Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Rayna Stone

  Mastering Holly Oaks

  Full Measure

  Katherine Haynes is a woman who knows infidelity and insecurity. She’s pulled herself from debt and divorce to start a new life across the country. When her new bosses bring her to a club and introduce her to Mac and Jay, her life changes even more.

  Mac Dunna and Jay Reynolds are in a loving D/s relationship, but they crave a woman to complete their life. Kat is everything they could imagine. They must show her that her insecurities about relationships and her health condition won’t be enough to keep them from her.

  As their love heats up and Kat’s confidence grows, a stalker becomes determined to get rid of her. With her lovers by her side, she’s prepared to do anything to have the future they offer, even if it means risking her life. Will Kat find love and the new life she’s looking for, or will her stalker cut her future short?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 59,588 words


  Mastering Holly Oaks

  Rayna Stone


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2012 by Rayna Stone

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-914-9

  First E-book Publication: August 2012

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  I’d like to dedicate this book to my husband. He has supported all my hopes and dreams since we met in college…no matter how outlandish they may have been. Thank you, my love, for believing in me. Thank you most of all for entertaining the kids so I could write without the constant interruptions and diaper changes!

  I’d also like to thank my mother who not only encouraged me, but read every word along the way and gave me her opinion. Thanks for having an open mind, Mom. I cherish our friendship, trying as I know I must be at times.

  Finally, I’d like to thank Sophie Oak. As a new author, I thought to seek some advice from the woman whose work I have adored for some time now. I am grateful for all the advice and encouragement she has offered over the months. She is not only a talented story teller, but a generous human being. Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage a stranger, Sophie. You’ll never know how much that means to me.


  Mastering Holly Oaks


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  It was just an interview. Well, that sounded a whole lot better to Kat than acknowledging that this job was make or break for her. After the divorce, it took six years of hard work and ramen noodles to pay off her student loans. She finally had a chance for a fresh start. Maybe even happiness. Well, she was going to reach for it with everything she had. A new town, new job, and hopefully new friends were exactly what she needed. If she could just get the damn car door open and not fuck up this interview.

  The Holly Oaks Veterinary Clinic was the only vet clinic in this small Colorado town. Kat was sick of big cities, sick of feeling like they just swallowed her whole. She’d wanted to live in the wide-open spaces of Colorado since forever, and this seemed like the perfect place for friendly faces and beautiful scenery. The only problem with that was, of course, small towns didn’t really have a lot of employment opportunities for vet techs.

  Kat spent her last dime just getting out here. She had no clue what she’d do if she didn’t land this job. She really preferred to work with animals. With a snort, she admitted that she was much more comfortable with animals than people. Her ex had let her know plenty of times that she had the social skills of an ant, the bastard. At least ants seemed to take care of each other. Kat hadn’t really felt taken care of since her parents died when she was sixteen and she was sent to live with her aunt and uncle. She loved them dearly, and was grateful for the sacrifices they made to help her, but she always felt more like a responsibility than a member of the family.

  Mark had seemed like the perfect man when she met him in college. She thought she would have a husband and some kids, maybe a dog or two. Things didn’t quite turn out that way. Not long after they were married, Mark began treating her like a nuisance to be tolerated, not a cherished wife. Instead of the safety and love she yearned for, she began to feel utterly inadequate and alone. Then she found out Mr. Perfect was cheating on her and planning for divorce. Well, so much for her friggin’ fairy tale. At least now she was free to live her life and not worry all the time if she measured up. Having nobody to tell her she was loved was better than having someone who just didn’t bother to say anything. And she didn’t need anyone to take care of her, either. She’d seen and experienced how love could just vanish. She had no desire to go there again.

  Deciding she had thrown enough of a mental pity party, Kat pulled in a deep breath and refocused on her interview. She could do this. She knew she was a damn good vet tech, and she knew how to handle veterinarians. She didn’t know much about this
town yet, but she damn well would get this job and make a life here, provided she didn’t vomit all over herself before she showed them how kick-ass she could be.

  Suit nicely pressed, check. Hair in place, check. Makeup,well, at least she was wearing some. Getting out of the car, Kat took a deep breath of the clean Colorado air and marched into the building. The reception area was thankfully clean and orderly. Two clients were waiting patiently for their appointment. She calmly walked to the desk and introduced herself. The woman behind the desk gave her the once-over and told her to take a seat. Kat noticed the blonde seemed pleased that the new interviewee didn’t pose a threat to her obvious status as clinic beauty. Kat could swear that there wasn’t much about the woman that wasn’t purchased and surgically installed. Jesus, how did one even maneuver with boobs that big? Those lips were definitely not natural, either. Kat was stunned she didn’t speak like a toddler with a lisp.

  Okay, just because her self-image was in the crapper didn’t give her license to judge Nurse Barbie. She needed to focus and relax. Looking to her left, she noticed that the kitten in its carrier was shaking in fear. ’Course, there was a rottweiler licking his chops like lunch was served. Poor kitten. She knew how that felt. She would have given that dog the stink eye, but she didn’t want potential clients to see her taking sides. Just then, the door to what looked like the trauma room opened, and…

  Holy sweet baby Jesus.

  The man in scrubs could not be the vet. Kat just prayed that God did not hate her and that this drool-worthy specimen was not the man she would soon be interviewing with. He had sandy-blond hair and very light-blue eyes. He should be pretty, but that wasn’t the word to describe this man. He had a rugged beauty that screamed masculinity, and the type of muscles only years of manual labor could create. Please, please, please, don’t be the vet.

  “Miss Haynes? I’m Dr. Stromfield. If you can just sit tight for a few minutes, Dr. Gainer and I will begin the interview in our office.” Well, shit. So much for God and His mercy and all. Plastering a smile on her face, Kat nodded her assent and prayed she wouldn’t have to add “no swooning” to the “no puking” edict.

  * * * *

  Dr. Ryan Stromfield sauntered into the office he shared with his partner. Looking at his lover, he knew the previous interviews had not gone well. Didn’t matter, he had a feeling the little beauty in the waiting room would make a certain Dr. Gainer feel a whole lot better.

  “This had better be good, Ry. I’m having a shit day.” James Gainer rubbed a hand down his face and looked up to Ryan’s piercing blue eyes.

  “No good prospects?” Ryan asked.

  “None. I cannot believe that people can actually get a license over the fucking internet without laying a hand on an animal,” James said. “I need someone who knows what they’re doing. I do not have time to train. If I don’t find someone soon, we’ll start losing money.”

  Ryan knew he felt stressed. James took the majority of the surgeries at the clinic. Without a technician, he couldn’t do more than spay and neuter. He’d even been sending emergencies to the trauma center in Denver because he didn’t have someone to truly assist. With a bit more hope in his voice, James detailed the last interview of the day. Apparently the little cutie had a biology degree from Penn State University and a technician’s degree from Virginia Tech.

  “Why would a woman with a degree in biology go back to become a vet tech?” Ryan didn’t really get that. She could likely make more money with her first degree.

  “No clue, love. I just hope if she’s as good as she seems, that she isn’t one of those blow-through-town types. I mean, what is a chick from the East doing here anyway? And if being away from friends and family doesn’t get her packing, our freaky-ass town probably will. I don’t have a choice, though. If I have to stand in surgery one more day and try not to stare at Suzy’s tits, I might start poking at them. Seriously. They look like one poke and they’ll explode.”

  Ryan knew James couldn’t stand Suzy any more than he could, but if he started prodding in the name of science there could be an issue. Hopefully Miss Katherine Haynes was the answer they so desperately needed. “The last applicant’s ready. I’ll bring her on back.”

  * * * *

  The door opened, and James knew the day would end well. Not only was Katherine perfectly suited for this job, she was more than pleasing on the eye. Rich red hair fell in unruly waves down her back. Her eyes were a rather startling green. He’d never seen eyes so big and guileless. Flawless skin covered excellent curves. This was a woman. Dr. Gainer definitely liked women. Sadly, though he and Ry were looking for a third for their little family, they did not date coworkers. However, there was zero harm in looking at them.

  After rising to introduce himself, James noticed little Katherine seemed to have a hard time making eye contact. She definitely exuded calm, and she finally managed to look him in the eye to return the greeting, but it did not go unnoticed that she added a natural-sounding “sir” to her “pleased to meet you.” Interesting.

  Throughout the interview, she was very professional as she answered questions about vaccines, medications, and her experience with phlebotomy, X-rays, and surgery. Seemed she was comfortable talking about her work. Good. They did not need a wilting flower to take charge of the office. Suzy would eat her alive if she didn’t have a backbone. However, she definitely went back to lowering her gaze when they started asking personal questions.

  * * * *

  “What brings you all the way out here? It’s bit far for friends and family to visit.”

  Kat wasn’t sure this line of questioning was normal for an interview. Maybe they didn’t mind crossing personal barriers in small towns. She didn’t want to screw up what was turning out to be her best interview of all time by looking shady, so she decided honesty was the best policy here. “I don’t have any family left. My ex won our friends in the divorce, it seems, and though it was years ago, I’ve been too busy trying to get my life back together to make new ones. I’ve wanted to come out to Colorado since I was a kid. There’s nothing left for me in Pennsylvania. This is my second chance, I guess.” She could feel the blush rise to her face. Great. She sounded pathetic, and now she probably looked like a beet. Nice answer, Kat.

  “I think you’ll find our little town is very welcoming. Most people here are transplants anyway. We all need second chances sometimes.” Wow. Everything this guy said just oozed sincerity. She didn’t even feel pathetic anymore. Just being in the same room with him seemed to calm her nerves. With a little jump, Kat noticed that Dr. Stromfield was still here. How had she forgotten him sitting there? They both were the most attractive men she’d ever seen. Usually that would have just made her more nervous. Somehow they put her at ease instead.

  “Do you have a place to live yet?” Dr. Stromfield stood and crossed the room to stand next to Dr. Gainer.

  “I haven’t had a chance to look. I just got to town yesterday. I’m still at the motel out on the highway.”

  After exchanging a brief glance with each other, Dr. Gainer stood as well. “Well, welcome to Holly Oaks, Miss Haynes. I’d love for you to work here with us at the clinic.” Kat’s face broke into a brilliant smile. She jumped to her feet and tried not to stammer her acceptance. Finally something was going her way. She had to remind herself to refrain from doing the happy dance in front of these men.

  Sweet Lord, she was going to get to work with these guys. She had no intention of ever getting involved in another relationship. She even accepted that she was not a normal sexually responsive woman and would likely never get why everyone else seemed to love the act so much. But she was still human. And my, my, working with two hunks every day would not be a hardship.

  “Why don’t you join us this evening at the club on the edge of town tonight? We don’t have a lot of places for entertainment here, but there is a club most people frequent. It suits just about every taste in town. Part of the place is public and open for dinner, drinks, and dancin
g. We’d love to celebrate with you and introduce you around.”

  Well, why not. If she was going to start this new life, might as well start it in full swing. And maybe someone would know of a place she could rent. She really needed to get out of the motel. “I’d love to.”

  Chapter Two

  Mac Dunna was not in the mood to be at the club. After the week he had, he was looking forward to coming home and settling in with a drink. A little relaxation was not too much to ask, in his opinion. He was so tired he didn’t even want to make love to his slave. That realization shocked him a little. He was always ready to fuck. Had been since he hit puberty. Jesus, maybe he needed to cut back on his hours. Somehow the business just started taking over more of his life.

  Thank God for Jay. They weren’t 24-7 Master/slave, but this wasn’t a game for them, either. That’s the way they both needed it. Mac needed to feel in control of his life. He needed to have someone rely on him to take care of them. In return, Jay needed to submit. He loved serving his Master, and he needed structure. Mac felt blessed to have a man who cherished and loved him. Jay might let Mac have the control in their relationship, but Mac knew it was really Jay who controlled his heart.

  Love or no, however, his slave was adding up the punishment tonight. They both loved James and Ryan like brothers, but Mac did not care to celebrate a new hire with them tonight. He knew Jay really wanted to come out, so they agreed, but damn, Jay invited the whole fucking town. He’d have to have a little talk with his slave about the meaning of “low-key” when they got home.


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