Forever Bold: Forever Bluegrass #15

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Forever Bold: Forever Bluegrass #15 Page 5

by Kathleen Brooks

  “Erika said you wanted to see me.” Jameson stood at attention. It was a military habit he didn’t even realize he was doing.

  “Yes. I have your first assignment.” Joseph reached for the lone file on the left of his desk and held it out. He didn’t seem happy and Jameson didn’t understand until he opened the file.

  “The party princess?” Jameson sighed as he looked at a photo that didn’t do her justice. Not after seeing Ariana Ali Rahman in person. The photo was stunning, but after seeing Ari in the flesh, he couldn’t get her out of his head—even knowing she was just another pampered socialite.

  “You don’t sound happy about this,” Joseph said with a curiosity that surprised Jameson.

  “I met her briefly in Crusina. She’s harmless but just another spoiled diplomatic daughter.”

  “I’m surprised to hear you say that, but relieved.”

  “Why?” Jameson asked.

  “This order comes from the top. I thought you might be involved with Princess Ariana. I’m relieved to hear you’re not. That always complicates things.”

  Jameson was quiet for a moment as his brain sped through the facts and then he groaned. “Damn it. I bet my mother did this.”

  “She has enough power to pull that?”

  Jameson nodded. “I’m sure being with the princess would somehow benefit her. She needs to get close to her, talk to her, wants me to date her . . . something for some political pawn’s purpose.”

  “Well, don’t give it to her. Keep it professional, but do your job. The princess will be walking into the lion’s den. Talking to the committee on human rights about how they’re committing the worst of said human rights violations? Well, let’s hope they think as little of her as you do. Then they won’t pay any attention to her. The worst that could happen is they feel threatened by her because then we’ll have a dead princess on our hands and that is not what we need. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir,” Jameson said. He was dismissed and, as he walked to the morning meeting, he glanced over the file. She would be staying in the Rahmi-owned apartment at 70 International Square. The brand new building was filled with residences for most of the UN ambassadors was less than a five minute walk from the UN. Practically half the world’s governments owned one of the luxury apartments. That made travel plans pretty easy.

  Ariana would be traveling with two bodyguards. Jameson looked at their pictures and felt a moment of disappointment at them being Rahmi guards instead of any of the three he’d met in Crusina. He’d liked them.

  He glanced at her schedule and was glad to see she wasn’t planning on being in town long. There were also no shopping trips, parties, or dinners planned. Strange. They must not have sent the complete list. He stopped in the hallway and dialed the contact number listed.

  “Veronica Pinckard.”

  “Hello, Ms. Pinckard. I’m Jameson Duke with the DSS.”

  “Ah, yes, Mr. Duke. What can I do for you?” Ariana’s assistant asked.

  “I think you sent an incomplete schedule.” He rattled off his email address into the silence of the phone. “Could you email me the finalized schedule by the end of the day.”

  “Mr. Duke, do I tell you how to do your job?” Veronica finally asked.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Do I call you up and tell you you’re not doing your job correctly?”

  “No?” Jameson was very confused on what was going on. He knew this wasn’t the complete schedule, so why was she upset for being asked to provide it?

  “I sent you the final schedule. You will learn very quickly that I do not make mistakes. Ever. Now, does that answer your question?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Jameson answered automatically.

  “Good,” Veronica said, sounding suddenly cheerful. “Now, protect Ari or I’ll hunt you down and kill you myself. I’ll even send you the schedule for it.”

  Jameson couldn’t stop the short chuckle.

  “Good, you can laugh. You’re stronger than Zain’s last DSS agent. He started crying ten seconds into my conversation with him.”

  Jameson laughed fully and then stopped. “Are you serious? If you are, you have to tell me who it was. It’s my first day in this office and I’m about to walk into the first group meeting and I know I’ll get shit for being the new guy.”

  “Sanders. Tell him I said hi.”

  Jameson smiled as he looked into the room filling up with his co-workers. “Veronica, I think we’re going to be friends.”

  “Jameson, let’s see how you do by the end of the trip before we rush to judgment. But you have potential.” Jameson could hear the teasing in Veronica’s voice as they hung up. One thing he could say about Princess Ariana, she had interesting people working with her.

  Jameson walked into the meeting and was instantly called out and introduced by his boss. “Jameson is assigned to Princess Ariana Ali Rahman, so help him out if he needs it.”

  A big man who looked like he played on the defensive line of a pro football team laughed. “You won’t last a minute with her and her team.”

  “Sanders?” Jameson guessed.

  The man’s brow furrowed. “Yeah?”

  “Veronica says hi.” The man went pale and slunk into his seat. He might not have started to cry but he turned his head away from the group as the meeting continued.

  Well, that effectively ended any hazing Jameson had anticipated. He might just need to send Veronica some flowers.


  Ariana sat across from Zain on the private flight to New York City. She read through her email and then her notes on her speech as Zain worked on his computer. After an hour, he closed the lid and looked over at her.

  “I don’t know if I’ve said this, but I’m proud of you, Ari.”

  Ari smiled up at her brother. “Thanks. I’m trying to make a difference.”

  “And you will.”

  “Just like my big brother?” Ari teased. He and Gabe had been great brothers growing up. They picked on her, but they also treated her as an equal. It wasn’t until she was older that the difference in age and life’s circumstances seemed to drive them apart. Her brothers were both married and working full-time for the king while she had been in college, partying it up between diplomatic internships and training.

  “Normally, it’s me stuck in these UN meetings, so thanks for taking over for this year. Maybe you’ll love it so much you’ll become the UN ambassador for Rahmi instead of me.”

  “Do you want me to?” Ari asked, suddenly wondering how much royal business Zain really had.

  “I’d love it if you did, but only if you like it. Gabe was going to take it over, but with Sloane being pregnant, it’s not a good time for him to be away for weeks at a time.”

  “But you’re a father and you’re gone weeks at a time,” Ari pointed out.

  “Never more than a week. But I was the backup heir to the throne. Gabe isn’t. He was going to pick it up to give me more time at home.”

  “Why didn’t you ask me?” Ari felt as if the past two years were nothing but constant eye openings.

  “You weren’t ready before but you are now. It’s why I’m having you do it this year. If you like it, I’d be honored to hand over my seat to you. However, if you don’t like it, I’ll make it work. No pressure, okay?”

  Ari shook her head. “No, not okay. You’re on your way to London for three days and then back home to pick me up on the way. I’ve seen your schedule in Veronica’s office. You’re busier than the king.”

  “It’s my job, Ari and I love it. I don’t mind being busy. Mila is able to join me most of the time and bring Zaria with us. There are different ways to change the world. I do the behind the scenes things. So does Gabe. He’s negotiated more treaties and business contracts to help Rahmi than anyone else. It makes a difference for good. What you’re doing, though, is what the public needs to see in order to initiate change. My meeting in London won’t change the world in any way. It’ll change the lives of the citizens of Rahmi, bu
t we need a public face for people to get behind.”

  “And you want that public face to be me?” Ari asked.

  “You don’t see it, but you’re a natural. You lost your confidence somewhere along the way, but I think you’re finding it again. The minute you do, you’ll naturally become the public face for Rahmi and the charities you support.“

  Ari shook her head. “No one will see me as motivation for change. They just see me as the party princess.”

  Zain snickered at the moniker. “And Gabe was the playboy prince. You don’t want that nickname? Show them you’re not the same person you were when you were caught dancing on top of the bar a couple of years ago. This speech to the UN will do that. Find your fire, Ari. Be you. Be the natural leader you always were as a child. Be the girl who took risks and climbed to the top of trees to save barn kittens. Be the girl who punched Max for pushing Kale down. Be the girl who took no shit from anyone and who exacted revenge by outthinking all of us. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about the manure prank.”

  Ariana laughed. She’d been eighteen and he’d embarrassed her at a graduation party. So she’d gotten him back by sticking all his shoes in manure and then shaking them off. When he’d put them on, he’d smelled a hint of manure and thought Gabe had stepped in it since his shoes were clean. Then he’d walked through a garden party and everyone paused to look at the bottom of their shoes when he walked by.

  “Thanks, Zain. I needed that boost before this speech. I wish you were with me. I’m definitely nervous. Dad said if being diplomatic didn’t work, I then have permission to play dirty.”

  Zain’s eyes went wide with surprise. “I guess President Nikan really pissed off our uncle.”

  “So I’ve been told.” Ari looked down at the text message that came through from Veronica and groaned. “Deming Nikan wants to have dinner with me tonight.”

  “Really? I’ve heard he’s looking for a wife.”

  “Looking for a wife? Who does that?” Ariana asked.


  “It’s not the seventeenth century anymore,” she muttered even though she knew very well her uncle had already talked to her father about finding her a husband for political benefits. Luckily, Ari’s father didn’t feel the same. Last night he’d told Ari she was far enough down the line of succession that she could marry who she wanted when she wanted and he’d told his brother so. “Plus, you were the heir to the freaking throne and you married who you fell in love with.”

  “And so will you. I just wanted to let you know the gossip I’d heard.”

  “I’m speaking out against his father’s country. Rahmi gave me the go-ahead to call out Crusina. I doubt he’s thinking of me like that.”

  Zain shrugged. “Or maybe he’s sent to kill you. Either way I would avoid the dinner date.”

  Ari tossed a throw pillow at her brother. “Not funny!”

  “I wasn’t joking. I hope your DSS agent is good,” Zain said as the plane began to descend into the private airport outside of New York City.

  Jameson stood silently waiting for the private plane carrying Princess Ariana to land. The government issued black SUVs stood nearby ready to escort her and her entourage to 70 International Square.

  Jameson’s eyes roved the area and stopped on the man and woman walking toward him. His hand moved to his gun as he watched them. They carried themselves as military, but he could never be too careful, especially since he didn’t know which country they were from.

  “Restricted area,” Jameson called out. “I need you two to leave immediately.”

  The Latina woman with sun-kissed skin and rich walnut hair just smiled at him as they stopped in front of him. The man, who was the size of a mountain, looked him over. “Jameson Duke?” he asked with a barely audible Scottish lilt to his voice. Who were these people?

  “Yes? And who are you?” Jameson demanded.

  The woman held out a cell phone. “You have a phone call,” she said.

  Jameson glanced up and saw Ariana’s plane coming in for the landing. He didn’t like this. He went on instinct and pulled his gun, but he wasn’t the only one. He found himself with a gun pointed at him by the Scot and a knife pressed against his throat by the woman. “Just take the phone, estúpido.”

  Jameson didn’t lower his gun. “Put it on speaker.”

  The woman rolled her eyes and pressed the button. “You’re on, sir.”

  “Jameson Duke?” a voice that sounded very familiar to him asked.


  “This is President Birch Stratton.”

  “Bullshit,” Jameson said, not taking his eyes off the two people in front of him.

  “Are you going to be a pain in the ass like your mother was at the Christmas dinner party last year? You were so embarrassed by her that you spent most of the party hiding in the Rose Garden.”

  Jameson blinked in surprise. This really was the president. No one else would have known that because no one but the president and his wife, Tate, had seen him out there. They’d snuck away for a little holiday kiss when they’d stumbled upon Jameson hiding in the gardens to get away from his mother’s political wheeling and dealing. Jameson lowered his gun and instantly the knife and other gun were out of sight. “What can I do for you, sir?”

  “Meet Valeria and Grant Macay. I’ve heard rumors that Ariana Ali Rahman might name names and call out Crusina and others countries publicly. If so, her life is in danger. I’m friends with the Ali Rahman family and allies with the king. I won’t have Ariana dying on my watch. Val and Grant will be part of your security entourage while she’s in New York City.”

  “Which agency are they with?”

  “Above your security clearance, agent.”

  Jameson’s brow furrowed. “I have top clearance.”

  Grant snorted. “So the lad thinks.”

  “It doesn’t matter. This isn’t a jurisdictional pissing contest,” President Stratton snapped and Jameson was instantly reminded of his place. “Valeria and Grant are here to help. Use them to protect Princess Ariana. Trust me, they’re very good at their job.”

  The line went dead as the plane rolled to a stop behind them. A second later Jameson’s boss called to alert him to the confidential order from the president. Jameson hung up and looked at the man and woman in front of him.

  “I don’t know who you are and I don’t like this one bit, but there’s nothing I can do. Just fall back and do your job.”

  “Yes, sir,” Valeria said with a smirk that told Jameson she wasn’t going to listen to a thing he said. Great. Just what he needed—two princesses.

  The plane’s door opened and a bodyguard appeared. Behind him, Jameson saw Ariana rise up on her toes and kiss a shadowed man on the cheek and then follow the bodyguard down the stairs. The unknown man she kissed disappeared back inside the plane.

  Ariana scanned the area when she reached the bottom of the stairs. Jameson would have been amused at the way her eyes glanced over Valeria and Grant and then went wide with surprise when she saw him, if he hadn’t felt the same way when he’d gotten the assignment. Her surprised reaction told him that she definitely didn’t request him. What was his mother up to?

  “Didn’t I meet you in Crusina?” Princess Ariana asked, surprising him. She wasn’t typical of the royal women he’d met, that’s for sure. Most of the time, they shoved their purse at him and ignored him. Not this princess.

  “Briefly, ma’am,” Jameson said, bowing his head out of respect.


  “Excuse me?” Jameson asked, his head popping back up.

  “Call me Ariana. And you’re Jameson Duke, right?”

  This time she really surprised him. Not only by remembering his face, but his name. “That’s right.”

  Ariana smiled at him and then her eyes traveled to Valeria and Grant standing behind him. “I know I don’t know you two. Something makes me think you two are unforgettable.”

  Grant gave a little snort of approval.
“The wee lassie is a smart one.”

  Jameson stepped to the side so they could meet. “These are Valeria and Grant Macay. President Stratton sent them for backup since there’re rumors about you calling out specific countries for their human rights violations.”

  “I approve of calling them out and will gladly help you destroy them,” Valeria said, holding out her hand to shake Ariana’s. Jameson was about to reprimand her for the break in protocol when Ariana laughed and shook her hand.

  “You remind me of some of my friends.”

  “We have mutual friends,” Valeria said with a smirk on her face. She knew being kept in the dark about this fact pissed Jameson off. “We’re friends with Abby and Dylan.”

  “Oh!” Ariana said and then laughed. “This makes so much sense now.”

  “Your bodyguards?” Jameson asked. “The ones I met in Crusina?”

  “They’re as much bodyguards as we are,” Grant said with amusement. “But if they didn’t kill you, they must have liked you.”

  “What does that mean?” Jameson asked Grant, trying to keep his temper in check. He didn’t like feeling as if he were not getting some inside joke between them all.

  “Only that if they like you, we’re sure to like you. We’re all good. Shall we head to the apartment now?” Grant asked as he moved to open the door to the SUV.

  Ariana stepped inside and Valeria slid in next to her while Grant moved to get into the driver’s seat. He sent the hired driver to the second SUV to assist with the luggage, leaving Jameson to get into the front passenger’s seat. How in the world had he lost control of this situation so quickly?


  Ariana kept her eyes on the back of Jameson Duke’s head as they drove from the private airport toward the UN residence. She’d been so shocked to see him when she stepped off the plane she barely knew what to say.

  Jameson kept his head turning slowly side to side as he kept a watch out all the windows and mirrors while Grant drove. Valeria and Grant were friends with Abby and Dylan. That was unexpected. She knew that they did something top secret for the president, but she never expected for there to be other team members.


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