Storm of Eon (Eon Warriors Book 7)

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Storm of Eon (Eon Warriors Book 7) Page 16

by Anna Hackett

  “War Commander, the Valantis just arrived,” someone called out.

  On screen, another Eon warship appeared, firing on the Kantos.

  “Sir, a Kantos battlecruiser just broke through. They’re preparing to fire on Earth.”

  Finley put in the last bit of code. Everything clicked and went green on screen.

  “I’ve got it!” she cried.

  “Activate the StarStorm, Admiral,” Malax yelled.


  The seconds slowed and Finley stared at the screen. Sabin appeared by her side and took her hand.

  They waited.

  Come on.

  She saw the battlecruiser getting closer and closer to the planet.

  God, what if it didn’t work?

  The StarStorm lasers fired. The net started forming around Earth.

  “My God,” she breathed.

  “You did it,” Sabin said.

  A shiny silver net of laser surrounded the planet.

  “We did!” She jumped on him and kissed him.

  The Kantos fired, but it rebounded off the StarStorm net.

  The lead Kantos ship was moving at high speed, and already too close. It hit the net and part of the ship disintegrated, explosions flaring.

  Cheers erupted on the bridge of the Rengard.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Sabin watched the Rengard and the Valantis open fire. The Kantos fleet turned and ran.

  “They’re retreating,” Airen called out.

  His beautiful, talented, hard-working mate had done it. With a cheer, he picked Finley up and swung her around.

  She looked dazed. “It worked. The StarStorm repelled the Kantos.”

  “You just dealt a heavy blow to the Kantos’ invasion plans.” He kissed her.

  She kissed him back—a little wild, with an edge of desperation.

  He frowned. Something wasn’t right. “Finley?”

  Then they were mobbed by the others.

  “Finley, congrats!” Wren hugged her.

  Malax, Airen, and Donovan slapped Sabin on the back.

  But he kept one eye on Finley. She looked a little withdrawn.

  Cren. Did she not want to be mated? That thought was like a rock in his gut.

  No. She loved him. He felt in his bones that she was his. His helian pulsed.

  “Well done, Sabin.” Malax gripped his shoulder. “On the StarStorm, and on your mating.”

  Airen cocked her head. “You never wanted to mate.”

  His gaze fell on Finley. “I’d never give her up. She’s everything.”

  “We’ll talk later on how to make it work for you both,” Malax said. “Now go, be with your mate.”

  Sabin strode across the bridge. “Can I steal my mate?”

  Wren smiled at him. “Go. Finley, we’ll catch up soon. We’ve got lots to talk about, including my tips on dealing with Eon warrior mates.” She winked.

  Finley smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  Frowning, Sabin pulled her off the bridge.

  “You must have so much to do.” She pushed her hair back behind her ears. “I can—”

  He cupped her face. “Right now, all I want to focus on is my mate.”

  She licked her lips.

  “Finley, talk to me. What’s wrong?”

  If she rejected that bond…

  “You never wanted to mate.” Her voice was hushed.

  “It was your trust and encouragement that let me trust my abilities.”

  “And you have duties here, responsibilities—”

  “I love you.”

  Her lips parted.

  “Being with you has changed everything, and opened my eyes.”


  “It was fear that drove me not to want to mate.” He smiled. “With you by my side, I’m not afraid of my extra senses.” He lowered his voice. “I want to use them on you, every moment I can.”

  She blushed. “My work is on Earth, yours is here.”

  “We’ll work it out. The Eon-Terran alliance isn’t going anywhere, so there will be lots of opportunities. And to be with you, I’ll do whatever I have to do.”

  “Oh, Sabin.” Her face softened. “I love you so much.”

  He lifted her off her feet for a kiss. He pulled the taste of her in. He’d never get enough of her.

  Suddenly, a cramp hit him. With a grunt, he set her down. Heat washed over his skin.

  “Sabin? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

  “No.” This was pure hunger. Hunger for his mate.

  He closed in on her and backed her up. She gasped and her shoulder blades hit the wall.

  His lips took hers. She melted against him and moaned into his mouth. When he lifted his head, his control was ragged.

  “Sabin?” Her lips were swollen, a dazed look on her face.

  “This is the mating fever.”

  “Oh?” She cupped his face. “I know you’ve dreaded it. Are you—?”

  He grabbed her hand and pressed it to his pants, right over his straining cock.

  She cupped him and bit her lip.

  “I’m not afraid. I need you, Finley. So much.”

  “I’m yours.”

  Sabin scooped her into his arms and carried her down the corridor. He marched into a lift and hit the buttons.

  Finally, they reached his cabin and he pressed a hand to the electronic lock.

  He strode into his cabin and dropped her on his bed. He stood beside the bed, and his armor retracted. Finley’s did as well. Then he tore off his uniform.

  Her gaze was on him, inflaming his senses. He dropped his clothes on the floor.

  “Take your clothes off, Finley.”

  Her gaze dropped to his straining cock. She lifted her chin. “You take my clothes off.”

  With a growl, he was on the bed, yanking her to the edge. A husky cry broke from her.

  “This is going to be a little rough,” he warned.

  He reached out and opened the front fastening of her spacesuit, lowering it down over her breasts, her belly.

  She shivered. “I’m okay with that.”

  “Rough and long.” He pressed a kiss to her sternum. Her breasts quivered.

  “How long?” she panted.

  He tore her panties off, leaving his curvy mate naked.

  “The mating fever usually lasts a few days.”

  Her eyes popped wide. “Days?”

  He covered her body with his. “I promise you, you’ll enjoy it.”

  Then he took her mouth with his and they were both lost.

  She couldn’t move.

  She would probably never move again.

  Finley would just have to stay in Sabin’s bed aboard the Rengard, forever.

  She was on her belly and she languidly turned her head. Sabin was sleeping deeply beside her. She guessed they’d been locked in his cabin for about two days. She had vague memories of food being delivered, and his doctor friend Thane checking on them.

  Sabin had been insatiable. Hell, she’d been insatiable. She made a contented sound.

  It had been amazing. They’d made love every way they knew how. He’d shown her a few decadent new things, and she was pretty sure they’d invented a few others together.

  She’d been totally wrong. Sex was the most amazing thing ever.

  Finley shivered and moved closer to him. She pressed a kiss to his strong back.

  She loved his body. She also loved his brain. She loved everything about this warrior. Her warrior.

  They’d work this out. She knew they could.

  He stirred, the muscles under her lips flexing. He rolled and then pulled her against his chest.

  “How’s my prickly garva?” He pressed a kiss to her hair.

  “Alive, but my legs may never work again.”

  His hand skimmed down beside her thigh, and her leg twitched.

  “It’s a miracle,” he said.

  She smiled at him, taking in his body. He was fully healed. He�
��d proven that over the last couple of days.

  “I suppose we should check in,” she said.

  Everyone would know exactly what they’d been doing. She tried not to feel embarrassed.

  “Soon.” He took her lips in a lazy kiss.

  The door chimed. With a squeak, Finley dived under the covers.

  “A friendly visit from the ship’s doctor.”

  Thane entered, a smile on his face. The man was extremely attractive, and she fought her embarrassment.

  “You’ve both eaten?” the doctor asked.

  “We haven’t wasted away.” Sabin sat up.

  “Good.” Thane held up a handheld scanner. “Your biosigns are perfectly healthy. The mating fever’s passed?”

  Sabin nodded. He yanked Finley onto his lap. “We’re great.”

  “Excellent. For a man who never wanted to mate, you look happy.”

  “I’ve never been happier,” Sabin said.

  Finley thought she saw a flash of pain in Thane’s eyes, but then the doctor smiled at his friend. She looked at Sabin and happiness burst inside her. She knew he meant what he said. Being with him was one of the best things of her life. She wasn’t sure what her family would think of her being mated to an Eon warrior, but if she was happy, they’d be happy, too.

  “Well, I have a message for Finley,” Thane said. “From a Gemma Neely and an Ian Cho. They’ve organized a celebration party at the Woomera Range Complex. All the Rengard crew are invited.”

  Sabin groaned. “Terrans need little excuse for a party.”

  “You both deserve a celebration. For the success of the StarStorm, for your mating, and for surviving the Kantos.”

  She met Sabin’s eyes and they shared a smile. “A party might be nice.”

  Several hours later, Finley found herself aboard a packed shuttle heading back to Earth. Sabin sat beside her, Thane next to him. Wren and Malax were also aboard. Airen and Donovan had stayed on the Rengard, with a skeleton crew. There were several other shuttles full of warriors traveling to Earth as well.

  She knew the Eon warriors were keen to see the planet they were helping to protect.

  She was a little worried about how she and Sabin would make things work, but she had faith they would.

  She pulled in a deep breath. She’d leave Earth if she had to. Surely there were some Eon research projects she could help with.

  They landed at Woomera. As soon as she exited, Gemma and Ian rushed over for hugs.

  “You’re brilliant,” Gemma exclaimed.

  “Your help was invaluable in getting the StarStorm operational,” Finley told her.

  “Let’s party!” Ian said.

  Gemma tugged Finley away. “Party dresses are mandatory.”

  Finley groaned and shared a look with Sabin.

  “I’ll see you at the party,” Sabin said.

  Gemma dragged Finley down the hall. “You and Sabin are mated. You lucky woman.”

  Finley smiled. “We are. And I am.”

  “I might see if I can find myself a warrior.” Gemma waggled her eyebrows.

  Finley raised a brow. “Ian would be heartbroken.”

  The woman stumbled. “What?”

  “He’s totally head-over-heels for you.”

  “No,” Gemma breathed. “We’re just friends. Colleagues.”

  “Look more carefully, Gemma. You’re a smart lady.”

  A speculative look crossed the young woman’s face. “Maybe I will.”

  Soon they were dolled up, and Finley was wearing a little black dress. She found herself on the Woomera rooftop. Music was playing, and everyone was drinking and eating. Eon warriors mingled with Terrans.

  Wren was dancing badly on a makeshift dance floor. She looked like she was having a seizure. Malax watched on, a smile on his face.

  And love.

  Finley searched for Sabin and spotted him talking with Kaira.

  Finley headed over to them, and Kaira smiled at her.

  “Welcome back and congratulations,” the Woomera security commander said.

  “Thank you,” Finley replied.

  “I’ll let you have some time alone with your mate.” With a smile, Kaira left them.

  “Hi,” Finley said.

  “Hi. You look beautiful.” Sabin pulled her into his arms. “We’re right back where I first—”

  “I remember.” Every second.

  “Look up.”

  Overhead was a bright sprinkle of stars.

  “It’s beautiful. Even more beautiful from down here, with my feet firmly on Earth.”

  “You helped save your planet, Finley. You saved me. In more ways than one.”

  She rubbed her nose against his. “And your steady belief and support led me here. We’re a good team.”

  “And we’ll be good mates.”

  Surrounded by Eon warriors and Terrans, they kissed under the stars.

  Chapter Twenty


  Kaira tried to relax.

  It was a party, so there were lots of reasons to have fun.

  She sighed. She was still acutely aware that there were Kantos out there. The StarStorm was a huge win, and would stop a large-scale attack.

  But only when they saw the enemy coming.

  It wouldn’t stop small strike teams, or assassins sneaking through. She couldn’t relax yet.

  She glanced over and saw Finley in Sabin’s arms. The scientist and the warrior were smiling at each other, and Kaira could practically feel the love from where she was standing.

  Kaira was happy for them. A pang hit her under her heart. She’d had that once.

  No, she wasn’t going to have a pity party. She’d grieved for Ryan, and would always miss him, but life marched on, whether you wanted it to or not.

  She dated. She even caught up with a buddy with benefits occasionally, but she’d never let herself fall in love again.

  It hurt too much to lose someone you loved. And she’d worked too hard putting the pieces of her life back together to have them shattered for a second time.

  The doors to the roof opened, and two couples stepped onto the roof terrace.

  “Eve! Lara!” Wren ran for the women.

  Both of them were tall and athletic. The taller one was Lara Traynor. The one with a small, round pregnant belly would be Eve.

  Wow, these women were Space Corps legends.

  Kaira watched the three sisters embrace. The big warriors with them would be War Commander Davion Thann-Eon, and Security Commander Caze Vann-Jad of the Desteron.

  Kaira wanted to meet the women. She had to admit she had a small girl crush on them both.

  She grabbed a drink from the bar table and sipped. As she scanned the party again, her gaze snagged on a sexy, silver fox of an Eon warrior.

  The man was talking with Sabin and Finley, so she guessed he was off the Rengard. Yum. Kaira felt a tingle. It’d been a long time since she’d felt much for a man. She drank him in. He’d be good fantasy material for when she was busy with her vibrator later.

  Dragging her gaze off him, she noted when Lara and Eve were alone. She took her chance.

  “Sub-Captain Traynor, Lieutenant Traynor. I’m Commander Kaira Chand, head of Woomera Security. It’s an honor to meet you both.”

  “Likewise.” Eve held out a hand while the other one rested on her belly. “And it’s Ambassador Thann-Eon these days.” The woman winced. “Although it’s a hell of a mouthful.”

  “I heard you did good work here, Commander Chand,” Lara said. “You helped fight off the Kantos.”

  “We desperately needed a giant can of bug spray,” Kaira said.

  Lara snorted and Eve smiled.

  “Isn’t that the truth?” Lara said. “With the StarStorm operational, though, it improves the odds.”

  Kaira nodded. “It’s thanks to you both we have the alliance with the Eon in the first place.”

  Eve smiled. “Sometimes it’s a giant pain in my ass. The Eon king is planning to have a delegation
from Earth visit the planet of Eon soon. I’m dreading it.”

  “Isn’t that good news for the alliance?” Kaira said.

  “Except I’ll have to babysit them.” Eve sighed. “A bunch of pretentious politicians from Earth, no doubt.”

  “You might be too busy giving birth,” her sister added.

  Eve winced. “Don’t talk about giving birth.”

  Suddenly, the pregnant woman went pale and swayed.

  “Eve?” Kaira was closest and grabbed Eve’s arm.

  “I’m just a little lightheaded. It keeps happening. I just need some space and fresh air.”

  “You’re outside,” Lara noted.

  “Fresher air. There are too many people.”

  “I’ll take you out front,” Kaira said. “There’s a small garden there.”

  “I’ll find Davion,” Lara said.

  Kaira helped the pregnant woman inside and into the elevator.

  “I’m feeling better already,” Eve said. “I just needed to get away from the crush of people.”

  Finally, they headed out the front doors of the Woomera main building. There was a small rock garden, with native plants and a metal sculpture, out front.

  “Being pregnant with the first Eon-Terran baby is full of surprises,” Eve said.

  “You’re okay now?”

  “Yes, but I have an overprotective warrior baby daddy.” She glanced at the building. “Uh-oh, incoming.”

  Kaira saw Davion Thann-Eon striding out the doors, his brows drawn together. He walked like he owned the place. Clearly, a man used to being in charge.

  And with him was the sexy silver fox she’d spotted earlier.

  Kaira straightened.

  The man’s gaze met hers and she felt a jolt through her body. He had black eyes crisscrossed with strands of bright green.

  “Eve.” Davion moved to his mate.

  She held up a hand. “I’m fine. Just a bit dizzy, and I needed some air.”

  The big warrior put his hand on her belly, a tender move. “Let Thane check you over.”

  Thane. Kaira had heard the name. Medical Commander Thane Kann-Eon of the Rengard.

  As the doctor checked Eve over, he murmured quietly to her.

  Davion nodded at Kaira. “Thank you for assisting Eve.”

  “It was no problem.”


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