Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Rayna Stone

  Kat pulled her fingers apart and felt the nipple clamps pinch her again as Jay helped her turn around. Every touch was pleasure pain now. When she looked in Jay’s eyes, she saw he was just as crazed as she was. She barely got into position when he thrust up into her pussy. They both groaned in satisfaction. She squeezed him with her inner muscles, and he jerked inside her.

  “Lay down on slave’s chest, baby.” Jay wrapped his arms around her and invaded her mouth. She felt Mac move into position behind her and grab her ass cheeks. As he spread her, he started rubbing the head of his cock against her anus. Then she felt him pushing in. “Relax, kitten. Take a deep breath, and when you release it, push out against me,” Mac commanded. Jay was soothing her with long strokes on her back and nuzzling her nose. She breathed in and did as she was told.

  When she felt him pass the tight ring of her sphincter muscle, she whimpered a little. It was painful, but only for a moment. He held there until he felt her relax again. Then he slowly pushed in till she felt his sac bump where she and Jay were joined. They all moaned in pleasure. Nerves she never knew existed were firing off. She clenched her muscles and crossed her eyes at the incredible feeling of fullness.

  After a minute for all of them to gain their breath, Mac grabbed her hips tightly. “I’m going to move now, pet. Slave, you can come as soon as pet does.” With that, he dragged his cock back, and she realized that sensation was better than the fullness. Holy God. She felt the pressure in her clit increase, the friction of the still-placed butterfly rubbing her with Mac’s movements. When he slid back in, Jay withdrew and the butterfly sparked to life again.

  “Oh, fuck…ahh.” She wouldn’t last. Her boys were fucking her in tandem, and the butterfly was vibrating on her clit. She was so stimulated she couldn’t even moan anymore, she just screamed. Jay was grunting with the effort of his movement and shaking at the restraint required to hold off.

  Just when she felt that melty heat flood her pelvis, and her muscles started to contract, Mac pulled her up and flicked off the nipple clamps. Kat lost her breath. She was literally frozen. The pain in her nipples as the blood flow returned was intense, but it was nothing compared to the force of her climax. Her whole body surged with her orgasm, and she started milking the cocks pounding into her. She saw bright flashes of color behind her eyelids and heard Jay shout out his pleasure. She could feel him coating her walls in strong jets of cum. The sensation just kept her rolling. Mac was gripping her so tight she’d have bruises, but she didn’t care. When he slammed into her and released, she gripped him hard. She couldn’t let go.

  Mac finally took a breath and rolled them to their sides. When she felt them slip from her body, she moaned at the loss. She was too tired to think, too sated to do more than listen as they all struggled to breathe again. She was half-asleep when Mac finally got up to clean everyone. When he came back to bed, she snuggled into his chest with Jay spooning her back.

  “I love you, Jay,” she whispered. “I love you, Master.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mac was humming. Actually humming. He smiled to himself as he realized that he hadn’t been this happy in a long time. Kitten said that she needed them, but he knew how much they needed her. They needed her lightness and comfort, the kind only a woman could truly provide. And she had called him “Master” last night. Things would be perfect if only they didn’t have to worry about Suzy. Mac would have a talk with that woman if she didn’t back down now.

  He loved that he could rely on Jay to handle the situation up to this point. They needed the legal knowledge, and Jay tended to be more diplomatic than Mac. If they could resolve this now, he would be content to let it go. He wouldn’t confront Suzy and risk making the situation worse for kitten, but one more move on Suzy’s part and she would hear from Mac. He would not stand by and let her continue to harass any of them.

  He was just getting off the phone with his favorite jeweler in Denver when Jay ambled into the kitchen. “Please tell me there’s coffee,” he grumbled. Yes, his slave needed caffeine or he was a bitch to deal with in the morning. “Fresh pot’s ready, and I picked up some of those muffins you love from the diner.”

  “How long have you been up? It’s, like, five in the freaking morning?” Jay asked. He looked at Mac like he’d lost his mind.

  “I’ve been up about an hour. I was too excited to sleep. Since the diner’s open twenty-four-seven I thought I’d be nice and get you muffins. If you’re going to be ungrateful, I’ll eat them myself,” he teased.

  Jay dashed to the bag on the counter and grabbed it like it was gold. “No, no. I’m plenty grateful. Surprised you could move at all today, but grateful.”

  “Last night was incredible, wasn’t it?” Jay was beaming and nodding, mouth too full of blueberry bliss to speak. “She called me Master, Jay.”

  Jay washed down his muffin with coffee and walked over to Mac. He caressed his face and enfolded him in a hug. “I know, baby. She’s really ours. She’s our perfect mate, Mac.”

  “I’m having a collar made for her. It’s a good thing money talks to Jason. He was pissed that I woke him up. He’s going to tool her a thin leather play collar, but I wanted something special for her day collar. I know you like your gold chain, but I want her in emeralds. I chose a diamond centerpiece. It’s going to be beautiful. Do you think it’s too much? Maybe I should have gone with a simple chain. It’s not gaudy, it’s classy and delicate. If the jewels are too much, you need to tell me. I can have it changed.” He was babbling now. He didn’t babble. God, he just wanted everything to be perfect for her.

  “Mac, stop. It’s a brilliant idea. Emeralds…with her eyes? It’ll look stunning. And every woman should have the sparkle of a diamond on her neck. She’s going to look amazing in it, and she’s going to love it. She’s our princess now. She should be in gems. Speaking of which, can we really get her nipples pierced? Do you think she’d go for that? Because, seriously? I was dreaming about it all fucking night.” And there he was, like a kid being promised a pony. Mac loved the playful side of Jay. It helped him remember that life should be enjoyed. Too often he let the stress of work get him mired down. Jay always managed to make him laugh.

  “I’m not sure, love, but I intend to ask. That little scenario would be lovely to play out. But you know I will leave permanent markings of any kind up to kitten.” He wasn’t the type of Master to demand his sub alter their body in any way.

  “Maybe she’ll say yes if I promise to get Property of Master tattooed on my ass.” Jay was now musing to himself.

  Well, he may not demand a mark, but he could sure as hell demand Jay not get one. “You are not tattooing your ass, slave.” Jesus, he would, too.

  Mac hadn’t really had a chance to talk with Jay about his take on the Suzy situation. He needed to know just what they were up against. “Jay, tell me what’s going on. Do we really need to worry that kitten could be arrested?”

  Jay sobered immediately. He did not look pleased. The joy of the morning had vanished to be replaced with a thick layer of tension.

  “I don’t think that we have to worry about the theft case. I’m fairly certain that Suzy imagined she’d found the most convenient way to get Kat out of town. Even if she were arrested, she wouldn’t likely face a long sentence. She would, however, be ruined. She’d lose her job and her reputation. I’m thinking Suzy believed that even if Kat never went to jail, she’d be under enough suspicion to lose us and her job. She’d have to leave town. That bitch is probably stewing over the fact that nobody believes Kat’s capable of this crime. It may have backfired in a dangerous way.”

  “You don’t think she’s going to let this go, do you?” Mac asked seriously.

  Jay sat down at the table next to Mac. “Honestly, I’m really worried. Instead of Kat being humiliated and losing everything, Suzy is the one who’s going to go to work today to find out her bosses no longer trust her. Instead of driving a wedge between us, it’s going to be real clear to her that our relation
ship is solid. She didn’t get any of the consequences she was probably aiming for, and now, she’ll know everyone is watching her.

  “Mac, I’ve seen a lot of criminals. I know the behavior. Yesterday that woman walked out of the clinic after talking with police, and she hadn’t even broken a sweat. She wasn’t nervous or fidgeting…nothing. She knows that nobody can pin this on her. It’s like with a stalker case. The victim has to live in terror knowing exactly who the stalker is, but never knowing what or when the next move will be. Unless she does something criminal and leaves evidence or is caught, there’s not a damn thing the police can do either.” Jay was rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous habit that always told Mac he was stressed.

  “I don’t know if Suzy is going to leave this alone. I’m praying that right now she’s shaking in her boots. Wondering what the hell came over her to try something like this, and thanking God she wasn’t the one arrested because of it. But I got to warn you, Mac, the woman I saw yesterday was not shaking. She was definitely not shying away from Kat, either. I think we need to be prepared for her to escalate. If she’s determined to get Kat out of town, I’m very worried about what she’ll do next to make that happen.”

  Shit. This sounded like it had the potential to be far more serious than Mac had envisioned. Legal entanglements were one thing, stalking was another. He would just have to pray Jay was wrong, though he was terrified that he wasn’t.

  Just then Jay’s cell phone rang. He got up to answer it and left the room. Great. Jay never left to talk on the phone unless it was the prosecutor’s office in Denver. He didn’t want Mac to have to hear about the cases they discussed. If the prosecutor needed Jay’s help so soon after the last case he worked, he knew it must be a bad one. He only hoped Jay wouldn’t have to worry about kitten as well. Mac decided to call in to work and start delegating some of his responsibilities. He owned the fucking company. He would damn well start taking advantage of his resources. He needed to be at home until some of the shit in their lives calmed down. He would not have either Jay or kitten dealing with any of this without him.

  * * * *

  Kat woke up with her alarm. Damn. Five thirty was really fucking early. She loved her job, but she had to admit that it would be so much better if she didn’t have to go in till eight. Oh, well, at least today was going to be really busy. Kelly was bringing in “Mac’s” dog for his dental, and there was a nasty tumor removal and two spays on the books. If even three people called in this morning to drop off sick pets, they would be slammed. Busy was good. She wouldn’t have to think about Suzy or the mess of yesterday. Yes, busy was definitely good.

  She couldn’t hide the dippy smile on her face when she came into the kitchen and saw Mac pouring a cup of coffee. He looked up and immediately came over to embrace her. “Morning, baby.” His voice was a bit gruff.

  When she pulled back from the hug, she cupped his face and gave him a soft kiss. “Morning, Mac.” God, she would love to just stay here all day with them, but she was going to be late if she didn’t go now.

  “I need to head out. Have you seen Sampson at all? I know he found his food and litter box, but he hates new places. Usually he hides for a while. I’m a little worried that in a house this big, I’ll never find him.”

  Mac watched her gather her things, a frown forming on his beautiful face. “If we can’t find the cat, how are we going to know if it hurt itself…you know, smacked into something and broke its neck? And you aren’t leaving until you eat something, kitten.”

  Kat looked at him in confusion for a minute. The last person to demand she eat breakfast was her mother. He was worried about the cat and her. It was so cute. Big bad Dom man was fretting.

  “Kelly’s bringing bagels this morning with the dog. As far as Sampson goes, I guess if he breaks his neck, we’ll find him when he starts to smell. Gotta go, love you!” She was giggling all the way out the door over the look of terror on his face.

  * * * *

  Mac was still searching for the damn cat when Jay finally came out of the office. Yup, bad case, probably a murder. He had that distinct look of misery on his face that he always wore when he worked a murder case.

  “They need some help in the Denver office?” he asked nonchalantly.

  “Yeah, it’s a bad one. A young woman was found in an abandoned warehouse. I looked through the file and autopsy pictures they sent. I have never seen anything so awful. I had to turn off the fucking computer halfway through. What that girl must have gone through is incomprehensible.” Jay slumped down into the couch.

  “You taking the case?” Mac sat down beside him.

  “Haven’t decided. They could really use the manpower, but I’m not sure I should get involved when we just got on solid footing with kitten. Not to mention my concerns over Suzy.” Mac understood he felt torn, but that wouldn’t do. They called him for a good reason. He was an incredible attorney. And Mac knew that as much as a case like this would cost him emotionally, he’d never forget that he was asked to help bring this woman’s killer to justice. Mac was certain that if he didn’t take the case, he’d feel like he let the victim down.

  “I’m cutting back on work. I’ll be here for kitten, Jay. If you feel you need to be a part of this, you know you have my full support. Kitten would feel terrible if she thought your decision about this case was impacted by her presence or the issues with Suzy. Don’t do that to her. It isn’t fair to either of you. You decide what to do based on your gut, just like you’ve always done.” Mac was holding Jay’s hand, trying to remind him that he could share his burdens with his lover, his Master.

  “I need to take the case, Mac. Something doesn’t feel right about their theory or their suspect. I called Davis to see if he can get in on the investigation. I think they need a fresh pair of eyes. You’re right. Kitten wouldn’t want me to walk away from this one. I just hope she can handle it if I need you to help me through it.”

  Jay was resting his head on Mac’s shoulder. “She’ll understand, Jay. She loves you. She’ll be your support just as much as I will.” Mac just held Jay and prayed, for them and for the victim.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kat had just finished getting all the sterile packs ready for the scheduled surgeries when she heard Kelly come through the door. It really couldn’t have been anyone else.

  “Get your ass in the door right this minute, Carson. Heel! If I have to tug on this leash one more time, I swear you’ll lose more than a few bad teeth today!” A huge black Lab snorted at Kelly and walked past her. He was a beautiful dog, but it was obvious he wasn’t as impressed with Kel’s Domme voice as her subs were. Kelly just rolled her eyes at him. “Yeah, we both know how much you like licking your balls. Just remember that next time I give you an order.”

  “Kelly! Do not threaten that sweet dog in such a horrible manner.” Kat rushed over to Carson, who started wiggling his whole body in excitement. It looked like Kelly was the only one he wasn’t thrilled with. “I won’t let the mean Domme take your balls, sweetheart. Mac would definitely not approve of that procedure. You’re safe here,” she whispered.

  “Oh, don’t baby him, Kat. He’s supposed to be attentive to me and ferocious to everyone else. Look at him. He’d welcome a burglar into my house with more enthusiasm than he does me. Idiot. I don’t know what school Mac sent him to for training, but he should get a refund.” Kelly looked positively dismayed.

  “Oh, I don’t know, I think you’d be surprised. He’d probably tear an intruder apart. He’s just not intimidated by you. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you.” Kat really hoped that was the case. She might be a little more convinced if Carson wasn’t currently licking Ryan’s face.

  “He hasn’t eaten anything since five yesterday, has he? I need him sedated for the procedure.” She could see another car pull up. Better get Carson squared away before he made another new friend.

  “No, nothing. When am I supposed to pick him up?”

  “Any time after 5:00 p.m. We lik
e to keep them for a few hours to make sure they’re recovering well. I’ll call you if I find anything that isn’t standard. I’m going to clean his teeth, and if I see any that look decayed or infected, I’ll pull them. He’ll be fine.”

  “Will Suzy be here when I pick him up?” Why did she have such an innocent look on her face? Kat just nodded.

  “Good. I look forward to it.”

  “Kelly, please, just let it go. It’s not worth it, and I really don’t want her any more pissed than she’s going to be after James talks with her today.” God, was she actually feeling fear over making this bitch angry? She didn’t want to be afraid, but she could admit to herself she was, at least a little. Nobody had ever singled her out for any kind of attack before. It was beyond creepy.

  “Okay, honey. Don’t worry. I’ll behave, but to be honest, I’ve never been nice to her, and I don’t intend to start now. By the way, I’m taking you to the club for lunch. The first floor opens at two, and we are going to relax. It’s a perfect day for margaritas, well, most are, but today absolutely is, and I have a trusty designated driver to pick us and Carson up later. I’ll come to Mac and Jay’s around quarter to two.” Before Kat could agree, she was out the door.

  * * * *

  By the time one thirty rolled around, Kat was bouncing on the balls of her feet and staring out the window, waiting for Kelly. It had been such a long morning. The tumor removal did not go well. It was much deeper than they originally thought and there was a lot of blood loss. They busted their asses to save that dog, and the owner had the nerve to complain because they wanted to keep him hospitalized overnight! She really wanted to force people to pass a humanity test before they were allowed to own an animal. And she really wanted that friggin’ margarita. When Kelly pulled up, she flew out the door.


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