Braxton's Warrior

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Braxton's Warrior Page 18

by Lynn Howard

  Aron watched her. It almost seemed like he was having a hard time maintaining eye contact, like he was physically forcing himself to keep looking in her direction.

  “I’m not asking you guys to tell me your darkest secrets or asking for hugs or anything crazy like that. Just…don’t ignore me. If I’m truly part of this Pride now, I want you to treat me the same way you do each other.”

  “Yeah. You don’t want that,” Mason said as he passed Campbell and climbed into the driver’s seat of the SUV.

  “Why not?”

  “Because we’re assholes to each other,” Brax said, pulling her tight against his side and pressing a kiss to her temple.

  Mason chuckled as he started the vehicle while everyone climbed in and claimed their seats. Campbell wasn’t overly thrilled about being between Brax and Daxon, but whatever.

  The five of them drove around for over an hour, checking different locations. Where Campbell would wander through the woods in hopes of finding some asshole trying to drag a female off to some cabin in the woods or wherever they were taking them, the guys would simply roll down their windows and sniff at the air.

  Once again, Campbell found herself thinking how cool it would be to have the abilities these guys have. She could have the same strength and speed and heightened senses. That is if she survived the first Shift. Brax had drilled that into her brain, as if he could tell she was contemplating asking him to turn her.

  Her mother would shit a brick if she ever found out Campbell was even considering it.

  “Bingo,” Mason said as he slowed the SUV along the shoulder and pulled onto a deserted side road. “Be safe. And Campbell,” he said, turning in his seat to look at her.

  Campbell was prepared to roll her eyes or scoff at whatever warning Mason was about to give.

  “Keep my boys safe,” he said with a wink before turning back around.

  Aron shook his head as he pushed from the front passenger seat and Brax and Daxon exited on their sides.

  Brax turned to Campbell. “You got everything you need?” he asked.

  Campbell wanted to roll her eyes yet again. But she had to remember his questions and actions were out of love and concern for his mate, not because he thought she was scatterbrained or unable to take care of herself.

  Even though he was a Shifter and was on a more even keel with the rogues, she worried about his safety. That was love – wanting the other person to be happy and healthy.

  Just to make sure, Campbell patted her hip where her Ruger was hidden and then the knives attached to her thighs. She didn’t have claws and fangs, but she had firepower and sharp blades.

  “Yep. Good to go,” she said softly.

  Brax took her face in his hands and lowered to press his lips to hers. He held there a moment, never deepening the kiss, yet she felt every emotion in that touch.

  When he pulled back, that glow she’d come to love was there. A look around showed her three more sets of glowing green-gold eyes. And she knew it had nothing to do with lust. They were ready to hunt. They were ready to end another threat to females. They were ready to get the woman – if there was a victim – back to her family.

  Aron led the way into the woods. Brax and Daxon spread out, flanking Aron. When Brax looked back at Campbell, she shook her head and pointed forward. She was fine. She didn’t need to follow their routine. She had her own.

  As soon as the guys were no longer paying attention to her, Campbell took a wide left and moved up and around her Pride and toward where the guys were heading. She might not be able to scent them, but already she could hear a feminine whimper. The rogues had found a target for the night. And from the sounds, the woman was putting up quite a fight.

  Give them hell, sis! We’re on our way!

  It was so weird. For so long she’d depended solely on herself. And now, after only a few weeks, she truly thought of herself as part of the team. She truly felt as if this were her Pride.


  Brax’s heart raced when he noticed Campbell was no longer running behind them. He could hear her steps moving further to the left of them, could scent her moving up and around. The Pride would still beat her there.

  Daxon and Aron apparently noticed she was no longer running along with them, as well, and put on a burst of preternatural speed, running faster than any human could.

  Whether they were trying to get there before Campbell or whether they were confident she would successfully flank the rogues, Brax didn’t know. All he could focus on was his mate. This was exactly what he and Daxon and the rest of the Pride had feared; he was losing his focus having Campbell out there with them.


  Focus, dammit, he chided himself. He had to trust in her ability and that she’d use common sense.

  Aron was ahead of Daxon and Brax by a few feet and encountered six Shifters and one human woman. Six fucking Shifters. Why did it take so many for one female?

  As the woman threw out a hand and one male flew back with an unseen force, he realized the exact reason they had so many for backup – they were fighting a fucking Elemental Fae. She was no helpless woman, no fragile human. Even if she couldn’t take on all six of these fuckwads, she’d definitely put a whooping on them.

  Brax pounced on the closest rogue, just like his brother and Alpha. The fight was on before all six rogues even knew what was going on.

  Normally, six to three would be risky. But it was technically six to four. Because Campbell had found her way to them, issuing an ass beating as she did some kind of sneak attack. One moment Brax could only scent her, the next she was flying through the air, her fist cocked and ramming against someone’s nose.

  The Fae was in the fray, too, using her power to thrust males away whenever it looked like they’d fight dirty and gang up on one of Brax’s Pride or even Campbell.

  And then Campbell and the Fairy were back to back, guarding each other, defending themselves and each other.

  The rogues abandoned Campbell and the woman. Which made Brax leery. Why? They were the easiest target.

  Because they’d have more of a chance of stealing them away if the panthers were no longer in the way.

  Now all six rogues were focused on Brax, Daxon, and Aron. Two to one. The odds could be better. They could also be worse. He had to remember that. They’d fought more than this back when they were still in Kansas City, fighting to get Noah’s current mate free a couple years ago.

  “Low life sick fucks,” Daxon growled out as the six rogues moved in, forming a circle.

  “Are you all scared of us or something?” Campbell bit out between gasps for breath.

  “Shut up,” Brax said, keeping his eye on the fucker smirking and bending at the knees.

  He needed the attention on him, on his Pride members, not the women. Hopefully, Campbell would catch on and get the Fairy down to the waiting SUV.


  Campbell was torn. She needed to get this woman away from the men intent on turning her into a breeder. But she hated the thought of leaving Brax alone. He wouldn’t be alone, technically. He’d have his brother and Aron. But there were only three of them against six of the rogues.

  She demanded he trust in her abilities. She had to do the same for him.

  With all six sets of eyes focused on the panthers, Campbell wrapped her hand around the woman’s bicep and began to creep away from the group of men. As long as this woman listened to her and did what Campbell said, she’d be safe.

  Although, from what Campbell had seen when they found her, she could hold her own in a fight. She’d held them off long enough for the Ravenwood Pride to find her.

  The second they were far enough away, Campbell took off at a sprint, dragging the woman behind her. She led her down to where Mason waited with the SUV.

  “They need you up there,” Campbell said as she sucked in air.

  Mason didn’t question her, didn’t ask what was going on, just took off into the woods in the direction of where she knew the men were
no doubt fighting literally tooth and nail by now.

  Turning to the woman, Campbell pointed at the car. “Get in. Lock the doors. Don’t open it until you see me or one of the guys I came with.”

  “Who are you?”

  “You can call me Campbell. We’re the good guys. Trust me.”

  “I’m Charlie.”

  “Nice to meet you. Now get in,” Campbell said, shoving Charlie toward the open door.

  The second she was inside Campbell slammed the door shut and ran into the woods. Just because Brax could fight didn’t mean he should fight without her. They were a team now.

  Turning on her heel, she darted back through the woods, following the sounds of a roaring battle. Her leg muscles burned as badly as her lungs as she pushed herself to move faster. Yet another moment where she envied the Shifters’ speed and strength.

  A feline screech cut through the night sounds followed by a yelp. That sounded like a wolf’s yelp.

  The closer she got, the more terror squeezed her heart. She’d never been afraid of running headfirst into a fight. No. This terror, this bone deep fear was for her mate fighting two to one at the top of the hill.

  Not two to one. Not anymore. Mason had run to his Pride’s side. And Campbell was now charging in, her firearm pulled from her side.

  The good part about her Pride being panthers fighting against wolves was she didn’t have to wonder if she’d shoot the wrong person.

  Lifting her arm, she aimed it at one of two wolves attacking a panther. She’d only ever seen Brax’s panther, so she wasn’t sure who was under attack. She’d know Brax anywhere, even if she’d never seen his animal.


  The loud sound echoed off the trees and made two wolves wince and swing their attention her way.

  Big mistake.

  Brax was on the back of one of them before it even realized where the sound had come from. With a sickening crack, Brax snapped the wolf’s neck, shaking it like a wild animal before dropping it at his feet.

  The second asshole, however, made a beeline straight for Campbell.

  She raised her gun and pointed it at the wolf’s head. She missed the first shot. And the second. And now he was way too fucking close.

  Campbell exhaled long and slow and took aim again…

  But the wolf lifted from the ground and flew a good ten yards away, slamming into a tree with a thud and a few loud cracks. And then fell to the ground in a limp pile of fur.

  Campbell’s wide eyes searched and landed on Charlie. The woman had followed her back up the hill and had had Campbell’s back. If the woman didn’t have to go home right away, Camp definitely owed the woman a beer or five.

  “Thanks,” Campbell wheezed out, prepared to jump back in the fight.

  But it was over.

  Four wolves laid dead on the ground among the dried leaves and pine needles and twigs.

  As she sucked in deep gulps of air, Campbell inventoried her people, searching for Brax.

  One. Two. Three…there he was.

  Only his fur was wet with blood and Campbell had no idea how much was his and how much was the wolves’.

  “Brax!” Campbell called out as she rushed to his side.

  She still had no idea how she knew which panther was her mate, but she knew it without a doubt. It was as if her soul was pulling her toward him, guiding her way.

  Running her hands down his sides, she checked for injuries. There were a few gashes and cuts, but he was fine. A quick check of her new brothers-in-law showed them with similar injuries, but as a whole, her new Pride was safe.

  “Thank you,” Campbell finally said to Charlie, straightening to look at the woman.

  Charlie leaned against a tree, her wide eyes surveying the carnage around her. This was probably the first time the woman had seen a dead body.

  Campbell had actually puked after the first time she’d killed one of the rogues. Now, it was just part of her self-assigned job.

  “You okay?” Campbell asked Charlie.

  Charlie’s head nodded quickly and her breath was coming in quick pants, but Camp would have to worry about her later.

  Brax Shifted back into his human form and didn’t seem the least bit fazed that he was standing naked in front of a complete stranger.

  “Are you okay?” he asked Campbell, his hands stroking her hair from her face and running down her arms before turning her to check her back.

  “Not a scratch,” she said as her heart raced.

  In all the times she’d gone out on her own, she’d never been afraid. Maybe afraid for the women, but never for herself. This was the first time she’d felt real fear and it’d had nothing to do with her own safety. She’d feared for her mate and even the Pride. They were her new family.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Campbell leaned into Brax’s side and pulled her lips into her mouth to hide the smile. Her parents were watching the interactions between her new friends with interest, yet her mom looked like she was close to a coronary.

  Campbell had finally come clean to her mom and told her all about her relationship with Brax, including the mate bond between them. She’d been appalled, at first, but after Mom finally saw Brax and Camp together, even she couldn’t deny the connection.

  Her daughter was happy. That was all Mom cared about. Her only daughter was happy and surrounded by Shifters who would give their lives for her.

  “So,” Dad said. “When will I get grandkids?”

  Mom jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow and shook her head. “They’re not even married yet. Give them some time.”

  “We’ve only been dating six months, Dad,” Campbell said, grinning wide.

  She wasn’t unaware of her parents’ desire for grandchildren. She just didn’t have the heart to tell her that she wasn’t sure she ever wanted to be a mother. Between the horrors of the world and her side job, motherhood seemed a little on the scary side.

  All of them – Brax, Camp, and the rest of Ravenwood Pride – had had to find jobs. It had been a whole lot easier for Campbell since she didn’t have to worry about glowing eyes or going all furry when she got pissed.

  The guys, on the other hand, ended up taking jobs with some of the friends as construction workers. It still gave them time at night to hunt for rogues and save as many women as possible.

  Every night since the first night they had all hunted together, they’d saved at least one woman. It was staggering to think of how often women were being kidnapped, but she had to think of it as a success when she was able to return someone back to their families alive.

  It was kind of funny that Mom was more worried about Campbell and Brax not being married and not the fact her daughter was in love with a Shifter. They’d even let Dad in on the secret – he hadn’t batted an eye. Only asked if Campbell was happy and if Brax was being good to her.

  Of course the answer was a resounding yes to both.

  Brax had done exactly as he’d said from early on and doted on her while trusting her hunting and fighting abilities. She’d had to learn to let him wait on her and get her junk food. It was his love language, even if it made her feel a little lazy sometimes.

  “So, they’re all Shifters?” Dad asked not so quietly.

  A few people chuckled and smiled at Campbell’s dad.

  “Yeah, dad. Well, she’s not,” Campbell said, pointing to Hollyn. But she didn’t tell him about her Fae heritage.

  Brax had filled her in a couple months back about how rare Fairies were anymore. He’d told her how they’d been hunted to near extinction. Even though Camp knew Dad wouldn’t tell anyone, she figured it wasn’t her secret to tell.

  Dad looked around, his focus landing on every single person. “Huh. I’d have figured the women would’ve been big like the guys.”

  That was it. That was the only comment he had about her huge group of friends.

  As the night grew on, Mom and Dad said their goodnights, kissing and hugging Campbell before leaving.

Why don’t you bring my granddog over for a sleepover soon? Give you two kids some time for a date,” Mom said.

  Campbell’s mouth popped open as she stared at Mom wide-eyed. She’d seriously just told her daughter to drop off Polo so Brax and Campbell could have some alone time. Not that they couldn’t make love with the dog there. But they hadn’t really had any time away from the house, other than when they hunted at night.

  And she’d also squashed any lingering doubts over whether Mom truly accepted Brax or not.

  With promises to call when Camp got home and a date set for a Polo-less weekend, Campbell and Brax waved goodbye to her parents.

  Brax was grinning when Campbell turned toward him.

  “What are you so happy about?”

  “Your mom likes me. I told you a long time ago – I’m a likeable guy,” he said before pressing a kiss to her lips.

  Campbell let Brax lead her back to the firepit where everyone had gone back to drinking beer and talking. She looked around the circle and was amazed at how much her life had changed in two years.

  She’d gone from hating Shifters for a year, to falling in love and mating with one, and now, she had a dozen best friends who all turned into animals with a simple thought.

  There was still that little desire in the back of her mind to ask Brax to turn her; it would be so much easier and safer for her to continue hunting with the panthers. But every time she’d brought it up in the past, he’d shot her down immediately. He wasn’t willing to risk her life, even if it meant they’d be the same inside.

  “I love you,” Brax whispered into her ear as he leaned over. He pressed his lips to her temple and lingered there.

  “I love you, too,” she said. “Forever.”


  If you enjoyed Braxton’s Warrior, Lynn would be over the moon if you left a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. You can also find her on Facebook here.

  About the Author

  Lynn Howard lives in Cedar Hill, MO, where all her sexy Shifters exist. She lives and breathes hot Alpha males and sassy brassy females. She feels the most at home knee deep in mud and chicken muck and prefers to be outside under the stars, cuddled up under a blanket in front of a bonfire than in the big city.


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