The Life of Alcibiades

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The Life of Alcibiades Page 30

by Jacqueline de Romilly

Alcmeonid family, 4 , 6 , 27

  death of, 12 , 22 , 170 – 77 ; family of,

  Alexander the Great, 15 , 65

  4 – 6 , 35 , 45 – 46 ; illegitimate son of, 21 ,

  Andocides, xv–xvi, 70 n1, 71 , 79 – 80

  102 – 3 ; incest gossip about, 20 , 180 ,

  Andrewes, A., xvii

  184 ; intellect of, 9 – 10 ; legacy of, 177 ,

  Androcles, 75 – 77 ; assassination of, 75 n9,

  178 , 192 – 99 ; marriage of, 20 – 21 ; as

  127 ; democratic beliefs of, 93 , 114 , 135

  202 Index

  Antiochus, 158 – 59

  Cleinias (Alcibiades’s father), 4 – 6 , 35

  Antiphon, 20

  Cleisthenes, 4 , 49 , 93 n10

  Antisthenes, 184

  Cleon, 8 , 36 , 65

  Anytus, 22 – 23

  Cleophon, 135 , 144 , 160 , 163

  Archepiada, 191 – 92

  Cloché, Paul, 181 n8

  Archidamus, Spartan king, 48 , 105

  Conon, 167 , 170 n5

  Arginusae, battle of, 167

  Corcyra (Corfu), 68 , 77 , 96

  Argive alliance, 40 – 47 , 52 , 64 , 86 ,

  Corinth, 40 – 41 , 43 , 56 , 96

  89 – 90 , 111

  Coriolanus, 19 , 24

  Argos, 5 – 6 , 40 – 42 , 90 ; Epidaurus and,

  Cornelius Nepos, xv, 109 n6, 162 , 169 ,

  46 ; Peloponnesian War and, 40 – 41 ,

  175 , 191

  96 ; Sicilian expedition and, 47

  Council of Five Hundred, 43 , 125 , 128 ,

  Aristides, 49

  130 – 31 , 136

  Aristophanes, works of: Acharnians ,

  Critias, 25 n15, 79 , 134 n16, 140 ,

  161 ; Birds , 23 – 24 , 130 ; Clouds , 182 ;

  160 n21, 181 – 83

  Frogs , 163 – 65 , 167 ; Knights , 8 , 50 ;

  Croiset, Maurice, 184

  Lysistrata , 72 – 73 ; Wasps , 72

  Cyme, 156 – 57 , 160

  Aristotle, 8 , 160 n21

  Cynossema, battle of, 142

  Artaxerxes, Persian king, 171 – 73

  Cyrus, Persian prince, 155 – 56

  Athenaeus, 28 , 148 n13, 184

  Cyzicus, battle of, 142 – 44 , 146

  Autolycus, 3 n4

  Axiochus, 80

  Decelea, 100 – 102 , 132 , 146 , 151 ,

  160 , 180

  banishment. See ostracism

  democracy, 36 – 37 , 94 , 114 – 17 , 158 ; Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques, 176 – 77

  “moderate,” 124 – 25 ; threats to, 85 ,

  Bengtson, H., xvi

  197 – 98

  Bicknell, P., 4 n8

  Democrates, 23

  Bloedow, E. F., 48 n11, 164 n30, 187 n17

  Demosthenes (general), 99

  Bowersock, Glen, 145 n9

  Demosthenes (orator), 9

  Budé, Guillaume, 20 n10

  Diocleides, 79

  Byzantium, 144 – 46

  Diodorus Siculus, xv, 140 , 143 , 152 ,

  159 , 160 , 169

  Callias, 6 , 7 , 126 n4

  Diogenes Laertius, 184

  Callicles, 136 , 186 – 88

  Duris of Samos, 75 n11, 147 – 49

  Campistron, Jean Galbert de, 172 ,

  176 n16, 192 – 93

  eisangelia (right to bring suit), 71 – 72

  Carthage, 56 , 60 , 68 – 69

  Eleusian Mysteries, 75 , 77 , 80 – 81 ,

  Chalcedon, 144 , 145

  151 , 163

  chariot races, 3 , 19 , 27 – 29 , 87 , 179

  Elis, 42 , 43 , 47

  Charmides, 80

  Endios, 5 , 44 – 46 , 90 – 91 , 106 – 9

  Chios, 28 , 106 – 8 , 134 , 160

  ephebes, oath of the, 41 – 42

  Chrysogonus, 148

  Ephesus, 27 , 106 , 108 , 114 , 157 – 59

  Cicero, 75 n11, 191 , 197

  Ephorus, 143 n3, 147 , 171

  Cleinias (Alcibiades’s cousin), 3

  Epidamnus, 96

  Index 203

  Euboea, 106 , 132 , 144

  kalos kagathos (ideal human condition), 2

  Euclid of Megara, 184

  Kottyto (Thracian deity), 75

  euelpides (high hopes), 130

  eunoia (goodwill), 194 – 95

  La Fontaine, Jean de, 69

  Eupatrid family, 4

  Laïs, 22

  Euphemus, 82

  Lamachus, 61 , 77 , 83

  Eupolis, 75

  Lampsacus, 167 – 70

  Euripides, 3 , 27 , 163 – 65

  Leogoras, 79

  Euripides, works of: Electra , 99 ;

  Leonides, 199

  Heraclides , 65 ; Orestes , 161 ;

  Leontini (Sicily), 56

  Phoenician Women , 135 – 36 , 187 ,

  Leotychidas, 102 – 3

  198 – 99 ; Trojan Women , 60

  Lesbos, 28 , 105 , 106 , 108

  Libya, 60 , 69

  Five Thousand, council of, 131

  Lichas, 114 , 132

  Four Hundred, council of, 43 , 125 , 128 ,

  Lysander, 154 – 59 , 167 – 70 , 173

  130 – 31 , 136

  Lysias, xvi, 97 , 147 , 160 , 180 , 195

  Gelon, tyrant of Syracuse, 56

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 112

  Gomme, A. W., xvii

  Mantinea, 41 – 43 , 46 , 47 , 64

  Gorgias, 195

  Megacles (Alcibiades’s grandfather), 4

  Gylippus, 98 – 99

  Melos, 21 , 52 – 54

  Menandrus, 169

  Hadrian, Roman emperor, 177 , 191

  Messina, 57 , 77 – 78 , 89

  Hatzfeld, Jean, xiii, xvi, 146

  Miletus, 6 , 108 , 114

  Hellenica of Oxyrhynchus , xvi, 159

  Miltiades, 166 – 67

  Hermocrates, 57 – 58 , 82 , 99 , 113

  Mindarus, 142 , 143

  herms, affair of the, 70 – 75 , 77 , 79 – 80 ,

  Montaigne, Michel de, 17 n3, 192

  124 , 193

  Mytilene, 54 , 62 n15

  hetaereiai , 72 , 79 – 81 , 158

  Hippocratic oath, 62

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 65

  Hipponicus, 6 , 7

  Naxos, 57 , 78

  Hitler, Adolf, 65 , 150 , 194

  Nepos, Cornelius, 15

  hubris, 24 , 194

  Nicias, 29 , 48 – 49 , 101 , 112 ; as

  Hyperbolus, 50 , 127 ; democratic beliefs

  Alcibiades’s rival, 37 , 40 , 46 , 49 – 51 ,

  of, 93 , 114 , 135 ; ostracism of, 51 , 76 ,

  62 – 63 , 111 ; death of, 99 ; on Sicilian

  85 – 87

  expedition, 13 , 61 – 66 , 77 , 82 – 83 ,

  99 – 100 ; Spartan diplomacy by, 43 , 44 ;

  imperialism, 52 – 54 , 58 – 66 , 112 , 188 , 194

  Thucydides on, 54 , 61 – 63 . See also

  Ion of Chios, 165 n31

  Peace of Nicias

  Isocrates, xvi, 76 , 87 , 195 ; on

  Notium, 157 – 60

  Alcibiades’s chariot races, 27 , 28 ,

  179 ; on Alcibiades’s exile, 90 ; on

  “oath of the ephebes,” 41 – 42

  Alcibiades’s treachery, 97 , 179 , 180 ;

  oligarchy, 37 , 76 n12, 114 – 15 , 124 – 25 ,

  family of, 93 n10

  128 – 29

  204 Index

  ostracism, 49 – 50 ; of Alcibiades, 7 – 8 , 22 ,

  67 n18; on Timandra, 173 – 74 ; on

  50 – 51 , 81 – 87 , 89 – 103 ; of Hyperbolus,

  Tissaphernes, 109 – 10 , 113 , 141 , 175

  51 , 76 , 85 – 87 ; of Themistocles, 41 ,

  Plynteria festival, 148

  49 , 171 – 72

  Polycrates, 182

  Oxyrhynchus historian, 159

  Potideia, battle of, 39

p; proxenos (foreign consul), 5 , 47 , 92 , 93

  paranomia , 30

  Pylos, 39 – 40 , 43 , 45 , 92 , 93 , 101

  Peace of Nicias, 40 – 41 , 48 – 49 , 101

  Peloponnesian War, xi–xii, 37 – 40 , 48 ,

  Rhegium (Reggio di Calabria), 57 , 77

  64 , 98

  Rollin, Charles, 193

  Pericles, xii, 4 – 7 , 63 , 101 ; as Alcibiades’s

  guardian, 5 ; on expansionism, 56 , 59 ,

  Salamis, battle of, 56 , 172

  65 ; as general, 37 ; on naval power,

  Samos, 48 , 108 , 114 – 15 , 118 – 19 , 128 –

  41 ; on omens, 71 ; successor of, 8 ;

  34 ; oligarchs of, 123 – 24 , 126 – 28

  Thucydides on, 36 , 37 , 84 , 131 , 144 ,

  Sicilian expedition, 36 , 48 , 54 – 58 , 77 ;

  161 , 188

  Argos’s involvement in, 47 ; Nicias and,

  Persian empire, 39 , 104 , 195 ; Sparta’s

  13 , 61 – 66 , 77 , 82 – 83 , 99 ; Plutarch on,

  negotiations with, 105 – 14 , 132 – 33

  60 ; Sparta’s involvement with, 98 – 100 ; Persian Wars, 39

  Thucydides on, 57 – 69 , 78 , 82 – 85 ,

  Phaedo, 184

  99 – 100

  Pharnabazus, 106 , 142 – 44 , 146 , 170 – 71 ,

  Socrates, xii, 32 – 34 , 39 , 167 , 172 ;

  173 , 175 – 77

  Alcibiades and, 10 – 12 , 24 – 25 , 139 – 40 ,

  Phrynichus, 116 – 21

  165 – 86 , 182 , 185 , 189 – 90 ; trial of, Pindar, 56

  178 , 181 – 85

  Pisander, 76 n12, 123 – 27

  sophists, 6 , 9 , 183 n10, 187 , 197 – 98 ;

  Plato, 140 , 178

  rationalism of, 71 ; Socrates and,

  Plato, works of: Alcibiades I , 9 – 10 ,

  183 n10

  24 – 25 , 32 – 33 , 172 – 73 , 183 – 86 , 189 ; Sophocles, works of: Oedipus Rex , 88 ,

  Alcibiades II , 32 , 33 , 183 ; Apology ,

  177 ; Philoctetes , 145 , 199

  181 n7, 184 – 85 ; Gorgias , 25 , 136 ,

  Sulla, Lucius Cornelius, 154

  172 , 173 , 186 , 189 ; Phaedo , 7 ;

  Syracuse, 56 , 69 , 82 – 83 , 98 – 100

  Protagoras , 2 , 6 , 25 ; Republic , 187 –

  88 ; Symposium , 1 – 3 , 10 – 13 , 25 – 26 , Teucrus, 79

  185 , 188 – 90 , 192

  Themistocles, 41 , 49 , 56 , 59 , 171 – 72

  Plutarch, xv, 16 – 24 , 41 – 42 , 186 ; on

  Theodotia of Athens, 22 n14

  Alcibiades’s ambition, 36 , 102 ; on

  Theophrastus, 9

  Alcibiades’s chariot races, 19 , 27 ;

  Theramenes, 132 , 134 n16

  on Alcibiades’s death, 171 – 74 ; on

  Thirty Tyrants, 125 , 170 , 175 – 76 , 181 ,

  Alcibiades’s ostracism, 50 – 51 ; on

  198 . See also tyranny

  Alcibiades’s treachery, 90 , 91 , 94 ; on

  Thourioi, 56

  Alcibiades’s wealth, 7 ; on Andocides,

  Thrasybulus, 128 – 29 , 157 , 160 , 170

  80 n17; on Androcles, 75 ; on Duris of

  Thucydides, xv, 9 , 178 , 193 – 94 , 198 ;

  Samos, 147 – 48 ; on Lysander, 154 – 59 ;

  on Alcibiades’s ambition, 35 – 37 ;

  on Melos expedition, 54 ; on Nicias,

  on Alcibiades’s chariot races, 27 ; on

  50 – 51 ; on Sicilian expedition, 60 ,

  Alcibiades’s scandals, 30 , 31 , 73 – 81 ,

  Index 205

  87 ; on Alcibiades’s treacheries, 90 – 97 ,

  129 – 33 , 141 – 42 ; Plutarch on, 109 – 10 ,

  108 – 22 , 126 , 132 – 33 ; on Alcibiades’s

  113 , 141 , 175

  wealth, 7 , 86 ; on Androcles, 75 n9; on

  Tydeus, 169

  Argive alliance, 42 – 47 , 111 ; on Arsaces,

  tyranny, 37 , 72 – 74 , 93 , 125 , 196 .

  110 ; on Endios, 106 – 8 ; on Hyperbolus, See also Thirty Tyrants

  50 , 51 n16; on imperialism, 194 ; on

  Melos expedition, 53 – 54 ; on Nicias,

  Vichy regime, 128 , 150

  54 , 61 – 63 ; on Pericles, 36 , 37 , 84 , 131 , Villon, François, 191 – 92

  144 , 161 , 188 ; on Sicilian expedition,

  Vlachos, A., xvi, 25 n16, 95 n15

  57 – 69 , 78 , 82 – 85 , 99 – 100 ; sources

  of, 137 – 39 ; on Themistocles, 172 ;

  Xenophon, 159 ; on Socrates, xv, 181 ,

  Xenophon and, 137 , 139 – 40

  182 ; Thucydides and, 137 , 139 – 40

  Timaeus, 80 n17

  Xenophon, works of: Anabasis ,

  Timandra, 22 , 173 – 75

  155 n3, 162 ; Cyropaedia , 155 ;

  Tisias, 28

  Hellenica , 102 – 3 , 130 n8, 139 – 40 ,

  Tissaphernes, 106 , 108 , 124 , 155 – 56 ;

  144 , 162 , 178 ; Memorabilia , xv, 2 , 24 ,

  Alcibiades and, 109 – 17 , 120 , 125 – 27 ,

  91 , 182

  Document Outline

  The Life of Alcibiades Contents

  Translator’s Preface

  Author’s Preface


  1. Richly Endowed

  2. Insults and Scandals

  First Interlude: Alcibiades between Two Lifestyles 3. Political Debut: The Argive Alliance

  4. The Grand Design

  5. The Scandals

  6. Exile: Defending Treason

  7. In Asia Minor

  8. With the Athenians on Samos

  Second Interlude: Alcibiades between Two Historians 9. A Triumphal Return

  10. Slightly More Than One Hundred Days

  11. A Final Appearance

  12. Repercussions






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