515 Berkowitz writes that: Ibid., pp. 7–62.
516 In 1971 the Voice’s Mary Perot Nichols: Nichols, Mary Perot. “Colombo Linked to Village,” Village Voice, July 1, 1971.
517 a joint organized crime task force: Nichols, Mary Perot. “Hitting Where It Hurts,” Village Voice, July 22, 1971.
517 “pranced up and down the bars . . .”: White, p. 275.
519 “ugly, bearded, painted . . .”: Colacello, Bob. Holy Terror, p. 183.
520 Crispo had allegedly: Glueck, Grace. “There Was Something Creepy About the Gallery,” New York Times, June 21, 1992.
521 LeGeros, still in prison: Shram, Jamie. “’80s Fiend in Tug of Love,” New York Post, November 9, 2007.
523 Many gay men were scandalized: Specter, Michael. “Public Nuisance,” The New Yorker, May 13, 2002.
523 Village lesbians had their own issues: Faderman, Lillian. Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers, pp. 211–13.
523 Johnston, who’d started out: McAuliffe, Kevin Michael. The Great American Newspaper, pp. 268–70.
523 At a Town Hall debate: Grimes, William. “Jill Johnston, Critic Who Wrote ‘Lesbian Nation,’ Dies at 81,” New York Times, September 21, 2010.
524 She was, like Suze Rotolo: Dobkin, Alix. My Red Blood, pp. 1–166.
527 In 1969 Lanford Wilson: Olsen, Christopher. Off-Off Broadway, pp. 237–44.
528 a Junkyard: White, Edmund. City Boy, p. 3.
528 Off-Off-Broadway companies and spaces: Bottoms, Stephen J. Playing Underground, pp. 344–45.
530 Charles Ludlam followed: Kaufman, David. Ridiculous!, pp. 1–17.
531 “Steal lines . . .”: Ibid., p. 450.
531 In 1972 Ludlam moved: Ibid., pp. 363–66.
35. THE 1980S AND AIDS
536 When Son of Sam terrorized: Newfield, Jack, and Wayne Barrett. City for Sale, pp. 131–46.
536 The race came down to: Browne, Arthur, Dan Collins, and Michael Goodwin. I, Koch, pp. 119–61.
536 Hamill writes that: Hamill, Pete. “Personality with a Point,” in New York Comes Back, Michael Goodwin, ed., p. 39.
536 The austerity measures: Brigham, James R., Jr., and Alair Townsend. “The Fiscal Crisis,” in Goodwin, pp. 29–36.
538 Frank Barbaro: Bailey, Robert W. Gay Politics, Urban Politics, pp. 160–61.
538 Through the decade the clinic: Berkowitz, Richard. Stayin’ Alive, p. 133.
539 “Wherever we gather . . .”: Ibid., pp. 97–98.
539 Bob Hope was in New York: “AIDS in New York: A Biography,” New York, May 28, 2006.
539 the Associated Press report: “AIDS May Dwarf the Plague,” Associated Press, January 30, 1987.
540 When Richard Berkowitz told: Berkowitz, p. 108.
540 Gay men and AIDS activists: Rotello, Gabriel. Sexual Ecology, p. 25.
541 “[h]ire a hunky hustler . . .”: Kramer, Larry. The Normal Heart and The Destiny of Me, p. 81.
542 “Oh, Gilbert . . .”: Kramer, Larry. Just Say No, p. 88.
542 In panning the play: Gussow, Mel. “Skewers for the Political in Kramer’s ‘Just Say No,’ ” New York Times, October 21, 1988.
542 when Koch appeared: “Koch Heckled at Event for Gay Pride Month,” New York Times, June 2, 1989.
542 Koch and Kramer were living: Gross, Ken. “Larry Kramer,” People, July 9, 1990.
542 In 1985 the city’s Department of Health: Purnick, Joyce. “City Closes Bar Frequented by Homosexuals, Citing Sexual Activity Linked to AIDS,” New York Times, November 8, 1985.
542 Owners of other establishments: Dangerous Bedfellows, eds. Policing Public Sex, p. 26.
547 The crash of 2008: Wotapka, Dawn, and Laura Kusisto. “Rents Record in Manhattan,” Wall Street Journal, April 11, 2012.
551 “an unfortunate knack . . .”: Kimmelman, Michael. “It Riles a Village,” New York Times, March 22, 2012.
551 New York magazine: Sherman, Gabriel. “The School That Ate New York,” New York, November 4, 2010.
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