The Breaking Dawn (The Kingdom of Mercia Book 1)

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The Breaking Dawn (The Kingdom of Mercia Book 1) Page 26

by Jayne Castel

  Caelin, Ceolwulf’s enigmatic son, follows his father on his quest for revenge. Fiercely loyal to her own father, Raedwyn isn't prepared for her wild attraction to Caelin – or for its consequences. In a world where to go against a king’s word means death, Raedwyn must decide what matters more: love or duty.

  Nightfall till Daybreak

  The Kingdom of the East Angles, Book 2

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  It is the spring of 629 AD and Freya, the headstrong daughter of a renowned healer, accompanies her mother to the hall of the King of the East Angles. When the king learns the healer cannot heal him without taking his leg, he flies into a rage, banishes Freya’s mother and keeps her daughter as his slave.

  Enslaved by one king, and then by his successor, Freya fights to regain her freedom in a world controlled by ruthless men. Resourceful and determined, she has just one weakness: Aidan of Connacht, the king’s right-hand. Aidan, an incorrigible flirt, has accompanied the new king to Britannia, in search of a new life. However, he soon realizes his loyalty will cost him dearly.

  In the shadow of approaching war, Freya and Aidan gradually grow closer – but neither can give in to their passion. Freya’s fate has now entangled with that of her doomed king’s. Ultimately, she must decide just how much her freedom is worth.

  The Deepening Night

  The Kingdom of the East Angles, Book 3

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  Spring 630 AD and Saewara, sister to the King of Mercia, has just lost her husband. Finally free of a cruel bully, Saewara wishes to take the veil and retire to a life of peace and solitude.

  But, the king destroys her plans when he orders her to remarry – to her people’s enemy.

  Saewara will wed Annan of the Wuffingas, the King of the East Angles. Following his kingdom’s humiliating defeat to Mercia six months earlier, Annan must ‘bend the knee’ to his new lord. However, what begins as a forced marriage develops into a slow-burning passion between Annan and Saewara. Two proud individuals, they must come to terms with more than an unwanted marriage.

  A woman of quiet, indomitable will, Saewara leaves her past behind and attempts to forge a new life for herself as Queen of the East Angles – but her fragile happiness risks destruction by the ambitions of her ruthless brother.


  Discover the love story that began it all… Night Shadows

  As a special bonus for readers of The Breaking Dawn, this edition also includes the novella, Night Shadows. Read about how Merwenna’s parents – Wilfrid and Cynewyn – fall in love just over twenty years before Dylan and Merwenna’s love story begins.

  Night Shadows


  BRITAIN - 619 AD

  Cynewyn – an ealdorman's widow – has had enough of men ruling her fate. She dreams of making a fresh start, of running her own hall. But, her plans must wait, as the king has just ordered Cynewyn to abandon her village.

  Among the men escorting her and the surviving villagers back over the border is her former suitor, Wilfrid. Ten years earlier, Cynewyn spurned Wil, in favor of a more confident and charming man. Humiliated, Wil left her father's hall, never to return.

  A decade later, time has changed them both. Cynewyn is no longer spoiled and sheltered. Wil has spent years fighting at his king's side - but he has never forgotten Cynewyn, or stopped loving her. Intent on being no man's property, Cynewyn initially denies the powerful connection between them – yet, when the king takes her freedom from her once again, she realizes that the passionate man from her past holds the key to her future.

  Read the full novella below…

  Night Shadows


  A historical romance set in Anglo-Saxon England

  Prequel to The Kingdom of the East Angles series

  Jayne Castel

  All characters and situations in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to living persons is purely coincidental.

  Night Shadows by Jayne Castel

  Copyright © 2014 Jayne Castel. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Edited by Tim Burton.

  Cover photography courtesy of

  Cover design by vikncharlie:

  Maps courtesy of Wikipedia.

  Anglo-Saxon riddle courtesy of:

  Visit Jayne’s website and blog:

  Follow Jayne on Twitter at: @JayneCastel


  For all the romantics in the world – for those who believe in second chances.




  Prologue – The Proposal

  Chapter One – The Thaw

  Chapter Two – An Awkward Reunion

  Chapter Three – Departure from Blackhill

  Chapter Four – Refuge in the Woods

  Chapter Five – Night Shadows

  Chapter Six – Daylight

  Chapter Seven – No Longer Alone

  Chapter Eight – Return to Rendlaesham

  Chapter Nine – The King’s Will

  Chapter Ten – Beltaine

  Epilogue – Merwenna

  Did you enjoy Night Shadows?

  Excerpt from Dark Under the Cover of Night

  About the Author

  Here is my secret. It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

  Antoine de Saint Exupéry


  The Proposal

  The village of Went, the Kingdom of the East Angles – Britannia

  Spring 609 AD

  The squeals of children playing in the dirt in front of the hall, echoed through the warm air. A glorious spring day was coming to a close. The sun cast a honeyed light across the village of Went, staining the timber and thatch of the surrounding houses a deep gold. The children – three boys and a girl – raced each other excitedly around the wide space in the center of the village, shouting with delight.

  Cynewyn paused from scattering grain for the geese that clustered at her feet, and watched the children with a smile, enjoying their enthusiasm and joy. Not so long ago, she had been one of those children; now she had left that carefree life behind.

  Cynewyn stood before her father’s hall, lingering at her task. She glanced up at the wide amber-streaked sky. The sun was a balm on her skin after weeks of rain and cold. Emptying her pot of grain, Cynewyn was about to retreat inside, when she spied a well-built young man with short, light-brown hair striding across the yard toward her. His face was set with purpose.

  Wilfrid was of the same age as her – eighteen winters – and he was staring at Cynewyn with unnerving intensity. Other men laughed and flirted, but not Wilfrid. He took everything, including himself, seriously. He appeared to be making directly for her, and Cynewyn had little choice but to await his arrival.

  Judging from the intensity of his gaze, the tense set of his shoulders and the resolute determination of his stride – Wilfrid of Went was preparing himself for a confrontation.

  “Good evening, Cynewyn,” he greeted her. His voice, a low rumble for a man of his age, always took Cynewyn by surprise. She had never heard him raise his voice, and when he spoke, it was always with unwavering purpose. Unlike the men in her family, who were garrulous and loud, Wilfrid used words sparingly.

  “Evening, Wil,” she replied pleasantly, meeting his stare. She noticed that his hazel eyes looked almost green in this light. “‘Tis a while since I saw you last.”

  “I’ve been away,” Wilfrid replied simply, his gaze becoming even more penetrating.

p; Cynewyn felt her body grow hot and uncomfortable under his stare. He looked at her like he was about to devour her; the hunger in his eyes made Cynewyn flush. She stepped back from him and gave a flirtatious smile in an attempt to lighten the mood between them.

  “Away? Where?”

  “On the border – our neighbors are making trouble again,” he replied, before glancing down at the ground, his face awkward. “I missed you.”

  Cynewyn hid her embarrassment with another smile. She was not sure how he expected her to respond. She had not missed him at all. Why would she? Still, his infatuation made her feel beautiful and desirable, and she found herself enjoying the attention.

  “How gallant of you,” she returned his gaze through her lashes, noticing the way his gaze traveled from her eyes down to her mouth. “Why did you miss me?”

  Wilfrid reddened slightly at the question. He was obviously not used to flirting, and was not sure how to respond.

  “I missed seeing you,” he eventually managed. Then, he blurted. “I want to ask your father’s permission for us to wed. If he says ‘yes’, will you marry me, Cynewyn?”

  She stared back at him, taken aback by the proposal. He really was no fun at all. She had been enjoying the attention until he ruined things.

  In truth, she had no interest in Wilfrid. Not only was he of a low rank, but he was too quiet, intense and humorless for her tastes. He always wore an expression as if he bore the weight of the world upon his shoulders. Besides, Cynewyn had already been promised to Aldwulf, the charismatic son of an ealdorman who lived in the neighboring village. Blond, handsome and charming, Aldwulf never failed to make her laugh. She had been delighted when her father suggested the match.

  Silence stretched between Cynewyn and Wil, before he stepped closer still and gently took her hand. It was the first time he had ever touched her. His hand was warm, dry and strong. The sensation of their skin touching gave Cynewyn a jolt in the pit of her belly – it was an oddly stirring sensation. Nonetheless, Cynewyn had to resist the urge to jerk her hand from his.

  “Will you?” he repeated.

  Cynewyn gave Wil a sweet smile and extracted her hand from his. She took two steps back, almost treading on a goose in her haste. The bird gave an enraged hiss and flapped at her.

  “You will have to ask my father,” she replied, lowering her eyes demurely, for she knew exactly what her father’s response would be. “If he agrees, I will marry you.”

  Wilfrid smiled then. The expression transformed his face, making him look handsome.

  “I will ask him then,” he told her, his discomfort dissolving. “I will do it now.”

  Then, without another word, Wilfrid turned and strode into her father’s hall.

  Cynewyn watched him go, incredulous. The man’s presumption stunned her. He was low-born. Did he really think he could wed an ealdorman’s daughter? How could he have mistaken her light-hearted flirting for real interest?

  Picking up her skirts, for she did not wish to miss a moment of what was about to unfold under her father’s roof, Cynewyn followed her suitor inside.

  Eomer of Went was sitting at a long table with his men. He was playing Hnefatafl, ‘King’s Table’; a game where two players moved wooden pieces across a board with twenty-six squares in an attempt to capture the king of the opposing player. He was exchanging good-natured threats with the warrior playing him, when Cynewyn entered the hall at Wilfrid’s heels.

  Skirting the shadows, Cynewyn made her way over to where her mother was sitting near the fire pit, weaving a tapestry at a huge loom. Silently, Cynewyn took a seat beside her and picked up her distaff. She then resumed the task she had spent the afternoon at before escaping outside to feed the geese and enjoy the sunset – winding wool onto the wooden spindle.

  “Wilfrid!” Eomer boomed, his gaze resting on the young man who had stopped before the table. “Fancy a game, eh?”

  “M’lord,” Wilfrid began. His voice cracked slightly, betraying his nerves. “No, this evening. I have come to ask your permission.”

  Eomer of Went inclined his head, his blond eyebrows raising. “For what, lad?”

  The hall went still then; all gazes fastening on Wilfrid. Suddenly, Cynewyn felt an unexpected pang of pity for the youth. He might be arrogant, but she did not envy him his impending humiliation.

  “I wish to wed your daughter.”

  Wilfrid’s voice, although quiet, echoed in the shocked silence. Cynewyn stared at her father and felt a brief surge of panic at the blank expression she saw there.

  What if he agreed? She had not paused to consider that possibility.

  A moment passed and then Eomer’s face creased into a smile, a pitying one. Relief flooded through Cynewyn and she breathed once more.

  “You would not be the first lad who has taken a shine to my comely daughter,” he said, shaking his head. “Yet she is promised to another. Did she not tell you?”

  The look on Wilfrid’s face caused some of the other warriors present to snigger.

  “Who?” Wilfrid finally managed when he had recovered from the shock.

  “Aldwulf of Blackhill,” Eomer replied, giving Wilfrid a patronizing smile. “He’s an ealdorman’s son – you’re a free man with a spear like your father before you. I can’t wed my only daughter to a man of such a low rank. You understand?”

  “No,” Wilfrid replied, his voice flat and harsh, “I don’t.” His gaze shifted to Cynewyn then. Their gazes met and for an instant, Cynewyn saw his naked anger and humiliation.

  You knew, that gaze accused her. You knew and didn’t warn me.

  “I may not be high-born,” Wilfrid turned his attention back to the ealdorman, “but I am one of your warriors. I have served you loyally and will continue to do so. I would protect your daughter with my life.”

  Eomer roared with laughter at that. His warriors joined him; and the sound echoed mockingly through the hall.

  “I’m sure you would,” Eomer straightened up, still holding his belly, although his tone held a warning that he was tiring of this conversation, “but the answer still is no. You are not worthy of her.”

  Wilfrid’s breath hissed between his clenched teeth. His face was flushed and his eyes glittered with rage.

  “I’m as worthy of her as any man!” he snarled.

  “Careful, lad,” the ealdorman warned, the amusement draining from his face. “You’re over-stepping the mark. Now, off you go. Let me get back to my game.”

  “If I’m not worthy of Cynewyn, then I’m not worthy to serve you!” Wilfrid replied, not moving.

  A deathly hush settled over the hall. All gazes were upon Wilfrid as the young man removed the two bronze arm rings he wore on his right bicep and hurled them to the rush-matting at his feet. They were rings that the ealdorman had gifted him for his loyalty and valor.

  “As you reminded me – I am a free man,” Wilfrid ground out. Eomer stared back at him, momentarily struck speechless. “I serve whom I choose. From this moment on, I no longer follow you.”

  With that, Wilfrid turned and, not sparing another glance in Cynewyn’s direction, stalked from the hall and out of their lives.

  Chapter One

  The Thaw

  The Village of Went, the Kingdom of the East Angles

  Ten years later…

  Wilfrid rode into the ruins of Went and felt his stomach twist. Shock and unexpected grief hit him like a falling axe.

  What in the name of Woden had happened here?

  He rode in the midst of a group of forty warriors. After three days travel through biting cold and melting snow, they had emerged from the thick woodland that created a natural border between the two kingdoms. Until now, a long, bitter winter had made travel impossible. As soon as the thaw came, the king had sent them to patrol the southern borders, where there had been rumors of problems with the East Saxons before Yule. The company approached the village, expecting to see its high paling fence bristling against the sky, with spear-wielding warriors before the

  Instead, Went no longer existed.

  They passed, single-file, through the remains of the charred gates, and what had once been a tall fence. Only fragments remained, the rest was little more than a dark line in the cold earth.

  Bracing himself for what was to come, Wil bent his head against the chill wind that whistled through Went. Even if he had been unhappy here, and never felt the urge to return, he could not bear to see the village where he had been born reduced to ruins.

  Wil heard some of the men around him utter curses as they gazed around at the village. It looked as if Nithogg himself – the great beast of the underworld – had laid waste to it. Scorched palings stood out against a pale sky and the rest of it was little more than a collection of blackened, twisted remnants.

  The warriors rode through Went, their gazes scouring the devastation. At the center of the village stood the skeleton of the ealdorman’s hall, and next to it was the remains of a huge funeral pyre. A few of the warriors dismounted here, and started searching the ruins. One of them was Heolstor, their leader. A tall, balding man, his face was thunderous as he circuited the pyre. Yet, like his companions, he was at a loss for words.

  “Look who I found skulking in the shadows.”

  One of the warriors emerged from behind the ruins of the ealdorman’s hall. He hauled two emaciated figures after him – both lads barely ten winters’ old. The boys were plainly petrified, their eyes huge on thin faces. They struggled weakly as the man dragged them before Heolstor.


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