Smoldering Embers

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Smoldering Embers Page 8

by P. M. Briede

  “No, you told me that I wasn’t ready. I just didn’t disagree.”

  “Semantics.” I knew that he wasn’t going to stop feeling guilty about that evening, but the difficulty he’d had just talking to me was starting to subside, and he was getting back some of his humor.

  “Alright, semantics. Even though I’m not ready, and I truly don’t think I ever will be…”

  “I understand…” Defeat laced his voice.

  “…that doesn’t mean I don’t want to be.” I added as I pushed down my frustration. I wanted to say more, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. He needed to decide on his own if I was still worth the trouble.

  He was quiet for what felt like hours. “Ok, Charlotte. I think I understand.” Not sure if he did, I remained quiet and was surprised when he suddenly changed the subject. “So you still get those headaches? I remember you only got them when you were sleeping.”

  “Yes, I still get them from time to time.” I didn’t want to tell him that the first time I’d ever gotten one awake was when he had kissed me.

  “I see.” Not wanting to talk about my headaches anymore, I asked if the governor considered Friday a success. Wesley confirmed that he did, and we talked about that for a bit. We weren’t quite back to the way we’d been before Friday, but we were better than we had been at the start of the call. I heard his assistant come in and remind him of a meeting. “I’ve got to go, Charlotte. I’ll call you later?”

  “I’d like that, Wesley. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Olivier had been a completely different case. I’d told April that I wanted to schedule his assessment for the next week, but we couldn’t coordinate our schedules between everything that I already had planned and his involvement with the Christmas Musical. We were like ships in the night, seemingly in the same place, but unable to connect with each other. I’d seen and spoken to him but never in private. As much as I wanted him to clarify the details of our past, I wasn’t going to make the first move. Olivier had always come to me, so I was determined not to buck the trend.

  But I wasn’t wallowing while waiting for them. I had enough to keep me busy. I’d met with Regina the same day I’d talked to Wesley. We’d settled everything for the dinner theater charity event. I just needed to organize the entertainment and prepare my speech thanking her for the support. In order to take advantage of the Christmas break for rehearsals, I pulled together a meeting with Max and all the teachers I thought should be involved for the following day. During the meeting, I was informed that Mrs. Picard, our dance teacher, was out on leave with a family emergency. She wasn’t expected back until close to the end of January. Her teacher’s assistant, Russell, didn’t have the experience or time to oversee the choreography of all the student performances.

  In the midst of brainstorming a solution, Olivier’s voice cut above the others. “Mrs. Grace, aren’t you a dancer?”

  My head shot up from looking at the pad in my lap. “Excuse me? How did you know that?” He ignored my question. I narrowed my eyes at him. I had been a dancer, emphasis on had. After college graduation, my participation in any form of performance art greatly diminished after I got married and became a politician’s wife. I’d volunteered at some of the local high schools in Boise to help teach dance, and that kept me in shape but I hadn’t been responsible for performing or choreographing performances for a long time.

  “That’s right you are! I remember Wesley mentioning it before you were hired. He said you were amazing.” This revelation made Max extremely excited, which spelled doom for me.

  Still glaring at Olivier, I turned towards Max. “I was a dancer. That was a long time ago. We need to keep thinking.” Even as I said the words, looking into Max’s eyes, I knew that his mind was made up. I would be overseeing the dancer’s performances. I addressed Russell in an effort to build another credible option. “Are there any seniors who are far enough along with their senior showcase performances that they could spare some time to organize the juniors for this? It would be a great opportunity for them and be a boon to the college application.”

  Russell looked up obviously surprised at having a question directed towards him. “No, ma’am. Mrs. Picard and I discussed that before she left, and there isn’t anyone that she thinks you’d want to entrust this responsibility to.”

  Max broke in. “Then it’s settled. Charlotte, you’ll oversee the dancers. I’ll have Tabitha fill in on some of your director duties to give you the time to ensure the juniors are ready by February. Olivier, you’re sure that whatever music they choose for the performances the orchestra and band can handle it?”

  I closed my mouth, without saying a word, knowing that there was no point in arguing.

  “As long as I get the selections before the end of the week, I can pick up the sheet music and break it down for them.”

  I hung my head.

  “Excellent. Liam, the choir will be ready as well?”

  “I don’t see any reason for them not to be.”

  My shoulders slumped forward.

  There was a clap and out of the corner of my eye I saw Max stand. “Wonderful, wonderful. I expect each of you to perform one number with your students. The first lady said she wanted to showcase the talents of both the students and the faculty.” I propped my elbows on my knees and caught my head in my hands, pressing fingers into my forehead to ward off the tension headache that was building. “I’m confident that the four of you can finalize the remaining details. Charlotte, I trust you with this and I know that you’ll show them the ‘treasure’ that we all know you are.”

  I inwardly groaned. How had this become about me? With that, he walked out and I made no move to stop him.

  No one else moved, and I felt all their eyes trained on me. I didn’t even try to mask my anxiety. “Please give me the name of one or two students who will act as chairperson for your respective departments. Russell, I expect a name from you for Mrs. Picard. I need it this afternoon so I can have April put together a meeting in order to determine the music. Liam, will you please include Ms. Ryan? Let her know I want some student art to decorate the venue.” I thanked them for their future time and efforts and adjourned the meeting. Everyone left quietly. I stood to head back to my desk, and I caught Olivier lurking in the doorway. I was in no mood to deal with him now. Pretending not to see him, I left my back turned and asked April to close my door so I could focus on the paperwork on my desk for the rest of the day.

  Everything was settled, and a rehearsal schedule was drawn up for during the break. The student chairpersons proved invaluable, and their ideas shaped the theme of the event: Love Makes You Mad. The artwork would be Alice in Wonderland inspired, as well as the centerpieces, to give it a feeling of high tea with the queen. The caterer was thrilled to take some classic Creole dishes and turn them on their heads. The music selection was the most difficult to flesh out as we wanted interesting twists on love songs.

  I found myself reminiscing over these vivid memories two weeks later as I listened to our choir perform at the Saenger, pleased with some results and not so with others. I hadn’t wanted to go alone and purchased two tickets expecting that I’d be using one with Wesley or Olivier. When neither had mentioned anything about a date, I roped Paige into going with me.

  She had gone to the restroom before the show and left me alone to listen to the choir. She’d been gone so long; I scanned the room looking for her and spotted her red hair amidst a sea of black suits. It looked as though she was talking to someone. When I sensed that someone was standing very close behind me, I went to take a step forward towards Paige. But I was stalled when the person behind me caught my elbow. Without even looking over my shoulder, I knew who it’d be by the shock wave that coursed through my body.

  I felt him lightly press his face against the space behind my ear. His breath sent a fervent tickle down to the pit of my stomach. The flush I felt didn’t restrict itself to my face but stole throughout my body like it was on fire. “Why is it t
hat the only times I’ve been able to speak to you lately, there have been entirely too many people around?” A burn erupted on my lower back and trailed his fingers until the rested on my hip.

  “I’m not sure, Olivier. I am pretty busy. Especially since you volunteered me to put together the dancer’s performances.” The words came out a little forced but steady. I was desperately trying not to let him know how he was affecting me. He was wreaking havoc on my senses, and I lost the battle of control when I fell slightly into him as my knees went weak.

  He chuckled low in his throat. “So I only have myself to blame.” His lips traced the outline of my ear. “Is that what you’re saying?” Lost for words, I just nodded my head and pushed myself back onto my own feet. “Well, I am more than willing to remedy that unfortunate circumstance.” He gently drew circles on my lower back.

  I was about to ask what he had in mind, when my own registered a hissing sound. Instantly Olivier was standing next to me at an appropriate distance. I blinked my eyes as they quickly adjusted back into focus, like I was coming out of a trance. In front of me, Paige was continuously looking over her shoulder, while trying to casually race to me. The hissing had been her saying my name under her breath.

  “Charlotte, sorry, I didn’t come back right away. I got caught by our good friend Wesley.” She was talking to me but looking pointedly at Olivier. When she said Wesley’s name, my eyes widened and I bit my lower lip in embarrassment. Why was it that whenever Olivier was near me, I completely lost myself? I glanced behind her to see if Wesley was there. I would be mortified if he’d seen me with Olivier just now. Paige’s eyes darted to look at me, and she imperceptibly shook her head as she continued to engage Olivier. “I think we only briefly met at Charlotte’s house warming. You’re the music teacher, Olivier Cheval, right?” Her tone held practiced warmth, but she couldn’t hide the wariness in her demeanor.

  He smirked at her like she was a puzzle to be solved. “Yes, Mrs. Lochs, I am.” Before he could continue the lights flickered, signaling that the show was going to start. “If you’ll excuse me, I think it’s time for us to find our seats. Good to see you again.” He inclined his head to Paige before addressing me. Even with Paige standing there watching him, he boldly stepped closer to me, putting his mouth to my ear. “Dinner tomorrow?” he whispered. Startled, I accepted without thinking. “Alright, I’ll find you during intermission to work out the details.”

  Paige grabbed me by the arm and practically dragged me to our seats. “What was that?” She grilled as we sat down.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I feigned ignorance and perused my program.

  She plucked the program out of my hands. “Charlotte, I am not an idiot and you know damn well what I’m talking about. When you said that you thought Olivier was attractive you seriously downplayed how into him you really are. From what I saw, I’m honestly surprised that the two of you weren’t halfway down each other’s throats.”

  I didn’t have to see my own face to know it was crimson. I’d never been one to show a lot of affection in public. Heck, sometimes I struggled to show it in private without getting embarrassed. Yet I’d let Olivier caress me in the middle of the foyer of the Saenger for all the world to see, possibly even Wesley. “How bad was it?”

  “Honestly he was pretty subtle. Unless you were looking at the two of you, you wouldn’t have noticed. So don’t worry about that, girl. I was going to wave you over when I was talking to Wesley. Because I know you like I do, I noticed, and didn’t so not to bring Wesley’s attention to you. For me, it was your eyes that gave you both away, they were liquid fire.”

  “Dear God! Did Wesley see?” She shook her head. The house lights were dimming, so I quickly thanked her and we watched the first half of the performance but I didn’t take any of it in. So when it felt like minutes passed and the house lights were coming back up I looked over at Paige in surprise. She just shook her head and smirked.

  We stood to leave during the intermission. “By the way Wesley made me promise to have us meet up with him now. We’re supposed to meet him by the bar.”

  The hits just kept coming. “I can’t, Paige. Olivier is supposed to find me to give me the details for our date tomorrow night.”

  “I thought you said neither one had asked you out.”

  “When I said it, they hadn’t. He just did before the show.”

  “Look this place is a mad house. So tell you what, come with me now to meet Wesley. Talk for a minute and excuse yourself to the restroom. It’s not like he’s going to say no. This way I keep my promise, and it’s unlikely that Olivier is going to find you that fast anyway.”

  I agreed, and we headed to the bar. I spotted Wesley standing next to Governor Wyatt, his wife, and a very tall, very beautiful blond. When he looked over, I smiled sheepishly but he beamed, excused himself from the group, and walked up to us. He first greeted Paige with a hug and kiss on the cheek and then did the same to me, but his kiss lingered a bit longer as he grabbed my hand and placed it in the crook of his elbow. We all started talking, and it felt like nothing had changed. He was the same old Wesley, and I was the same old Charlotte. I did, however, notice that the woman who was still standing with Alexander and Regina kept a close eye on him and was none too pleased that I was on his arm. I was a little irritated at her open hostility. After all, who was she to look at me that way? I’d known Wesley forever and had never heard of her.

  We hadn’t been talking long when Wesley leaned into me to whisper in my ear. He didn’t get a word out though because we were interrupted by Alexander and his group. “Charlotte, I am so happy to see you again.” He hugged me and in doing so pulled me away from Wesley, placing me between him and his wife. “Wesley said that you were here, and I was hoping to see you. I didn’t get a chance to thank you for making me look so good two weeks ago. I am putting you on all the lists as my personal guest, so look out for the invitations.”

  I smiled and turned back to face the group. I intended to sandwich myself back between Paige and Wesley but was discomfited to see the woman had replaced me on Wesley’s arm. His cheeks were flushed from embarrassment while she was being introduced. “You haven’t met my daughter yet, have you ladies?” Alexander asked, his voice oozing pride. Paige and I shook our heads as we shared a wary look. We were informed that her name was Abigail and that she was in her last year of residency at St. Charles Surgical Hospital. After that, I quit listening to the conversation and watched Wesley and Abigail intently. She was obviously enamored with him but for the first time since I’d known him, Wesley was actually hard to read. He refused to look at either of us. Even though she kept trying to talk to him, he only maintained a conversation with Paige.

  The emotions that were running rampant through my mind confused me. I was about to excuse myself when a familiar touch brushed across my lower back. I instantly felt anxious because it was Olivier. He was the only one who touched me that intimately, making my body want to respond by crushing itself against his. Wesley registered his appearance also when I turned away from the group to address Olivier. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Wesley make a slight move to approach us but he was forestalled by Abigail. His brow furrowed, but he didn’t make to pursue us further. I’d only just turned and smiled up at Olivier, when I heard Regina’s voice. “Who’s your friend, Charlotte?”

  “This is Olivier Cheval. He is the music teacher at Armstrong Academy. Olivier, this is Governor Alexander Wyatt, his wife Regina, and their daughter Abigail. You know Paige and Wesley.” As everyone was shaking hands, I made the following observations: Wesley was shooting daggers at both Abigail and Olivier; Abigail could not hide her open appreciation of Olivier and had stopped holding Wesley’s arm, and Paige was trying, and failing, to hold back how humorous she found the whole situation. I honestly found myself amused, as well. I’d been so worried about Wesley seeing me with Olivier, yet here he was with another woman.

  Everyone chatted until it was time to return t
o our seats. As Paige and I headed back to the theater, Olivier walked up on my other side. “Ladies, it looks like we are headed in the same direction. Mind if I join you?” He looked directly at me as he spoke.

  I glanced at Paige, and she just shrugged. “Sure, Olivier.” I was a little surprised that he didn’t try to take my hand or put it in his arm like he’d done at my house warming. We walked in silence until Paige and I tried going through the doors to our seats.

  “Excuse me Paige, but could I have a quick word with Charlotte?” She nodded and kept walking.

  As I turned to face him, there was suddenly no space between us. He gripped my elbow, as his thumb tenderly moved back and forth. Remembering what Paige had said earlier about our eyes, I looked into his and lost all cognitive thought. For the first time since his interview, they didn’t seem to be hiding anything from me. “I’ve made reservations at Brigtsen’s for seven. So I’ll pick you up at six. Please make sure to wear comfortable shoes, my dear, as the rest of the evening will be a surprise.”

  “Well that was fast, Olivier. It’s as if you already had everything planned but the company.”

  He laughed, and I saw his eyes dart upward as something clearly caught his attention behind me. When they returned to me, he gently squeezed my elbow and kissed my cheek. “Until tomorrow then,” he whispered in my ear. As we walked away to our seats, I felt as though I was being watched. I turned my head in the direction I thought that Olivier’s eyes had darted and saw Wesley standing in the governor’s box, looking down at me with an expression that was equally sickened and envious.

  Chapter 10

  At a quarter to six, I was trying not to be sick. What was I thinking agreeing with Paige that I needed to go on this date? I hardly know this man and he’s picking me up at my home. Other than dinner, I have no idea where I’m going and neither does anyone else. To help regulate my breathing, I closed my eyes. This wasn’t the first panic attack I’d had today. In fact earlier, I’d actually called Paige to have her run a background check on Olivier. She told me that she couldn’t without cause and before I could completely lose it; she reminded me that I had, in fact, already run one when he’d accepted the job as a music teacher. It had been clean.


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