Mariette And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 2)

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Mariette And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 2) Page 70

by Rosie Harper

  “I’m sorry, I should have let you known when I was getting close. I drove all night, it was cooler that way. I knew Arizona was hot, but I didn’t expect that.” She teased, putting her charming smiled back on and wandering through his living room. She took out her phone and discretely began snapping pictures of his 60” TV, his multiple gaming systems, and other valuables he had in the room. Perhaps if she could do this quickly, Elias wouldn’t wait a full week and they could to the job and get out of there before any attachments grew. Lucy glanced over at Colby out of the corner of her eye and sucked in a breath. Before any attachments on either side grew.

  “No, it’s not a big deal. Yeah, a lot of the state it pretty hot. Luckily, we’re closer to the mountains here and get an afternoon rain which will cool things down at night.” Colby said, gesturing for Lucy to sit. Lucy smiled her thanks and took a seat, marveling at the quality of his leather couch. She might as well just photograph everything and tell Elias to take his pick because it was obvious that Colby purchased quality items.

  “Would you like something to drink?” Colby offered, stuffing his hands in his pockets just to give them something to do. Lucy smiled at him, trying to give him her calming smile that worked on so many anxious targets in the past.

  “Water would be great, thank you. So what all do you do out here, Colby?” She asked, making sure to use his name to build his trust. Guilt tore at her, making her feel briefly saddened that her experience and area of years of study was in manipulation. Maybe Elias was right, what else was she truly qualified to do? She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind and put her smile back on when he took a seat beside her and handed her a glass of water.

  “I’m a cattle rancher. My family and I raise cattle for meat. We treat our animals with the greatest kindness and allow them free range over the fields while they pasture. We feed them the highest quality cornmeal and when it comes time to slaughter, we try to do it as quickly and humanely as possible. That’s why we’re number one in the state. We care for our animals and our product, unlike a lot of other operations.” Colby explained. Lucy nodded as she listened, finding her nerves fade the longer she listened to his rich voice. He really care about what he did and he cared to do it the best way he could. She felt admiration grow for him in her breast and she looked down at the phone in her hand.

  “That’s incredible. So your whole family is in the business?” She asked, trying to get him to keep talking. She listened while he explained the history of his family and how many generations they’d been in this business. His relatives were among the first to settle in this region back in the 1800’s when it was still the Wild West. As he went on, Lucy discretely began deleting some of the photos she took. Elias didn’t need to know about the vase on the shelf that was probably worth a couple hundred dollars, or the painting on the wall that was easily a few grand. She would only send him the obvious he would be expecting. She glanced back up at Colby and deleted a few more pictures. No matter what Elias’s goals were, she didn’t really want to take this wonderful man for everything he had. She wasn’t sure she wanted to take anything from him at all.

  “What about you? Where’s your family from?” Colby asked, genuinely interested. Lucy took a deep breath and put her phone away. She pursed her lips in thought and let the breath out slowly.

  “Well, I guess my family is originally from Guatemala, but they immigrated a long time ago. My great-great grandfather came over and moved to California where he got a job as a ranch hand. My family pretty much stayed there. They’re still there.” She said, trying to remember how long it had been since she’d seen any of them. She and Elias had run off shortly after her eighteenth birthday and they only went back once. Colby detected the sadness in her tone and resting his hand comfortingly on hers.

  “Do you have any siblings?” He asked, trying to get to know her more. Lucy’s face brightened and she nodded.

  “Oh yes. I have three brothers and two sisters. Two of my brothers and one of my sisters are older, the other two are younger. My older sister just had her third kid and my older brothers are each on their second.” Lucy said, laughing a little. Colby smiled and sipped his water. It felt so natural to talk to her, he barely noticed the passing of time at all. He just wanted to keep listening to her melodious voice and her laugh.

  “Wow, that’s a big family! Are you the favorite aunt, then?” He asked, giving her a teasing smile. Lucy’s smile faded a little and she shook her head.

  “Nah, they don’t really know me. I think I only met my sister’s oldest and one of my brother’s. It’s been a long time since I’ve been back to see any of them.” She said sadly. Colby felt bad for bringing it up and tried to think of something else to say to lighten the mood.

  “Well, I always enjoy California. Maybe we can take a trip there sometime soon. I’m sure all the kids will be excited to see their Aunt Lily.” He said, giving her a wink. Lucy’s heart stopped and her growing smile at the idea froze. That’s right, she was Lily not Lucy. She put her charming smile back on and nodded, repressing the disappointment at the realization that his wonderful suggestion would never happen.

  “Yeah, that’d be great.” She said, putting her hand over his to show him that she liked the idea and to establish intimacy. Colby gulped and stood up, walking over to the kitchen to get his blood moving through his body again.

  “Are you hungry at all? It’s almost lunch time. I can make us something real quick and then show you the rest of the property.” Colby offered. Lucy smiled and nodded.

  “I’d like that.” She said, following him into the kitchen. This was going to be a hard week, she had already lost herself and told him some very personal information. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to blow her cover.


  Lucy stepped out of the shower and breathed the steam in deeply. She’d been with Colby for two days now and it was getting harder and harder to remember that she was there to do a job and not to actually marry him. He showed her around the property and took her on his daily routine taking care of the cows and everything. She was very impressed with his work and she loved watching him do it. He wore a cowboy hat over his long hair which he kept tied back and his t-shirt was typically matted to his chest from perspiration. He was an amazing man with a good heart and an amazing body. She would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit that she was attracted to him. However, like a gentleman, he hadn’t made any physical moves toward her to her disappointment. She knew she wouldn’t be able to accept anyway, since she was always faithful to Elias, but a kiss wouldn’t hurt. That was just part of the job, right?

  She sighed and wrapped the towel around her, walking into the guest bedroom she was residing in. She picked up her phone and resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the text messages Elias had sent her. She was getting sick of his “plans.” She just wanted this to be over. She tossed the phone back on her bed and began to dress for bed. Colby had gone to bed the same time she had hoped in the shower and she was sure he would be asleep by now. Dressed in her nightgown with her wet hair combed back Lucy felt restless. She was tired but she knew sleep was far from her grasp. Picking up her phone, she snuck out of her room and tip toed to the patio. She quietly slid the door open and stepped out into the cool night air. The house was dark, and she relaxed knowing that she was alone. She took a few deep breaths in, allowing herself to relax. She stared at her phone, contemplating calling Elias before deciding that hearing his voice would give her the courage to finish this. She just had to make sure that he would follow through on all his promises.

  “Hey baby, what are you doing calling me? Has something gone wrong?” Elias answered, his tone concerned. Lucy’s shoulders slumped and she regretted her decision immediately.

  “No, everything’s fine. I just miss you.” She said, keeping her voice low. Elias chuckled on the other end and Lucy felt sadness fill her.

  “Don’t worry, it’s only a couple more days and then we’ll be out of here! This plac
e is super boring anyway, I’ve been going out of my mind.” He said, rambling a little. Lucy bit her lip and listened, a familiar feeling of inadequacy washing over her.

  “Yup, a couple more days. Well, I just wanted to hear your voice. I’ll let you go.” She said, wanting to get off the phone because he was less than helpful.

  “Sure baby. I’ll see you soon. Keep sending the pictures, you’re doing great!” He said and then hung up. Lucy stared at her phone and felt like throwing it into the field. She sighed and went back inside.

  “Can’t sleep either?” A familiar deep voice asked her softly. Lucy jumped, startled by Colby’s unexpected appearance and smiled when she realized it was just him.

  “No.” She said, smiling and walking toward him. He was standing in front of his stereo, getting a song set up to play and Lucy watched him curiously. He was shirtless, clad in only a pair of gym shorts and his hair was loose from its typical band. Her hands started to shake with the desire to touch him, to run her fingers through his hair and across the span of his chest. She set her phone down on the counter so that she wouldn’t drop it and stood just behind the couch. Colby began to play the song and smooth jazz filled the living room. Lucy closed her eyes and an appreciative smile turned the corners of her lips. She always loved instrumental music, but Elias rarely let her listen to it. He found it boring, she found it soothing. She opened her eyes and saw Colby standing in front of her with his arm outstretched.

  “Dance with me?” He asked, holding his hand out to her. Lucy’s smile broadened and she accepted, taking his hand in her own. He twirled her toward him until she was close enough for him to wrap his arm around her waist. She put her other hand on his shoulder and stared up into his green eyes as he swayed them to the music. Lucy felt so at peace and filled with contentment in that moment she thought she might burst. She wanted this. She didn’t care about the little house on the beach, she wanted this. She wanted what was in her arms. Colby leaned down and captured her lips with his own. Lucy gasped at the warmth that spread through her and she opened her mouth. His tongue slipped in between her lips and slowly massaged hers. It was a deep, sensual kiss unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. Elias and she were so young when they got together that everything was fast and impatient. As they got older, the skill got better but the pace never changed, never slowed. Lucy moaned against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck to bring him closer. For tonight, she didn’t want to think about Elias or the job. She just wanted to be in this moment.

  Colby’s hands rested on her waist and began to trail upward on her ribs. Lucy pressed herself closer against him and tangled her fingers in his hair, urging him on. His hands slipped up and cupped her breasts, massaging them through the thin material of her nightgown. Her nipples instantly peaked and he rubbed the pads of his thumbs over them. Colby pulled back from the kiss and stared down at her. Reserved passion sparked in his eyes and she could tell that he wanted her but wasn’t about to push her. A true gentleman.

  “Lily?” He whispered, asking the question he needed to know before he allowed his reserve to break. Lucy’s smile faltered a moment, almost imperceptibly, as the fake name washed over her like a cold shower. She gave her head a little shake to rid herself of the frigid guilt and smiled up at him. That didn’t matter right now. All that mattered was them, and that for this moment: it was real. She stood on her tip toes and kissed him again, letting her hands trail down the contours of his sculpted chest. Accepting her answer, Colby bent down and scooped her into his arms. Gasping in surprise, Lucy pulled back from the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her to his bedroom.

  He lay her on the bed and lifted the hem of her nightgown over her head. His eyes roamed over her body, taking in all her curves and the mounds of her breasts. He let out a shuddery breath and lowered himself on top of her, kissing her deeply again. Lucy wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling his arousal pressed against her thigh. She moaned and hooked her fingers in the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down so that the only fabric that was still between them were her panties. Colby broke the kiss and started planting open mouthed kisses along her jaw, her neck, and down to her breasts. He took one nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it while his hands pulled her panties off. He moved his attentions to the other breast and slid a finger inside her. Lucy let out a breathy cry and arched against him.

  “Colby.” She pleaded, reaching for him and entangling her fingers in his hair. He looked up at her and smiled. His smile was sweet and loving and it made Lucy’s heart break form the beauty of it. She spread her legs a little wider and he slid inside her. Lucy cried out as the length of him filled her completely. She hooked her ankles behind him so that he stayed that deep inside her and she began to rock against him. Colby pulled out and thrust back inside her, making her gasp. He pulled out slowly and thrust hard and fast inside her, building a slow rhythm as he made love to her. Lucy felt her pleasure building slowly in her belly but it was more intense than anything she had felt before. She lifted her hips to meet his thrusts and cried out as his speed began to pick up. She met his eyes and he leaned down to kiss her just as her orgasm broke and waves of pleasure coursed through her. She tightened her hold around his waist as she rode the waves, her nails digging into his back. Colby didn’t break the kiss as he felt her walls contract around him. He moaned against her, knowing his own release was about to burst. He gave another thrust and spilled inside her, gasping against her lips and letting out a soft cry of his own. He collapsed beside her, pulling her against his side. Lucy wrapped her arm over his stomach and nestled her head on the shoulder of his arm that he looped around her shoulders.

  “I love you.” He whispered into her hair. Lucy smiled, her eyes closed and sleep finally coming to claim her.

  “I love you, too.” She said, telling him the words she hadn’t said to Elias in over a year.


  Lucy stretched out on the large bed, sliding her hand through the empty sheets seeking the warm body she had been wrapped in the entire night. Finding only empty sheets, she pealed her eyes open and looked around. The memory of their night together came back to her and she smiled. She was going to have to tell Elias the job was off. Lucy rolled onto her back and let out a deep breath. She did love Colby, but she knew it was never going to work out. He thought she was someone else. If she couldn’t give him what he wanted, the very least she could do was not take anything from him. Heaving a sigh she rolled out of bed and scooped up her clothes from the floor. Where was her phone? She wondered, not recalling where she set it down. Thinking it must be in her room, she decided to get ready for the day and change. Once she was dressed, she looked all over the guest bedroom trying to find it. Lucy cursed when she couldn’t and put her hands on her hips as she tried to remember what had happened leading up to the most amazing kiss she’d ever had. Lucy began to retrace her steps, walking into the hall. She remembered feeling lost and calling Elias, which had been stupid. Then she saw Colby and set her phone down on…

  “I think we should talk, Lucy.” Colby said, his tone cold and his eyes just as frigid as his voice. Lucy stopped in her tracks and she stared at him, horrified, as he sat at the table with her phone in front of him. Her mouth dropped open and his glare intensified. She took a cautious step toward him, looking between him and the phone on the table. It was still locked, so he hadn’t broken her pass code, but when he pushed the button to light up the screen the recent messages from Elias were visible on her lock screen. Her shoulders fell and she felt tears build up in the corners of her eyes. Colby didn’t say anything as she read the messages that he had seen.

  “Everything’s set up, babe! We can go early if you can get him out of the house tomorrow.”

  “Lucy, did you find a safe? I need to let my guy know whether or not we will need him to crack it.”

  Lucy looked into his eyes and felt the stab of betrayal he was experiencing. She opened her mouth to say somethin
g but she didn’t know what. She didn’t know what she could say that would fix this. Colby growled angrily and slid her phone across the table to her. He stood up and started to head toward the back door.

  “Get out.” He growled opening the door to leave.

  “Colby!” She shouted after him, making him stop. Tears were slipping out of her eyes and she saw his expression soften slightly before becoming enraged again. He slammed the door shut and stomped over to her.

  “What? What can you possibly have to say?” He shouted. Lucy flinched at his biting words but stood her ground.

  “I’m so sorry. I was going to tell him to call it off. I do love you, and I wish I could give you what you so deserve.” Lucy said, her voice cracking a little through her tears. Colby’s anger began to fade but it was replaced with pain.

  “So was it all a lie?” He asked, clutching the back of one of the chairs. Lucy shook her head, her tears fogging up her vision.

  “No. The only lie was my name. Everything else I’ve told you is true.” She said, wiping the tears from her eyes furiously. Colby shook his head in disbelief and gave a weary shrug.

  “Then why’d you do it?” He asked. Lucy heaved a sigh and shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose.

  “Because Elias asked me to. He promised me that this would be the last job and then we could retire from the con and he’d finally marry me properly.” She answered. Colby’s eyes widened and he swayed a little, pulling out the chair to sit down on.

  “You’re already married?” He asked incredulously. Lucy shook her head frantically and wrung her fingers.

  “No, not really. Elias and I grew up together. We started dating when I was eighteen and that’s when he convinced me to run away with him. So I did.” She started explaining. Colby stared up at her, listening quietly to her story. Lucy ran a hand through her hair and took another step toward him. “We tried to make an honest living at first, but there weren’t many jobs and the ones we could get didn’t pay much. Eventually, one of his old managers came up with a con to steal from the company. Elias was pulled in and it worked. After that, he started planning his own cons and I joined him. We were making more money but we had to stay on the move. We went home once, but it was only for a day as we were passing through. We couldn’t stay anywhere for long in case someone reported us. We’ve been together for nine years now and he did propose and had it blessed by his cousin who was a former priest, but that’s it. I just wanted to get out, to stop running. I want everything I told you I wanted.” Lucy explained. Colby nodded, his eyes looking away from her and down at the table. His fingers traced the grains and he processed the information.


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