Starry Skies for My Omega

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Starry Skies for My Omega Page 12

by Marianna Forrest

  “Would it be possible for me to meet her?”

  “Yeah, absolutely! Not sure when her schedule will allow her time to come up, but I’ll give her a call soon.”

  “It’s okay. We have all the time in the world. I’m not going anywhere,” Lukas whispered, cuddling into Owen’s side.

  A comfortable silence filled the room as Lukas’ eyes drifted shut. He heard Owen breathing lightly at his side before he shifted.

  “I want to buy the bar from Mr. Yorke. He used to pick me up and bring me here after school let out since Mom always had to work late, so I’ve seen this place go from humble beginnings to… all of this.” Owen motioned to the spacious room. “To be able to run it myself and keep this piece of my history alive would be amazing.”

  A woman’s sing-song voice called his name, “Lukas? Lukas, we’re leaving! Where’d you go?”

  “Ah, that’s Sienna. That’s right, I’m carpooling with her and Archer.” Lukas groaned as he sat up, his back hurting from resting in a weird position.

  “I still have an hour or so. I’ll meet you back at the apartment.”

  Deep down, Lukas knew he’d have to go back to his house eventually. He sighed, rubbing his temples.

  “Actually, I need to… I can’t keep loafing at your place forever.”

  “I understand, say no more, but I’m not leaving you alone at your place until you’re comfortable. I’m gonna go back to the apartment and grab the critters and some clothes, and I’ll meet you, okay?”


  “No. Babe, please. Just until I know you’re not afraid to be alone in your own house. I can see you shaking right now.”

  Lukas leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

  “Alright, alright. I get it. We’re a team. We do this together, right?”

  “Exactly.” Owen beamed, wrapping his arm around Lukas and pulling him close.

  “Luuuuukas!?” Sienna’s voice pierced the quiet room.

  With a sigh, Lukas stood in front of his alpha, bending over to kiss his mate.

  “I want to thank you for putting up with everything that’s been going on recently. I know it’s been a mess, but you’ve stuck around through it all.”

  “Don’t thank me, love. I know it’s been hard, and there have been some scary moments, but I wouldn’t trade all of this for the world,” Owen replied, gazing up into Lukas’ eyes with a loving smile. “Now get going. I think Sienna’s gonna tear the building down looking for you.”

  Lukas chuckled at the thought of the tiny, four-foot-tall woman punching through brick and mortar, her little sidekick next to her, copying her every move. He would definitely pay to see that.

  Lukas snuck in another quick kiss and headed for the breakroom door. He knew he had a dorky smile on his flushed face, and he knew he would be questioned when he rejoined his group, but did he care? No. No, he didn’t.

  “I am omega, hear me roar,” Lukas whispered to himself.

  * * *

  “I still can’t believe you left me at the bar, Sienna. I may never forgive you.” Lukas crossed his arms and pouted, his face illuminated by the passing street lights as Archer weaved through traffic.

  “Ya big baby, yer fine. I knew ya were so worried about bothering Owen, you wouldn’t go over to the bar yerself. All ya needed was a friend to get ya over there, and everything turned out grrreat,” Sienna giggled quietly, pleasantly warm from the drinks she had shared with her old friends.

  The music coming from the radio suddenly got quieter as Archer’s voice drifted from the front seat. “You said you’re going back to your house tonight, right Lukas?”

  “Yeah. Owen said he’d meet me there after he picks up the creatures and some clothes.”

  Sienna giggled.

  “You know what creature I want? One of those, uh… farty cats.”

  He heard Archer snicker in the front seat before it hit him. He immediately flashed back to the time he tried to free a skunk from a trap in fourth grade. You bet your ass he regretted that decision. Colton never let him live that one down.

  “Trust me, you don’t want a farty cat, Sienna. Regret smells like rotten eggs,” Lukas murmured.

  “No, no, I think we should get her one, Lukas. I mean, her birthday is coming up in July.” Archer looked up into the rearview mirror with a smile.

  Lukas crossed his arms and leaned back against the seat. His eyes wandered to the window, tuning out Sienna’s rambling. Familiar buildings started flitting by in the dark streets until the car slowly pulled to a stop.

  Archer threw the car into park, relaxing in his seat for a few moments.

  “Well, home sweet home. Thanks for coming out with us tonight, Lukas. I’m gonna get little miss crazy home before she starts wanting spiny pigs or actor rats.

  Lukas froze mid-climb out of the car and looked back in at Archer.


  “Porcupines or possums,” Archer whispered with a wide grin.

  Sienna, suddenly gaining supersonic hearing, gasped loudly, “Actor rats. Oh my… the Shakespeares of the highway!”

  “Run, Lukas! I’ll hold her off!” Archer quickly rolled up the windows, pressing the lockdown button on his door. “I have only one final request. Bring donuts to my grave!”

  Archer pulled away from the curb without listening for Lukas’ reply, and peeled off down the road.

  Lukas shook his head and smiled as he reached his front door and stepped inside his suddenly unfamiliar house. It hadn’t been that long since he had been here, right?

  Darkness filled almost every corner of his house save for the kitchen where everyone had gathered after the cleanup. Oops. He must have forgotten that light when he and Owen left a few days ago. His gaze lingered on the stairs, knowing he would have to make the trip to the second floor sooner or later.

  Locking the door behind him, Lukas carefully made his way up. Glancing to his right, he saw brand new frames holding his photos. His family smiled back at him from behind the clean glass.

  Reaching his bedroom, he steeled himself as he pushed open the door. Okay. Step one complete. He stood at the edge of his moonlit bedroom for the first time since the attack. He needed to do this. He had to know that Aaron really wasn’t here anymore, that Owen had won.

  Taking a deep breath, he walked across the spotless floor, reaching the window where he had first caught the scent of Aaron. He pulled it open, and a cool breeze drifted in, making the curtains dance around him. His nose crinkled, catching the faint scent of Aaron still left in the room.

  Lukas’ ears twitched as he heard the roar of an engine coming closer and closer. Resting his elbows on the windowsill, he carefully looked in the direction of the noise.

  “And there he is,” Lukas whispered to himself. He quickly went downstairs to unlock the door, more than ready to get out of the bitter-scented room for a few minutes.

  After unpacking the critters and lugging a couple of suitcases to the bedroom, Lukas trembled from a mix of crisp air and the reminders of the attack still wafting around the room. He walked over to the open window, hugging himself as he looked into the dark streets.

  “It’s still scary, isn’t it?” Owen’s voice drifted across the room.

  Lukas’ skin tingled.

  “I can still smell him,” Lukas whispered.

  “You can stay at my apartment as long as you need to, babe. You know that.”

  “I need this closure. I need to know that he’s actually gone and that you’re….” Lukas ran his fingers over the bite mark on his neck, shuddering.

  Lukas tensed when he felt Owen’s arms wrap around his shoulders from behind. The alpha had a cozy blanket draped over his arms, and he covered them both in the fleecy fabric. Lukas felt Owen kiss the still-healing bite on his neck.

  Leaning into the embrace, Lukas suddenly felt himself turn around and get pinned between the wall and a warm body, wrapped in his alpha’s strong arms. His heart pounded, and he felt a gentle warmth spread throu
gh his body as he lost himself in the embrace.

  “Whatever you need, I’ll provide,” Owen breathed softly before kissing Lukas.

  Lukas moaned. Each kiss was slowly numbing his mind, any anxiety slowly melting away.

  Owen let out a faint, heated growl, pulling his omega closer. He framed his arms on the wall around Lukas’ head.

  “You’ve got the reins, babe. What do you need me to do for you?” Owen gazed down at Lukas, licking his lips.

  Lukas slowly pushed himself off the wall, pushing Owen backward toward his bed.

  Owen got the idea and guided them carefully back onto the soft mattress, pulling Lukas on top of him.

  “Help me wipe out his scent. I want no trace of him left in here,” Lukas said in a firm voice, tightening his legs around Owen’s hips.

  A feral growl escaped Owen’s lips as his hips bucked up, and he dragged Lukas down for a deep kiss.

  “My scent will cover you and fill you. No other alpha will bother you again,” Owen growled as he quickly worked Lukas’ shirt off, tossing it across the room. Owen grabbed Lukas’ hips and dragged him down, earning a stifled moan from the sudden friction.

  “Pants. Off. Now,” Lukas moaned quietly with each movement. Fire coursed through the omega’s veins as he felt dirty, slick, and empty once more.

  “Alpha, please. Please, I need you.”

  It didn’t take long for Lukas to find himself under Owen, grasping his pillow for leverage.

  He felt Owen shift above him as he was filled. He moaned into the pillow as the alpha moved. Lukas pushed back against Owen, compelling him to move faster. Owen grabbed Lukas’ hips, pulling the omega back with each thrust.

  Getting lost in pleasure, Lukas whimpered as he felt heat building up in his stomach. Owen’s hand cradled his chest, holding him up from behind as his own arms trembled beneath him. He felt Owen’s warm lips on the back of his shoulder and neck, teeth nipping the tender flesh.

  Owen groaned as he suddenly pulled out and flipped Lukas over. Seeing his omega exposed like this was maddening. He pushed one of Lukas’ legs up and pumped the omega’s cock in time with his own thrusts.

  “Can’t smell him anymore. Only you. My mate, my beautiful omega,” Owen growled, pushing Lukas’ other leg up.

  Lukas’ hand roamed down to pick up the task that Owen had left behind.

  “God, just look at you,” Owen purred, looking down at Lukas.

  Heat flooded Lukas’ body as he gazed up at Owen. His alpha. His protector.

  “Stake your claim, alpha,” Lukas moaned, pumping his own cock faster as he leaned his head back into the pillows.

  Owen leaned forward as Lukas came, biting the raw spot on the crook of his neck. He groaned as Lukas tightened around him, his cock swelling painfully.

  Their moans and pants filled the quiet room, the cooling breeze from the windows flitting across their bodies. Owen looked down at Lukas, the moonlight hitting his omega at such an angle that his eyes glowed beautifully.

  “Claim staked.” Owen mumbled, licking the small trails of blood coming from the bite mark.

  Lukas squirmed faintly at the alpha’s tongue gliding across the sensitive wound. His legs locked behind Owen’s hips, dragging him closer. Lukas whimpered when he felt the alpha go deeper.

  Owen hissed quietly, “Careful, babe, don’t hurt yourself.”

  “I’m sorry, it just feels so good,” Lukas mewled, nuzzling into Owen’s chest before slowly grinding on the alpha again.

  “You’re so wound up.” Owen groaned before bucking his hips lightly.

  “Guess this means we’re staying here tonight,” Lukas whispered.

  Lukas planted kisses on Owen’s neck as he rolled his hips down, drawling out, “Stay as long as you want. I don’t mind one bit.”

  A low chuckle hit Lukas’ ears as he felt himself being dragged up from the warmth of the sheets.

  “Buckle up, love. It’s gonna be a looooong night,” Owen whispered.

  Chapter 13

  A quiet alarm on his phone roused him from his sleep. Not that he actually slept well, anyway. He had tossed and turned all night, despite the fact that his entire body felt like lead.

  He didn’t want to wake Owen this early if he could help it. He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. It was still dark outside, and his body just wasn’t having it. His eyes burned with exhaustion, and his arms trembled as he leaned up on his elbows.

  The days had slipped through his fingers as he tried to get back into the groove of normal, everyday life. Now, it was the day of Hazel’s party, and he was dreadfully unprepared.

  Lukas closed his eyes and slowly exhaled. He didn’t have time to laze about. He had so much to do before this party. The poor girl would be so disappointed if he didn’t show up.

  Hearing Owen’s snores to his right, Lukas felt his focus drifting. Owen had been staying with him for the last week, much to his delight. They had spent the days enjoying the finer points of life: good food, comfy clothes, and a mess of fervid embraces. He felt more at ease when his alpha was nearby, but Owen had to go back to his apartment eventually.

  “Just a few more minutes,” Lukas groaned as he reset the alarm on his phone for fifteen minutes. The soft embrace of his quilt surrounded him as he sank back into the mattress.

  * * *

  Lukas awoke later with the light of the late morning sun warming his bedroom. He cracked open his eyes and groaned. Muffled music reached his ears, and he shielded his face with his arm. There was a warm weight pressing down on his body. Looking down, he saw Miss Mulberry basking on his stomach, acting as if she owned the place.

  He tried to focus his vision as it finally dawned on him. Oh crap.

  “The cake! Fu–! Already ten!?” Lukas shot up, accidentally launching Miss Mulberry across the bed.

  A clatter in the kitchen startled the already panicking omega. Miss Mulberry darted at the sound, hastily retreating in an unknown direction. It was then that he noticed the sweet scent of baked goods drifting throughout the house. Standing warily, he wrapped the sun-warmed blanket around his shoulders and made his way downstairs, curious.

  As he leaned against the doorframe, Lukas was stunned. His kitchen was in shambles. Owen was rocking out to quiet music on a small radio and stumbling around the unfamiliar kitchen. Countless pots and pans soaked in the sink, ingredients were scattered across the counters, and…

  Lukas covered his mouth, trying to hold back a chuckle. He wanted to watch Owen in his unnatural habitat just a bit longer, but he accidentally caught the attention of Mimosa.

  “I could have sworn Mimosa was a Golden Retriever, not a White Lab.”

  Owen flinched at the sudden voice, spinning around in a flash.

  The poor dog was completely covered in flour. As she wagged her tail at the mention of her name, she flung some of the dust on Owen.

  “Well, you see, she thought it was a good idea to get all up in my way when I was holding the tin of flour and then…” Owen motioned to his now white pant leg. “She insisted on returning the favor. It was a vicious cycle that only ended once we ran out of flour.”

  Crossing his arms, Lukas put a grim look on his face, sighing.

  “So, would you say you two are all dressed up and have nowhere to dough?”

  A gasp reached Lukas’ ears.

  “You. Did. Not,” a low voice muttered. “Oh my, God, I’ve rubbed off on you.” Owen’s giddy voice trailed off as he leaned back against the counter, staring up at the ceiling with a smile.

  Lukas’ eyes trailed to three cake pans that rested on the counter near the window.

  “Is that…?”

  “I didn’t want to wake you. Well, actually, I couldn’t. You were one-hundred percent out of it, but your instructions were very detailed. At first, I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right. Then it turned into something amazing.” Owen threw a kitchen towel over his shoulder and cracked his knuckles. “I’m just waiting for them to cool so it can be put
together and frosted–”

  Owen froze when he felt Lukas drag him into a hug. The warm fleece blanket surrounded their bodies, making the already stuffy kitchen almost unbearable. Almost.

  Carefully winding his arms around Lukas, Owen felt a smile tugging at his lips. This was how it was meant to be, just him, Lukas, and the critters. What more could he ask for?

  “Like I said, we’re a team now, love. You don’t have to do it all yourself.”

  “Yep. You’re stuck with me, you big goof. Your fate has been sealed.” Lukas grinned. “Now come on. We only have an hour to finish this up and get to Sienna’s.

  * * *

  The squeal of brakes and an engine shutting down roused Lukas from his unintended nap. Looking outside the car window, he saw the small house Sienna and Hazel called home. It was a quaint house just north of West Roxbury, framed by a perfectly manicured yard.

  Lukas felt Owen’s hand on his leg, squeezing it lightly before he got out of the car.

  “Come on, sleepyhead. We have delight to deliver.”

  Following suit, Lukas grabbed the wrapped gifts from behind his seat, and Owen carried the cake.

  Stepping up to the side door that led into the kitchen, Lukas heard the delighted squeals of children coming from the backyard. He saw Sienna at her stove, jamming out to a muffled song. She definitely wouldn’t hear them knocking.

  Nudging open the door, he carefully maneuvered himself through, then held it for Owen. They slid past the few parents who were still dawdling in the kitchen, hoping to grab a bit of food before they left.

  A warm summer breeze drifted through the nearby open window. Streamers hung from every corner of the house, mimicking the gentle movement of the tide as the gust danced through the rooms. Ocean-related trinkets and baubles littered every room, and a hidden phone played tropical music.

  The serene moment was shattered when the back door flew open, hitting the wall behind it. Three young girls scampered through the hallway and kitchen, bumping into people, before darting back outside, laughing the entire way. About that time, the remaining parents decided it was an excellent time to head out, and they quickly thanked Sienna for her hospitality and fled to their cars.


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