Suzanne, Danny’s known Lucas since the third grade. Suzanne’s worked for him for ten years. They know him well, and it sounds like he doesn't make much room for romance at all. He got burned. I don't know that he was heartbroken over it, but he’s plenty cynical about relationships now. According to them, he says he doesn’t intend to consider marriage again. You know me! When I fall for someone, I fall hard. I can’t be stupid over him.”

  Megan took a gulp of her margarita. “I know,” she said with a soft sigh.

  Megan and I had gone to college together, and she had nursed me through my first big break up. I had fallen what I considered to be head over here heels in love with a guy who couldn't really be bothered. I’d felt truly devastated when he broke up with me. I got over it and moved on, but first I’d been a wreck, crying, sobbing, and generally feeling like I’d never meet anyone else I loved. It was ridiculous.

  Megan took another sip of her margarita and wagged her finger at me. “You got over that. Just like you did the next guy.”

  “Well, I know,” I added with a roll of my eyes. “But, it's like I have a radar for guys that don't want commitment. I'm fine being independent, but I don't do the casual dating thing well. I can't work for Lucas and be his…I don't know…his employee with benefits.”

  “Do you really think that's all he wants with you?”

  My mind flashed back to the other morning when I sank down onto him.

  “Sophia, you've ruined me,” he’d said when he dragged his eyes open.

  The connection between us had felt so powerful and intense. I gave my head a shake. There was lust and then there was love. I was silly like this. I tended to fall hard and fast, and I needed to be rational here.

  “I don't know, but it doesn't matter what he wants underneath. Consciously, his career is what matters to him. According to Danny and Suzanne, he doesn't plan to do the serious thing again. He doesn't want to be chased for money, and he doesn't trust easily. He keeps a tight circle, and I think he likes it that way. I can't just waltz in and think this thing with us will work out.”

  “So you took me up on this weekend trip, not because you wanted to get some girl time with me, but because you wanted to escape,” she said with a sly grin.

  I took a swallow of my drink and leaned back with a sigh. “I wanted my girls’ weekend, but it did give me a good excuse.”

  “What's your excuse for not going to London?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ll tell them a personal emergency came up, and I'll ask Andie to take over the contact. It’s not a total lie because my emotional state could be considered an emergency,” I explained with a slight smile.

  Megan glared at me. “Oh my God. You're not even going to face him.”

  “Oh, I will. I’ll tell him exactly why I’m backing off, but I figure I can use the time to get my head screwed on straight.”

  Megan chuckled and drained her margarita, immediately lifting her hand and waving for the waiter to bring us more drinks. “For the record, I think you’re making a mistake.”

  Chapter 18


  “What the hell do you mean she’s sending someone else?” I asked, staring at Suzanne.

  Suzanne held my gaze, hers calm
and composed. “She said a personal emergency came up.”

  “That's not okay,” I countered sharply. “I want her here. I don't want somebody else. She's the only one I trust.”

  “I can't tell you how happy I am that you trust Sophia given your resistance to us hiring a PR consultant in general. But we can't force her to come. I'm sure she'll be available when you get back from London. Also, I’m sure anything you need from her can be handled from a distance. I can send her a message and see if she's going to be available online,” Suzanne explained logically.

  I spun away, crossing my arms and staring out the windows behind my drafting table. Fuck. I’d been tied up last night and hadn't had a chance to check in with Sophia before she left the office. When I texted her, I'd gotten no response. I came into work today to find out she wouldn’t be going on our London trip. I was furious. Not with her in particular, but mostly with how out of control I felt inside.

  “Are you okay, Lucas?” Suzanne asked from behind me.

  I was definitely not fucking okay. But I wasn't about to share that with Suzanne. I spun around, schooling my expression to calm.

  “I'm fine. I would've appreciated more notice than this from her.”

  Danny stepped into the office at the tail end of my comment to Suzanne. He arched a brow and leaned against the doorjamb.

  “The very definition of an emergency is that you can't plan ahead. Whatever came up for Sophia, we don't own her, so get over it,” he said pointedly.

  I glanced between them. I could sense they were curious about my reaction. Hell, I should’ve been curious about my reaction, but I wasn't. This thing with Sophia was driving me crazy. Nothing but a few nights with her, and it was like I couldn't live without her. I, who’d sworn I wasn't going to take anyone seriously again, was on pins and needles wondering why she wasn't responding to my texts and wondering why the hell she couldn’t come to London. I gave myself a mental shake and shrugged.


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