Braxton's Warrior

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Braxton's Warrior Page 5

by Lynn Howard

  Brax had said he could get her something stronger. But that wasn’t an option. She had to keep her wits, and being stoned on Vicodin was the opposite of keeping her wits.

  Looking over her shoulder, she wondered if she had the energy or strength to make it to the shower. The thought of hot water hitting the gash in her leg made her want to puke. And she needed to keep the bandaging dry.

  She’d wait until morning and take a long, hot bath, leaving her leg hanging over the side.

  Maybe she should’ve asked Brax to hang out a little longer and help her into the tub.

  “What the fuck?” she muttered to the empty room.

  The last thing she wanted or needed was a Shifter to not only see her naked, but to think she had to rely on him for anything. He was her enemy. He was evil and unnatural.

  If he was evil, why did Janie say he saved her? Why did he constantly go next door to check on her? Why did he volunteer to not only fix her leg and prevent her from turning, but take her dog for a walk and carry his poo in a bag?

  Bad guys didn’t do shit like that.

  Grabbing her phone from the end table, she pulled up her mom’s number and hit call. Holding it to her ear, she slowly and carefully pulled both legs up onto the couch and laid on her back. She’d sleep right there tonight. No way was she going to attempt to waddle her ass to her bedroom and end up with blood all over the sheets when she rolled around.

  “How’d it go?” Mom asked.

  Campbell winced but refused to tell her mom all the gory details. Including her major injury.

  “Slow night,” she lied.

  There was a beat of silence, then mom sighed. “Tell me.”

  “Tell you what?” Campbell said, feigning innocence.

  “Something happened. Anytime you have a slow night, you end up slipping later about your injury. Tell me what happened.”

  With a heavy sigh, Campbell told her mom about the Shifters, about the fight, and about the cut on her leg.

  “There’s more,” she said when her mom released a string of curses.


  Campbell wasn’t sure how to tell her mom about Brax. Or how much to tell her.

  “There’s this guy.”

  “You met someone while hunting?”

  “Not exactly. There’s this guy that helped the woman next door with something. You remember me telling you about those three Shifters I ran into a couple weeks back? He was one of them. Anyway, he was coming out of the neighbor’s house when I got home.”

  “What was he doing over there? Is she one of them?”

  “I don’t think so,” Campbell said, closing her eyes and picturing the look on Brax’s face when she’d called him an animal. “She said he’d saved her. Didn’t go any further into it. Well, tonight, he was there. He helped me up the stairs, took Polo for his nightly walk, then cleaned up the cut on my leg.”

  “Scratch,” Mom corrected. “One of those things scratched you with their claws. They didn’t cut you.”

  “Whatever. Same difference. Anyway, he made sure whatever they carry didn’t poison me. And he was being all weird. Like, he didn’t want to come in my house at first. And then he was all weird about getting close until I gave him permission.”

  “He’s probably just trying to make you comfortable so he can take you without a fight.”

  “Mom. I’m hurt. Kind of bad. I wouldn’t have been much of a struggle if he’d really wanted to kidnap me. We were alone in the trailer.”

  “With Polo,” Mom said. “He was probably worried your dog would eat him.”

  “You haven’t seen them when they turn into animals, Mom. They’re twice or even three times as big as a wild animal. Polo wouldn’t have been much of a threat to him.”

  “What kind of animal is he?” Mom asked.

  Campbell shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t ask. I’m not even sure if there are anything more than werewolves out there.”

  “Keep your guard up, Camp. Don’t let that creature weasel his way into your life. He wants something from you. They always do.”

  “Mom. Listen. I don’t think…I don’t know. I don’t think they’re all like that. I told you I’m convinced they were hunting the same bastards I was. Why would they need me to let my guard down? They had plenty of chances to overpower me that night. And Brax could’ve overpowered me easily tonight.”

  “Brax. Can’t even name their kids normal names.”

  Campbell rolled her eyes. Mom was stretching for something to be pissed at.

  “Braxton. His name is Braxton. He goes by Brax. And I’m named after soup. I don’t think either of us can throw stones in the glass house of names.”

  A soft chuckle met Campbell’s ear. “You got me there.” Another beat of silence. “Get some sleep. Call me if I need to come down there and take care of you.”

  “I will. Thanks, mom. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, baby.”


  Campbell ended the call then stretched her hand over to scratch Polo behind the ears. “What did you think of him?” she asked the big dog.

  Polo tilted his head as if trying to decipher what his momma was saying.

  “You look as confused as I feel,” she said, gingerly rolling to her side to nuzzle against Polo.

  Normally, the Rott would’ve climbed onto the bed, or even couch, with her. But he must’ve sensed she was hurt because he laid down beside the couch, resting his head on his paws.

  It was still early, at least by her schedule, but tonight had worn her out.

  She only hoped when she finally closed her eyes, dreams of Brax didn’t plague her. As they had for the past two weeks.


  Brax had enjoyed his time with Campbell. And then he hadn’t.

  He didn’t enjoy seeing her in so much pain, but even hurting, she was still funny and sassy as fuck.

  But he’d been right; she hated his kind. Hated Shifters.

  There had been a few minutes where she’d appeared as if she saw him as a man rather than a creature. And then, as if someone had flipped a switch, that hate was right back in her eyes.

  Because one of your kind took someone I loved. That’s what she’d said.

  Did that mean someone she knew had been taken by the rogues? Turned against their will? Had they not survived their first Shift?

  He didn’t know her. Knew nothing about her other than how hot she was and how bad ass she was. But that hadn’t stopped his heartrate from tripling when he’d spotted her outside her home then stuttering almost to a stop when he’d smelled her blood from Janie’s porch. She was hurt.

  He hated for any woman to get hurt. But there was more to it when he’d noticed her limp. A protective, possessive instinct he’d never experienced had slammed into him with such force it had taken his breath for a moment.

  Then she’d let him into her house.

  The place smelled of her, but there was another scent, an unfamiliar one, although faint. And it wasn’t the dog’s who’d glared at him, waiting for his owner to give the command to attack. He wouldn’t have hurt the dog if Campbell had sicced the big dude on Brax. He would’ve done the same thing he’d done with Campbell – disarm and subdue until the threat was over.

  She hadn’t turned the dog on him, though. She’d invited him in, and appeared amused when Brax had a hard time moving further into her home.

  Brax could flirt with her all day, but when it came to being in her space, when it came to being in her bubble, he wouldn’t disrespect her like that.

  I think I like you playful better, she’d said. And she’d teased him.

  And then she’d shut down.

  He wanted so badly to know what had happened in her past. Who’d she’d lost. What had happened. He wanted to know where the hatred of his kind was originated. Wanted to know why the hell she was out there alone trying to stop the traffickers.

  Not just any traffickers, but fucking adult wolf Shifters. Rogues.

p; How had she not been hurt, turned, taken, or killed yet?

  Campbell had been staring at him. And he hadn’t missed the sweet scent of her arousal as her eyes had roamed his face.

  Guess I’m trying to figure out why an animal would help me.

  He’d taken it for what it was – her dismissal. She no longer wanted him in her apartment. And instead of easing whatever fear she had of him, he’d let his feelings get hurt, made a snide comment, then left.

  Sitting in his Camaro at the end of the row of mobile homes, he fought the strong as fuck urge to turn around, barge into her house, and demand she see him as a man.

  But he wouldn’t do that. Would never do that. If she wanted him gone, then he’d get gone.

  Shame his heart, mind, and body couldn’t get on the same page. The rational side of Brax knew he needed to avoid her.

  Unless she was hurt again, of course.

  But the hopeless romantic and horn dog side of him wanted her. Even if he had to take a few ass beatings to prove to her he was different, that his Pride was different, his friends were different.

  Well…he could drag her to Moe’s or even into Big River or Blackwater and let her meet all of his people. No way could she still think they were bad guys after meeting the goofy wolf Shifter Reed from Big River, or the sweet lion Shifter Shawnee from Blackwater Clan.

  Glancing in his rearview at her home, he wondered if he should’ve offered to turn her lights off for her. It would be difficult for her to roam across the room to flip the switch. And what if that dog needed to go out again. She’d have to make her way down the stairs, down the sidewalk and back.

  And then he realized he still had the key to her place in his back pocket. He’d never returned it to her. Perfect excuse.

  Rummaging through his glove box, he pulled out an old fast food receipt and a stubby pencil, then jotted down his name and number on the back. He’d slide it under the door and hope that she called.

  Brax backed into the closest driveway, then aimed the Camaro for her house and crept back quietly. When he was in front of her mobile home, he closed the door of his car softly since it was getting late and he didn’t want to wake Janie or any of the neighbors.

  Once in front of her door, he slid the paper under it, then stood. Had he locked the door behind him when he’d left?

  No. He hadn’t.

  Had she made it off the couch to lock herself in? Only one way to find out.

  Brax tested the knob, turning it with ease. Well shit.

  Stealing himself against whatever might fly toward his head when he eased the door open, Brax turned the knob enough to poke his head through the gap.

  Polo’s head popped up from behind the coffee table but he didn’t bark. Either the dog wasn’t as well trained as Brax had assumed, or he knew it was someone he’d already met and approved.

  Campbell was lying on her side, a frown between her brows, but she appeared to be asleep. How long had he sat in his car for her to already be out cold? He didn’t like the fact she hadn’t heard him coming and had no idea he was almost in her home. If he’d been anyone else, she could be in real fucking danger.

  Brax picked up the slip of paper up and carried it across the room. He grabbed a pen from the coffee table and jotted call me if you need anything below his number, leaving the key to her door on the note. Then he scratched the dog once, walked across the room, and turned as many locks as he could without locking himself inside. It was the best he could do.

  The door shut with a soft click, and then Brax stood on the other side of it. He’d wanted nothing more than to stand there and ogle her as she slept unaware of his presence. The shorts had ridden up enough to show a boner inducing amount of thigh. At some point, she’d taken off the hoodie and was wearing nothing but a tank top. Her small, perky tits were pushed together from her position, giving him a flash of cleavage.

  Well. He’d have quite a bit for his spank bank after tonight.

  Campbell had his number now. He didn’t know if she’d ever use it, but she had it. He had zero hopes she’d call for help. In the short time he’d known her, he’d already come to the conclusion that woman never asked anyone for anything.

  The short drive home gave Brax time to get his boner under control over seeing that slice of flesh and cleavage on Campbell.

  Not that he expected anyone to look at his crotch. But he didn’t need to walk around with a woody. All it did was remind him of how badly he wanted the human woman.

  “Where’ve you been? We were expecting you back a while ago. We already ate. There are no leftovers,” Aron said from the couch without bothering to look up from the cheap analog TV sitting on a cheaper stand. They didn’t have cable or satellite, but they did have a Blu Ray player and used the thing every night they weren’t hunting.

  “Checking on Janie,” Brax said as he passed.

  The sound of sniffs followed him. “And Campbell?” Daxon asked, a smile in his voice.

  Brax stopped at the mouth of the hallway. “She got fucking hurt, man,” Brax said, whirling around to glare at his brother.

  Twin or not, he wouldn’t let anyone disrespect Campbell by insinuating they’d done anything other than talk.

  “Hurt how?” Aron asked, a deep growl lacing the words.

  Brax dragged a rough hand down his face. “One of those fuckers got his claws in her leg. Ripped it pretty bad. I helped her clean it up and then left.”

  “Fuck,” Mason said, grabbing the remote to pause the movie. “She let you in her house?”

  “Only after I warned her of the possibility of being poisoned.” The fear at those words had flashed through her eyes and squeezed Brax’s heart.

  “How many did she encounter?” Aron asked.

  Brax leaned against the wall and shook his head. He didn’t realize how tired he was until he was finally at the trailer.

  “I don’t know. She didn’t say. Didn’t say much.” Brax dropped his head with a deep exhale of breath. “I was right, though. She not only knows about us but hates us. Said someone she loved had been lost to a Shifter.”

  Silence. No one knew what to say. Normally, in this kind of situation, they would’ve taken turns checking on her. Or whoever the woman seemed most comfortable with would check on her.

  But it was obvious Campbell would rather cut off her own leg than depend on a Shifter for help.

  “I’m going to bed,” Brax said, stepping into the bathroom for a quick shower first.

  He’d much rather wallow around in Campbell’s scent for the rest of the night, but that would drive him crazy. As he pulled his shirt over his head, her scent filled every pore in his body. His panther purred like crazy in his head.

  “Yeah. Me, too,” he whispered to his cat.

  Looked like he wasn’t the only one infatuated with a woman who wanted nothing to do with him.

  Chapter Four

  Brax sat on the side of his bed with his head in his hands. He’d hardly gotten any sleep. He could easily roll over and try for a few more; it would be hours before they headed out to track down more of the rogue assholes. But he knew the attempt would be no different than his attempt last night.

  Over and over, he replayed his time with Campbell. He dwelled on her wound, dwelled on the pain she was in, dwelled on the pain he’d caused her when he’d poured that alcohol on the open gash.

  Then he dwelled on the exact moment Campbell realized she was attracted to a Shifter and lashed out. She’d intentionally hurt him, intentionally cut him emotionally.

  Pushing the heel of his hand against his chest, he tried to massage away the discomfort. It didn’t work.

  Maybe after smashing some skulls tonight, the funk he seemed to be sinking into would rise and disappear.

  Or maybe not.

  He had a strong feeling only one person could drag him out of the downward spiral he felt himself entering. Which was fucked up. Attraction was one thing; he’d been attracted to many women over the years.

his felt different. Bigger. More intense.

  It was as if…

  “Oh shit.”

  Shoving off the bed, he dragged on a pair of jeans and ran through the room, still tugging them over his bare ass.

  “Hey! Wake up,” he said to Aron.

  “Dude,” Aron grumbled, rolling over onto his side. “What the fuck?”

  “How do you know if someone’s your mate?”

  That got the Alpha’s attention.

  Aron looked at Brax over his shoulder, his brows raised to his hairline. “You think the Ninja’s your mate?”

  “It would make a lot more sense than what’s going on up there right now,” Brax said, pointing a finger at his head.

  “Dude! Shut up! I’m trying to sleep!” Daxon yelled from his tiny room next to Aron’s.

  Brax lowered his voice. “I can’t stop obsessing over her. And it hurts. Here,” he said, pointing to his chest. “Last I heard, we don’t suffer from heart disease. And I haven’t eaten anything that would give me heartburn.”

  Aron huffed a laugh then pushed to a sitting position, his back against the wall. “Your panther claim her?”

  “Not really. But he keeps purring whenever I think about her.”

  Aron’s head nodded up and down slowly as Brax spoke. “Ever do that before?”

  “Nah. Usually pretty silent when I’m talking to a chick.”

  Aron scrubbed at his face with both hands. “Sounds like you’re fucked, then.”

  “How so?”

  “Your mate is a human who hates Shifters. Doesn’t sound like there’s a happily ever after to that story.”

  “So, what? I just pretend I never met her? Ignore this shit?”

  Aron’s shoulders rose and fell. “You’re asking the wrong person. Call someone from Big River or Blackwater. They have more experience with this shit than any of us.”

  Aron’s door flew open behind Brax and slammed against the door.

  “Seriously, asshole?” Daxon asked, his shoulder length hair tangled and all over the place.


  “You gotta wake up the whole house over a chick?”


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