Mariette And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 2)

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Mariette And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 2) Page 19

by Rosie Harper

  “How come you decided to get into the gang life. You are successful for being a professor at a business college,” I pointed out.

  “I could ask you the same thing. Why did you choose the life you did? Your parents and everyone else thought you would be something great and wonderful. I guess I could answer your question. Do you think sitting at a desk is something I actually enjoy? It doesn't excite me. It doesn't even excite you. I have been in the criminal life ever since I can remember. It was a family run operation. My brothers, fathers, and uncles were all in it. It would make no sense if I bucked the system by not being involved with such a lifestyle.

  I never knew there was a dark side to the professor that I thought was a bookworm. I didn’t imagine him being like this. I always thought he was the saint out of the both of us, but here we were smoking weed while we were naked in my bed and talking about crime. He was the boss, and I was the mistress. This was the life I needed and desired. It kept it interesting.

  I climbed on top of him as I held the headboard and dropped myself down slow on his erection.

  It seemed like today even with pleasure, we were still able to talk about who we were, and are.


  The Date

  I was beginning to fall in love with Mark. I knew that it was against what everyone would have told me, but here I was thinking this was Heaven. The time we spent together only led up to us going out on dates all the time and I was starting to grow my feelings more and more for him.

  I sighed as I looked out of the restaurants window. I was as far as I could get today from eating supper with Mark on our date and I wasn’t sure why that was; it was unlike me.

  Mark lightly kicked me under the table.

  Our relationship seemed to be tangled between my drug addiction, life and expectations that everyone had of me and the crime life that surrounded Mark. As time went on I realized that I was labeled as Mark’s mistress because of the way we met. Most of the time we hid our relationship and only a selected few knew about me.

  “You seem off today.” Mark finally said.

  “I guess I am just thinking about everything going on. I still don’t know exactly what to expect. I was set up by your nephew and dating you. Everyone that knows tells me that you really don’t have feelings for me. I am just there to please you when you are lonely. I don’t know what to think.” I whispered.

  The sound of gunshots peppered the restaurant as Mark quickly pushed me out of the booth and on to the floor. Glass peppered the area like rain.

  I knew neither one of us were safe. I closed my eyes and waited for the bullets to stop flying by. Curiously I was wondering if I was even still alive; it felt as if it would never end with the gunshots.

  “Are we dead yet?” I asked out loud.

  “No, we aren’t dead. It’s just a drive by shooting. This will stop soon enough when the kids get bored and move on.”

  I was sure that Mark was lying since it seemed like it had been going on for eternity. The cell phone in Mark’s pocket was ringing, but he seemed not to budge. I tried hard to turn it off, but Mark seemed as if he was frozen.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I realized whoever had been shooting had been pretty mad about something. It wasn’t a random drive by shooting at all.

  “Who the hell is doing this and why?” I asked Mark.

  At the moment I was unsure if I could deal with this.

  “I am sure that little prick thinks it is funny. I swear this time he has gone too far; he is going to die for this.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “Johnny is the only one that knew tonight I would be here with you.”

  Here I had my life risked for no excuse at all. The only thing good that happened was the fact that Mark had saved my life. He had made sure to push me to the ground, even if it meant a bullet grazed his shoulder and he was in severe pain. I guess as I questioned about his love, I realized that he truly did love me.

  I heard a car’s engine pull away and yet I was still too scared to move.

  “Are you sure it was Johnny? He is your nephew.” I pointed out.

  “You have a lot to learn about this business Stacy. Your family is the first to try to kill you off, especially if power is involved.”

  “Why would he do that though?”

  “He is probably unhappy with the fact I punished him for selling drugs on my street again. I can’t have that shit around if I don’t want to get caught. Every time I do he finds a way to appoint himself to assassin and tries hard to take me out. That’s why I am positive it is Johnny.”

  I bit my lip and started looking at the glass that was all over the floor.

  “I guess that’s a good way to ruin a romantic date.”

  I shrugged. “I guess it comes with the territory.”

  Mark looked at me with those eyes that read through my soul. I was sure that he knew I was making excuses to try to tell him why everything was perfectly okay and it was normal to be shot at in a restaurant. I wasn’t sure what to think any more. I just knew that I had glass in my hair and I loved Mark. There was no walking away from a love like this.

  I could tell that Mark was serious about how often Johnny tries to kill him. I was afraid that one of these times he would actually succeed. I knew it wasn’t my place to ask him to leave this world since both of us knew way too much.

  Mark took my hand while still ducking as we made our way to the back of the restaurant where the back door was.

  I tried hard to push this out of my mind as we were finally safe behind the building. For the longest time I held on to Mark. My heart beat was extremely fast and I just wanted to hold on to him in fear that I would lose him.

  Mark touched my cheek. “If I haven’t told you how much I care about you, let me tell you how I feel.” he whispered as he reached down and kissed me.

  “There will be time later for that, we got to get you to the hospital.” I whispered.

  “I think we have enough time. It isn’t like it is the first time I have ever been shot at. I want you to know that today wasn’t supposed to end up like this and that I do care about you.” Mark said as he kissed me again.

  I tried to hold the tears back as best as I could. I was still scared as hell, but I did know that Mark was telling the truth. He did love me and proved it by saving my life.



  I woke up in a cold sweat. What had I been thinking? Mark and I had been sleeping together for several months now. It had been fun, but my life was spiraling more and more out of control. I was the one that desired more things such as coke and drugs. I was starting to wonder if Johnny was right.

  I looked in the mirror and didn’t even recognize myself or even know what I had done. I didn’t even have any memories of last night. I knew I did something.

  Mark looked at me and smiled. I was usually at peace in his arms, but today I was far from being at peace. He seemed to enjoy himself, but I felt miserable like something had happened and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  “I guess I will see you at class, perhaps you will be bent over my desk later.”

  I smiled at this image of being bent over his desk.

  I looked back, and Mark had left and the house was empty. I was empty, and I needed to get to both school and work.

  Johnny was waiting by my car.

  “I told you we would have fun last night, didn’t we.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “Mark and everyone took turns with you again. You loved it. Aren’t you glad for once I ratted you out?” he asked as he put his hand down.

  “I don’t know what you are saying?”

  “Hey, if you don’t come through I have pictures and video of what you did to everyone. I am sure your parents would love a copy.”

  “What do you mean if I don’t come through?”

  " I can’t complain when I get to gang bang you. You were amazing

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “Why don’t you ask Mark? I am sure you remember that he asked you to murder his wife last night. You said you came through and as your payment, you were to gang bang everyone. If you didn’t everyone is going to see the pictures and videos.”

  “Who?” I asked horrified.

  I didn’t know Mark was married. I guess that was the reason he always stayed at my house.

  “Mary, you know Mark’s wife.” Johnny went on.

  Mark had played me this whole time, calling me mistress only because I liked to be gang banged and how the punishment had unfolded. I never knew that he was married.

  “Mark was married?” I gasped.

  “Don’t you remember anything, Stacy?”

  “I thought Mark and I were dating!”

  “Mark date? He has a harem of girls he says that to all the time. You are just one in a million. He always goes for the college girls that end up screwing up by having drugs on them. What no one knows is the fact he is peddling them just as fast as you are buying them.”

  I looked horrified at him. Mark had made me feel loved as if this was real what we had. My body had craved his attention, and I was still curious enough if I killed his wife or not. A part of me didn’t even want to know what they got me to do. I was sure if Mary was dead, that I would be the first to find out.

  I found myself quiet in class as I refused to make eye contact with Mark, even when he called on me to answer questions. My mind wasn’t anywhere close to here at the moment.

  By the time class ended he knew that there was something going on.

  “Where are you going? We are supposed to be going on a date tonight. You can’t exactly where that. I told you to wear one of those short dresses that I like.”

  I let out a sigh. “I met up with Johnny; actually he was waiting by my car.”

  “Oh, that’s good. I didn’t see him when I left. We are going to be late for our picnic if you don't hurry.”

  I was suddenly the timid person who was trying to shy away from Mark.

  “I can’t even fathom what I found out about last night. I knew my mind was blurry, and I couldn’t understand it. I found out you were married, and you had me kill your wife.”

  “I am not married? Did Johnny really tell you that? He was nowhere near us last night. You drank too much vodka and you passed out on our bed for crying out loud.”

  I wasn’t sure what to think, but I knew that someone was lying one way or another. I wasn’t sure at the moment if it was Johnny or if it was Mark. All I knew was the fact I couldn’t remember what happened either way.

  I tried hard not to think that Mark could be capable of doing this to me, but tears were springing down my cheek.

  “I don’t think I can handle this. I don’t think I can handle killing people or being told that if I don’t follow through that pictures and videos will surface. My whole life has been turned upside down since I saw Johnny this morning.

  Mark reached into kiss me, and I pulled away. “I don’t know who Mary is, but I will find out sooner or later if I killed her. If I did, don’t even bother coming home.”

  I left him standing there still waiting to kiss me as his erection was protruding from his dress pants. I made my way for the door.

  I bent down to pick up my books I dropped.

  “Let me remind you of our love,” Mark whispered.

  He quickly unbuttoned his shirt, and he slipped my skirt up. I knew the race was on to see who could get naked first, even though I was mad at him.

  He scooped me up and placed me on the desk.

  “Let me show you how much I love you.”

  I was positive he would have been more romantic if it weren't for the fact that we were stuck in his classroom. I no longer was fighting the urge to run away as I felt the gentle and kindness in his arms. His hands were caressing my cheek as he kissed me all the way down to his neck. My desire was becoming a reality again as I forgot all about who Mary was or even if there was a Mary at all.

  He pushed his fingers between my legs, and I let out a moan as he entered. My body began arching wildly as I began to buck my hips and drive him deeper inside me. It wasn’t a surprise that both of us were showing the pleasure quite from this. My heart was beating faster.

  I felt the strange sensation that Mark was slowly taking over my body once again as he began to tantalize me with the rhythm of my heartbeat.

  Mark lightly tapped my butt with his hand. I let out a moan that was filled with pleasure. I didn’t have to tell him to go harder. He already knew when to thrust himself deeper inside me.

  “I was never married. I have the proof if you want to go to town hall. They keep records of who is married and who is single. I don’t know what Johnny was talking about, but I am sure it is because he was jealous.”

  My body was quivering each time Mark began to pulsate inside of me and then give a deep thrust. I was sure everything was going to be okay now that Mark and I had made up. He had shown me once again even though we lived a cruel and hurtful life, which we were both still madly in love with one another.



  Falling For A Thug

  African American Romance

  By: Violet Hill

  Falling For A Thug

  There was something about falling in love with a bad boy that women can’t resist. I was one of them that couldn’t resist it at all, no matter how hard I tried. In fact, I had been beating the desire to get involved with Tony for a long time.

  Tony had been my best friend since we were in school together and although we went different ways in life, we seemed to always seem to keep crossing paths no matter where we are. I keep trying to tell myself that although I am smart and sweet, Tony is the opposite. He is a successful billionaire, but there is a little more to him than that. He also lives the thug life that most didn’t know about, except for me. We had always been one another’s secret keep ever since I could remember.

  It was almost as if every day I partially lost myself looking in Tony’s eyes. He made me feel whole where no one else seemed to be able to come close to that. I didn’t care that he had a darkened part of his life. I was battling the fact I had strong feelings for him no matter what. I wasn’t with him though and we weren’t even lovers.

  I couldn’t help but to wonder where I went wrong in my life. I was stuck with a man who barely could stand me. I knew that as time had gone on, life eventually took its course. I just wasn’t prepared for how the outcome would be. My husband was Rafael and the far opposite of what Tony was in personality and profession. Rafael was a lawyer, which I hated the fact that he seemed like he was always working constantly and long hours. Tony was a self-made billionaire.

  It had been five years since I had married Rafael, and it seemed as if the love I once had for him was dead long ago. My husband and I met shortly after college. I was a waitress for a diner that wasn’t far from where he was interning as a lawyer.

  Often I find myself wishing that I was in Tony’s arms instead of laying next to Rafael every night. I knew that Rafael had been cheating on me for a long time. It was obvious the way he would come home with female’s perfume and lipstick on his clothes. I sat there and took every moment of it because that is how I would rather do things instead of facing the truth. I didn’t want to be alone and leaving somehow meant I failed.

  I looked at myself in the mirror. My dress hung to my body and showed off all my curves. In Rafael’s eyes, I wasn’t supposed to wear dresses because I wasn’t perfectly built. I wasn’t a ‘stick’ I was ‘curvy’. He hated that about me and it seemed like every holiday or birthday I got another gym membership from him, as he told me how much he loved and appreciated me.

  I was hoping to meet up with some friends today at the corner bistro. My friends would go on and on about their life, which most of the time made me feel empty. Every now and again as we sat and I listened how great their life was
, I would catch a glimpse of Tony walking around as he would have a business meeting there. It is in those small slivers when I saw him, my heart would skip a beat. Rafael no longer held that feeling over me anymore.

  My cell phone rang and I looked down to see it was one of my friends that I was meeting up with.

  “Hi Gabby, I promise I am on my way!” I said as I grabbed my keys off the sideboard.

  “Good! I can’t wait to see you! Everyone has been wondering where you have been hiding! I bet we won’t even recognize you since it has been so long!” Gabby joked.

  “Gabby, it has only been two weeks since the last time you saw me.” I pointed out.

  It was hard to meet up with anyone when you sported a black eye. My husband seemed to have quite the right hook, which he often used to keep me from going places. Since he was a lawyer he knew every single law and would have ruined me. I knew this without having to be told by anyone, perhaps it was because he often reminded me of the fact he would often.

  My friends had mixed feelings about Rafael. Most of my female friends loved him and thought he was the greatest thing. Tony was one of the few hated him.

  Today would be no different than any other time that I went with them to the bistro. My friends would ask about Rafael and how he was doing and then proceed by telling me how their life was going.

  “I am sure tonight you will join us for lady’s nights and catch up in one of the clubs.”

  I rolled my eyes. I hated going to the clubs. I wasn’t as young as I was used to, and besides Rafael didn’t like me going to the clubs. I was on a very short leash that Rafael restricted me often doing stuff.

  I put my little silver sports car in gear.

  “When are you going to get here?” Gabby asked.

  “I will be there in less than ten minutes Gabby. Geez, will you be patient? I am driving down Sunrise Boulevard right now.”

  Half the conversation that Gabby was rambling on about, I wasn’t even listening to. I was just agreeing every now again so it made me sound like I was listening. I pulled into the parking spot next to the bistro and got out.


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