Keeper of the Stars: Part One

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Keeper of the Stars: Part One Page 3

by Aliyah Burke

  She knew! She knew of the words, the prophecy. Of him.

  Lana scooted away from him, crowding the other side of the bed. He allowed it, well aware this revelation would need to be digested. She plucked at the hem of her shirt but no amount of movement would, could, hide the trembling.

  “This is insane,” she mumbled to herself. “No way that woman was right. There’s just no way.” Her fidgeting increased.

  He pulled his gaze away from her. A difficult task. Lian stared at the sole glyph remaining in view, the one on his left wrist.

  Lover. Protector. Heaven. Earth. Eternally bound.

  Those six words took the same design on her right wrist. A unique knot, without beginning or end. Unbroken and continuous.

  He used a finger and followed the design on his own skin. It didn’t react, however, he knew it would—like the rest of his markings—at her touch. When he glanced back up, she watched him.

  Lian cupped her cheek. Emotions he’d been unsure he even had flared to life. It all made sense now. Why he’d felt such a deep connection to her from the beginning. Something in him had recognised her.

  The smooth skin beneath his palm invited him to touch more. Explore more. He didn’t. Instead, he merely held his hand there.

  “I don’t believe this.”

  “You do, you just are choosing to ignore the truth before you.”

  “No,” she said, her voice higher than it had been. “I’ve been so pumped full of drugs, I’ll chalk it up to another illusion. I need sleep. Yes, sleep.”

  She yawned and slid down under the blankets, drawing them up to her chin. Her large brown eyes watched him and he forced himself to back off. Tomorrow. It could all be continued tomorrow.

  “Do not run again, Lana. I will leave you to rest.” He gathered up the tray and stood over her. “Rest well.”

  He knew the tea was beginning to work when she yawned again.

  Her smile was brief. “You’re sweet. Truly a shame it’s not real.” She closed her eyes.

  Lian returned the tray along with the other one to the kitchen, cleaned up, then made his way back to his bedroom. She lay sound asleep. He knew by the deep rhythmic breathing.

  Another storm had rolled in—naturally, this time—and he stared out the window. It began with a few drops splattering against the glass pane, which swiftly became pounding.

  He lowered the lights, left to lock up the house then sat in a chair by the bed. Blowing into a fist, he stared at the woman sleeping in his bed. She was still too pale for her skin tone. She could use about twenty pounds on her frame to be healthy, and of course all her injuries needed to heal. Ones that still made him livid, as did her scars. Not pissed she had them, but because it had happened to her.

  She sighed and burrowed deeper into his pillow. Lian smiled. It had been so long since a woman had been in his house—any of his homes—much less in his bed. He wasn’t ready to leave her, so he settled back in the chair.

  As she slept, he marvelled. Why now? What did this mean for him and the world? The last battle They had, he’d been hard-pressed to stop them. He’d woken weakened and as near to death as he could be. That had been back during the Black Plague.

  He rose and stood looking down at her. A need deep in his soul, one he knew only she could quench, flowed over him. Just contact, that was all he was after. Touch. Her touch. Undecided, he held his hand out near her exposed shoulder and upper arm. His body leaned closer, answering the visceral call she had on him.

  Just a touch.

  One, single touch.

  * * * *

  Lana woke as she had for the past numerous years she’d lived—if it could be called that—as a ‘guest’ of the asylum. Cautiously. Not willing to let anyone know she was awake.

  The rare times they allowed her uninterrupted sleep there was a price to pay. A massive, painful one. She just wanted a few more minutes to herself. A sound reached her and she held herself as still as she was during slumber. Someone approached the bed. She heard a soft thump yet refused to move.

  “Drink some tea, Lana Tennesol, then sleep some more. Listen to the rain.”

  Retreating footsteps. That prompted her to peer through her lashes. His back half was as attractive as his front.


  She watched his ass in his suit pants, admiring it along with the way his upper body tapered from shoulders to a lean waist. A moan slipped free before she could contain it. There was a slight hesitation in his step but he continued on.

  Lana took her time sitting. The aroma from the tea made her mouth water. She poured a cup, admiring the delicate china and its paint job. Blowing on it a few times, she then took a tentative sip. The perfect temperature, she swallowed it down fast. It warmed her throughout and she fought another yawn as she stared out to the still-raining day.

  She burrowed down into the blankets and took in the room’s decor. Plain in an aspect yet soothing. Some bamboo plants, small fountains and a painting she made a mental note to check out later. Right now, her body clamoured for sleep.

  The next time she woke, the rain had increased and now was accompanied by thunder and lightning. The sky was darker yet the clock informed her it was early afternoon. She climbed from the bed and made a trip to the bathroom.

  Lian was in the bedroom when she returned and she became completely aware of the fact she only wore one of his shirts and her underwear. She wouldn’t cover up. His onyx gaze travelled over her and she refused to shift beneath its intensity.

  “Are you hungry?” His voice poured smoothly from his lips. Nice lips.

  “I could eat,” she replied cautiously.

  “If you have the energy for a shower, let me know. I need to protect your open injuries.”

  A shower sounded divine. “Where are my clothes?”



  “They were useless. I put a pile there.”

  She followed his finger with her gaze. Sure enough, a stack of clothes sat at the end of the bed. Even some shoes rested there.

  “A shower, please.” It may cost her later, but it had been so long and therefore would be worth it.

  “Allow me to bandage your injuries first.”


  “Sit on the bed. Expose your back.”

  It took him a few minutes to acquire his items. She was waiting for him when he returned, her shirt up to her neck, offering her back to him. He settled behind her and she tensed. However, this time it wasn’t in fear of what was to come, more like uncertain of what she wanted to do to him.

  Things are crazy, there’s no logical reason I should want him.

  His touch was gentle.

  “These two are bullet wounds.” He touched the edge of the one higher up on her shoulder. “What caused this one?”

  “I did.” She leant forward, suddenly aware she’d been leaning into his touch.


  “I tried to remove the tracker.”

  He stilled. “Tracker?”

  “Some device that tells them where I am.”

  “I know what it is. Why would they put it in you?”

  “I didn’t want to stay. They got tired of hunting me down. Thought I got it, guess not.”

  This was disappointing. “Lie down.”

  She tensed. “Why?”

  “I will remove it.”

  Her decision came quick. Readjusting, she lay on her stomach, head turned to the side. Even though she did this, she was well aware he could be planting another.

  “This will hurt.”

  “Pain is tolerable. I’ve experienced my share.”

  He muttered something she didn’t understand. She stared at his thigh and crotch as he stood over her. The slacks were well made, she could tell they’d cost. The man hadn’t lied—it hurt. She didn’t move for it was tolerable. A long time ago she learned there were different levels of hurt. This amount ranked on the lower thresholds.

  “Here you go.”

p; Lian crouched before her, in one hand, a bloody haemostat that held the device she’d been after. She shook her head.

  “I don’t want it.”

  “We can dispose of it in the river. Feed it to a fish.”

  She liked that, have those folks chasing a fish for a while. “When?”

  “Now, if you so desire.”

  Lana sat up, allowing her shirt to fall. The injury throbbed but she didn’t care. If she could lose the tracking device they’d implanted in her, it was worth it. “I desire.”

  He waited while she gazed at her attire before shrugging and reaching for a pair of shorts. No need to be concerned with her appearance. After making her way to the door, she paused and glanced back to find him staring at her, hunger in his gaze. Despite her exhaustion, she responded before turning away.

  Her taut nipples were highly visible through his shirt. He brushed by and went to the door, and only after he checked outside did he wave her forward. She walked through the rain, feet in her ruined footwear, to his truck and slid onto the seat.

  They drove to a small, open area before the bridge. Lian exited first and came to her side, holding the door for her. He walked beside her, not touching, yet she knew were she to need help he would assist.

  He led her down to the river, and as they slid and slipped on the way, she wanted to lose her shoes. They stepped beneath the structure and she wiped the rainwater from her face. Energized. Rejuvenated. That was how she felt.

  Lian picked up a simple pole, unwound the line and cast it after placing something on the hook

  “You come here a lot?”

  “I like to fish.”

  She stepped back into the falling rain and peered up. Crisp. Clean. Refreshing—it ran down over her and she closed her eyes, head back.

  She truly enjoyed the sound of his voice and combined with the rain, it sent tiny thrills through her. Perhaps not so tiny.

  “How long have you fished?”

  “As long as I can remember.”

  She stared at him, a bit unsettled to find him watching her. “What’s that, about thirty years or so?”

  He flashed a grin and her breath caught. “Something like that. Give or take a few. Come in out of the rain. It’s cold.”

  “Feels warm to me,” she replied.

  “Caught one.”

  She left the rain and padded to his side. He swiftly had the fish out and in his hand. She had no idea what type it was. Lian took the pill-sized device and put it in the fish’s mouth. That was followed by him pulling a worm from a box she’d not previously noticed.

  “Want to give him the worm?”

  She sank to her knees. The cool and damp ground cradled her. It didn’t stay cool long but warmed, like the rain and waves of soothing heat pulsing through her.

  Lana flashed her gaze from the worm to him. Again he watched her and a different heat spread through her. Why not? She took the worm and fed it to the fish he now held in two hands.

  “Now what?” She touched its side, not at all smooth like she’d believed. Scaly.

  “We put him back and let him go.” Lian handed her the fish.

  It gaped at her, desperate to breathe.

  Lana walked to the edge and placed the fish back in the water. It flicked its tail then was gone. She stayed there and stared out into the middle of the water she’d been ready to end her life in.

  From here, things didn’t appear so bleak. Much of the credit for that went to the man down here with her.

  “Ready to head back?”

  She wasn’t really. After being cooped up for so many years, outside was her preferred venue. Regardless of that, she still wanted a shower and more rest.

  “Of course.” She stood and wiped the sandy mix from her knees before heading back to the path.

  The trek up much harder and when he offered his hand she didn’t hesitate to accept. Her skin burned like it was on fire from something as simple as his touch. Her pussy dampened and her nipples drew tighter as the connection between them lengthened. Once they ascended to the top, he didn’t immediately release her hand.

  His grip was firm but comforting. She waited for him to work through that which he ran over in his mind, and for him to figure out what was next. The rain continued to fall and she welcomed every second she spent in it. She watched him.

  Lian stared across the open area where they’d parked, staring, searching for something only he knew. She grew worried.

  Tugging free, she asked, “Everything okay?”

  “They’re angry.” He placed his black gaze on her. “Come.” He took her hand again. “I promised you a shower.”

  Those words. A simple truth and yet, so much more. “Yes you did.” Who’s They that are angry?

  He guided her to his truck and held the door for her again. As he walked around to the driver’s side, she observed him. Loosely limbed gait and muscles that flowed as he moved.

  She stared out the passenger window, watching the rain drops as they ran down the glass. Mesmerising. Relaxing.

  Once back in the house, she stood in the bathroom, clean clothes perched on the sink. She angled her body to try to see the wounds on her back for they no longer caused her pain or stiffness.

  His knock startled her and she whirled to the door, heart pounding in fear.


  He popped his head in. “Soup will be ready soon so come to the kitchen to eat once you finish.” He ran his gaze over her, taking in the sodden clothes that hung off her frame. Lian left and she reached out to lock the door, her hand shaking.

  She focused on her shower and made good use of the products in there. Her energy had waned by the time she stepped onto the brown rug. She dried off and dressed before straightening up as best she could. After a quick rub over her short hair, she hung the towel on the rack and left the room.

  Wringing her hands, she walked to his kitchen where he was pulling fresh bread—rolls, actually—from the oven. A large tureen sat in the middle of the table and it had been set for two.

  “Sit.” His order was brusque.

  She listened and waited for him to join her. It wasn’t long and he served them then sat across from her.


  She lowered her gaze and ate, unsure why he suddenly seemed irritated with her.

  Chapter Three

  Lian paced the dark house, unable to sleep. I’m an ass. He not only saw it but felt it deeply—he’d hurt her with his behaviour. It hadn’t been intentional but he’d needed to create space between them or he would be following his baser desires.

  When he’d insisted she take his bed again, she’d merely nodded and vanished. Her body language screamed dejection, although she never voiced it. Didn’t matter, he could tell she was withdrawing into herself more.

  He shook his head and let himself into the bedroom. Lana lay on her stomach wearing…oh, hell…nothing. Rain still beat upon the windows and the soothing candle offered flickering light to the room, casting odd shadows. The sheet lay across her ass but had begun to slip away, offering him an all too enticing view.

  Lian leaned over and plucked the sheet, being careful not to touch her skin. He drew it up to her shoulders. His cock had never been so hard. Her skin radiated intense heat and he frowned before drawing the sheet down to rest it along the small of her back.

  Her injuries were healed. He knew the herbs he’d slipped into the tea and soup were geared to expedite her healing, but not at this speed. He didn’t believe anything he could do would have assisted either—his power was not healing, his was dealing death and destruction. Protecting.

  The scars remained and he hovered beside her. Her breathing continued steady and deep. Lian stared at her back, hovering his fingers over the numerous scars. How has she survived all this inhumanity? She can’t be that old but this… She must feel like it’s been an eternity for her. The marks were even along the nape of her neck—he could see some beneath her shorn hair.

  She moaned and he placed h
is hand on her cheek, worried she was fevered after being out in the rain earlier. He was a fool for allowing it to happen, but the raw joy on her face… He hadn’t had the ability to refuse her. A frown crept in. He hadn’t been imagining things—she was warm.

  Lowering his right hand, he used his left to smooth some hair from her face. Her eyes opened, the colour of rich, fertile loam. Awareness of her as a sexual woman slammed into him with the force of a powerful storm.

  “Lian?” Her eyes were alert as she watched him and her tone was a mix of question and sigh.

  The tattoo on his wrist throbbed and more lust drove into him, sharp and insistent. He could no longer ignore his need. Lian bent his head and brushed their mouths together. She lay still beneath him and he dragged his tongue along her lower lip followed by the closed seam of her mouth. She opened, welcoming him.

  While he wanted to take and dominate, Lian forced himself to go slow. Give her the option of saying no. He rolled her over and settled some of his weight on her, keeping the kiss gentle. She widened her legs and cradled him between her thighs as she wrapped her arms around him, anchoring them together.

  He ran his hands over her upper body. Smooth and supple. He groaned as he skimmed along a breast—one that fit perfectly in his hand. The nipple was drawn taut and she whimpered as he tweaked it. Her sound was pure fire. He growled low as the thread holding his control snapped in two.

  Lian thrust his tongue deep, immersing himself in her taste. She gripped his back, tugging at his shirt. He rumbled with frustration, drew away and swiftly shed all his clothes before returning to settle between her legs, his hard shaft resting against her hairless pussy.

  Her fingers skidded along his back as she grabbed at him. The scent of her arousal permeated the air. The taste of her skin beneath his tongue. The sight of her lying there, watching him with trust and desire. Hearing her sharp breaths and rapid heartbeat. All of it pushed more need through him.

  She rocked beneath him, sliding her slit along his cock. He licked down until he sucked one nipple in his mouth.

  “Oh…oh…oh God!” She writhed and he moved to the other, laving and scraping his teeth and tongue over her nipples.

  He couldn’t get enough. Reaching between them, he held his cock and guided it to her entrance. Slowly but with one continuous push, he filled her. Her gasp accompanied her eyes widening. He held her gaze as he gave her a moment to acclimate to him being buried inside her.


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