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PLAY ME Page 6

by Melissande

  Screamed. Helplessly spiraling up and up, understanding that of all the men she'd ever had sex with, only this one owned her. Made her be someone else.

  "I will fuck you until we both go blind," he warned. "Until you are so sore and I am so sore we are both screaming for mercy, got that? I will never—" He thrust even harder for emphasis "Never—" Another powerful thrust "—ever stop. You can't dominate me, Dani. You can't own me, but I already own you. You are mine, and you can't—" Thrust "—control" Thrust "—anything."

  He halted then, winding desire around her like a collar, making it hard to breathe until she…couldn't…

  "Please," she begged. Feeling him so hard and huge inside her, unable to move, imprisoned on the knife edge of passion so painfully delicious— "Please…" She groaned from deep inside her.

  "Nothing," he growled in her ear. "There is nothing you can do but take it," he threatened.

  And for an endlessly painful second, he drew the need out on a string that would kill them both, his cock inside her ass getting even bigger. Harder.

  Her breath was a hitching, desperate gasp, and she couldn't find her voice—

  The he slammed inside her.

  And shouted.

  While Dani wailed a thin, high scream of intense, dying, murderously beautiful ecstasy. She felt her body gathering for an orgasm so powerful she was sure she would faint—

  Then Sam pulled out of her.

  And flipped her over, leaving her hovering helplessly on the pinnacle, just below the peak where she would fly over—

  "Now," he said savagely, his eyes fierce as a hawk's. "We do it my way."

  "What?" She couldn't think straight, strung so tight on the brutal edge of need that she wanted to scream at him, to rake her nails over his skin, to plow a fist into that gorgeous, smug face.

  "Fuck you." She shoved at his chest, so furious with him that she thought she could kill him in that instant.

  But he only imprisoned her wrists again.

  And sat on her. He weighed a ton, all cocky, outraged male.

  His dick stood up high and hard and proud, the ruddy head, the veins engorged on his shaft, his balls drawn up so tight she knew he had to be aching, too.

  She couldn't read his expression. Her chest heaved with a welter of emotions threatening to explode from her.

  But he looked just as affected.

  Abruptly he let his head fall, his shoulders sagging as he battled the maelstrom of fury and longing, the shifting battle between them.

  But still he held her down.

  Still she ached with unspent passion.

  Slowly his head rose, and he studied her, his expression as solemn as it was fierce.

  Her nerves were wire-tight and screaming, wondering what he was thinking, why had he stopped just when—

  At last he spoke. "I don't know why you're so afraid of tenderness," he said gently. "And I shouldn't have let you goad me into losing my temper." He bent and tenderly kissed the corner of her mouth. "Are you hurt?" Sincere regret shone from his eyes.

  Desperately she clung to who she could afford to be. "Pleasure and pain are closely related, right?" She forced a smirk to her lips.

  "Don't." His eyes narrowed. "Stop fighting me, Dani." His expression was disappointed."You're not a coward."

  "You don't know me well enough to say who I am."

  "I know you better than you think." His eyes were full of tenderness and a strange vulnerability that frightened her worse than she could bear. "Get off me." She bucked her hips to topple him, but he was solid as a rock, unmovable as a boulder.

  So she went for the feminine. "You're hurting me." though he wasn't.

  He only shook his head. "I'm not. And I'm tired of fighting you." Slowly he let go of one wrist and trailed the fingers of that hand down the underside of her arm.

  A thrill rippled through her, and her nipples responded.

  He made his way leisurely to her breast and circled her aureola with the barest tip of one finger, petting the stiffened peak, circling it, too, and focusing every ounce of her unsatisfied lust on that single point until she could barely bit back a moan.

  Slowly he bent to her, and she nearly cried out at the anticipated relief of his mouth suckling her…

  Instead, he detoured and ran his tongue over the same path, inside of wrist, over the tender crease of her elbow…beneath her arm, pausing to suckle at her underarm

  She nearly came off the floor at the powerful punch of that.

  He had the nerve to chuckle. Then he blew a soft breath over the dampness left by his tongue…slowly, slowly moving back toward her wrist. He lifted her unresisting free hand and sucked her thumb inside his hot mouth.

  She felt the tug of it deep in her belly.

  He did the same to each finger, drawing it deep, encasing it in the wet warmth, dragging his teeth lightly over her fingers, one by one…then lavishly licking his way into her palm until her every nerve ending echoed its ecstasy low in her body.

  Then he wove his fingers into hers, palm to palm and clasped their hands together in a gesture that spoke of so much more than lust that for a second her eyes went wet, and she had to close them against what he was making her feel.

  Then he mirrored every move with her other hand…down her arm, pausing at every vulnerable spot on the road to the second nipple that was crying out for his attention…

  All the while holding her hand as though they were one.

  "Don't…" she whispered so softly even she could barely hear it, eyes closed against what she might see on his face. You'll destroy me.

  But he only bent and pressed a kiss to each eyelid, to her forehead and her nose, to each cheekbone and her chin…all the while skirting around the mouth that was parting, begging for succor.

  Instead he nibbled his way along her jaw, fastened his teeth on her earlobe, then swirled inside the spiral…

  She writhed beneath him, but still he held her down with his weight, though when he bent forward, she could feel the heavy weight of his manhood on her belly and knew he was aching as much as she.

  But he took his sweet time just beneath each ear…over her throat…kissing his way across her collarbone and nipping—only once—at the exquisitely sensitive juncture between neck and shoulder.

  Making her cry out with her need of him.

  "Shh…" he soothed. And kept going, scooting himself back so he could use his mouth over her ribs and down the valley between her breasts—

  Never once touching the parts of her that so desperately needed him.

  That would bring this to a fast resolution.

  Oh, no. Instead, he kissed her waist, her hips, the slope of her belly just above…

  "Sam…" Louder this time. Desperate.

  But he only held their clasped hands at her sides and tortured his way down the outside of her thighs, her calves…her feet.

  Then he worked his way back up the inside, his hair brushing her between the legs he held closed, though his hard cock trailed up her skin like a brand.

  Then he finally let go of her hands.

  And turned her over.

  Then began the torture again.

  Licking her nape, outlining her shoulder blades with his tongue, licking and kissing his way down her spine.

  Until he reached her bottom.

  She felt the rush of his hard exhale, the tender caressing of the globes…the kiss he placed just above the puckered hole.

  "I'm sorry," he said softly. "I lost it and I hurt you."

  She wanted to make him suffer in some way—

  Because he was killing her now.

  But his remorse was so sincere that she couldn't. "You didn't. I'm okay. I like it rough."

  "No." His hair brushed her as he shook his head. "You protect yourself by encouraging rough sex, but you deserve more, Dani."

  I don't. I never have. Still he made her want to weep.

  And she wanted to hate him for making her so vulnerable. "Let me up." She placed her pal
ms at her side and started —

  He flattened himself over her like a blanket. "Stay," he whispered. "Just…relax. Let me take care of you."

  Oh, god. It was the last thing she could afford. He was only temporary. Like everyone else he would leave.

  And this time…she might not get back up.

  He lifted himself a little, and she thought he would free her.

  But he halted only inches above her.

  And nudged her legs apart. "Let me in, Dani. Let someone in for a change."

  "No." She squeezed her eyes shut and pushed upward to dislodge him—

  Before she could, he was inside her, his voice murmuring soft words, tender words she tried so hard not to hear.

  His hand slid below her belly and shifted the angle so he could go deeper, and his fingers slid into her folds and teased at the clit that was a tangle of unspent passion begging for release. Inexorably he stroked in and out of her, his body a warm, comforting blanket, his hand covering her mound as if she were cherished, his voice a comfort, a balm.

  "No…" she whimpered. But she was already coming, caught in a wave of lust and longing, of comfort and torment, of soft sweet words that dissolved her barriers and left her open to him…

  From one soft word, one languid stroke to the next, she crest…soared…flew into a bliss she'd never known.

  And Sam flooded her thirsting tissues with his seed, her dried-up heart with his promises, her terrified mind with words she couldn't afford to hear..

  Then he rolled to the side, still inside her, cradling her in his arms as though she were something precious, while tears trickled from her eyes and her heart broke open and…for a sweet, shining moment, Dani knew a fragile, beautiful sense of peace.

  And slid into slumber in his arms.

  Chapter Six

  HIS DICK WAS CLASPED INSIDE her wet warmth. Luke's hand closed over her breast and drifted down. God, she was one amazing piece of ass, so fine and wild and wicked.

  So fragile and sweet.

  His lips curved as he let his fingers drift down to clasp her mound as he thrust his cock into the heat of her—

  But he felt instead something familiar. Not Dani, not what he wanted, not where he wanted to be—

  Go back. Back to the heat, the fire, the crazy, delicious amazing insanity of making love to her—

  Instead all he encountered was his own dick, rock-hard and hungry for her.

  "Dani?" But he knew before he even looked.

  She was gone, damn her. Nevertheless he cocked one eye open and looked around his darkened office. Registered the echoing sound of the empty club long after closing.

  "Adam—" he bellowed.

  Adam appeared. His eyes scanned Luke's body, and the hunger he'd often seen there burned as Adam's eyes locked on Luke's aching shaft.

  "Where is she?" Luke demanded.

  Adam's eyes darkened. He rubbed his own groin as he answered. "I don't know."

  "Damn it." Luke groaned and sat up.

  "Boss, I could—"

  Luke was so pissed that she'd fled. That he'd let himself need her.

  That it was he who had fucked up The Game.

  He watched Adam's eyes eat him up as he knew Adam's mouth longed to.

  He wasn't into guys—at least he'd never thought he was until Dani forced him to let Jean Claude suck his dick. A man's mouth could feel just as good as a woman's, he'd learned.

  For a moment he hovered on the edge of indecision.

  "I know what you want is her," Adam said. "But I can take the edge off." His face was naked with longing.

  "You really like swinging both ways?" Luke asked, already knowing the answer, having watched Adam fuck Dani in his shower. Having seen him with both sexes often enough at the club. "Why?"

  One dark eyebrow arched. "No sense limiting yourself from half the population." He grinned and licked his lips. Stroked his crotch.

  Luke watched Adam. Stroked his own dick. "We have to work together."

  "I can compartmentalize," Adam said, approaching him. "You'll be able to think more clearly, you know."

  "I haven't thought clearly since I met that woman."

  Adam went to his knees in between Luke's thighs. Pulled his own cock from his pants.

  "You are not sticking that thing inside me," Luke warned. "Don't even think about it."

  "You might like it, you know." Adam smiled. "But I can play catcher just as easily."

  Luke frowned.

  "We'll think about that later," Adam soothed, as he opened his mouth and sucked Luke's cock down to the barrier of Luke's fingers.

  Luke held on for a minute, wondering what he was protecting—his virtue? His manhood? Wasn't this the way to go, just to fuck and not think? He believed Adam—he'd seen how Adam never stayed with anyone long. How he, like Dani, refused to get involved beyond the physical.

  Dani, he thought with a groan as Adam pried away Luke's fingers and sucked his cock to the root, using tongue and teeth with a skill Luke should have expected.

  But Dani flirted at the edge of his mind, refusing to go away.

  I will find you, goddammit.

  Then Adam clasped his balls, sucked his cock hard—and probed his ass with one finger.

  Luke felt the explosion rising faster than he could stop it, but even with a warm, expert mouth sucking him off and the knowledge of all the much-easier women he could have with the snap of a finger—

  It was the complicated one, the mind-bending, aggravating puzzle of a woman that he wanted.

  Run, sweetheart. See how far you get.

  I am nowhere near done with you.

  All the same, he couldn't ignore how good Adam's mouth felt, how close he was to climaxing. If Dani were here, she'd be loving this, egging them both on. He pictured her smiling with her lush lips, knowing she'd sent him down a road he'd never in a million years expected to travel.

  He couldn't help a grin. She was audacious as hell, and he didn't know what he was going to do with her.

  Only that she hadn't seen the last of him. Nor had he given up on having his way.

  Then Adam's finger plunged into his ass while he scraped his teeth lightly up Luke's cock.

  Luke exploded. Went flying, then slowly drifted back to earth.

  And started laughing.

  Damn, you hardheaded woman. You will be the death of me.

  He couldn't wait to see what happened next.

  To Be Continued...

  THE GAME WILL CONTINUE FOR at least one more adventure, but in the meantime, if you've enjoyed reading about Dani's wild nights with the very sexy Sam in PLAY ME, catch their first story, DARE YOU

  Sneak peek of DARE YOU:

  "Give me your panties."

  She hadn't heard him, surely. She started to turn—

  His hand gripped her arm.


  She halted on the shadowed sidewalk of a downtown side street, half a block from the entertainment district. Slow, smoky blues from the club around the corner curled down her spine…nestled deep in her belly. Throbbed between her legs.

  A frisson of nerves. Of slow, sweet lust. They were outside. The street was not empty. Anyone could—

  "I wasn't kidding." His voice was a low rasp.


  He loomed behind her, all height and muscle and, god. Male.

  All male…every delicious, hot inch of him.

  Slowly she drew her short, flirty skirt up. Inch…by…infinitesimally…slow…inch.

  "Stop toying with me," he growled. "You know what will happen."

  She did, yes. Her lips curved in a cat-in-cream smile. Oh, yeah, baby...she surely did.

  She didn't pick up the pace one iota, letting him see her scarlet nails glide over her skin, teasing herself as much as him, just as the night's breeze taunted the flesh being bared. Then, feeling him so close behind, she brushed her ass over the hard cock straining to get at her.

  The hiss of a gasp. His quiet curse made her smile again.

  "You're not going to make me rush this," he warned.

  God. The threat only turned her on more. Quick was the last thing she wanted.

  "Take them off. Now."

  She began sliding the midnight blue lace over the swell of her derriere, hoping he would not be able to resist covering her ass with his big hand, then taking his long middle finger and—

  Suddenly she heard voices.

  Masculine voices. Plural.

  She froze.

  "Don't you dare stop."

  About Melissande

  MELISSANDE IS A PSEUDONYM FOR a USAToday bestselling author who likes to walk on the wild side. If you've enjoyed PLAY ME, please let others know by leaving a review on the retailer site where you bought it. If you'd like to contact Melissande, she loves to hear from readers. Email her at [email protected]




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