Remember Love (The Forever Love Series)

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Remember Love (The Forever Love Series) Page 9

by Rhea Rhea

Brenna: U 2

  After spending the morning texting, I rush to campus to complete my first final. Then I hurry back home to text Tucker again and study before my next final. I wake up to do it all again the next day… and the next. Each day is a weight lifted and a step closer to my future. The future I now see with him.

  Finally, after completing my last final, I arrive back at my apartment and happily drop my keys and phone on the table. Then I smile as I throw myself across my bed. Grades will be posted late next week, and graduation is set for the following weekend. All that’s left after getting my grades is applying for my teaching certificate before the end of the month.

  I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.

  Tucker and I walk hand in hand through the streets downtown. We look for a place to sit by ourselves, away from the crowds, so we can stare at the night sky together. We find a patch of grass between two buildings and sit there in silence for a little while. Tucker puts his arm around my shoulders and draws me up close to his side.

  “Brenna, I meant what I said on the Ferris wheel.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah, I’ll always be yours. I’ve loved you since the moment I met you five years ago. I’ll still love you five years from now and five years after that.”

  “So you only plan to love me for the next ten years?” I laugh softly.

  “No. I plan to love you for the rest of my life.”

  I see the love in his eyes. I know he means it.

  “You know, I’ve loved you just as long, Tucker.”

  “I know.”

  I nudge his side with my elbow, making him chuckle.

  “Brenna, you’re going to marry me one of these days. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah, Tuck. I know.”

  “No matter what, you wait for me. No one else, Brenna. It’s you and me forever. You are forever mine. Promise me, Brenna.”

  “Forever yours, I promise, Tuck, and you are forever mine, too. So you better wait for me to grow up.”

  “There was never any doubt about that.”

  After sealing our promises with a kiss, we sit there side by side, his arm around my waist, and my head resting on his shoulder. I know that this boy will be mine for the rest of my life. This is where we belong. Forever side by side. This is where I feel safe. This is where I feel at home. This is a forever kind of love.

  I sit straight up in bed, running my hands across my face, feeling wetness on my cheeks.

  I remember.

  That night his parents found us spread out on the grass in our little hideaway spot, making out like the teenagers we were. His mother instructed us it was time to leave for the night, and that my mom was looking for me.

  The rest of that summer, Tucker and I were inseparable, making the most out of every minute. Stolen kisses in the hayloft, sitting for hours in our tree. Taking every chance to see each other. Summer turned into fall, and fall to winter, and we always found ways to be together.

  That spring we made plans to spend every moment of the coming summer. But by then, it was all gone. I was alone with no more Tucker, and no reason why. Tucker and his family moved away from the farm, so there was no way to see him anymore. I didn’t know where they went, and no one would answer my questions.

  My young heart was shattered that summer. I moped around the house, fearing I’d done something to make him stay away.

  Now I know why, and I know what I have to do. I jump out of bed and rush around my apartment to get ready as quickly as possible. Today, I am headed south and toward Tucker.

  Chapter Twenty


  I thought the last eight years were torture without Brenna. Wrong. The last four days have felt like hell. I miss her. Our amazing Sunday feels like it happened months ago.

  But now, in less than twenty four hours, she’ll be in my arms again.

  We’ve spent these past four days reacquainting ourselves, between texts and phone calls. We haven’t spoken much about the past. There isn’t much left to say.

  I did, however, ask that she not confront her mom just yet. I think we should wait until after her graduation and do that together.

  She agreed that we should stand together and hope her mom approves. I don’t need her mom’s approval, but I want it. Regardless, I’ll not let anyone come between us again. Come hell or high water, I’ll have my forever with Brenna. She is my future, and with each passing day that future becomes less of a fantasy and more of a reality.

  I slow my truck, taking in the scenery as I drive the last quarter mile down the driveway to my house. I love living here. It’s peaceful. There are no neighbors nearby and my house is far enough from the road that people driving by can’t see what’s going on in my yard. Not that anything exciting ever happens here. But hopefully that’s about to change.

  Peering out the windshield, I notice Brenna’s Xterra parked next to my house. My heart beats faster the closer I get. I didn’t know she was coming today, and I’m a little worried about why she’s here early. I thought everything was okay between us when we spoke last night.

  “Stop thinking the worst, Tucker.” I mutter to myself.

  I park beside her and turn off the engine. I sit there for a minute to calm my racing pulse before looking for her. She has to be around the back of the house, or I would have seen her as I drove up.

  I finally exit my truck and hustle to the back yard. I was right. She’s standing with on my deck, elbows propped against the rail, as she stares off into the woods.

  Leaning against the side of the house, she’s wearing a strapless pale pink dress with little white flowers around the top, and her cowboy boots. There’s nothing sexier than Brenna wearing her boots. I see an overnight bag at her feet with a little denim jacket strewn across it.

  I push away from the house and head her way just as she spots me, giving me a bright smile.

  Brenna walks toward me, and as soon as I reach the deck steps, she’s in my arms.

  I say, “I’m not complaining but I thought you weren’t coming till tomorrow.”

  “I had to come today. I remember, Tucker. I remember that night, and the way I felt.”

  I squeeze her tight, trailing kisses across her cheek to the corner of her mouth, and my heart may burst at any second. It’s beating so hard and fast. Tilting her head back so I can look into her beautiful deep blue eyes, I say, “What did you feel baby?”

  “Safe, home, a forever kind of love, right here in your arms then and now. That’s what I feel. I felt it the other night. I just didn’t realize that was what you wanted me to remember.”

  “I wanted you to remember the love we shared, to feel the connection we had then. And I hope you feel that same love and connection now.”

  “I remember the promises…”Brenna trails off, her eyes settling over my shoulder on something in the distance. “Who’s that?”

  Tension overtakes my body as I look over my shoulder. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! What the hell is she doing here? Better yet, how does she know this is where I live?

  I face Brenna. “That’s Stacy.”

  Brenna’s body stiffens in my arms. She slowly starts to pull away, but I tighten my arms to keep there.

  I say, “Before you get riled up, I have no idea what she wants or why she’s here.”

  “Then I suggest you find out and get rid of her before I do.”

  There’s my feisty girl.

  Letting go of Brenna, I trudge to where Stacy is now standing. It’s been months since I’ve seen her, or spoken to her. Why is she here, now?

  “What are you doing here, Stacy?”

  “Well,” Stacy says, “hello to you too.”

  “Tell me why you’re here,” I demand, hoping she’ll answer and leave my house quickly. This could end everything between me and Brenna, and that’s not a chance I’m willing to take.

  Stacy says, “I used to want more from you, even though I knew from the beginning it was out of the question. But that
’s not why I’m here.”

  I hear footsteps behind me, Brenna appears, asking, “Then why are you here?”

  Sighing, Stacy’s eyes dart me and Brenna before answering, “Brenna, this may not be what you wanna hear, but I have to get it all out so please try to understand.”

  “Go on.” Brenna replies.

  Stacy looks at me. “Tucker, you asked me once about the night at the party. I lied to you. Nothing actually happened that night. Wesley saw that you were drunk. He told me that he made sure you knew all the details of his night with Brenna. He was also talking about how love sick you were, and that you wouldn’t date anyone else because you were waiting on her.”

  I nod. “Okay. So what really happened that night?”

  Stacy clears her throat. “Nothing. I took you back to my place to sleep it off and we talked for a little while before you passed out. The next time I saw Wesley, he assumed we slept together and I didn’t correct him. It was none of his business.”

  I ask. “So what about when we ran into each other a year later? Was that by chance, or by Wesley?”

  “Wesley.” Stacy answers. “He wanted to keep you out of the picture. After the first few times, I told him to fuck off. When it all started I wasn’t looking for more than a good time. I know that sounds bad, but it’s the truth. I was trying to heal my own broken heart.”

  Shaking my head, I ask, “Why’d he want you to keep me away from Brenna?”

  Stacy shrugs. “I don’t know for sure. I just know he was jealous of you. At first it was because girls flocked to you, and you shunned them. And then it was because Brenna talked about you.”

  I grit my teeth. “If you see Wesley again, you tell him he better not cross my path or he has one hell of an ass whoopin’ coming.”

  Stacy snorts out a laugh. “Get in line. Anyway, look, I’m really happy y’all found you’re way back to each other and I wish you the best of luck. I’m gonna go now. I’m moving to Tennessee. That’s why I wanted to see you before I left. It’s was nice meeting you, Brenna.” She turns to me with a sad grin. “Goodbye, Tucker. It was nice knowing you.”

  Brenna and I silently watch Stacy head to her car, then in her car and drive off.

  I curl my arm around Brenna’s shoulders and giving her a little squeeze. She tilts her head up to look at me, and I sense her relief. “I’m so glad she’s the only one. I can’t go through that again. I’ve never been so consumed with jealousy as I was when she said your name.”

  “You know, you’re adorable when you’re angry and jealous.” I laugh.

  She smacks my stomach. I let out a grunt in response, and she rolls her eyes. Then the sky opens up and a soft spring rain falls down on us. Brenna steps away from me tilts her face toward the sky. Then she lifts her arms straight out to her sides, and spins in a circle. She looks so peaceful. I walk up closer to watch her dance in the rain.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The rain came at the right moment, washing away the doubt and worry that crept in when Stacy arrived. I was a little worried that Tucker hadn’t told me the truth when he said it had been over between them. But by the time she left, I was upset with myself for doubting him. Spinning in the rain, I cleanse away all those doubts and let peace wash over me.

  I look around for Tucker and see him lingering near a tree stump watching me. When our eyes meet, he runs to me and reaches out likes he’s ready to catch me. I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist, placing a hand on each side of his face. Then my lips meet his.

  Our open mouths cling, tongues fighting for control, from soft and slow to deep and fast. Tucker holds me in his arms as he walks toward the house, never taking his mouth from mine. Stepping onto the porch, he pulls his lips away long enough to bend down to grab my bag. Then my back is pressed against the door as he devours my lips and presses himself to me, his hand running up my thigh, pushing my dress up as he goes.

  This time I’m the one who breaks away, laying kisses across his jawline to his ear, I whisper, “Open the door, Tucker.”

  Lifting me up higher so he can reach his keys, he opens the door. And when he walks us inside, I begin to unwind my legs from his waist. His grip tightens and shakes his head, no. He again crashes his mouth to mine as he makes his way through the house.

  My panties are as soaked as my dress, and with each step he takes our groins rub against each other. He’s hitting me in just the right spot.

  I feel his hand tugging my leg, and I assume he wants me to unwrap my legs. I do, and my body slides slowly down his until my feet touch the floor while he pulls away. Looking around, I see we’re in his bathroom, and Tucker is pulling his wet shirt over his head.

  I reach for the hem of my dress when his hands reach out to stop me. Tucker apparently wants to do this himself. He takes the hem and lifts it straight over my head, leaving me in nothing but my panties and boots.

  With my dress lying in a heap on the floor, I reach for his belt to unfasten it. Then I quickly unbutton his jeans.

  Moving out of my reach, his eyes roam my body. With his eyes blazing with heat, I could melt right here and leave a puddle of Brenna on his bathroom floor. He looks away long enough to turn on the shower, then he steps forward, his eyes locked on mine.

  “Gotta warm you up,” he says as he pushes my panties down, his hand gliding over my bare skin. “I can’t have you getting sick.”

  I’m definitely not cold. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m on fire. I kick off my boots and watch as Tucker does the same. Next he pulls off his socks, then his jeans. And suddenly he’s standing tall in front of me, my eyes travel over his naked form.

  My gaze zeroes in on his groin. I gasp when I see his long, thick cock twitch.

  Tucker growls at me, then takes me in his arms and spins me around into the shower. He instantly joins me there, taking me in his arms again. The warm water flows down over us, and we kiss like our lives depend on it. Lips trail down my neck to my chest, and he runs his tongue over one nipple, then the other.

  One rough, calloused palm cups my breast as he plants kisses along my stomach, then my hip bones. Moments later I feel his tongue part my wet folds, kissing my pussy just like he kisses my mouth. Licking every part of me, leaving no spot untouched, inside or out.

  I throw my head back with a moan, my hand running across his head and up his arm. My body trembles as an orgasm rips through me.

  Tucker kisses his way back up to my mouth, then reaches behind me to turn the water off. He steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around me before scooping me up and carrying me to his bed.


  Brenna’s early arrival simply to tell me she remembers that night made me happier than I can express. Not even Stacy showing up could overshadow that.

  Then there was Brenna in the rain. I’ve seen her spin and dance in the rain many times before, but catching her in my arms to share that all-consuming kiss… that was new. There was no slowing down in that moment. Everything was how it should be, and leading to where we are now.

  Placing my knee on the bed, I lay Brenna down and hover over her gazing upon her beautiful face. “We don’t have to go any further if you don’t want to,” I say. I don’t want to stop but I need her to know for certain that she can say no if she wants.

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  Lowering myself down beside her, I lean on my elbow so I can see her face as I unwrap the towel from her body. She lifts herself enough for me to pull it out from under her and I swiftly toss it to the floor.

  I place my palm on the center of her chest. I leave it there for a few seconds, feeling the rapid beat of her heart before lifting my hand and trailing my fingers down the center of her body. When my fingers reach their destination and trail through the wetness, Brenna tilts her hips to help me reach my goal faster.

  Lowering my lips to hers, my mouth catches her moan as my finger slides into her. She’s soaking wet, hot, and so damn tight. My dick throbs an
d I can’t take much more before I have to get inside. Her body starts to shake and I know she’s close.

  Thinking about what I did to her in the shower and finally having the taste of her on my tongue has left me aching to be inside her. Seeing and hearing her as she came apart in my arms for the first time filled me with pride.

  Removing my finger from her wet core, I settle myself between her legs and pray to whoever’s listening that I can go slow enough not to hurt her. I run my hand down her side to her leg, lifting it to curl around my waist.

  I feel Brenna’s fingers slide down my chest, then her small, soft hand wraps around my cock. It’s almost my undoing. The feel of her soft hand is better than anything I could’ve imagined. After a few strokes, she takes me and moves my tip through her wet folds, placing me exactly where she wants me.

  I sink into her as slowly as possible until I am fully seated, then I stop, pressing my forehead to hers, giving her body time to adjust to my size. She rolls her hips, and I take it as my cue to move. I pull nearly halfway out of her before sliding back in, slow and easy, over and over. Letting her moans fill my soul. We move together as if our souls are intertwined. As if our bodies were meant for this.

  When I feel her begin to tighten around me, I move faster and go deeper inside. She clamps down and pulls me right along with her, both of us gasping out the other’s name.

  Pushing the hair out of her eyes, I kiss her, putting every bit of love I feel for her into that kiss. Rolling us both over, I settle her body on top of mine. No words need to be spoken yet. We just said everything without uttering a single word. This is a perfect moment, one I will never forget. Brenna and I are making new memories together.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  So many thoughts raced through my mind on my way to Tucker’s house. How I would tell him I remembered that night? How he would react? Did I remember was what he hoped I would? It never entered my mind that Stacy could show up and nearly ruin everything.


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