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The Village Page 66

by John Strausbaugh

Around the World in Eighty Days (movie), 331

  Artaud, Antonin, 352, 364

  Arthur, Bea, 279, 351

  Arthur’s Tavern, 274, 459

  Artistic Club, 55

  Artists’ Aid Committee, 190–91

  Artists Club, 248, 263

  Artists Theatre, 256, 352

  Art of This Century Gallery, 200, 246, 251

  Art Students League, 50, 51, 102, 127, 251, 254

  Asch, Moses “Moe,” 386–89, 408–9

  Asch, Sholem, 386–87

  Asch Building, 74–78

  Asch Recording Studios, 387

  Ashbery, John, 179, 248, 256–58, 352–53

  Ashcan School, 102, 104

  Ashton, Dore, 101, 200

  Asner, Ed, 351

  Association of American Painters and Sculptors (AAPS), 102

  Astin, John, 351

  Astor, John Jacob, 13, 17

  Atlantic Monthly, 35

  Atlantic Monthly Press, 336

  Atlantic Records, 409

  Atlas, James, 196

  Au Chat Noir, 56

  Auden, W. H., 228, 229, 257, 359, 435

  Autobiography of an Androgyne (Werther), 52, 54

  Autobiography of Malcolm X, 335

  Avakian, George, 276

  Avery, Val, 449, 493

  Awakener, The (Weaver), 300–301

  Axel’s Castle (Wilson), 182–83

  Axis: Bold As Love (album), 412

  Babo 73 (movie), 501

  Baez, Joan, 378, 386, 393–94, 397, 407

  Bagley, Richard, 283

  Baldessari, John, 522

  Baldwin, James, 278–79, 281, 282–83, 303, 326, 421

  Balls (play), 368

  B & T (bridge and tunnel), 423–24

  “banjee boys,” 468

  Bank Street, 17

  no. 5, 95

  no. 105, 493–97

  Barbaro, Frank, 538

  Barbary Shore (Mailer), 328

  Barnes, Clive, 368

  Barnes, Djuna, 97, 112–15, 127, 143, 145, 150–52, 180, 401

  Barnes, Wald, 112–13

  Barnes, Zadel, 112–14

  Barney, Natalie, 150

  Barns, Cornelia, 100

  Baroness Elsa (Gammel), 145

  Barr, Richard, 357, 358, 361

  Barton, Eddie, 373

  Basement Tapes (album), 487

  Basheer, Ahmed, 275

  Baudelaire, Charles, 32

  Baziotes, William, 243, 247

  Beale, Edith, 514

  Beame, Abe, 535, 536

  Beard, Charles, 187

  Beardsley, Aubrey, 114

  Beat Generation, 289–317

  Beatles, the, 399, 413, 493, 529

  bebop, 271–78

  Bechet, Sidney, 193

  Beck, Julian, 178, 296, 352–55, 462

  Becker, Maurice, 100

  Beckett, Samuel, x, 116, 333–34, 335, 357

  Bed (Rauschenberg), 265

  Bed, The (play), 370

  Bedford Street

  no. 69, 292

  no. 75 1/2, 151

  no. 81, 286, 345

  no. 86, 161

  no. 91, 232

  Beecher, Henry Ward, 42

  Behan, Brendan, 369

  Belafonte, Harry, 207, 279–80, 281, 369

  Bell, Arthur, 482, 508–10, 516

  Bellamy, Richard, 311

  Bellanfanti, Harold, 279

  Belli, Melvin, 419–20

  Bellow, Saul, 234

  Bellows, George, 100, 121

  Belmont, Alva Vanderbilt, 76

  Belolo, Henri, 517, 533

  Belushi, John, 381

  Bergen, Edgar, 204

  Berghof, Herbert, 357

  Bergman, Ingmar, 331

  Berkman, Alexander “Sasha,” 87, 91, 119–20, 122, 129

  Berkowitz, David (Son of Sam), 487, 536

  Berkowitz, Richard, 515–16, 517, 540–41

  Bernhardt, Sarah, 107

  Bernstein, Aline, 184–86

  Bernstein, Leonard, 73, 196, 229, 277, 357

  Betty Parsons Gallery, 243

  Beuys, Joseph, 267

  Biddle, George, 147

  Bidlo, Mike, 522

  Billboard, 353, 394

  Birdland, 274

  birth control, 86, 88, 90

  Bitter End, 314, 417, 491

  Bizarre, 286

  Black, Jack, 293–94

  Black, Shirley Temple, 314

  Blackburn, Paul, 401

  black freemen, 4–6, 65–66

  Black Manhattan (Waller), 73

  Black Panthers, 434, 437, 441, 442–43

  Black Rabbit, the, 55

  Blaine, Nell, 245

  Blake, William, 14

  Blanck, Max, 75–78

  Bleecker Gardens, 137

  Bleecker Street, 50, 63, 70, 381, 550

  no. 152, 417

  no. 157, 54

  Blitzstein, Marc, 192–93, 351

  Block, Allan, 381–82

  Blonde on Blonde (album), 396

  Bloomer, Amelia, 156

  Bloomingdale’s, 253

  Blue Angel, The, 204–5, 280

  Bluebeard (play), 531

  Blue Moon Books, 336

  Blue Note Records, 205

  Blues People (Jones), 272

  Blythe, Sharon, 381

  Bob Dylan (album), 396–97

  Bob Dylan in America (Wilentz), 402

  Bodenheim, Maxwell, 98, 148, 161, 173–79, 202–3, 232, 247

  Bodenheim, Ruth Fagan, 177–78, 247

  “bohemian,” 28–31

  “Bohemian, The” (O’Brien), 38–39

  Boissevain, Eugen, 151, 152

  Bollingen Prize, 233–34

  Bolsheviks, 121–24

  Bonnard, Pierre, 247

  Bonneville, Madame, 15

  Bon Soir, 313, 464

  Book of Repulsive Women, The (Barnes), 127

  Boom Town (movie), 366

  Boone, Steve, 404

  Bossen Bouwerie, 4, 8, 10

  Bottoms, Stephen J., 351, 352, 373, 375, 376

  Boudin, Kathy, 438–41

  Boudin, Leonard, 438

  Boudin, Louis, 438

  Boulanger, Nadia, 192

  Bound East for Cardiff (play), 110

  Bourjaily, Vance, 328, 374

  bouweries (farms), 3–4

  Bowery, 3–4, 368

  Bowles, Jane, 180, 207

  Boyce, Neith, 85, 107, 109, 110

  Boyle, Kay, 150

  Brancusi, Constantin, 103, 130

  Brando, Marlon, 279–80, 301

  Brandt, Jerry, 480

  Brandt, Karl, 200

  Brata Gallery, 305

  Brathwaite, Jamila Shabazz, 69–70, 71

  Breasts of Tiresias, The (play), 374

  Brecht, Bertolt, 350, 395

  Brecht on Brecht (musical), 395

  Brentano’s, 235–36

  Breslin, Jimmy, 449, 450–51

  Breton, André, 200, 301

  Brevoort, Henry, Jr., 438

  Brevoort House Hotel, 84, 93, 157, 341, 342

  Brice, Bill, 313

  Brice, Fanny, 130, 313

  Bridge Theatre, 354

  Brig, The (play), 354

  Bringing It All Back Home (album), 402, 403, 404

  Britten, Benjamin, 228

  Broadway, 33–34

  no. 26, 119

  no. 643, 27–28

  no. 647, 512–13

  Broadway Boogie-Woogie (Mondrian), 207

  Broadway Central Hotel, 502–3

  Broadway Journal, 23

  Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 131

  Brooklyn Daily News, 115

  Brooklyn Dodgers, 179

  Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum, 204

  Brooklyn Heights, 18, 20, 339

  Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, 339

  Brooks, Mel, 204

  Brooks, Van Wyck, 242

  Brossard, Chandler, 296–97

  brothels, 34, 52

/>   Brown, Rita Mae, 523

  Brown, Robert Delford, 265–69, 551–52

  Brown, William Henry, 66–67

  Brown, William Slater, 179–80

  Brown Building, 78

  Broyard, Anatole, 228, 235–39, 242, 296–97, 299, 359

  Bruce, Honey Harlow, 418–19

  Bruce, Lenny, 205, 213, 233, 417–22, 429

  Bruno, Guido (Curt Josef Kisch), 124–28, 129

  Bruno’s Bohemia, 124

  Bruno’s Greenwich Village, 124

  Bruno’s Weekly, 124, 127

  Bryant, Anita, 514

  Bryant, Louise, 91, 100, 109, 120–24

  Bucket of Blood, A (movie), 290

  Buckley, Lord Richard, 384–86

  Buckley, William F., Jr., 122, 319

  Bullitt, William Christian, Jr., 124

  Buñuel, Luis, 239

  Burke, Alan, 429

  Burke, Edmund, 14–15

  Burr, Aaron, 12–13

  Burroughs, William, 263, 290, 291–95, 299–300, 455

  Junkie, 252, 293–94, 299–300

  Naked Lunch, 290, 335, 428

  Burroughs, William, Jr., 294

  Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 293

  Butler, Joe, 404

  Butler, Rose, 19

  Byrds, the, 404

  Cabaret (movie), 513

  Cadman Plaza, 339

  Caen, Herb, 290

  Café Au Go Go, 409, 417, 420–23

  Cafe Bizarre, 320, 379, 410, 411

  Café Bohemia, 276

  Cafe Borgia, 314

  Cafe de Paris, 56

  Cafe Feenjon, 287

  Café Julien, 342

  Cafe Le Metro, 420–21

  Café Martin, 93–94

  Cafe Society, 206–8

  Cafe Wha?, 314, 326, 379–80, 391, 409, 411, 412

  Caffe Cino, 108, 350, 359–72, 395

  Caffe Reggio, 231, 314

  Cage, John, 238, 240, 262–65, 296, 304, 410, 493

  CAID (Community Acquired Immune Deficiency), 538

  Calamus, 43

  “Calamus” (Whitman), 43–45

  Calder, Alexander, 57, 236, 242

  Cale, John, 410, 492

  Callen, Michael, 515, 540–41

  Callender, Bobby, 529

  Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, 541

  Calypso (Belafonte), 280

  Camille (play), 531

  Cannastra, Bill, 296–97

  “Cantelman’s Spring-Mate” (Lewis), 143

  Can’t Stop the Music (movie), 533

  Capote, Truman, 179, 298

  Caravaggio, 29

  Cardiff (play), 110

  Caricature, the, 378–79

  Carlin, George, 423

  Carmines, Alvin, 217, 373, 375–76

  Carnegie Hall, 193, 236, 394

  Carnegie Tavern, 356

  Carr, Lucien, 291–92, 298, 301, 421

  Carson, Johnny, 204, 409

  Carter, David, 211, 464, 465, 471, 476

  Carter, Elliott, 356

  Caruso, Enrico, 114

  Casal, Mary, 464

  Cassady, Carolyn, 311–12

  Cassady, Neal, 295, 302, 311–12, 401

  Cassatt, Mary, 102

  Cassavetes, John, 282, 309–10, 324

  Castelli, Leo, 248

  Cather, Willa, 94–95, 110, 119

  Catholic Worker, 99, 222, 434

  CBGB, 534

  Cedar Tavern (Cedar Street Tavern), 248–49, 253, 306, 332

  CEJJES Institute, 69–70

  Centre Market Place, 164

  Chad Mitchell Trio, 399

  Chafed Elbows (movie), 501

  Chambers Brothers, 403, 423, 529

  Chandler, Chas, 412, 413

  Chapman, Mark David, 497

  Charles Scribner’s Sons, 185

  Charles Street

  no. 25, 446

  no. 131 1/2, 498

  Charles Theater, 501

  Charlton Street, 13

  Chase, Chevy, 381

  Chase, William Merritt, 57

  Chase School, 57

  Chelsea Market, 218

  Cherry, Herman, 276–77

  Cherry Lane Theatre, 116

  Chester, Alfred, 352

  Chicago Art Institute, 108, 142

  Chicago Evening Post, 98

  Chicago Little Theater, 108, 142

  Chicago Renaissance, 142, 174, 177

  Children’s Aid Society, 127, 347–48

  Childs, Lucinda, 376

  “Chimes of Freedom” (song), 379

  Chinatown, 5

  Christ (Hartmann), 126

  Christian Science Monitor, 135

  Christmas Story, A (movie), 327

  Christodora House, 198–99

  Christopher’s End, 517, 531

  Christopher Street, 4, 11, 17, 18, 24, 133, 276, 466, 477–79, 516, 548–49

  Christopher Street Gay Liberation Day, 481–82

  Christopher Street Station, 133, 470

  Chronicles (Dylan), vii, 389, 395, 487, 488

  Chrysler, Walter, Jr., 364

  Chrysler Building, 137

  Chumley, Leland Stanford, 161

  Chumley’s, 161, 232, 233

  Church, Frederic, 57

  Churchill, Allen, 125, 174, 176

  Church of the Ascension, 57, 95

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 285–87, 335, 384, 523

  Cinema 16, 239, 309–10, 331

  Cino, Joe, 359–72

  Circle in the Square, 250, 306, 329, 351

  Circle Rep, 527

  City Hall, 7, 292, 340

  City Lights Bookstore (San Francisco), 289, 300, 334, 400, 418–19

  City Wears a Slouch Hat (radio play), 304

  Civic Improvement Association, 214

  Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 199

  Civil War, 45, 47, 58

  Civil Works Administration, 199

  Clapp, Henry, Jr., 36–37, 42, 45–46

  Clare, Ada, 36–38, 45, 139

  Clark, Mark, 437

  Clark, Thomas, 11–12

  Clark University, 60

  Clay, Cassius, 179

  Cleaver, Eldridge, 441

  Clermont (steamboat), 18

  Clift, Montgomery, 207

  Clone Rights United Front, 552

  Closerie des Lilas, 50–51

  Coates, Robert, 244

  Cobbett, William, 15–16

  Coca, Imogene, 204

  Cochran, Johnnie, 419–20

  Cockettes, the, 466

  Cocteau, Jean, 239, 351, 369

  Coffin, William Sloane, 136–37, 186, 438

  Cohan, George M., 166

  Cohn, Roy, 489

  Colbert, Claudette, 366

  Coleman, Ornette, 277, 386

  Coleman House, 33

  Collect Pond, 7

  College of Complexes, 356, 518–19

  Collier, John, 313

  Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation, 119

  Colored American, 70

  Coltrane, John, 206, 273, 277

  Columbia Hospital, 430

  Columbia Records, 193, 391, 394, 395, 396

  Columbia University, 99, 187, 253, 291, 436

  Comden, Betty, 73, 203

  Comintern (Communist International), 191–92, 193–94

  Commercial Advertiser, 17, 85

  Commissioners of Streets and Roads, 7

  Common Sense (Paine), 14

  Common Whipper of Slaves, 6

  Communism, 120–24, 181, 191–99, 442, 457

  Communist Labor Party (CLP), 123

  Communist Party USA. See CPUSA

  Composers Collective, 192–93, 194

  Compton, Betty, 166, 169, 203

  Comstock, Anthony, 89, 100, 127

  Condon, Eddie, 212–13, 272–73

  Cone, Rhett, 266–69

  Coney Island, 60, 498

  Coney Island of the Mind (Ferlinghetti), 289–90

  Confidence-Man, The (Melville),

  Confirmed: Marcel Duchamp ’64 (Brown), 268

  Connection, The (play), 352, 353–54, 373

  Conrad, Barnaby, 313–14

  Conrad, Michael, 296

  conspicuous consumption, 48, 187–88

  Continental Baths, 468, 514

  Cook, George “Jig” Cram, 98, 108, 109, 110, 115

  Cooper Union, 56, 76

  Copland, Aaron, 192–93, 194, 356

  Corey, Irwin, 203–4, 205, 423

  Corman, Roger, 290

  Cornelia Street, 72, 359–60

  no. 5, 349–50

  no. 7, 229

  no. 18, 359

  no. 20, 237

  no. 31, 359

  Cornelia Street Café, viii

  Cornell, Joseph, 263

  Cornish, Samuel Eli, 70

  Corso, Gregory, 295, 300, 301, 309, 311–12, 380

  Cortez, Aimee, 176

  Costello, Frank, 210, 344

  “Counter-Jumpers,” 44–45

  Covenant House, 426

  Cowboy Mouth (play), 492

  Cowell, Henry, 262, 273

  Cowley, Malcolm, 30–31, 35, 80, 128, 132, 136, 140–41, 298, 421

  Cox, Kenyon, 103

  Cox, Wally, 279–80

  CPUSA (Communist Party USA), 122, 123, 191–94, 207–8, 222, 291, 378

  Crack-Up, the, 268, 551–52

  Crack-Up, The (Fitzgerald), 181

  Crane, Hart, 125

  Crane, Stephen, 68–71

  Crazy Horse, 459

  Creatures in an Alphabet (Barnes), 401

  Cricket Theatre, 266

  Crisis, The, 14

  Crispo, Andrew, 520–21

  Crosby, Caresse, 150

  Crosby, David, 404

  Crosby, Harry, 150

  Cross Bronx Expressway, 338–39

  “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” (Whitman), 19

  Cruising (movie), 520

  Crummell, Alexander, 70

  Crummell, Bostin, 70

  Crumperie, the, 128

  Cuba, 47

  Cummings, E. E., 140, 161, 179–81, 236, 248, 304, 401

  Cummings, Marion, 236

  Cunningham, Merce, 262, 263

  Cuomo, Mario, 535, 536

  Curtis, Jackie, 466

  Curtis, Tony, 279

  Dadaism, 127, 139–40, 152

  Dahdah, Robert, 371–72

  Daily Worker, 180, 192, 194

  Dakota Building, 496–97

  Dale, Dick, 388

  Dalí, Salvador, 200, 235

  d’Alvarez, Marguerite, 146

  Dames at Sea (musical), 362, 365, 371

  Danckaerts, Jasper, 10

  d’Angola, Paul, 4–5

  Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 64

  Darling, Candy, 170, 466

  Daughters of Bilitis, 459–60

  Davis, Angela, 442–44

  Davis, Miles, 206, 252, 285

  Davis, Stuart, 100

  Dawson, Fielding, 251–52

  Day, Dorothy, 98–99, 170, 222

  Day’s End (Matta-Clark), 522

  Dean, James, 252

  Dear, Dorothy, 176–77

  Death and Life of Great American Cities, The (Jacobs), 341

  Death in the Family, A (Agee), 198

  Debs, Eugene V., 92, 122, 387

  Declaration of Independence, 14, 19

  Deep Throat (movie), 335

  Deer Park, The (Mailer), 328, 329


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