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Crushed Page 1

by Elle, Leen


  A Novel by


  Copyright © 2014 by Leen Elle

  Cover and internal design © 2014 by Leen Elle



  No part of this book may be used or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to events or locations is entirely coincidental.































  In the beginning, my life was bland. Like I was living in a world lacking color. Nothing stood out. Nothing seemed to matter.

  Then, with one single drop, the colorless world I lived in burst into something more. Something vibrant, and brave.

  He was that drop, the one that shook the foundation of my life to its' core. He unraveled to me that was suffocating in a world I didn't belong in. He was the color I'd been searching for.

  He was the reason everything began, and the reason why everything ended.

  The crowded college campus was buzzing with life. Students herded to the various courtyards to soak in the sunshine after almost a week of rain. As summer break was just around the corner, everyone was smiling, excited for the weeks of free time that laid ahead. While their exams were creeping up on them, only a few studious individuals had decided to lock themselves away on such a beautiful day, in order to prepare.

  Sophia Parker was one of the individuals who had decided that studying took precedence over goofing off. She'd spent the better part of the day inside of her professor's office, attempting to quiz him on possible essay questions. It wasn't the most enjoyable way to spend her time, but when she graduated at the top of the class, her hard work would lead to a high-paying career.

  Unlike the rest of her peers, Sophie had a plan- in fact, her entire life revolved around it. Even the smallest details of her daily routine were planned out, so that she didn't waste any time. Rather than being compelled to be perfect, Sophie was practical. She knew that the job market was competitive, and she knew that in order to support herself, she needed to work harder than her peers. If it wasn't for the generous college fund that her grandparents had left her in their will, Sophie would've had to put herself through college. Without any remaining relatives, she would be completely on her own.

  As she walked through the campus, she tried to ignore the other students who were spending their time relaxing, or hanging out with friends. She wasn't impervious to the loneliness that crept in at moments like this. After all, since graduating from high school Sophie had lost some of her closest friends to different universities. Her freshman year in college was spent meeting new people, but when her grandmother had gotten sick during her sophomore year, Sophie hadn't had time to keep in touch with anyone. Now, at the end of spring semester in her junior year, Sophie was a loner.

  She turned her attention away from the people, to the large willow trees that towered above her head. During this time of year the campus was gorgeous, as the summertime heat had yet to roll in. It felt wonderful to be outside, and Sophie felt guilty for spending the day studying. If it had been up to her, she would've already secured her spot on one of the various benches that lined the campus, with her sketchbook out, and her I-pod turned up to drown out the sound of everything else. However, breaks like that were rare, and Sophie could only dream about them. While she was twenty-one years old, she didn't have time to let herself act her age. She had a future to prepare for.

  Realizing that she was going to be late, Sophie quickened her pace. She focused her eyes firmly ahead of her, and brushed passed the groups of students that were standing in her way. Feeling stressed at her already packed schedule, Sophie anxiously flipped her long red hair over her shoulder. She ran her fingers through it, reminding herself that it was only twelve o'clock. She couldn't allow herself to be tired this early in the day.

  Sophie smiled once she could see the college's designated art building looming up ahead of her. It blended in well with the other brick buildings on campus, but to Sophie, it was a haven away from all the others. Inside, the walls were painted with bright colors, and paintings were hung up and down the hallways. Unlike the somber classrooms that defined this prestigious university, the art department was an exotic getaway.

  "Sophie!" A deep, heavily accented voice called out from behind her. "I was wondering when you'd get here."

  "Sorry, Professor Bowman. I just got done studying." Sophie smiled at the aging man, who greeted her with a warm hug. He was a family friend of her grandparent's, and his presence never failed to ease her heart. She didn't get to see him half as much as she would've liked, but talking with him always brightened her day. When he'd called this morning and said he had something he wanted to show her, Sophie was eager to make time for him.

  "Studying? On a day like today, I thought you would've been painting." He raised an eyebrow knowingly, and Sophie's smile faded.

  "I haven't had time to paint in over a month." She mentioned, trying to sound nonchalant. When she'd been a freshman, all Sophie had talked about was becoming a famous artist. She'd jumped into all sorts of art-related courses. However, over the years her passion had been replaced by reality. Being a painter wasn't going to pay the bills, especially when she was an unknown artist with relatively average skills. Professor Bowman had pleaded with Sophie to not give up completely, but his advice had fallen on deaf ears. With all of the stress in her life, the least of her worries was painting.

  "That's a shame." He replied. Sophie understood the meaning behind his words, and she frowned in response. He would never understand why she'd given up her passion, when he could easily embrace his own.

  "What is it that you wanted to show me?" Sophie tried to change the conversation to something less depressing.

  Professor Bowman clapped his hands together, his smile growing. "A Salvador Dali was just recovered recently. It was stolen back in 2006, and the authorities sent the painting to our university for authentication."

  Sophie's jaw dropped. "No way!" It was unexplainably exciting to be chosen to authenticate such a renowned piece of art. "That's amazing!"

  "I thought you would be excited. Which is why I wanted to ask if you would like to see it?" The professor's eyes were sparkling with amusement.

  "Can I?" Sophie's brow furrowed as she realized she couldn't possibly have the clearance to do so. The authorities would undoubtedly be doubling security on a painting which had already been stolen once before.

  "As the leading researcher on the authentication team, I think I have the power to say yes."

  Sophie grinned, realizing that Professor Bowman was the only man on campus respected enough for such a task.

sp; "I would love to see it!" Sophie replied, pleased with this surprise. As an art enthusiast, it was unbelievably exciting to see a work of art that had been missing for almost five years. Most of her peers wouldn't care about something like this, but to Sophie it was the most interesting thing that had happened all week.

  "I thought so." Professor Brown smiled, then turned absentmindedly to his ringing cell phone. "This thing never shuts up." He muttered as he answered, looking annoyed.

  Sophie turned away from him, trying to be polite. Now that she had a chance to really look around at the campus, she found that her former loneliness was replaced with happiness. Small things like this meant the world to her, when everything around her seemed so… boring.

  Sophie's life was seemingly defined by the word boring. She had a goal which she was working towards, but she didn't enjoy it at all. She hated what she was studying, and she dreaded the career she was headed for, but she blindly plowed forward, knowing that she didn't have any other choice.

  In the back of her mind, she wondered what it would be like to have Professor Brown's job. He was able to do what he loved every single day, while teaching others about his passion, and getting to work on projects like the authentication of the stolen Dali painting.

  "What do you mean?" The professor shouted into the phone.

  Sophie jumped, surprised by his sudden rage.

  "Leave it alone. I'll deal with it immediately." He hung up the phone, scowling. "Sorry, Sophie. It seems a complication has come up."

  "That's fine." Sophie replied, her heart sinking.

  "If you wait an hour, I'll be all yours." He flashed her an apologetic look, and Sophie frowned.

  She didn't want to be rude, but she had other plans for today. Taking an hour out of her schedule would push everything back. She couldn't take that risk, but a part of her was also dying to see the painting.

  "Sure." She replied before she knew what she was doing. "I'll wait by the old fountain." She motioned to the courtyard situated to the side of the art building.

  "Thank you." The professor seemed relieved that she'd agreed. Before her grandmother had passed away she had asked him to look after Sophie, and he seemed like he was trying to make up for not keeping up with that promise. "I'll be back as soon as I can." He waved before heading off down the sidewalk.

  Sophie stared after him, sighing in disappointment. She knew she was making a bad decision, but she figured taking an hour to enjoy the day wouldn't be such a waste after all.

  * * *

  As she sat down on the edge of the fountain, Sophie marveled at how crowded the courtyard was. Couples were sprawled out on towels, a group of men were playing football off to the side, and various art students were sketching away at the picturesque scene around them.

  It was the perfect afternoon, except Sophie didn't feel like she was a part of the picture the students were drawing. Everyone else was smiling, laughing, and relaxed. They blended into the scene easily, but Sophie stood out simply by not standing out at all. She was invisible and insignificant.

  She dipped her hand into the cool water beside of her, and examined the ripples she was creating. Beneath the surface were hundreds of pennies which had been tossed in for good luck. Reaching into her pocket, Sophie pulled out a dime. She dropped into the fountain, watching it sink to the bottom.

  "That's worth ten pennies, so I better have ten times the good luck." She whispered to herself.

  "I don't think it works that way." A smooth voice replied.

  Sophie turned around, spying a young man sitting only a few feet to her right. She hadn't noticed him before, and she blushed in embarrassment. If she'd known he was so close, she wouldn't have spoken to herself like that.

  "Then again, there's no harm in trying." The man's face was turned towards the fountain. The light reflected on the surface of the water rebounded onto his face, and for a moment Sophie couldn't see his features clearly. He shifted his position so that he could see her better, and Sophie caught her breath as she stared into his dark blue eyes.

  "You would think the universe would give me something for my generosity." Sophie joked as she examined the man. His features were soft, almost boyishly so. She had a feeling he was older than he looked. "I'm Sophia Parker." She extended her hand, and he shook it awkwardly. "And half of those pennies you see are probably mine."

  The stranger laughed. Sophie noticed that while he was grinning, his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

  "I'm Jack Smith." He replied, looking as though he was examining her as well. "It's a lovely day." He began slowly, looking slightly flustered.

  "Yeah. If only I had the time to enjoy it." She sighed again, staring into the fountain. She hadn't really spoken to anyone in a long time. At least, not to anyone she'd thought about becoming friends with. Sophie's grandparents had always joked that her best skill was pushing people away. It was hard for her to get close to others, and after her grandparent's had passed away, she'd isolated herself from everyone willing to try and break through to her.

  "I guess I have the opposite problem. Too much free time." Jack's eyes hadn't moved from her face. "You should consider taking more breaks. Being a workaholic is no fun."

  Sophie laughed, shaking her head. "Unfortunately, you can't major in fun."

  "How strange." Jack mused, his expression growing serious for only a moment. "You didn't strike me as the type that enjoyed playing by the rules."

  "What do you mean?" Sophie eyed him suspiciously. For someone she'd just met, she felt like he already knew her.

  "You look like someone who's very passionate underneath all of those layers." He continued, smiling.

  She was about to reply when he suddenly jerked up to his feet. She pulled back, shocked by his unexpected speed. Without warning, he leaned over her, just in time to stop the young child that was reaching into Sophie's purse. She'd left if lying beside of her, but while she was distracted with talking to him, she hadn't noticed the little thief sneak up on them. The small boy was holding her wallet in his hands, and he glared up at Jack when he realized he'd been caught. He dropped the wallet with a scowl, and turned to run off.

  Sophie found that she'd forgotten to breathe. It was partly because of her close proximity to Jack, but also because she'd almost lost something extremely precious to her. Losing money to the thief wouldn't even have compared to losing the note she had hidden away inside her wallet.

  "Thank you." Sophie muttered, too surprised to say anything more.

  "That was scary." Jack joked, rubbing the back of his neck as he leaned away from her. "You should take better care of your things."

  She nodded in response. "What was a kid like that doing at a college campus?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

  Jack's smile seemed strained. "You'd be surprised the kind of people that turn up in places like this. I wouldn't think too much about it."

  Sophie had never been known for her people skills, but she couldn't help feeling like his words were a warning rather than a friendly suggestion.

  Shaking off the feeling, she decided Jack was too friendly for something like that to be true.

  "I'd better get going." He said casually, glancing away from her. "I'm supposed to meet someone. It was nice getting to talk to you."

  "Yeah, thanks again." Sophie waved to him as he walked away, feeling a wave of awkwardness wash over her. For a moment it had felt like they'd connected, but there was something off about him.

  She turned towards her purse, and carefully unzipped her wallet. Slipping out the note she had tucked into a rip in the side, she unfolded the crumbled piece of paper.

  In her surprise she hadn't felt as panicked as she should've been. This was the last letter her grandmother had written her before passing away. Sophie's grandmother was like her own mother, and had raised her since her parents passed away when she was three years old. This memento was priceless, and Sophie couldn't believe she'd come this close to losing it forever.

tten inside was a long message which Sophie still didn't understand to this day. Within the letter, her grandmother promised that someone would come to wipe away her loneliness, and to offer her a life that was very different from the one she was leading now. Sophie hadn't understood a word of it, but it still gave her hope. A year had passed since the letter had been written, and still Sophie felt alone. No one of significance had entered her life since then, and she'd half wondered if it was her own fault. She wasn't the warmest person, and she felt like she might've pushed the stranger away.

  Clutching the note in her hands, Sophie decided that wishing for that person to come wasn't going to be enough. She'd stopped waiting a long time ago, but there were still grains of hope inside of her heart. Her grandmother had never lied before, and she didn't think this time would be any different. It was just really hard to have faith when she didn't know what, or who she was supposed to be looking for.

  As Sophie reminisced about the past, she decided she was tired of waiting by the fountain. It had been too long since she'd last explored the art building, and she desperately wanted to surround herself with something familiar. All thoughts of her schedule had faded, as her mind was filled with thoughts of her grandmother's note, and of Jack's deep blue eyes.


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