Starry Skies for My Omega

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Starry Skies for My Omega Page 10

by Marianna Forrest

  Lukas smiled against his alpha’s skin, drawing Owen’s face up with his hands before kissing him once more. He felt Owen’s arms curl around him protectively, and sighed into the kiss.

  Lukas felt his body cooling off before his eyes grew heavy. He locked his ankles behind Owen’s back and wrapped his arms around the alpha’s neck, leaning forward to take in his scent.

  Soft pillows framed his body as he felt himself being moved onto his side. A warm blanket was pulled up to their hips, and Owen pulled Lukas closer.

  “Rest, sweetheart. You’re safe here. I’ll take care of everything, just get some sleep,” Owen whispered in a husky voice.

  The room was dark and quiet save for their slowly relaxing breaths and Lukas’ whimpers whenever Owen shifted.

  Thunder rumbled in the distance, followed by the patter of rain against the window. Owen carefully raised his free arm to reach over Lukas and twist open the blinds slightly. He watched the rain fall through the small slits in the blinds, running his hand through Lukas’ hair idly, expecting to hear the soft snores of his omega soon.

  “I love you,” came a faint whisper from his side.

  Owen jumped, just a bit, at the sound of the voice. He froze before his chest suddenly burst with warmth as if he had just been given a gift he had wished for his entire life.

  “And I love you too, Lukas.”

  Chapter 10

  Lukas’ eyes slowly fluttered open. He remembered a sweet dream, warm blankets, and soft pillows. Miss Mulberry was on the windowsill looking outside at the birds. He didn’t hear the noises of the city any longer. Instead, he heard cows?

  Sitting up in bed, he realized he was in his old room. He would recognize those tacky posters anywhere. The scent of cooking food thoroughly roused him. Standing, he walked the path he had so often walked before, stepping around the cat weaving between his legs instead of stepping around scattered toys.

  Rounding the corner into the kitchen, he beheld quite a sight. There stood Owen cooking a huge breakfast. Mimosa sat faithfully by his side, hoping a bit of meat would fall to the floor.

  “Morning, beautiful. You were out like a light. Figured you might appreciate a good breakfast when you finally emerged from the cave.” Owen smiled.

  As Lukas drew closer to investigate the skillet full of food, Owen pulled the omega into his arms and kissed him.

  Lukas smiled into the kiss as he felt Owen’s hands on his hips. Breaking away, Lukas looked around the kitchen.

  Strewn throughout the living room and kitchen were streamers, balloons, and party games. A small pile of gifts sat on the counter.

  “You should get ready. Our guests will be here soon.”

  Lukas looked puzzled. “Guests?”

  At that moment, a knock resounded on the door. Owen carefully put his spatula to the side and swung the door open, calling out a greeting with a smile as he took a step back.

  Lukas’ jaw dropped as he felt his eyes burning. His Ma and Pa were crowding the doorway, smiling and happy. Well, it was official. This was his favorite dream.

  Lukas dove into their arms, hugging them tightly as the tears finally fell.

  His Ma’s voice hit his ears first. “Oh, why are you crying, dear? It’s a wonderful day for a get-together.” A bright smile decorated her face.

  A hearty chuckle boomed through the living room. His Pa stepped forward and ruffled Lukas’ hair.

  “Nice jammies, boy! C’mon, it’s been too long. Let’s enjoy a nice breakfast.”

  The dream shifted, and the next vision put him at the table surrounded by his family. Breakfast had been finished, and Lukas watched as everyone laughed and joked. He smiled as Owen reached over and threaded their fingers together.

  Suddenly, a soft cry came from upstairs. Lukas jumped at the sound, worried that Miss Mulberry might have gotten caught in something.

  “I’ll get her. She’s probably ready to start this party.” Owen smiled, then stood and walked up the stairs.

  Confusion filled Lukas’ mind. Surely not. His Ma’s voice jolted him from his thoughts.

  “You’ve chosen a good mate, sweetie. You two have built such a wonderful life together. We couldn’t be happier for you,” she whispered.

  “Another generation of McGuires. It just gives me the fuzzies. Though I guess she would be an Atkins. Ah, well, she has McGuire blood in her veins.” His Pa chuckled.

  “And you named her after your dear mother.” His Pa smiled. “It suits her. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”

  At that moment, Owen came down the stairs with a toddler in his arms. She looked like a little doll. So many emotions filled Lukas as he saw his mate holding her. She was dressed in a pink footie pajama set, and her dark red hair was a complete mess. Her bright green eyes were darting about, gazing at all the people in front of her.

  “There’s the girl of the hour! Happy birthday to my favorite granddaughter!” His Pa’s voice boomed across the kitchen and the little girl giggled.

  “Three years old. Where did the time go?” His Ma smiled, taking the little girl from Owen and bouncing her on her leg.

  “Speaking of where… where did Pa go?” Lukas looked around the living room, shocked that he hadn’t heard his Pa get up and leave the table. He swore that man was secretly a ninja.

  As if on cue, his Pa carried a large tray of cake pops over to the kitchen table.

  “I think the little one wants some cake,” he said.

  Owen snickered.

  “I think you just want some cake, pops.” Owen looked over at Lukas, sporting a dumb smile on his face.

  “Noooo.” Lukas held his head in his hands.

  Lukas’ dad laughed. “You caught me red-handed.”

  The little girl giggled, squirming on her grandmother’s lap as her family began to sing happy birthday.

  * * *

  Lukas took in a deep breath. The sky was slowly turning pink and purple as the sun set. His little girl had worn herself out playing with her new toys and had been put down for a nap. He heard the livestock in the fields as he was sitting on the front porch with his mother while his dad and Owen watched some goofy comedy movie on TV.

  His mother’s voice cut through the silence.

  “I really couldn’t be happier for you, sweetpea.” She relaxed in her rocking chair. Miss Mulberry sat on her lap, purring happily.

  “I’m so happy with him, Ma. I don’t know how I got so lucky,” Lukas whispered, staring off into the sunset.

  “Fated mates are hard to find, but when you finally find each other, it’s like something out of a fairy tale.” she smiled, watching Mimosa run around in the front yard.

  Lukas thought for a moment, sighing.

  “I wish this could last forever, Ma. All of us together, enjoying days like this, but I know…”

  “I know, honey. I’m sorry we can’t stay longer, but we have to get back. Your father has work tomorrow, and I have about five loads of laundry to do. He’s always so filthy when he gets home between his volunteer work and the work on the farm.” His mother laughed.

  Lukas felt his heart wrench into pieces as his voice cut off with a choked sound. Yeah, he knew the truth, but he was content to live this dream just a bit longer.

  The dream started fading away bit by bit as the sun set. His Ma stood from the rocking chair and placed Miss Mulberry on the porch railing as his Pa came out onto the front porch.

  “Well, I think it’s about time for us to head out. It’s getting a bit late.” His Pa stretched his arms high above his head.

  Lukas quickly dragged his parents in for a long hug.

  “I love you, Ma. Love you, Pa,” he whispered as tears started falling.

  Owen stepped out onto the porch, setting a tin of leftovers down on the swing before wrapping his arms around the group.

  “You’ve done well, boy.” Lukas’ Pa shook hands with Owen. “Most young alphas don’t know how to treat their mates, but I want you to know that I trust you wholeheartedly
with my son. You better look out for him and that little girl of yours, or I’ll haunt you forever. Deal?”

  Owen laughed. “Deal, sir.”

  “It’s time, Lukas. You all be safe. Be happy. Be sure to eat well and take care of each other, okay?” Lukas’ Ma smiled, taking Owen and Lukas’ hands and placing them together.

  “And give your brother a call sometime. I’m sure he misses you,” his Pa said as he took his wife’s hand in his.

  The sun started getting lower and lower as bits and pieces of the dream faded away. As darkness covered the farm, everything began vanishing, until the light reached the edge of the old farmhouse.

  “Time to wake up, Lukas. We love you.” His Ma whispered. He felt her hand caress his cheek as his vision faded.

  * * *

  When Lukas opened his eyes, the light of the streetlights was gone. He felt warm arms wrapped around him, holding him close. Snores filled the room as he propped himself up on his elbow to look over Owen’s sleeping form at the clock on the nightstand.

  “Six-thirty,” Lukas sighed to himself, easing back down onto the mattress.

  Owen snorted in his sleep, slowly cracking open his eyes.

  “You okay, babe?” Owen murmured.

  Lukas thought for a moment, examining his arms and stomach. His body didn’t feel like it was about to burst into flames anymore, but he was very sore. He felt the faint sting of scratches and bites all over his neck and back.

  “You’ve been crying. Was I too rough?” Owen asked, lifting his hand to run his thumb across Lukas’ cheek.

  Lukas’ own hand shot up to his face, feeling the remnants of the dried trails on his cheek. He bundled up close to Owen before whispering, “I had a dream about my parents. I was able to hug them and talk to them and… it’s like they were actually there.”

  He felt Owen’s lips on his forehead as his arms drew Lukas close.

  “Wanna talk ‘bout it?” Owen’s words were slurred with fatigue, but he kept his eyes focused on Lukas.

  Lukas shook his head.

  “Not right now. Get some more rest. We can talk about it later.”

  Owen purred, carefully watching Lukas before his eyes started to drift shut.

  Lukas sighed, and he heard Owen’s snores not long after. He turned over onto his side, facing the window. The curtains had been drawn shut, blocking out most of the light and noise. Only a sliver of light came through across the bedspread. He closed his eyes, thinking back to his dream, as he began drifting off.

  Miss Mulberry meowed outside the closed bedroom door, making Lukas jump.

  Mimosa soon started whining as well, and Owen sighed, carefully pulling his arm out from under Lukas and the pillows. As he sat up, the blanket rolled down to his hips. He stretched his arms high above his head, muscles flexing tantalizingly. Lukas’ eyes followed the alpha’s arms until–

  A snicker inadvertently slipped out, causing Owen’s gaze to drift to the omega buried beneath the covers.

  “What?” Owen asked hoarsely. Fatigue still dripped in his voice.

  “Your hair. It’s a complete mess.” Lukas giggled, sitting up and fluffing the dark red mayhem.

  Owen waited until Lukas shifted a bit closer before his arms suddenly wrapped around him again. They fell back, Owen pulling Lukas down against his body for a hug before flipping him over and pinning the omega to the bed.

  Owen peppered kisses on any exposed flesh he came across, freezing when he reached Lukas’ neck. He took in a deep breath, shuddering slightly before sighing.

  “My beautiful omega.”

  Lukas mewled against the alpha as another whine was heard outside the door.

  Owen sighed, pressing one last kiss to Lukas’ lips before sitting up.

  “C’mon, sweetheart. We gotta take care of the kids.” Owen chuckled.

  * * *

  Lukas felt a cold ball of dread settle into his stomach as he stood outside the front door to his home. It seemed that some of his neighbors had patched up the door, but he could still see boot marks from Aaron’s assault. Mimosa bumped against his leg and Miss Mulberry’s carrier, whining. He felt Owen’s hand on his lower back as he shuddered.

  “Are you sure about this? We can give it a couple more days if you want,” Owen said, concern lacing his voice.

  “The faster this is all cleaned up and washed away, the better.” Lukas sighed.

  Swallowing his fear, he took his key out and pushed open the door. The sight that greeted him was hard to see. Aaron had really done a number on the entryway. He carefully set the carrier down in the living room before returning.

  His shoes had been scattered across the entryway and hall, and there were water stains on the hardwood. Nearby, an antique vase he had had forever was destroyed, the fresh flowers he had bought from Sawyer’s shop wilted among the pieces. Most of the framed family photos he had hanging in the stairwell were shattered on the floor of the entryway and stairs, left behind in the darkness of the invaded house.

  Owen, holding tightly to Mimosa’s leash, watched as Lukas climbed a few of the steps, sturdy boots crunching on the small bits of glass. Carefully brushing away the shards, Lukas picked up the old family portrait Owen had seen on the first day he visited.

  Lukas sighed, stepping back down to Owen before showing the picture to him.

  “I was twelve when we took this picture. It was our last photo as a family,” he whispered.

  Tracing the face of the man in the photo, Lukas began to speak quietly.

  “So this is my Pa, Thomas McGuire. He was one of the hardest workers I’ve ever known, but he always had time to spend with his family. He always put on a tough front, but he was a big softy inside and a huge fan of puns. You two would have definitely gotten along.”

  Owen chuckled to himself as he looked at the man in the photo. He had bright green eyes, dark brown hair, and a tall, built frame with tanned skin. In the photo, he was stooping down to kiss a woman on the cheek while at the same time giving bunny ears to a small boy in front of him.

  Lukas’ finger moved to a short woman in a yellow gingham dress who had wild, blonde locks hidden under a wide straw hat. She had fair skin, brown eyes, and an infectious smile. She was laughing as the photo was taken, no doubt from the surprise kiss.

  “And my Ma, Abigail. Toughest woman I’ve ever known. Everyone around town always said she didn’t have a mean bone in her body, but she knew how to strike fear into my heart when I needed it.” Lukas shuddered.

  Owen tightened his arm around Lukas’ waist, pressing a small kiss into the omega’s hair before looking back down at the photo.

  “And, by God, she was one hell of a cook. Ma loved feeding everyone when our town had events. You should have seen her baking up a storm whenever fall rolled around.” Lukas’ voice trailed off with a smile.

  “Pa would open up our farm to the public for corn mazes, bonfires, and hayrides as soon as it started getting cool enough, and she’d bake for days. My brother and I weren’t allowed in the kitchen much in the fall since we tried to sneak bites of some of the treats.” Lukas chuckled at the happy memory.

  “Naughty. Though, if she was as good a cook as you are, I don’t blame you,” Owen whispered with a smile.

  “And there’s my partner in crime, Colton.” Lukas pointed to the taller of the two boys standing in front of their mother. He had his mother’s blond hair and brown eyes. He was practically screaming teenage angst but still smiling at the antics going on behind him.

  “I haven’t talked to him since I left. I get the feeling he’s angry with me, like he feels I wasn’t happy with the work he did to provide for both of us after Ma and Pa passed away,” Lukas said sadly.

  “Won’t know until you try, babe. Don’t assume. That’s the biggest mistake you can make.” Owen lightly squeezed Lukas’ waist.

  Lukas relaxed into Owen’s arm for a moment before wiggling from the grasp, bending to pick up another photo.

  “And here’s Miss Mulberry, all
fluffy after her first bath. Should have seen her before I got this picture. I thought she was a black cat when I first brought her home.” Lukas giggled, grabbing another photo.

  “A picture of the old farm. You know, my great-grandfather built that house from the ground up. Always loved that huge kitchen with its view of the fields.” Lukas gazed toward the small kitchen in his home before picking up one last photo.

  “And then our last family fishing trip. Colton caught the biggest catfish I’d ever seen that day.” Lukas got a dreamy look in his eyes. “We stayed at the lake until dark, watching the sun set and the stars appearing as we grilled that sucker.”

  Owen saw Lukas’ shoulders slump with a sigh as he held the pictures and looked around at the mess.

  “And we haven’t even gone upstairs yet.” Lukas gazed up the stairwell.

  Owen stepped forward, about to say something, before he heard a noise in the doorway behind him.

  A hoarse voice called out, “Lukas? That you, boy?”

  Chapter 11

  “Knock knock, neighbor,” a woman’s rough voice said through the doorway.

  At the sound of the voices, Lukas poked his head around Owen’s body to see who was at his door. An older African-American man stood there, holding his arm out for his wife, who was balancing her weight between his arm and a cane.

  At the sight of the two people, Lukas’ eyes lit up.

  “Andre, Dahlia! Oh, Dahlia, is it okay for you to be out and about like this so soon after your surgery?”

  Lukas made a motion to invite the couple inside, leading them past the carnage and into the living room. Andre slowly helped lower Dahlia onto the couch as Owen led Mimosa past the glass shards to sit in the living room.

  “Why, I’m fit as a fiddle, darlin’. Don’t let this worrywart make you think otherwise. I’m more worried about you, to be honest. Sienna told us about what happened, and poor Hazel has been worried sick about you since you weren’t home last night.” Dahlia’s eyes shifted between Lukas and Owen.


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