Starry Skies for My Omega

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Starry Skies for My Omega Page 16

by Marianna Forrest

  Owen was quiet for a moment before pulling out his phone and sending a few text messages. It wasn’t long before he was pulling Lukas to his feet.

  “Come on. They can spare us for a few minutes,” Owen whispered.

  “What’s up?” Lukas questioned.

  Owen smiled and led him to the parking lot. “You’ll see. I have a plan.”

  The sounds and lights of the fairgrounds died out behind them as they pulled onto the road, heading down what Lukas guessed would be a backroad by Boston’s standards.

  A quiet song on the radio filled the silence. Lukas leaned his seat back a bit and folded his hands behind his head, staring at the passing silhouettes of the trees against the pink and purple sunset.

  Lukas closed his eyes for a few minutes before he heard the crunch of gravel beneath the car.

  “We’re here, sleeping beauty.” Owen came around to open the door for Lukas. “Come on.”

  Owen led Lukas down a covered path to a clearing overlooking the distant fairgrounds. He could still hear the lighthearted fair music.

  “Hold up. I’ve seen this movie before,” Lukas quipped.

  “But I bet you haven’t seen a view like this.” Owen raised his head to look at the dark sky. “At the very least, not in a long while.”

  Lukas followed his gaze. His mouth dropped open when he saw the painted sky covered in twinkling lights.

  “Starry skies for my omega,” Owen whispered, taking Lukas’ hand.

  “You’re gonna make me cry again,” Lukas whimpered.

  “If you cry, you won’t be able to see what’s next.”

  Feeling Owen’s gaze on his back, Lukas turned around. Owen’s fiery eyes were full of such raw emotion, he felt himself become hot and bashful under their intense stare.

  “Christ. You know, I never thought I’d be in this position. Just a couple months ago, I was in a crappy apartment in Las Vegas, pouring drinks for the high and mighty. Now, I live with you and the critters, and in a few months, our baby will be here. I feel like I have it all. All except one thing.”

  Owen crouched on one knee and reached for his back pocket.

  “Oh, God. Is this really happening?” Lukas thought to himself.

  “So, I have only one question for you. Will you marry me?”

  This was it. This was his own version of an out-of-body experience. He could pretty much see himself standing there like an idiot as Owen proposed to him. Except he wasn’t dead. At least, he hoped not. Was this actually happening?

  Owen’s concerned voice reached his ears, “Babe? Did I break you?”

  “I think my heart just melted,” Lukas whispered. “Yes, yes, yes, you big dork. Of course, I’ll marry you.”

  Lukas launched himself onto his alpha, tears flowing freely as he peppered kisses all over Owen’s face. Owen laughed as he wrapped his arms around his omega.

  “You know, I’ll be honest. I had a much more passionate proposal speech planned out in my head before we came up here,” Owen said.

  “What do you mean? I’m not marrying the speech, I’m marrying the man, and I know how passionate the man is, no matter how his words are spoken,” Lukas gasped.

  “It turned out a lot better than I thought it would, but I forgot most of what I had planned to say when you turned around, and I saw your face. You were just…it was a perfect moment. The lights of the fair and sky behind you—you were almost glowing.”

  “I still would have said yes, even if you had only managed to get out a few words,” Lukas snickered, sidling up to his alpha.

  Owen laughed. “It would have been like ‘You marry? Please do. Me love.’”

  “Like I said, I’m marrying the man, not the speech.” Lukas grinned. “This really was perfect, though. Now comes the fun of planning.”

  Owen spoke up, “Hazel can be the flower girl.”

  “And Sawyer can do the flower arrangements,” Lukas said.

  “As long as I get to be the maid of honor.” Archer’s gruff voice came from the nearby grove.

  Lukas jumped, staring at the grove they had come from. Owen simply grinned, turning back toward the sound.

  Archer, Sienna, Eliseo, and Colton clamored into the open, Eliseo holding a small camera.

  Colton stepped forward and gathered his brother and new brother-in-law in a bear-hug. “You’re stuck with him now, Owen, bless your heart.”

  “I take offense to that, brother.”

  “And that sounds like a personal problem, baby brother.” Colton grinned.

  Lukas smirked. “Speaking of baby, tell me, how do you like the sound of Uncle Colton?”

  Colton froze, stepping back in shock. “No way. Are you really…?”

  “A few weeks along. Due around January or February.” Lukas felt Owen take his hand in his.

  “He accidentally announced it at Hazel’s party.” Sienna took the camera from Archer and put it in her purse.

  “Oh? How do you accidentally announce something like that?” Colton asked.

  “He got sick. And he never gets sick,” Sienna snickered.

  “Oh, man, I’m gonna be the uncle-iest uncle that ever– Bitty-Piggy!?”

  Colton’s sudden shout startled everyone as a small, squealing creature rushed into the clearing.

  “She got away, catch her!” Sawyer yelled, arms outstretched. Hazel followed him, struggling to keep up.

  Bitty-Piggy ran straight to Colton and hid behind his legs. Colton easily scooped up the tiny pig with one hand.

  Sawyer was so focused on catching the little pig, that when she was suddenly scooped up, he had to put on the brakes.

  “Watch ou–!” Sawyer cut himself off as he began to slide forward, trying to slow himself.

  Sawyer suddenly felt himself come to a stop. Colton had caught him in his other arm easily, and he unintentionally pulled the omega against his chest. Sawyer’s hands were wedged between his own body and Colton’s, resting on the alpha’s chest.

  The air suddenly grew tense as time marched on. Sawyer carefully wiggled his way out of a shocked Colton’s embrace, apologizing profusely before heading back to the cars, red as could be.

  Colton’s shoulders drooped as Sawyer ran down the shrouded path.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Sawyer get flustered like that,” Lukas whispered to Eliseo.

  “Same here. Did you feel that spark, though? Yowza,” Eliseo whispered, looking back at Colton. Owen was already next to him, smirking.

  “Colton? Colton, you okay?” Owen waved his hand in front of the other alpha’s face.

  Colton snapped out of it, stuttering, “I hope this doesn’t sound creepy, but I think I know what angels smell like now.”

  “Do share this info, I’m curious.” Eliseo laughed.

  “Peonies, tea, and cinnamon? It’s all… I don’t know. What’s the word I’m looking for?”

  “Comforting, but at the same time, distracting?” Lukas offered.

  Colton nodded, “Yes, exactly!”

  Lukas smiled, saying, “That’s how I knew Owen before I even met him. Archer would go to the bar when we started to plan the fair and bring back that scent, and I was always distracted but intrigued by it.”

  Colton sighed. “But fate is cruel.”

  “What are you going on about?” Lukas asked.

  “I live down in Atlanta now, and long-distance, well, if he chose to… Not that I’m the only option, but…”

  “Spit it out, brother!” Lukas said firmly. Colton jumped at his brother’s raised voice.

  “Long-distance usually ends up hurting both parties. I don’t think I can do it. I want to be near my partner. I want to enjoy their presence, bask in their glow, take care of them as an alpha should. If not, I feel like they might just get…ripped away from me.”

  Archer spoke up, “So, just move up here.”

  “You make it sound so easy.” Colton sighed.

  “Come on, if I can do it, you can.” Lukas smiled.

  Owen nodded.
“You know, if you do decide to come up here, you’re always welcome to crash with us.”

  “What?” Colton looked wary, like someone was playing a prank on him.

  “Yeah, I’m invading Lukas’ space now.” Owen grinned.

  Colton’s gaze drifted to the ground as Bitty-Piggy squirmed in his hands. “Maybe, but there’s still the fact that I need a job to survive. I’m working as a biologist down in Atlanta.”

  “And there are tons of companies hiring here. I’m sure you could find a job easily,” Sienna said.

  Colton sighed. “I’ll look into it. Definitely.” He took a deep breath as he held Bitty-Piggy closer to his body. The shrouded path was empty and quiet now, and only a lingering scent of Sawyer remained.

  “That spark was intense, though. I’m gonna have to pry some info from Sawyer about that because that was just… wow.” Eliseo grinned. “You should try to talk to him again before you leave. Maybe he’ll have calmed down by then.”

  Lukas smiled. “And that goes for you too, Eliseo.”

  “I don’t know you.” Eliseo crossed his arms and stuck out his tongue. “But I do have to get back to my booth. We closed it up before we came up here, and there’s a ton of stuff I want to try to sell before I head home.”

  Eliseo began to walk down the path toward the cars, “And I suppose I should check on Sawyer, too. Did you see how red he was? Poor guy probably has a raging fever now,” He snickered as he disappeared into the grove.

  “Hang on!” Colton took long strides, trying to catch up with Eliseo before he turned around to talk to the group one last time. “I’ll see you all back down at the fairgrounds!”

  Archer laughed as he watched Colton rush down the path. Hazel had covertly followed him, hoping to spend more time with Bitty-Piggy.

  “What a rush. I remember when I used to chase after my flames like that.”

  “Why’d you stop chasing?” Lukas asked.

  “I got old.” Archer laughed. “But seriously, I just grew up, I guess. While we may be tied together by the alpha, beta, and omega inside us, we’re still human. I took relationships for granted when I was young and hurt many a beta and omega. Not physically, of course, just… I wasn’t mentally prepared for commitment, and I can honestly say I was an idiot.”

  “You never know what lies around the corner, man. I mean, I told Lukas earlier that I was in a crappy apartment in Las Vegas just a few months ago. A single man with a single dog surrounded by strangers in a strange place. And now? Engaged with a baby on the way. Don’t give up,” Owen said. He hugged Lukas from behind, resting his chin on top of the omega’s head.

  “Bah, you two are young. Don’t waste time worrying about me. I’m perfectly happy with my diner and the company of friends.” Archer cocked his head and smiled. “But anyway, I’m gonna head back down, too. Sheldon is probably lonely without me.”

  “I don’t think you have to worry about that, Archer. Sheldon is probably surrounded by his patrons. He always has an escort, it seems.” Sienna smiled as Hazel came running back down the path with Bitty-Piggy in her arms. “I think we’re gonna go ride the rides and eat all the food now. Congratulations to both of you. Keep us updated, okay?”

  “Of course. Now, go have fun, Hazel. The fair is only around for a few days, after all!” Lukas reached out to pet Bitty-Piggy. “We’ll be back down soon.”

  Hazel laughed as Bitty-Piggy squealed. She turned to Owen. “You’ll have to ride the rollercoaster with me when you get back. Mama and Lukas don’t like to ride them.”

  “I can do that, little princess. I will ride all the rides with you.” Owen grinned.

  Sienna and Hazel waved as they walked back down the path, leaving the pair alone under the stars.

  “Engaged with a baby on the way. What a trip,” Lukas murmured.

  “A good trip. I can’t wait to meet them,” Owen whispered, gazing down at Lukas with smoldering eyes.

  Lukas sat down on the grass as he felt a cool breeze blow across his body. Owen followed, wrapping an arm around his fiancé and pulling him close.

  “I love you, Lukas. I’m so happy that you’re my everything,” Owen breathed quietly.

  Curling into the embrace, Lukas felt his body relax. “I love you, too.”

  Staring at the sky, Lukas felt at peace. What was once so empty was now brimming with life. He held his hand over his abdomen unconsciously. This was what love felt like. It was a comforting, full feeling, one that he was more than happy to share with his alpha now and forever.


  “I don’t understand. What’s got you so riled up?” Lukas cocked his head, smirking.

  “You’re only in labor!” Owen practically trembled with anxiety.

  Lukas thought for a moment, then replied nonchalantly, “This is true.”

  Owen paced the floor, wringing his hands, “How are you not riled up? Are you not in pain? Are you broken? Did I break you?”

  “Babe, calm down. Take a deep breath,” Lukas instructed. He gripped the edge of the bed, riding through a contraction, as he listened to Owen’s panicked breaths.

  “I’m the one who should be comforting you, not the other way around,” Owen said. “How are you so zen right now?”

  Lukas simply smiled and leaned back into the mattress.

  “What’s to worry about? Omegas are made to handle this. Remember? We did our research, we talked to the doctors. We know what’s going to happen, what I’m going to feel, and what comes afterward.”

  “So what you’re saying is that we’re the baby-meisters?” Owen cracked a smile.

  Lukas chuckled. “Hell no. Unless I’m suddenly a printer and they pull an instruction manual out with her, we’re winging thi–”

  Lukas’ voice caught in his throat as another contraction rushed through his body.

  Owen grasped Lukas’ hand, watching the pained expression on his mate’s face. “Oh, God. What’s going on? Do I need to call the doctor?”

  “It’s nothing, don’t worry. I’m just communing with Purrgak-ron.”

  “Forget the Old Gods, babe! This is–”

  “Absolutely natural. Don’t worry,” Lukas interrupted Owen with a forced smile. God, this really hurts.

  Owen started again, “But–”


  Taking a deep breath, Owen rested his head on the uncomfortable plastic rail of the bed. “Okay. Okay, being calm. I am being one hundred percent chill.”

  The steady beep of the monitors echoed through the room as they rested. The calm before the storm, as it would seem.

  Lukas leaned back, listening to the distant sound of sirens and traffic. The TV, turned down low, broadcasted the next week’s weather forecast. It was a pleasant hum that distracted him momentarily from the pain in his abdomen.

  Only momentarily.

  Lukas cringed as another wave of pain pierced his body just as the doctor returned, the crisp white lab coat seeming overly bright in the florescent lights.

  “How are we feeling in here? Is the little princess about ready to make an entrance?” The doctor smiled, glancing between Owen and Lukas.

  “You’re the coachman, doc. The one bringing her to the ball, so to speak. What say you?” Lukas said hoarsely, riding out the last edge of pain.

  “We’re just about ready, my friends. I know you’re excited to meet your girl. Don’t worry, it won’t be much longer. I’m bringing the team in now.” The man grinned, scribbling on his clipboard as he stepped back toward the door. “Now’s the time to call everyone if you want to plan a meet-and-greet in the next couple of days.”

  Lukas sighed as the door clicked shut. This was it.

  “Can you let everyone know? I’m sure they’re waiting on the edge of their seats,” Lukas whispered.

  “Can do, babe,” Owen replied and called the crew.

  Closing his eyes, Lukas relaxed into the lumpy pillow propped up behind him. A distant page for persons unknown echoed down the hallways of the hospital.
r />   “Colton should be arriving sometime tomorrow,” Owen said. “He said he’s booking the next flight to Boston.”

  Owen plopped down in the chair next to the bed. “You know, I’m glad your brother thinks ahead. I mean, he told me he already settled things with the house, got all his furniture ready to go, and had a bag packed just in case our little Abi decided to make an early appearance. Can you believe that?”

  “Well, he had to be the responsible one. It’s like second nature to him,” Lukas whispered. “I’m so happy he made the decision to move here.”

  Owen grinned. “I know. I’m gonna have so much fun harassing him.”

  “And Sawyer.”

  “Whatever do you mean?” Owen feigned innocence.

  Lukas chuckled. “You know I’m all for it. Did you see the way they looked at each other before Sawyer got all flustered? This needs to happen.”

  “We need to get Eliseo a person, too.” Owen leaned forward, balancing his elbows on his knees.

  “Yeah, you’re right. But one thing at a time–”

  Lukas doubled over as one last bolt of pain shot down his spine.

  “Sweet Jesus, are my muscles disintegrating?” Lukas groaned, hearing angels sing as the door slowly opened again, revealing the doctor and his team.

  “Alright, are we ready to get this show on the road?” The man asked, smiling warmly.

  “We sure are.” Lukas nodded, squeezing Owen’s hand.

  “We’ve been ready ever since we first knew her, doc,” Owen whispered, bringing Lukas’ hand up to softly kiss it. “Look out world, here comes another Atkins.”

  Lukas laughed, “God help us all.”


  Book 2 Excerpt:

  Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

  * * *

  Colton’s chest ached. He couldn’t help but notice the way Sawyer’s eyes softened as he spruced up the bouquet, talking more about the different meanings hidden within the flowers.


  Colton perked up. That was it! Just like how he had conveyed a message to Sawyer with the need for Begonias, he could put together a letter in the form of flowers. Yes, flowers were more than just decorations, they could also be declarations. The language they spoke was universal, almost like music for the eyes!


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