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Taking Chloe: The Vaughn Series, Book 3

Page 7

by Anne Rainey

  “Let’s go parasailing.”

  Definitely not what she expected. “Parasailing?”

  “Why not? We can drop off the blanket and get our swimsuits on and be out on the water within the hour.”

  Chloe laughed, feeling a lot more carefree than she had in a long time. “Let’s do it!”

  The sexy glint of arousal in Merrick’s eyes kick-started her heart. “I love it when you get that wild look, babe.”

  Chloe pulled Merrick to a stop, rose up on her tiptoes and covered his lips with her own. Merrick stepped forward, aligning their bodies. He tilted his head to take over the kiss. His tongue probed the seam and she parted, aching for his flavor on her tongue. The kiss seemed to last forever. Someone yelled out, “Get a room,” effectively yanking them out of their erotic haze. Merrick dropped his hands and stepped back. Chloe couldn’t catch her breath.

  “If we weren’t out in the open…” Merrick groaned.

  Oh, wow. She could only imagine.

  Chapter Ten

  It’d been a week filled with revelations. After the day in the park, Merrick seemed determined to wring every ounce of fun he could out of their trip. They’d gone parasailing, which she’d discovered she loved. The heights had made her a bit shaky at first, but with Merrick right beside her she’d gotten over those initial jitters. They’d gone out on a jet ski the next day and she’d gotten a bit too pink from the sun. Chloe hadn’t cared, though; she’d been having way too much fun. Who knew she had a thing for speed? She’d already begun working out a plan to buy herself one. Unrealistic and way out of character, but who cared? Sometimes a girl needed to have a little fun.

  Three days into their vacation, Merrick had arranged for her to have time at the hotel spa. The full treatment—massage, manicure, pedicure and facial. It’d been heavenly. Afterwards, he’d made love to her for hours. In the last five days, they’d made love in the shower, the bed, the patio and there’d even been a wild moment against the door to their suite.

  This was to be their final evening. Chloe’s legs shook with nerves. When she’d agreed to the trip, she’d been ready for a mental breakdown. Her heart had been in tatters as she watched her marriage fall apart. Six days of bliss with Merrick had changed them both. She still didn’t know where they were supposed to go from here, but she had two things she didn’t have before: hope and determination. The time had come to fight for her marriage. She was ready. Even if it meant tying Merrick to the bed, which was exactly why she stood in the bedroom of their suite with two silk scarves.

  Could she possibly be so bold as to force her husband to submit to her desires? Would he even want to? His aggressive and dominant nature would probably balk at the idea. Only one way to find out.

  Chloe placed the makeshift binding on the nightstand next to the wine chilling in the ice bucket. She went to the bathroom and checked her appearance one more time. She’d gone shopping early in the day at the little boutique attached to the hotel and bought herself a sexy, red, pleated babydoll and matching thong panties set. She didn’t bother with makeup other than a little pink lip gloss, and she’d left her hair down, just the way Merrick liked it.

  She’d managed to get him out of the suite when she’d explained she had a surprise that would make their last night special. He’d grumbled a little, but she could see the anticipation in the blue depths of his eyes, too.

  Chloe heard the card key in the lock, and her stomach bottomed out. Oh, God. Showtime.

  She walked back into the bedroom and picked up the silk scarf, then waited for her husband to enter the room. She didn’t wait long. Merrick suddenly stood in the doorway, fists clenched at his sides, nostrils flaring. He looked her over with slow purpose, taking her in from head to toe. She could swear her knees knocked together.

  “You take my breath away.”

  The deep timbre of his voice floated over her, sending her into a new realm. It fueled her courage as nothing else could. “Thank you, Merrick.”

  He moved across the room and stopped inches from her. He reached out, grasped the spaghetti strap of her negligee and played with it. “This is new.”

  “Yeah, I bought it earlier today.” Jesus, was that her voice? It sounded as if she’d swallowed a mouthful of sand.

  He peered over her shoulder, then back at her. “Wine?”

  Chloe held up the scarf. “And silk.”

  He frowned. “For what?”

  “Your hands.”

  His brows shot up so high, she almost burst out laughing. “You want to tie me up?”

  “Yes. I want you to let me take control tonight. Think you can handle that?”

  Merrick leaned closer. She could feel his hot breath against her lips, see the heat in his eyes. “I can handle anything you can dish out, baby.”

  Yeah, okay, that had her panties growing damp. Chloe knew a challenge when she heard one, and Merrick had just tossed down the gauntlet.

  She smoothed the scarf between her palms, drawing her husband’s attention to the colorful bit of material. “How about you get undressed.”

  Merrick’s sexy grin lit her up like a brush fire. “Yes, ma’am,” he complied in a fake Texas drawl.

  Chloe turned around and poured two glasses of wine, then picked one up, took a sip and then another. When she placed the wineglass back on the nightstand and turned, Merrick was fully nude and grinning like the cat that swallowed the canary.

  Her husband had always made her drool, but tonight he had a different sort of gleam in eyes. Something she’d never seen there before. His hard cock seemed bigger than ever. She licked her lips and counted to ten.

  “Lie down on the bed, in the center,” she directed. Merrick winked and sat, before moving to the middle of the bed. He stretched out, flung his arms behind his head, and crossed his legs at the ankles. He didn’t speak at all, which created a new sort of nervous tension in her.

  Chloe knelt on the bed and held out the scarf. She dangled it above his abs. “I plan to make this night unforgettable.”

  “It is already, baby.”

  Chloe laughed. “I haven’t even done anything yet!”

  Merrick reached out and flicked his thumb over one satin covered nipple. “Just looking at you is enough to have me embarrassing myself right now.” He pinched the turgid peak, and her pussy throbbed. “Mmm, I just love red.”

  “It’s your favorite color.”

  “Yes. Do you know why?”

  “No, why?”

  “You had a red blouse on the day you came in for the interview. A red blouse and a black skirt. Christ, I wanted to push that skirt up and fuck you against the desk. It was hard as hell keeping my hands off you.”

  Chloe couldn’t believe her ears. “You remember what I wore?” Heck, she didn’t even remember! “That was over two years ago.”

  “I’ll never forget it,” he swore. “You turned me inside out that day. You were always the one. Always.”

  Warmth filled her. “Whenever I think I couldn’t possibly love you more, you say something like that and I fall all over again.”

  “And I intend to keep saying them. I never want you to forget how much you mean to me.”

  It was easy for Merrick to make the declaration, because work wasn’t breathing down his neck at the moment. What would happen when they got back home and work beckoned once again? By sheer will, Chloe drove those thoughts out of her mind. She didn’t want to go there, not tonight. Tonight she would seduce her husband.

  “Put your wrists together.”

  Merrick didn’t say a word as he brought both arms over his torso and crossed one hand over the other. Chloe inched closer and wrapped the scarf around her husband’s thick, tan wrists. She tied it in a knot and sat back, gauging his reaction.

  Merrick flung his arms over his head and spoke in a low tone. “Come and get it, angel.”

  “Oh, I intend to,” she purred. Chloe crawled on top of Merrick, straddling him. Placing both hands on his chest, she sifted her fingers throug
h the dark, soft curls. His muscles jumped. The feel of his cock nestled beneath her bottom added an extra level of stimulation. Keeping her eyes on his, she leaned down and licked his nipple. Merrick’s lips thinned, his gaze burning with need. Chloe luxuriated in his undivided attention. Feminine power flowed through her as she embraced a side of her nature she’d never known existed.

  “Bite it, Chloe. Show me who’s boss.”

  Merrick’s words were so incongruent to the man she knew him to be. Her dominant, sometimes uncivilized, husband was pushing her to take charge. “I’ve never known this side of you,” she mused.

  “And I’ve never known you to want to be in control. Sometimes stepping outside our cozy box is not just fun, but necessary.”

  He was right. “I guess I’m stepping out of the box then,” she surmised.

  Merrick winked. “Hell, you didn’t step out, you jumped out. I’m yours. You can do anything you want to me right now. So, what do you want, angel?”

  “For starters, I need to taste you,” she answered. She lowered over him and melded their lips together. Merrick shuddered beneath her touch. He lifted his head, smashing his lips against hers. Chloe licked his fuller bottom lip, and Merrick’s arms slowly came around her head, caging her in. Even tied he figured out a way to take control of their pleasure. When his mouth opened and his tongue played with hers, Chloe forgot how things were supposed to go. All she cared about, all she needed, was his touch, his lips, his tongue. Him.

  He sucked her tongue into his mouth and growled, the sound reverberating clear to her womb. His mouth devoured hers. He pushed and nipped at her lips, forcing her to open for him, to give him access to a place no other had a right to enter. Chloe had never experienced a kiss quite like Merrick’s. He knew how much pressure to add, how rough his little love bites should be. His kisses could make her come. He’d always been as potent as a drug. As addicting as chocolate, and just as lethal as a hungry panther. Other men couldn’t compare to Merrick.

  Chloe trembled as he licked and scoured her mouth, insisting on tasting every spot, branding her with his unique flavor. His arms around her head held her still for his plundering, and Chloe helplessly surrendered everything in that moment. His lips were almost brutal in his assault.

  He lifted an inch. “You make me ache. I fucking ache for you, baby.” Chloe moaned his name, her body wild for his touches. This time when he kissed her, he wasn’t asking for entrance, he expected it. She melted and opened, then promptly went up in flames.

  Chloe dug her fingers into his hair. God, she loved his hair, so thick and full. She let her fingers delve and grab handfuls of the dark silk. Merrick pulled his lips away and groaned her name. She sensed a change in him. He’d had enough of letting her take the lead. He’d be wrenching the reins back if she didn’t do something.

  “Please, let me play,” she softly pleaded. “Just a moment longer.”

  Merrick’s gaze bored into her, as if seeing into her very core. “I can’t deny you, you know I can’t.”

  “You won’t regret it,” she promised.

  Merrick pulled his arms away, releasing her. “Play with me, angel.”

  Chapter Eleven

  If he kept from shooting his load early, it’d be a goddamn miracle. Seeing Chloe in the little red nightie had shredded his self-control. The instant she’d wrapped the silk around his wrists, his balls had drawn up tight. She wanted to be the one in control. He was only too happy to oblige. Afterwards, it’d be his turn.

  “I bought more than wine and lingerie today.”

  What did the minx have up her sleeve now? “Oh, yeah?”

  Chloe reached toward the nightstand and opened the drawer. She pulled out a small plastic bottle and held it above him. He inspected the label in the dimly lit room. His lips quirked. “You want to give me a massage?”

  “Sort of,” she answered vaguely. Her voice drifted over him, as soft as the satin she wore and twice as lethal.

  Chloe’s warm brown eyes overwhelmed his senses and left him panting like a little lost pup. He’d be begging to get inside her tight, hot cunt in a few more seconds; he could feel it in his bones. She owned him, body and soul. Her dainty fingers drifted over his torso, and he shuddered. She could tear him apart with barely a stroke of her sharp fingernail. That wasn’t anything new, though. Chloe always held power over him. She didn’t realize how easily she could control him. He’d always been careful to keep that knowledge from her. Now he knew he’d made a mistake in not letting down his guard. If she understood how much he craved her, how he’d shrivel and die without her, she’d know he was sincere about making their marriage work. She’d know he meant to keep her, to have babies with her, to put her before work.

  Chloe removed the lid on the bottle and squirted some of the sweet smelling liquid onto her hands. As she rubbed them together, Merrick took in the sight of her sitting astride him. Her nipples were hard little points covered in the softest satin he’d ever seen. His mouth watered as he anticipated licking and suckling. Her damp pussy against his crotch had him so hard he could crack cement. Each time she wiggled, he ached a little more. The need to slam inside her tight heat nearly overrode everything else.

  As her hands began to stroke his torso, he bit down hard on the urge to force her hands lower. He wanted to feel that slippery glide up and down the rigid length of his dick, feel her small hands squeezing and playing with his hot flesh.

  “Lower, Chloe,” he snarled as he flexed his hands. The silk was about to be torn in two if she didn’t move a little faster.

  “I want to touch, to tease. You wouldn’t deny me, would you, Merrick?”

  “I can’t take much more of this slow seduction, baby. I’m about to explode.”

  Chloe laughed. The lilting sound tore a growl from his chest. “I swear, you’re so impatient.”

  “Touch my cock,” he softly demanded. “Just once. Give me something to hold me over.”

  Chloe’s fingers slid lower, down the muscles of his abdomen, then over one hip. The little seductress bypassed his groin altogether. He pushed his hips upward, hard, nearly unseating her, only slightly mollified by her sharp cry of surprise.

  “Touch my cock, or the game’s over,” he warned.

  Her eyes widened. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I’m about to rip this cute little scarf,”—he wiggled his wrists for emphasis—“and throw you on your stomach so I can plow into your soft little body. Nice and hard, just the way you like it.”

  Even with the room dimly lit, Merrick could see the blush that stole over his wife’s face. She bit her lip and shimmied down his body until she was perched on top of his thighs. She grasped his heavy cock in both hands and squeezed. Merrick grabbed the headboard and clamped down on the need to take over. Her fingers drifted up and down, her little pinky sliding over the slit in the engorged head, playing and drawing a bead of moisture to the tip. She swiped it up and brought it to her mouth. Merrick watched in fascination as she closed her eyes and sucked on her pinky. Her sweet moans of pleasure rippled clear through to his soul, heating his blood.

  “God, baby, you look like sin. A tempting little girl playing with fire.”

  Chloe opened her eyes and leaned down. Her hot breath against his ear fueled his already out of control need to take her. “I’m not a little girl though, am I, Merrick? I’m a grown woman and I know exactly what I want.” She nipped his earlobe for emphasis before sliding her palm over his cock and ball sac.

  The last thread of his control snapped at the same time that the threads on the scarf tore.

  Merrick had her beneath him in between one heartbeat, and the next, his hands framing her face. “You go to my head, baby. I can’t breathe, can’t think. All I want is you. Your cunt, your ass, your mouth. I want to slide inside you and stay there. I want to fuck you so hard you’ll never walk away from me again. I want to make you ache and scream so you’ll pour that sweet juice all over my dick.”

  Chloe arch
ed upward and shouted, “Oh, Merrick, please!”

  “Shh, it’s time for me to play,” he crooned. He grasped both her hands in one of his and pulled them above her head, putting her on display for his viewing pleasure alone. His entire body vibrated with repressed rage as he imagined her finding someone else. No way in hell. No other man would ever see her like this, he silently vowed. No other would ever touch what belonged to him. He had the crazy urge to mark her, to prove to them both that no one else would ever do for either of them.

  Merrick’s lips crashed down on hers. The kiss was hard and greedy, demanding entrance to her mouth. She whimpered and opened for him. His tongue thrust in and out as he licked and fucked her hot, tempting mouth. He nipped her lower lip, swiped his tongue over the small sting, before drifting lower. He dropped kisses along her chin and tasted the length of her neck, sucking and sipping at her feminine perfection. Merrick moved lower, pushed the straps of her nightie off her shoulders, and bit down, eliciting a moan of carnal pleasure from his gentle wife.

  Merrick pulled back and tugged the pretty red satin over her head, exposing her round breasts and nipped-in waist. He tossed it to the floor before moving his attention to the minuscule panties. His fingers shook as he pulled the material down her hips. Every muscle in his body went still at the erotic sight that greeted him.

  “Oh, fuck, baby.”

  “D-Do you like it?”

  Merrick couldn’t stop staring. His wife, the woman who’d stolen his heart with barely a whisper, had waxed her pussy bare. Nothing but smooth, creamy skin and slick moisture greeted his insatiable gaze. He licked his lips and touched her exposed clit with his thumb, rasping over the little button with teasing strokes. Chloe moaned and moved against him. His nostrils flared as he took in the scent of her arousal. Holy hell. And he’d thought he couldn’t get any harder? He’d be lucky to keep from coming all over the bed!

  “You’ve been a very busy girl, baby,” Merrick murmured as he fingered her creamy slit.


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