More Than You Know

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More Than You Know Page 1

by Nan Rossiter

  Books by Nan Rossiter

  The Gin & Chowder Club

  “Christmas on Cape Cod” in Making Spirits Bright

  Words Get in the Way

  More Than You Know




  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Books by Nan Rossiter

  Title Page






















































  Discussion Questions


  Copyright Page

  In memory of all dearly missed, irreplaceable, beloved Moms … including mine.


  To my editor, Audrey LaFehr, and my agent, Deirdre Mullane, whose thoughtful suggestions, patient guidance, and words of encouragement help make every story the best it can be; and to all the unsung heroes at Kensington who do their best to make every book a success; to my husband, Bruce, and our boys, Cole and Noah, who always keep me smiling and keep track of how many pages I’ve written; to my dad—my number-one fan—who tells everyone he meets about my latest publishing endeavors! To my friend and neighbor Carol Papov, who shared a real-life experience that stayed with me and inspired the beginning premise for this book; to my friend Carol Kent, who eulogized my mom with a wonderful letter—and then happily blessed my idea to use the same format in the book; and to all my reading friends whose kind words make me believe I can really do this … I am truly blessed!


  Anyone passing by the Chesterfield Inn on that snowy November night would have felt drawn to the cozy warmth of the dining room’s brightly lit windows. The flickering candles and the cheerful fire crackling in the fireplace made the elegant table settings sparkle invitingly, but Mia and Thomas Graham were the only ones enjoying the inn’s charming ambiance and delectable fare that quiet evening. It was their fifth wedding anniversary, and despite the weather and Mia’s protests about the expense, Tom had insisted they celebrate in style.

  Savoring her last morsel of apple pie, Mia pushed her dessert plate away, contentedly closed her eyes, and rhythmically stroked her smooth, round belly. “We’ve got one busy girl,” she said. “She’s always on the move.”

  “She takes after her mom,” Tom said with a gentle smile, reaching for her hand. “By the way,” he asked, “how do you know it’s a she? Maybe it’s a he.”

  Mia looked into Tom’s solemn gray eyes, sparkling in the candlelight. “Maybe,” she teased. “You can always hope.” She knew that her handsome, athletic husband would love nothing more than to have a son to mentor in life and on the playing fields. “But keep in mind, girls play sports too.”

  “I know, but our first two seem much more interested in dolls and dresses.”

  Mia smiled. “Well, I hope you won’t be disappointed if it is another girl.”

  “You know I won’t be. It would just be nice to have someone on my side when the going gets tough. I’m not sure I can handle a house full of women—especially when they’re teenagers.”

  Mia laughed. “I’m on your side,” she said with a smile.

  “You know what I mean—my side of the gender gap.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll manage. They’ll have you wrapped around their little fingers, and when the time comes, you’ll be the one who’s teary-eyed when you’re walking them down the aisle.”

  Tom laughed, knowing she was right. He often thought Mia knew him better than he knew himself. He gazed into her cornflower blue eyes and reached out to stroke her smooth cheek, as if trying to memorize its soft curve. “I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you too,” she said softly. “More than you know.”

  Tom smiled wistfully, picked up his fork, scraped his plate, and licked the last sweet remnants of chocolate decadence. He’d never been very good at serious, intimate moments, so the shorter they were the better. “Well,” he teased, his boyish grin returning, “have you two had enough to eat? Enough, at least, to get you home?”

  Mia laughed. “I don’t know. I might have to stop at the diner for another piece of pie.” Tom stood to help her slip on her coat, kissed her softly, and then bent down and kissed her belly too. “Love you too,” he murmured, gently laying his hand on the roundness. “Hey, maybe he has a basketball in there,” he surmised, then felt a purposeful kick. “Or maybe he’s a soccer player,” he added brightly.

  “Maybe,” Mia said with the smile that always had a way of stealing his heart.

  They nodded to their waiter and stepped out into the wintry night. Tom put his arm around Mia and guided her across the snow-covered parking lot. “Told you it would stop snowing,” he said, pulling her closer and kissing her forehead.

  She nodded and then almost lost her footing, but he held her tightly. “It’s still slippery, though.”

  “I won’t let you fall—I’ll always look out for you,” he said with a smile, helping her climb into the passenger seat and blowing on his hands as he walked around to his side of the truck.

  “How come you didn’t come out and warm it up for me?” she teased.

  “I should’ve,” he said apologetically, starting the engine, turning the defroster on high, and reaching for his scraper.

  While she watched through the icy stripes of slowly defrosting glass, she thought of all the times she’d shivered in the passenger seat while Tom cleared snow off frozen windshields: from the time he was sixteen, clearing off his dad’s Nova, to the cracked leaking windshield of the old Valiant her dad had given them when they got married, to tonight, through the window of his used, but meticulously maintained pickup truck. Intent on his task, Tom didn’t notice Mia watching him; he didn’t know she was thinking the years hadn’t touched him; that he still looked like the slender, dark-haired high-school sophomore she’d fallen in love with ten years earlier; he didn’t know she was considering how much more she loved him now, or that she was whispering a prayer, thanking God for giving her such a good man.

  He climbed back in the cab, tucked the scraper under his seat, adjusted the defroster, and held his hands over the heat. “Warming up?” he asked.

  She nodded, admiring his rosy cheeks and then looking down at her wedding rings.

  He put the truck in gear and slowly rolled forward, the tires crunching on the snow. “Look,” he said when they reached the road, “all that worrying for nothing. The plows have already been through.” Mia relaxed as he pulled onto the wet pavement.

  “So,” he said, turning the fan down a couple of notches and swi
tching the setting from defrost to heat, “I keep meaning to ask you—have we settled on a name yet?”

  Mia adjusted her seat belt so it didn’t cross her belly and answered, “Well, if it’s a girl, how about Beryl?”

  “Hmm … is that the name of another amazing female author who’s capable of doing anything she puts her mind to?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” Mia conceded with a grin.

  “How’d I know?” Tom said with a laugh.

  “Well, our girls are going to be remarkable women, so they should have remarkable namesakes.”

  “They’ll be remarkable if they’re anything like their mother—who, I might add, will be an amazing author in her own right someday.” He paused. “But what if it’s a boy?”

  Mia looked thoughtful. “How about Thomas?”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Tom said, easing up to the light. “I think I’d rather give him a name of his own.” The light turned green and he eased into the intersection. “I’ve always thought naming your child after yourself is a bit …” He looked over at her, trying to think of the word he wanted. Unexpectedly, he saw the color draining from her face.

  “Tom, look out!” she screamed. He turned in time to see blinding headlights hurtling toward them, and slammed on his breaks, but it was too late—the careening car smashed headlong into the driver’s door, pushing the truck off the road and down an embankment.

  Mia felt her head hit the window, and heard metal and glass smashing as the truck rolled over and over like an out-of-control amusement park ride. Excruciating pain shot up her leg while the seat belt cut savagely into her abdomen and neck. Finally, the truck stopped, teetering precariously on its side and leaving her suspended by her seat belt. Gasoline fumes burned her nostrils and throat, and she felt something warm trickling down the side of her face. “Tom!” she screamed over and over … but there was only silence and darkness and dust.

  In the days that followed, Mia read the accident report so many times it became etched in her mind. Their anniversary was scrawled in the upper right-hand corner in pencil: November 15, 1968; the rest of the report was typed. It stated that forty-eight-year-old Clay Davis had begun drinking when he left work; his blood alcohol level at the time of the accident was .25; the speedometer of his Buick Riviera was frozen at ninety-six miles per hour; there were no skid marks; and Clay Davis walked away from the accident virtually unscathed. The report went on to say that twenty-six-year-old Mia Graham received minor injuries, but her husband, Thomas, was thrown from his Chevrolet C-10 pickup and crushed by its rolling impact. He died instantly.

  These words echoed through Mia’s mind and tortured her endlessly until the image of her husband’s body being tossed like a rag doll was the first thing she saw when she woke up and the last image in her mind before she finally fell asleep. But it was the very last words that haunted her the most: He died instantly . She kept trying to grasp this simple concept: Tom was alive in his body one second, but not the next. His spirit, essence, love, the sparkle in his dark gray eyes—everything that made him Tom—was all there one instant, but gone the next. Where did it go? Where did he go? Mia had heard the words, died instantly, countless times, but now that they applied to someone she loved—someone who was her whole life—she found it impossible to comprehend.

  It was weeks before she began to remember actually being in the accident, before the jagged images flooded her memory and woke her, screaming from her troubled sleep. If they’d only left a minute sooner or a minute later … if he hadn’t had to clear snow off the windshield, or … if they hadn’t gone out to dinner at all … he’d still be alive.

  The doctor had given her a prescription to ease her torment and help her rest, but she worried she wouldn’t hear the baby, so she refused to take it. Instead, she lay awake, night after night, her cheek, wet with tears, pressed against Tom’s pillow, breathing in the scent that lingered there and knowing she would never again wash that old blue pillowcase. She slipped her hand over to touch the smooth, cool sheets on his side of the bed, and her heart ached with grief as she prayed that the baby, born that same tragic night, would wake so she’d have someone to hold.


  In thy book were written, every one of them,

  the days that were formed for me,

  when as yet there were none of them.

  —Psalm 139:16


  Beryl Graham pulled on her North Face jacket and ran her fingers through her short dark hair as she walked around her pepper white Mini Cooper to open the passenger door for Flannery. The soulful old bulldog looked up at her and then eyed the distance to the ground warily. “C’mon, Flan-O, it’s not that far. You can do it,” she urged. The stout, short-legged dog edged cautiously to the door and tentatively reached her paw out over the gaping precipice before shaking her sloppy jowls and backing away. “It’s not the Grand Canyon, you know!” Beryl teased affectionately, noticing that drool was now splattered across her dashboard. The homely face gazed at her forlornly and she couldn’t help but laugh. “I know, I know, someday I’ll be old and need help, too … although, honestly, I think I’d rather leave this earth before I need help!” She reached around Flannery’s barrel-shaped belly, scooped her up, and set her gently on the ground. Without looking back, the compact canine waddled off, sniffing the new dandelions sprouting up everywhere across her old stomping grounds.

  Beryl watched her go and shook her head. She opened the trunk, pulled out two threadbare green bags, bulging with groceries, slung one over each shoulder, and then wedged the bag of Macintosh apples into the cardboard box from the package store. She hoped she’d remembered everything: two bottles of Toasted Head chardonnay for Isak, “and a Barefoot Pinot for good meshah,” she murmured, mimicking her oldest sister’s New England accent, and a bottle of Rex Goliath for Rumer. “The one with the roostah on it,” Rumer had said, trying to trigger Beryl’s memory; but when Beryl had stood in front of the red wines, she couldn’t remember if Rumer had said Merlot or cabernet, so she’d finally decided on Free Range Red, knowing her organically minded middle sister would appreciate that the “roostah” had been allowed to wander.

  Beryl hitched the box up into her arms, reached into the corner of the trunk for the small paper bag of beeswax candles and a fresh tin of English breakfast tea leaves, and tried to balance everything on her knee while she closed the trunk. “Not happening,” she muttered. It didn’t matter, she wasn’t staying long. She just had to drop off the groceries, get Flan settled, and then head to Logan to pick up Rumer. She looked up at the old farmhouse full of memories. Its peeling white paint glowed in the melancholy light of late-afternoon sun, and its windows reflected the bright flames that were streaking across the azure sky. It looked as if an artist had dipped his brush in orangey pink water and swept it across the scene, washing it in the translucent warm hues of day’s end, and then splashed bright, fiery orange on the windows. Beryl could almost hear her mom’s soft, unassuming voice quoting one of her favorite writers: “The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich man’s abode.” Beryl smiled, remembering how much Mia had loved Thoreau—she even named her cat after him—and then her smile dissolved, remembering that she’d forgotten to feed the famous author’s namesake who, after thirteen years, still presided over Mia’s tea shop. Oh, well, poor Thoreau would just have to wait.

  “Stay around, Flan-O,” she called over her shoulder. The pudgy dog nosed around under the tire swing that hung from a majestic, old oak tree but didn’t look up. “No deer poop!” she warned, but Flan didn’t hear—or else chose to ignore her—because she suddenly began to gulp down the new delicacy she’d found. “Okay, if you must. But please don’t roll in it!” As if on cue, Flannery fell on her fat side and began wriggling around in the tall grass. Beryl shook her head and looked up to heaven. “Mum,” she implored, “could you please get your dog to behave?”

  She set the box on one of the Adirondack chairs on the front
porch and fished around in her pocket for the key. Finally, she pulled the entire contents out of her pocket and realized, in alarm, that she was still carrying around her mom’s wedding rings. She slipped them on her finger, found the key, unlocked the door, picked up the box, and went inside. Setting everything on the old Formica table in the kitchen, she took off her jacket, threw it over a chair, and opened the fridge. When the light didn’t come on, she had a sinking feeling the power was out; then she remembered that she’d unplugged it after she’d helped her mom move into the nursing home.

  Mia had just turned sixty-six when Beryl began to suspect that something was wrong. Initially, she told herself that her mom was just getting forgetful—perfectly normal for someone her age. But when she started having trouble remembering the names of people she’d known all her life and forgetting to take inventory and place orders—tasks that were necessary to keep her tea shop running smoothly—Beryl began to wonder if it was something more. She and her sisters had grown up working beside their mom at her shop, Tranquility in a Teapot, and at first, she tried reminding her mom what tasks needed to be done, but when that didn’t seem to help, she just started doing the chores herself. She also began paying closer attention when Mia was helping customers and soon realized she was having trouble recalling where items were stocked on the shelves. It’s so unlike her, she’d thought, Mum knows this shop inside out. But it wasn’t until Beryl stopped by the house one evening after work that she’d really begun to worry.

  As soon as she walked in, the smell of gas almost knocked her over. She rushed to the kitchen and found the oven on and a pilot light out! She immediately turned off the oven and pushed open the windows, but her mom, sitting in the next room, was completely unaware of the danger and only said that she thought something smelled funny. Later that night, Beryl called Rumer at home in Montana and mentioned the incident, and by the next morning, Isak was calling from California with the name of a neurologist. Beryl said she was sure old Dr. Hamilton could diagnosis the problem, but Isak had insisted Mia see a specialist, so three weeks later, on a bright blue sky September morning, Beryl had taken Mia to Boston.


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