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Sylor Page 11

by Elin Wyn

  “No,” I smiled, my words as soft as his. “I’m still dreaming,” I continued, reaching for him and delicately brushing my thumb over his parted lips. His eyes never left mine as I did it, and I felt something in his gaze. Desire? was more than that.

  It was hunger.

  Scooting over so that my whole body was pressed against his, I took my fingers from his lips and then closed my eyes. Taking my time, I rested my forehead against his and then waited.

  “Nesta…” Sylor whispered, laying one hand on my right hip. I felt his fingers sliding under my shirt, his fingertips caressing my naked skin, and that was when I felt his lips against mine. The moment I felt his tongue part my lips, I completely lost it. I surrendered to the same hunger that burned in Sylor’s eyes, and I let desire take me over.

  “I’m right here,” I told him, rolling on top of his body so that I was straddling him. I felt his hardness straining against his pants, and I laid both my hands on his chest and threw my head back. Grinding against him, I moaned softly as I felt his rock-hard desire.

  This time, I wouldn’t let anything stop me.

  This time, I would go all the way.

  “I want you, Nesta,” he said, his right hand resting on the curve of my ass. His fingers dug into my flesh, and another moan exploded from between my lips as he reached up with his free hand and started massaging my breast. I felt my nipples harden up, my shirt suddenly becoming uncomfortable, and I simply pulled it over my head. “I need you,” Sylor continued, lowering his voice as his words fell into a tense growl.

  “Then shut up and take me,” I threw back at him, both my hands on his chest. Leaning down, I crushed my mouth against his and allowed our tongues to dance around one another, Sylor’s hands busy with exploring every inch of my body. We kissed in a frenzy, the desire I felt quickly turning into an unstoppable tidal wave, and I just tore his shirt off his body.

  I held my breath and, pulling my lips off his, I took a moment to appreciate his half-naked body. His muscles were so perfectly delineated that it seemed as if his body had been carved out of marble by a master sculptor’s chisel, the purple bands that crawled up and down his arms somehow making him look even stronger than he already was.

  Never allowing my eyes to leave his, I scooted down his legs slightly, my fingertips slowly making their way down his chest. I felt the grooves of his abs under my fingers, a shiver running up my spine as his muscles tensed under my touch, and I only stopped when I felt his hard member pulsing against the palm of my right hand.

  I knew Sylor was a gifted Valorni but, oh, that word applied to so much more than just his talents with weaponry design. I had already had him between my lips, his warm flesh throbbing with desire against my tongue, but as I curled my fingers around his somehow felt like the first time once more. I massaged him over his pants for a short moment, but it didn’t take long before I was pulling his pants down his legs, freeing his erection.

  “Your body,” he demanded, rolling to the side and pinning me against the floor. “I want to see it.” He didn’t wait for a response. Instead, he just knelt between my legs and unlaced my pants. Leaning down, he sucked one nipple into his mouth as he pulled my pants down my legs, his tongue carefully circling my aching extremity.

  “You’re delicious,” he continued, the tip of his tongue sliding down the curve of my breast. He kept going down, both lips and tongue traveling over my belly, and only stopped when he met the elastic band of my underwear. Holding it with his teeth, he then simply pulled as hard as he could, the sound of fabric ripping and tearing making me moan with anticipation.

  “Don’t make me wait,” I begged him, propping myself up on both my elbows. Breathing hard, I reached for him and curled my fingers around his hardness, flicking my wrist as my fingers traveled up and down his length. I knew little about the Valorni, but it seemed that not only their muscles were impressive. Sylor was an impressive specimen, I had no doubts about fact, I was surprised I could wrap my fingers around his hard member.

  “Come here,” he growled, hooking his fingers under the back of my knees. Dragging me across the pillows toward him, he closed the distance between both our bodies and then…

  “I want you,” I moaned as I felt him, hard and wild, against my wetness. Lacing my legs around his waist, I pulled him toward me with a kind of desperate urgency, and Sylor did exactly what I needed him to do.

  One thrust and he was inside me.

  My eyes rolled in their orbits as I felt his rock-hard member strain against my insides, each movement of his hips sending flames of violent delight up my spine. Digging my fingernails into his shoulder blades, I just surrendered to the moment and let him take me.

  My body was his.

  “So good,” Sylor growled, his eyes on mine. “Nesta, you’re...amazing.”

  “Only noticed now?” I teased him, but the last part of my sentence was drowned by a moan escaping from between my lips. Ecstasy lashed out of every single nerve ending I had, and even my mind seemed as if it were on fire.

  Acting on pure instinct, I rolled, laying both hands on his chest and pushing him back, followed after him, never allowing him to leave my body, and started rocking my hips against his own the moment I had my knees on either side of his body.

  I rode him as hard as I could, enjoying the way his hands desperately explored every curve there was on my body, from my ass to my breasts. I went as hard as I could, beads of sweat already appearing on my forehead, and I let a kind of wicked fury take over my movements.

  “I’m gonna...I’m gonna…!” I started to say, but I didn’t even get to finish my sentence. Before I knew what was happening, my heart had started drumming violently, my body tensing up like a nocked arrow. That tidal wave of pleasure finally crashed against my body and, for a moment, I thought that my consciousness had deserted me.

  Sylor, though, brought me back to reality.

  Thrusting upward, both his hands firmly planted on my hips, he kept on unleashing pleasure all over my body. Each thrust of his felt like heaven and, the moment his cock became even harder than before, his whole body tensing up like mine had done just moments before, I readied myself for what was about to happen.

  “SYLOR!” I screamed out, another orgasm spreading its wings deep inside me. My muscles twitched, my breath grew ragged, and it seemed my brain was working overtime to keep me conscious. Each time Sylor’s cock throbbed against my inner walls, delivering his seed into my body, a quivering moan tumbled from my mouth.

  “Nesta,” he whispered quietly, the electric frenzy that had taken over both our bodies slowly fading. Reaching up, he delicately pushed a lock of hair away from my face. “Are you alright?”

  Smiling, I rolled to the side and collapsed on top of the pillows, next to Sylor’s naked body. His question was a silly one. After all, there was only one possible answer.

  “I’ve never been better.”


  I awoke to Nesta’s naked form cradled against my own. I ran my fingers lightly down her arm as her head rested against my chest. She let out a mild moan and shifted a bit, a smile across her face as she remained asleep.

  I thought back to last night, to how our time with one another fed my emotions like no other action in my life. To have been inside her, to feel her move against me and grind her body against mine, I wanted that feeling again. I shifted slightly and brought my free hand up to caress her shoulder lightly, slowly bringing my hand down to her breast.

  “Are you really wanting more?” she whispered with her eyes still closed.

  “Do you blame me?” I whispered back. “Last night was a feeling that I wish to repeat as often as we can.”

  She chuckled lightly and started to run her hand down my chest, to my waist, finally resting upon my cock. “Hmm,” she started. “Looks like you might be ready to go again.”

  “And you?” I asked.

  “Of course,” she smiled. Then, an unusual nois
e emanated within the tent. She looked up at me and began to laugh. I joined her. My own stomach joined hers in rumbling and our laughter grew. “Maybe we should eat something first,” she suggested.

  “I agree.” We untangled ourselves from one another and put our clothes on. Within minutes, we were exiting the tent. “Where should we go?” I asked.

  She shrugged, then smiled. “I know somewhere you might like.” She led me to a small stall where a middle-aged man stood over several pots and pans. The smell wafting from his stall made my mouth water. “John,” she said happily as we approached the stall.

  He looked at the both of us in confusion for a moment, then settled on Nesta. She sidled up to the stall, her prettiest smile on display. Finally, recognition hit him and he let out a loud bark of laughter. His booming voice echoed as he answered her. “Nesta!” As he came out from behind the stall, he walked with a heavy limp and I quickly discovered why…his left foot was gone, replaced by a poorly fitting prosthetic. “Where have you been, darling?” he asked as he scooped her up in a massive hug that seemed to swallow her. He was as tall as I was, heftier than I, and you could see the power that he must have once had. I wondered what his profession had been before he ended up down here.

  “Can’t. Breathe,” Nesta joked as he hugged her. He set her down and held her by her shoulders, looking her up and down. She looked up into his eyes. “I’ve been trying to make it day-to-day, my friend. At the moment, I’m starving.”

  “Ha! Of course, of course,” he boomed as he let her go and went back behind his stall. “Why else would you come to visit old John?”

  “You know better than that,” Nesta said as she sat at one of the stools in front of his stall, indicating that I should take the other. “I love seeing you.”

  He winked at her as he scoffed, then sneezed into his elbow. “You always were able to make old John feel better. Now, what can I be getting you and your green friend?” His looks in my direction were filled with actual kindness, as well as a bit of protective zeal.

  I nodded to him and he returned my nod.

  “What have you got today?” Nesta asked.

  “Well, on this morning’s menu are some Corven eggs, a bit of Binseg stew, and some fresh bread, courtesy of Ms. Jamis,” he said as he tapped each pan or pot in succession.

  “That old woman is still kicking?” Nesta asked through a barely held back chuckle.

  “Aye,” John nodded as he grabbed some plates. “And she’ll probably be kicking long after we’re both dead.”

  “Too damn stubborn to die,” Nesta joked. They both laughed as I sat there, absorbing the moment. I had no desire to interrupt and force my way into their enjoyment. “Well, John, we’ll take each and keep it coming.”

  “You always did have a strong appetite. Enjoy,” John said as he filled our plates and set them before us. As we ate, Nesta introduced me to John and we held a pleasant conversation. I learned that John used to be a soldier until an accident took his foot. When he lost his family and a chance at work, he fell into a bad time until he discovered life down here. He was happy, and that’s all he wanted.

  After we ate, Nesta and I returned to our tent to gather our gear. “Want to look around a little?” Nesta asked.

  I shrugged. “Why not.” I knew that we must return, but a short time looking around wouldn’t hurt. Perhaps we would be able to find something down here that I could use.

  Nesta led me back to the market and we spent our time browsing. In several of the booths, Nesta seemed to be reuniting with people she knew from her youth. In others, I found a few things, parts and components, that I felt I would be able to use. I purchased them, overpaying a bit in order to help. Each vendor thanked me and Nesta gave me a small pat on my arm or a hug each time.

  We were well into the middle of the market when Nesta suddenly stopped walking. She stood stiff, her eyes wide. I was unable to tell if she was angry or shocked. Her skin paled as she looked across the market. I looked as well, but could not see what could possibly have gotten her attention in such a way.


  She ignored me and began walking through the crowd, weaving her way through them with ease. I tried to follow, but my size slowed me down. As I tried to gently push my way through, I kept my eye on Nesta. She was approaching an older looking gentleman, older than John. He had noticed her as well and was making his own way towards her.

  He opened his arms and put a smile on his face. I wasn’t close enough to hear what was said, but I could tell Nesta was angry. She pushed the older man, and was yelling at him.

  I missed most of what she was saying, but I finally managed to get close enough to hear “…you bastard! How could you do that to me?”

  I reached out and caught her before she could push him again. “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  She looked back at me and calmed slightly. “This?” she asked, pointing at the man. “This is the man that raised me.”

  I was shocked. She had told me that he was dead.

  She must have seen the look on my face. “I thought he was dead, too. This is Odeon, leader of Sabre, my mentor, and the man that ‘died’ during the Xathi attack.”

  I looked at the man. He was not a big man, thin, but not sickly. He must have been in his sixties, if you could trust the wrinkles on his face and hands. His arms were covered in tattoos and his nearly bald head was covered in stubble, as if he had shaved his head only a few days before and had yet to do so again.

  I had an instant dislike for the man. The way he looked at Nesta, and how his eyes rarely left her, made my hands itch for a weapon. I remained calm as he looked at her, a profound sense of disappointment on his face.

  “Nesta,” his falsetto voice carrying a little too much innocence. “You wrong me, my dear.”

  “Wrong you?” Nesta nearly shouted. “You were supposed to be dead. You left me alone, to fend for myself, and you left the group to falter and break apart. You abandoned us!”

  “Please, let me…”

  “Explain?” she shouted. “Explain what?”

  He looked at me, a look that seemed to ask me for assistance. Not wishing to oblige him, but wanting Nesta to calm down, I pulled her aside. “You need to calm down,” I said gently, regretting my words instantly.

  The anger flashed in her eyes as she looked at me.

  “I…I did not mean for my words to come out that way,” I quickly explained. “I am merely trying to keep you from losing your temper. Perhaps he has a reason.”

  “A reason for abandoning me?” she growled.

  I nodded, slowly. “I do not condone his actions, or defend them. I am merely stating that you should allow him the opportunity to speak, to discover what he has done and why.” I looked back at him and resisted the urge to break his face. The smile on his face made me want to vomit. I turned my attention back to Nesta. “And if you don’t accept his words then, you can beat him half to death for all I care.”

  She looked at me and grinned. It was an almost feral grin, but at least her anger was sated, at least a little bit.

  I turned back around and let Nesta go. She carefully, slowly, and methodically stepped towards him. His smile grew as she approached and her anger returned. I was unable to blame her, I wanted to see what it felt like to have his jaw break beneath my fists.


  “Why don’t you come join me for tea?” Odeon asked us. I really wasn’t in the mood for tea, I was in the mood to boot him halfway across the warren and back.

  So I was surprised when I agreed to sit and have tea with him. I grabbed Sylor and dragged him along with me as I followed the man that raised me through the market to a small building that looked like it had been carved out of the cave.

  “Come in, come in,” Odeon said with a flourish as he pulled aside the curtain that was acting as the door. “Please don’t mind the mess, I’ve been struggling to find a reliable maid to help me keep this place looking respectable.”

  We walked insi
de and I was blown away. ‘Don’t mind the mess,’ he said. Hah! What mess? This place was immaculate. If there was anything that could be called a mess within this first room, it would be that there was a glass still on the table that took up the middle of the room.

  There were six chairs sitting around the rectangular table that looked to be made from solid wood. How he got a wood table down here was beyond me, but he seemed to be very proud of it. The interior of his stone home was adorned with artwork and the interior had been white-washed to bring light and brightness to it. On the wall opposite the entrance hung a piece of artwork that took up the entire wall.

  To my left was the entrance to what looked like the kitchen, while to my right were two other doorways, both with metal doors. “I hope you like my humble home, it took quite a long time to finish it, and I’m still waiting on my new door. If you’ll excuse me,” he excused himself and walked into the kitchen, presumably to make us our tea.

  I took a seat at the table, trying to figure out what was happening. I had been so angry at Odeon, yelled at him, and he was calm and polite as could be. The more I thought about how calm he was, the angrier I got.

  “Are you okay?” Sylor asked me quietly.

  “I don’t know,” I whispered. “He’s supposed to be dead, and here he is, living well and looking happy. It makes no sense.”

  “Perhaps he’ll explain when he returns with our tea,” Sylor suggested.

  “Oh, I’ll make him explain even if he doesn’t want do.” Yeah, I was angry with him. I wasn’t going to let him get away with conning me, I was going to get the truth about what was happening.

  “Here we are.” Odeon came back into the room with a tray filled with breads, cheeses, and three mugs of steaming tea. “Hope this will be enough, I was actually in the market to go shopping when I saw you.” He smiled politely at me as he handed me my mug. He handed a mug to Sylor before taking his own. “Drink up, drink up.”


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