by Steve Lehto
29. Ibid.
Cowan, Lisa E. “Tucker: The Man, the Myth, the Movie.” Automobile Quarterly 26, no. 3 (Third Quarter 1988).
Egan, Philip S. Design and Destiny: The Making of the Tucker Automobile. Orange, CA: On the Mark, 1989.
———. “Tremulis: The Genius Behind the Tucker,” Automobile Quarterly 26, no. 3 (Third Quarter 1988).
Knoble, Cliff. Call to Market. New York: Frederick Fell, 1963.
Pearson, Charles T. The Indomitable Tin Goose. New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1960.
———. “Streamlining That Car.” Pic, January 1946.
Rockelman, Fred. “Behind the Gasoline Curtain.” Bulb Horn, July–August 1966.
Sakhnoffsky, Alexis de. “Tucker Number Two: The Carioca.” American Quarterly 4, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 1965).
Scott, Robert F. “Ordeal by Trial: The Decline and Fall of Preston Tucker.” American Quarterly 2 (Winter 1963–1964).
SEC. Tucker Corporation: Report of Investigation by Securities and Exchange Commission. SEC, December 20, 1948. National Archives, Chicago, IL.
Tremulis, Alex. “Epitaph for the Tin Goose,” American Quarterly 4, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 1965).
———. “The 1946–48 Tucker: A Great Promise Unfulfilled.” SAE Technical Paper Series #872001. Society of Automotive Engineers, 1987.
Tucker, Preston. Deposition in the matter of Hay v. Crowell-Collier. Beginning July 13, 1954. Civil action 9507. National Archives, Chicago, IL.
———. “I Never Gave Up.” Car Life, December 1955.
———. “My Car Was Too Good.” Cars, March 1952.
Tucker Corp., Annual Report. Tucker Corp., January 1948. Courtesy of the Tucker Automobile Club of America archives.
———. Prospectus. Tucker Corp., July 7, 1947. Courtesy of the Tucker Automobile Club of America archives.
Turnbull, Joseph A. Deposition in the matter of Tucker v. Evening News. Beginning July 19, 1955. Civil Action 9078. National Archives, Chicago, IL.
accessories program, 102–4, 120–21
accidents, 1–3, 12, 54, 108, 122
Aircooled Franklin engines, 94–95, 98
Aircooled Motors, 94, 100–101, 126, 177
airplanes, 20–21
Airtemp, 106–7
American Society of Professional Automobile Racers (ASPAR), 65
Anderson, Jack, 111
Antique Automobile Club of America, 210
Ark-La-Tex Antique & Classic Vehicle Museum, 206
“Armored Tank Attains Speed of 114 M.P.H” (Mechanix Illustrated), 19
armored vehicle concept, 19, 21
As It Looks to Me newsletter, 127
Auburn Cord Duesenberg, 51–52, 95
automatic transmission
plans for, 34, 39
problems with, 95, 159
R-1 prototype, 113–14
Tucker sedan with, 122, 209–10
automobile industry
postwar consumer market, 29, 32–33
and Tucker foes, 64, 65, 76–77, 106–7, 178–79, 194
war effort, 2, 28–29
See also specific auto manufacturers and executives
Automotive Hall of Fame, 197
B-17 bomber, 21
B-18 Bolo airplane, 22–23
bankruptcy trustees, 168–69, 171, 177
Barringer, George, 35–36
Bates, Clyde, 180–81
Beasley, Oscar H., 42–43, 45
Bell Aircraft, 94
Bergere, Cliff, 108
Bernadotte, Carl, 90
Big Three. See automobile industry
blueprints, 209
Braunwalder, Robert. See Walder, Robert
Bridges, Jeff, 192, 193
Brown, Hanson Ames, 40, 63, 76, 83
Butcko, Joe, 18, 25–26, 188–89, 190
California, 77
Cammack, Bill, 210
Cammack, David, 208–10
Campbell, Alex, 134–35
Campini, Secondo, 104–5
Car Life, 187
Carioca car design, 187–89
Cars magazine, 176–78
celebrities, 82
Cerf, Floyd D.
charges against, 137, 142–43
concerns about Tucker, 92
and stock offering, 32, 50, 64, 81, 130
Checker Cab Manufacturing Company, 126
Chevrolet, Arthur, 25
Chicago Daily News, 119–20
Chicago Dodge plant
assembly line, 75, 85–86, 90, 98, 100, 119, 135, 159–60
cancellation of lease, 145
lease agreement, 41–43, 45–46, 47–49, 50, 75, 81
production capability, 75, 90, 99, 114, 118–20, 144–45
shutdown, 116–17
Chicago Herald-American article, 103
Chicago Tribune, 78, 79–80
Chinetti, Luigi, 108
Chrysler, 9, 39, 52, 84, 106–7, 178–79
civil suits
against news organizations, 167–69, 174–75, 178, 182–84, 190
against Tucker Corporation, 117, 121, 124–25, 126–27, 179–81
for malicious prosecution, 167, 169, 171–72
clay models, 31, 56–58
coach builders, 52
Collier’s article, 139–41, 169
concept cars, 52
Concours d’Elegance, 207
Coppola, Carmine, 79
Coppola, Francis Ford, 79, 192–94
Corbin, Frank, 115, 155
Cord, E. L., 52
Cord transmissions, 95–96
Coronet magazine, 141
cyclops headlight, 34, 58, 61, 88–89, 186
Dahlberg, Bror, 43
Daugherty, Edwin, 77
dealerships. See Tucker dealerships
DeLorean, John, 194–95
DePaolo, Peter, 15
Design and Destiny (Egan), 198
Detroit News articles, 134–35, 136–37
Detroit News lawsuit, 167–68, 174–75, 178
Development of Aircraft Gun Turrets in the AAF report, 22
Dilling, Albert, 143
Dodge, Raymond E., 165
Dodge Airplane Engine Plant. See Chicago Dodge plant
Donovan, Leo, 113
Downing, Robert J., 143–44, 167
Drew Pearson Comments radio show, 110, 111
Dulian, Mitchell, 8–9
charges against, 137, 142, 158
as Tucker sales manager, 82–83, 90
Egan, Philip Sidney, 37, 57, 198
and clay models, 57–58
departure from Tucker, 117
interior design, 87–88, 89, 104
Ehlens, Dan J., 158–60
Evinrude, Ole, 11
“Fantastic Story of the Tucker Car, The” (Collier’s), 139–41
Ferguson, Homer
allegations against WAA, 106
alleged threats against Tucker, 123, 154
hearings on Chicago Dodge plant, 48
and SEC report, 178–79
suspicions regarding, 116, 123, 136, 201
Fizdale, Rick, 193–94
fluid drive system. See hydraulic systems
Ford, Henry, 14–15, 16
Ford Motor Company, 8, 14–15, 16, 39, 40, 93, 99, 121, 196–97
Fordon, Cynthia Tucker (granddaughter), 166, 189–90, 193
Franklin engines, 94–95, 98
Gaffney, Edward, 48
“Gigantic Tucker Fraud” (Detroit News), 136–37
Glasser, Dan, 161
Glieberman, Bernard, 206–7
Glieberman, Lonie, 206–7
Glyoxylide therapy, 187
“Good-Bye to Tucker’s Dream Car” (Coronet), 141
Goode, James P., 73, 109, 115, 155, 179
grand jury hearing, 134–38
gun control mechanism patents, 20, 21
gun turret design, 19–20, 21, 22–23
Gyronaut motorcycle, 197
/> H. A. McDonald Creamery Company, 64
Hanna, Phil S., 119–20
Harris, Red, 211
Hart, Thomas B., 115
lawsuit against, 167
as source of SEC report, 132–33, 169
Haustein, Gene, 80, 93, 103
Hayden, Martin
Detroit News article by, 134–35, 136–37
testimony about SEC report, 168–69
head gaskets, 59–60
Heitmann, John, 35
Hepburn, Ralph, 65, 66, 71, 108–9
Herman, Arthur, 110–11
Higgins, Andrew, 24–26
Higgins Industries, 25
Hogan, Don, 51
House, Mr. (IRS agent), 154
Hughes, Howard, 121
Hughett, Emery, 154–55
Hutchinson, B. E., 179
hydraulic systems, 27
plans for, 34, 35, 37, 74
problems with, 59, 60, 69, 70, 77, 80, 93, 95
“I Never Gave Up” (Tucker), 187
Igoe, Michael, 124, 145, 164–65
Indianapolis 9, 12, 17, 65, 108
Indomitable Tin Goose, The (Pearson), 191
Insull, Samuel, 143
Jenin, Nick, 208, 212
Justice Department, 111, 134–35
Kaiser, Henry J., 149, 201
government loans to, 148–49, 153–54, 172–73
purchase of Willys-Overland, 173
steel plant bid, 107
Karatz, Abraham (a.k.a. Karsten)
charges and accusations against, 137, 140, 142
criminal record, 32, 77, 147, 151
involvement with Tucker, 32–33, 38, 46, 50
Kennedy, John B., 101
Kerner, Otto, Jr.
case against Tucker, 135, 145, 148
later career of, 198
lawsuit against, 167, 169, 172
as source of SEC report, 169
Kirby, William, 163
Kirksite, 98
kit cars, 185–86
Knoble, Cliff, 5–6, 111, 127, 196
and accessories program, 102–4, 120–21
charges against, 129–30, 137, 142, 155, 157
joins Tucker Corporation, 84, 90
resigns from Tucker Corporation, 120–21
Koch, William F., 187
Koteas, Elias, 193
Kruse International automobile auction, 204
Kubitschek, Juscelino, 189
LaBuy, Walter, 143, 157–58
Lake Shore Drive, 43
Lawson, George S., 31, 33, 148
lawsuits. See civil suits
Leabu, Dan, 93–95
Leach, Fay, 6–7
Lee, Roberto Eduardo, 211
LeMay family, 212
Lemmo, John, 204
Lockhart, Frank, 54
Lucas, George, 192
Lustron, 47–48, 49, 174
malicious prosecution lawsuits, 167, 169, 171–72
Marmon, Walter, 14
Marmon car company, 13–14
Marmon-Herrington cars, 14
Mays, Rex, 88
McAdams, Frank J., 145–46
McCahill, Tom, 118–19
McCormick, Robert, 78, 79
McDonald, Harry A.
and Detroit auto interests, 64, 65, 177–79
Ferguson and, 116, 178–79
lawsuit against, 167
as source of SEC report, 135, 136, 168–69, 174–75, 201
speeches by, 136, 157, 163–64
McDonald, Moore & Hayes Inc., 64
Mechanix Illustrated, 19, 21, 119
Merola, Joe, 211
Miller, Al, 66
Miller, Harry
background, 11–12
death, 26
engine designs, 12–13
financial dificulties, 11, 16
Tucker and, 13–14, 59, 154
Miller, Lawrence J., 167
Miller engines, 12–13, 59
Miller Master carburetor, 11–12
Miller-Tucker cars, 14–16
Milwaukee Journal article, 123
monobloc construction, 59–60
Moore, Audrey, 104
Moore, Mr. (attorney), 179
Morley, Herbert, 40, 154
Mourne, Mark, 147, 148
Mundus Brewing Company, 10
Museum of Science and Industry (New York), 78–79
“My Car Was Too Good” (Tucker), 176–78
N. W. Ayer & Son, 14
Nash Motors, 196–97
National Housing Agency (NHA), 47–49
New Products Exhibition, 77–78
New York Herald Tribune article, 136
New York Times
ads, 60, 139
articles, 64, 126, 134, 190
O’Connor, John R., 115
Offenhauser, Fred, 154
Offutt, Eddie, 83
accident, 1, 2–3, 122–23
engine design, 93–95
and SEC investigation, 3–4, 136
Orbach, Sydney, 115
Ottawa Rough Riders, 206
P-39 Airacobra, 20, 21
parades, 9, 118
Parsons, Ben, 40
Pearson, Charles T.
and criminal investigation/trial, 129, 146–47
introduction to Tucker, 30–31
“Streamlining That Car” article, 33, 35–37
and Tucker development process, 38, 69–70, 73, 77, 78, 83, 104, 105–6
Pearson, Drew, 110–12, 171, 172, 198–99
Peashooter airplane, 20–21
Petersen Automotive Museum, 212
Pic magazine, 33, 35–37
Pierce, Robert, 39, 40, 137, 142
Pigott, R. J. S., 156
Pittsburgh Press, 80
Preston, Harriet L. (grandmother), 6
Preston, Milford A. (grandfather), 6
Preston T. Tucker v. The Evening News Association, 167–68, 174–75, 178
Prohibition, 8
PT boats, 24
R-1 transmission. See automatic transmission
Radford, Otis, 137, 142
Reader’s Digest, 139
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 45
and Chicago Dodge plant, 47, 49
and Kaiser-Frazer funding, 148–49, 154, 172–73
and Lustron loans, 174
McDonald’s nomination to, 173
and Tucker loan applications, 123, 144, 153
Reinert, Al, 195
Reuther, Walter P., 41–42
reverse gear rumors, 80, 98, 114, 140
Rice, Warren, 113
Ringling, Herman, 56–57
Rockelman, Fred
background, 39
charges against, 137, 142
Knoble and, 84
at Tucker Corporation, 40, 43, 44, 63, 69, 76
in Tucker Topics, 82, 89–90, 92–93, 100, 103, 110
safety chamber, 60–61, 87–88
Sakhnoffsky, Alexis de, 185–86
Schaeffer, Les, 204
Schmidt (Tucker stockholder), 171
Science Illustrated, 37
seat belts, 87–88
SEC report, 128–33
availability to press, 136, 143, 168, 171–72, 174–75
demands for release, 157–58
as quoted in press, 140, 157
value to defense, 151–52
withheld from Tucker, 143, 157–58, 168
Securities Act of 1933, 64
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
concern with Tucker publicity, 72–73, 130–31, 201
confidentiality rules, 109–10, 132, 136, 143, 169, 174–75
failure to prove fraud, 160–62
information leak, 136, 143, 157, 168–69, 171–72, 174–75
investigation of Tucker, 3–4, 46, 109–10, 112, 114–16, 126, 128, 135
stop order, 64, 65, 72, 130
Velie on, 140–41
warnings issued, 72–73, 131
nbsp; witness issues, 144, 150, 153–57
See also SEC report
Smithsonian Institution, 205
Society of Automotive Engineers, 197
Speak Up America radio program, 101
Stampfli, William, 151–52
Stearns, James, 63, 83
steel plant bid, 105–7
“Streamlining That Car” (Pearson), 33, 35–37
Sturdy, Frank, 79–80
Stutz Blackhawk racer, 54
Supply Priorities and Allocations Board, 28
Swigart, W. Emmert, 204
Swigart Museum, 204–5
Talalla, Consuela, 140
Tammen and Denison, 52–53
Thompson, Floyd, 142–43
Thornton, Tex, 121
Thunderbolt concept car, 52
Time magazine, 138
Tin Goose prototype
allegations about, 125, 131, 140
construction of, 55, 56–57, 204
design problems, 69–70, 71, 77
ownership of, 203–5
publicity tour, 77–79
Tremulis on, 143–44, 149
unveiling of, 68–71, 108
“Torpedo on Wheels” (Science Illustrated), 37
Toulmin, Harry A., Jr., 63, 83
Toyota Automobile Museum, 211
transmission, 87, 95–96, 113–14, 210. See also automatic transmission; reverse gear rumors
Travoy motor home, 197
Treese, Lee, 40, 76, 150
Tremulis, Alex, 33, 117, 202, 204
ability to work with Tucker, 54–55
background, 50–53
on Coppola film, 192, 193
design of Tucker sedan, 53–55, 88–89, 104
personality, 53, 57
reputation, 196–97
on Tin Goose, 143–44, 149
Truman, Harry, 49
Tucker, Cynthia (granddaughter), 166, 189–90, 193
Tucker, John (son), 8, 153
Tucker, Lucille Caroline Preston (mother), 6, 7
Tucker, Marilyn (daughter), 8, 71, 82, 90, 195, 197–98
Tucker, Noble (son), 8, 190
Tucker, Preston
design preferences, 34, 58, 186
early jobs, 7–8, 9
financial difficulties, 146, 164, 165
grand jury hearing, 135–36, 137
health issues, 187, 188–89, 190
lawsuits filed by, 167–69, 178, 182–84, 190
legacy, 200, 213
love of cars, 6–7
mayoral race, 9–10
personal life, 6–7, 8, 18–19, 165–66
personality, 5–6, 25, 100, 147
police work, 8, 9
reputation, 33–34, 164, 185, 195
rumors about, 117–18, 121
salary, 33, 76, 183
salesmanship, 5, 9, 58, 201