Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Rayna Stone

  She was starting to feel better about this situation. And even what Jay said about punishment made sense. She could remember times when her ex wouldn’t talk to her for a week because he was pissed over something or other. Half the time she never knew why. And the one time she got a speeding ticket, he was furious over the money. He could have cared less that she was speeding, only that she got caught and he had to foot the bill for the fine.

  There seemed to be something so reassuring in knowing that if you screwed up, you would be called on it and forgiven. It was even a comfort to know that your lover cared enough about your safety to drive the point home in a way you were likely to remember. To hear Jay confirm that Mac wasn’t abusive was a relief. It sounded like he really didn’t like to hand out a punishment, and that he’d never cross the line and actually hurt her. “What about when you two disagree about something? Are you allowed to fight about stuff?”

  Mac just stared at her for a minute before he started laughing. “Baby, we fight all the time. Just like any other couple. Sometimes it’s over stupid stuff like what to watch on TV, occasionally we see differently about something bigger, but we always try to respect each other when we fight. I want to hear your opinions. As long as you are being respectful to me and Jay, we will talk it out until we can compromise or agree. But kitten, if you get bratty, I will spank your ass until you’re ready to discuss your position reasonably.” This last was said with a seductive purr. Lord alive, he could spank away if he talked to her like that.

  “So you don’t always get your way?”

  “No, honey. Only in the bedroom. Like I said, we are partners. We will treat you equally as well. But I will get my way during any sexual scene. You can count on that.”

  “Jay, what did you mean when you said you have responsibilities to each other?”

  “Well, just like in most relationships, there’s equal give-and-take. During scenes, I trust Mac to take the control. To know what I need. I trust him to love me enough to allow me to let go. I don’t have to worry about anything because I know Mac will take care of it. But the flip side of that is the reality of submission. It isn’t easy to do. You have to be strong enough to let go. You have to be honest with your Dom, open about whom you are and what you need. He can’t read your mind. He trusts me to give him all the information he needs to be able to do his job. He trusts me to take this seriously. I won’t hide from him, because that would just cheat us both. I won’t top from the bottom or undermine his demands. I try my best to avoid any action that shows disrespect. I want him to understand that I trust him to be all the things I need.

  “In our daily life, we have the same responsibilities to each other every other couple has. I wouldn’t just up and leave for the weekend without talking with him. I wouldn’t hide things or lie to him just because we aren’t in a scene. I love him. The ultimate responsibility we have to each other is to behave in a manner that honors that love, kitten.” Jay’s eyes were bright. The love she saw shining on his face as he looked at Mac made her physically ache to share.

  Well, so far all of this sounded better than she could have hoped. They didn’t want to take over her life. They wanted to be a part of it. Okay, so Mac would go all Dom on her if she wasn’t being cautious with her safety. She could handle that. And they wanted respect. Well, who the hell didn’t? She wanted a relationship like that so badly. And she did want to see what it was like to submit sexually. She always felt she understood the subs in the books she read. She wanted to experience what was described. If it didn’t work, well, there were no guarantees. Better to find out now instead of dating them for months only to have her heart broken if she couldn’t handle the D/s aspect.

  “What about safe words…hard limits?” She would do this. She needed some more information to be responsible, but she was so going to do this.

  “My, my, kitten. What books have you read?” Jay snickered.

  “Oh, come on, Jay! I know enough to know about safe words, and that knife play is definitely a hard fucking limit for me.”

  “She’s right, Jay, lay off. Sweetheart, we follow safe, sane, and consensual play…always. You say ‘yellow’ if you feel you need to slow down and talk for whatever reason. You say ‘red,’ and everything stops immediately. I honor those words at all times. Most of the things I imagine would be on your hard limit list are also on ours, honey. We’re into the aspects of power exchange, bondage, and sensation play. I will not humiliate you or permanently mark you. I’m not interested in animal play, and I absolutely will not share you with anyone but Jay. I consider my lovers to be mine. No one touches what belongs to me, kitten.

  “As for anything you’re unsure of, all you need to do is ask. I will honor your limits, provided there is a valid reason for them. For example, if anal play is a limit, I would suggest we try it first. If it’s too painful for you, or you just flat out hate it, then it will be off limits. If there is something I want to try and it’s physically safe, then fear is not a valid reason to avoid it. But, kitten, keep in mind this is supposed to be for our mutual pleasure. I’m doing something wrong if you’re not enjoying yourself, honey.”

  Wow. They made everything sound so reasonable. So amazing. She knew that if she got scared or uncomfortable that they would talk it out with her. Reassure her. Though she never believed any of this would happen to her, it seemed the kind of life she fantasized about was right here in her face. All she had to do was take it.

  “Okay. I want to try this. I can’t promise I’ll be okay with it, but I guess that goes with any new relationship. I can promise to give it my honest best effort. Am I supposed to call you Master now? How does that part work? I read about protocols and some etiquette, but I really have no clue how to do this.” God, what if he wanted her to walk around naked all the time or never speak? She really liked to talk. That could be a toughie.

  The twinkle in Mac’s eyes was only overshadowed by the relief and happiness she saw on both their faces. “No, kitten. When we’re in a scene, you will call me Sir for now. I haven’t earned the right to be your Master. At all other times, you call me what you’re comfortable with. In private Jay occasionally calls me Master, never in public. As far as protocol and etiquette, I’ll teach you what I like. I’m not real strict with high protocol. I like my sub’s eyes on mine, I want to see what’s going on in that head of yours. As long as you’re respectful, you may talk all you like unless I order silence. There are some positions I favor which Jay will go over with you, but I’ve altered some from the standard for comfort’s sake.

  “Every single person who practices BDSM does so in a unique way. You will never be called out for not doing something I didn’t teach you. As Jay said, I won’t set you up to fail. I’m not interested in tricking my subs. I think that kind of behavior undermines what is central in all of this for me, a loving relationship.”

  Everything this man said just made her feel better about moving forward. There was definitely a voice in her head pitching a fit over the risk of heartbreak involved. And she had a feeling that Mac would consider her anxiety disorder as important information to be shared. She really didn’t want to talk about that. Was it fair to keep it to herself? Yeah, she knew it wasn’t. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to tell him. Maybe at some point in the future she would be able to confide in them. Right now she just couldn’t handle it.

  Jay smiled at her. “Relax, baby, you look like you’re working on string theory over there. I know we gave you a whole lot of information, but honestly, this isn’t supposed to be awful for you. We can only alleviate some of your fears with experience. You let us worry about how this will go, okay? Just remember that if anything becomes too much for you physically or emotionally, you have the power to stop us. The sub always has that power. It’s our dirty little secret. We actually retain the ultimate control by being able to call a stop to the scene or relationship if necessary.” Leave it to Jay to lighten the mood and put things in perspective for her. He was right, she didn’t
need to stress over this right now. She’d just let it unfold and let Mac drive.

  “So, when Mac’s not around, are you going to top me? I don’t want to get confused.”

  “No, mostly I’ll just fuck you silly. Well, unless Master restricts my orgasms. In that case you’ll have to walk around in a snow suit, because seriously, babe, I’ve been hard as a fucking rock all night. I love your body. Too many nights like this could cause some serious damage to my manly bits.” Now that he mentioned it, Jay did look rather uncomfortable.

  Mac snorted. He didn’t seem overly concerned that Jay might need medical intervention. “Don’t worry, kitten, he’ll live. Orgasm denial is one of us Doms’ dirty little secrets. It’s the best punishment ever for snarky subs.” Jay moaned in torment. Just then Sampson came flying at Kat. She always assumed he aimed for her lap, but usually he just ended up crashing into the couch somewhere. Tonight he hit the sofa back next to her and slumped to the seat in a boneless mass with a bit of an “umph.” Though Mac and Jay looked horrified for the poor thing, she just scooped him up and started rubbing his face.

  “Okay, is he going to be doing that shit all the time? I can’t spank a cat, for Christ sake, and he is definitely going to injure himself. Why the hell does he keep jumping?” Mac looked truly upset about this new and unacceptable dilemma in his life.

  “He’s been like this since birth, Mac. He doesn’t know it isn’t normal. He’s perfectly happy, I assure you. And he only hurt himself twice when he was little. Trust me, he’s very pliable. Now, when do we start all this?”

  “Tomorrow night, actually. Seriously, you’re sure there isn’t something we should do? Like put him in bubble wrap?” Oh, my God, he was serious. This really was making him nervous. Awesome. She liked that he looked so flustered. And besides it being terribly cute, it was funny as hell.

  “No bubble wrap. And no bondage! I’m serious, Mac. I see you hobble my cat and I will introduce you to one of Kelly’s little friends. You won’t like her. I can’t think there is anyone alive who likes this woman.”

  Mac paled a little at that threat. “Listen, kitten. Here’s your first command. None of Kelly’s friends are ever allowed in my home. I will take down any manner of dangerous threat in life, but I know to stay the hell away from Kelly’s friends. I won’t hobble your cat. Even if it is a really good idea.”

  Jay looked decidedly upset now, too. “Yeah, I’m in agreement with Master on that one, babe. Keep Kelly’s freaky friends away from us.”

  Mac started to chuckle as he helped Kat to her feet. “We’re going to go home now, honey. I can’t promise not to touch you if we stay any longer, and I think we need to let you think tonight. If you haven’t changed your mind by tomorrow night, meet us on the second floor of the club. I won’t contact you tomorrow. I need you to really think. This has to be your decision. If you come to us tomorrow night, be prepared to offer yourself into my keeping, pet. I’m a patient man and I’ll take things slow with you, but I will demand your submission if we are to continue. Understand?” There was no humor in his voice now. He was serious. If she decided to take the next step, she would have to do so in full measure.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Chapter Seven

  Kat was nervous as all get-out. She definitely hadn’t changed her mind. In fact, she could think of little else all day except the feel of her men and the strong emotion their words incited in her. Yes, they were her men. Unless she called “red” to this whole adventure, she would think of them as hers. Jesus, she needed this evening to start before she hyperventilated. At the same time, she was so nervous she was sure she’d be incapable of opening the door to the club. Wouldn’t that be lovely? Everyone could stare at the deaf-mute doing a statue impression at the damn door. Shit. She needed to get in the friggin’ car and go already.

  Kat practically ran from the parking lot to the club. As she rounded the steps to the second floor, she almost fell backward. There was a bouncer in front of an ornately carved oak door. Okay, maybe “bouncer” was being generous. This man looked like he could give professional wrestlers a run for their money. And if his size wasn’t intimidating enough, that fucking whip attached to his leathers sure as hell was. A whip? Seriously? She hoped to God Mac did not have a whip. Fuck, did he mention whips last night? Nope, she was pretty sure she would have picked up on that word. Okay, now she was just staring, which wasn’t cool, considering he was staring right back.

  “Excuse me, I’m looking for my friends. They said to meet them on the second floor. ’Course they neglected to mention the Titan with a whip, so maybe they had it wrong. Seriously, I can just go. Maybe if you see them, you could tell them I’ll be downstairs? But don’t whip them. The smaller one can be a bit snarky, but he’s really well-meaning, so please don’t take offense if he calls you names. Shit, I called you a Titan, didn’t I? I didn’t mean that. I just never saw a man so big. I don’t mean big as in fat, I mean big as in, ‘Wow, you must work out a lot,’ which is actually a compliment. Not that big people are stupid and you wouldn’t know a compliment. Oh, God, please shut me up. But not with the whip! I’ve heard about gags. Maybe a gag? Fuck! I’m serious here, Sir, Master, big man with a whip. I’m too nervous to stop. If you don’t shove a gag in my mouth, it will only get worse!”

  Kat’s pitch was so high by the time she finished she was practically squeaking. Double fuck. She should just go now. There really wasn’t any way to recover from something as humiliating as that little break in sanity. And the big dude with the whip looked like he was going to call 911 for the crazy at the gate. As she turned to leave, she saw Kelly standing behind her in openmouthed shock. Yup. Maybe if she left town now, she could avoid having to kill herself.

  Trying to make her feet move without making eye contact with Kelly was her only focus. Get out. Houston, we have a problem.

  “Kitten, stop.”

  Oh, she got it now all right. Kelly was a Domme. And a fucking sadist. She wouldn’t be fooled by this woman again, even if she really liked her. But damn it, she stopped. What was it with this shit? Someone acknowledges she’s a sub, and now she obeys like an automaton? No fucking way. She just did irreparable damage here. She was going to follow her instinct to find the nearest rock and crawl under that fucker.

  “Honey, look at me. Please?”

  With a bit of an unladylike growl, Kat looked up. It really wasn’t fair on Kelly’s part to go all sweet sounding. This woman was lethal and should be marked with a sign stating such.

  “Oh, my. This is going to be so much fucking fun. You are just the most adorable little thing. You’re going to twist them in knots, I know it. Mac has no clue what’s about to happen to him. Yup. Best week ever.” The sheer delight on Kelly’s face had Kat breathing again. She certainly didn’t think her little episode was adorable, but maybe they could all take a mini stroll down amnesia lane and forget the last five minutes.

  “Kelly, help me! You have to get me past that very nice gentleman standing in front of the door. You really need to make sure I don’t open my mouth. I will even let you take me back to your torture chamber of a spa if you do that for me.”

  “No problem, sweetie. Kent here is actually just a cuddle bug. Kent, this is Mac’s sub, and you’re scaring her. Give her a little hug to let her know just how nice you are.”

  Oh, God! Why couldn’t they just be normal and pretend like nothing happened? This was beyond humiliating. Kat vowed to warn any man who even looked at Kelly to run fast and far. Kent the Titan gave her a dazzling, if not slightly ferocious smile, and leaned all the way down to hug her.

  “There, there, little one, I won’t hurt you. You just come to Kent if you need anything.” Patronizing ass.

  “Thank you, Sir. If you’ll just please put me down, I’ll quietly go about my business. Sir.”

  She’d let him laugh at her, because of the whip and all, but if anyone else laughed at her tonight she was going to break some ass.

  * * * *

Mac saw kitten enter the club with Kelly. He didn’t know if he should be alarmed or not. She was a serious shade of red. But she was here. For them. And holy hell, he was going to have to buy Kelly a gift for picking out that dress. Silk, just a touch darker than the red of her face at the moment, literally hugged her beautiful body. The halter top dipped dangerously low and showed just what incredible breasts this woman had. Cream-colored and plump, they swayed a bit as she walked. Her nipples were erect and pushing at the fabric. Her hips rolled like the dance of a trained seductress. Jesus. She was incredible. All the more so because she didn’t have a clue just how sexy she was. He couldn’t wait to see her ass. He could only imagine how it would look with the fabric stretched tight against her.

  “Fuck.” James breathed.

  Yup. That about summed it up. Mac glanced at Jay. His slave was sitting next to him like someone had kicked him in the balls. Yup, that about summed it up, too.

  As she approached the table, Mac twirled his finger so she would spin and let him get a look at that ass. She blushed even more, lowered her eyes, and slowly turned a circle. He took a quick breath at the sight. Her backside was made for them. He was pretty sure she was a virgin there. He couldn’t wait to take her. God, to grab on to those tender globes after he’d heated them up and tunnel into her. She would be so hot and tight. Christ, Jay was going to have to do his job well, because Mac was sure he wouldn’t last long.


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