The Village

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The Village Page 68

by John Strausbaugh

  Havens, Richie, 380, 388, 423

  Haverty, Joan, 297–98

  Haywood, Bill, 91–92, 104, 105, 106, 123

  HB Studio, 357

  Heap, Jane, 98, 141–45, 146, 152, 187, 203

  Heartbreak House (play), 108

  Hearth and Home Corporation, 136–37

  Hecht, Ben, 98, 174–75, 177

  Hector (play), 369

  Heide, Robert, 349, 369–70

  Albee and, 356, 357

  Cino and, 359, 365, 366, 369–70

  Dylan and Warhol and, 405–7

  Herko’s death and, 349–50

  Stonewall Inn and, 465

  Helbrant, Maurice, 299–300

  Hellfire, 517, 519, 520, 542

  Hell Hole, 94, 96

  Hellman, Lillian, 421

  Hell’s Kitchen, 12, 53, 65

  Hemingway, Ernest, 122

  Henderson, Fletcher, 193

  Hendrix, Jimi, 409, 411–15, 423, 478, 492, 495, 529

  Henle, Faye, 321

  Henry Holt and Company, 401

  Henry Street Playhouse, 359

  Hentoff, Nat, 278, 284, 391, 420, 421, 422

  Herko, Freddie, 350, 370, 375, 376, 407

  Herman, Jerry, 343, 356, 443–44, 532

  Herman, Woody, 277

  Heroes, The (play), 353

  heroin, 210, 284–85, 294, 353

  Herring, Elbert, 10–11

  Herring, Philip, 151

  Herring Street, 15

  Hesdra, Cynthia, 71

  Hesdra, Edward, 71

  Hester, Carolyn, 394

  Hewlett, James, 66

  Hickey, William, 448, 529

  Hicks, Charity, 70

  Higgins, Dick, 266, 369, 373

  High Line Park, 550

  Highway 61 Revisited (album), 402

  Hintz, Andy, 221

  Hiss, Alger, 401

  History of the Standard Oil Company (Tarbell), 95

  “Hobohemia” (Lewis), 133–34

  Hobohemia (play), 133–34

  Hoffman, Abbie, 456, 479, 489–90, 494

  Hoffman, Dustin, 439, 489

  Hoffman, William, 368

  Hofmann, Hans, 247, 253

  Holiday, Billie, 206–7, 213, 277

  Holladay, Polly, 157

  Holland Tunnel, 133

  Holliday, Judy, 203

  Holman, Libby, 207–8, 236

  Holmes, John Clellon, 298–99, 316

  Holzman, Jac, 236, 392, 494

  Home Movies (play), 375

  Homer, Winslow, 57, 101

  Homophile Youth Movement, 477–78

  Homothug (Weberman), 490

  Hood, Clarence “Papa,” 381

  Hood, Sam, 396, 524

  Hooker, John Lee, 380, 393

  Hootenanny (TV show), 399

  Hoovervilles, 189–90

  Hopkins, Harry, 198–99

  Hopkins, Jerry, 412, 414

  Hopper, Edward, 57, 102

  Horizon, 245–46

  Horne, Lena, 207

  Hotel Albert, 183

  Hotel Christopher, 517

  Hotel Columbia, 234

  Hotel de Dream (White), 54

  Hotel Dixie, 234, 374, 501

  Hotel Earle, 125

  Hotel Keller, 467, 469, 515

  Hotel Marlton, 233, 301, 422, 427

  Hot l Baltimore, The (play), 527

  Hot Peaches, 466, 529

  Houghton Mifflin, 198

  House of Detention for Women, 169–71, 430, 434, 436, 442, 443–44

  House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 207–8

  Housing Act of 1949, 339

  Houston, Cisco, 388

  Houston, Whitney, 529

  Houston Street, xii–xiii, 336, 545

  Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, 442, 463–64, 516

  Howdy Club, 212

  Howe, Irving, 421

  “Howl” (Ginsberg), 295, 300, 334, 408, 419

  Howl and Other Poems (Ginsberg), 289, 295, 300, 334, 419

  How the Other Half Lives (Riis), 67–68

  How to Have Sex in an Epidemic (Berkowitz and Callen), 540–41

  How to Talk Dirty and Influence People (Bruce), 419, 429

  Huber’s Dime Museum, 52

  Hudson, Rock, 360, 539

  Hudson Dusters, 65, 94

  Hudson riverfront, 53–54, 218–24, 466–69, 483, 519–22, 549

  Hudson River Park, 522, 549

  Hudson Tubes (PATH), 369

  Hughes, Fred, 430

  Hughes, Langston, 85, 277, 279, 388

  Humboldt’s Gift (Bellow), 234

  Humes, H. L. “Doc,” 384–86, 450

  Huncke, Herbert, 294–95

  Hunt, Richard Morris, 57, 268

  Huron Club, 343–44

  Hurrah for the Bridge (play), 368

  Hurston, Zora Neale, 84–85

  Huxley, Aldous, 228, 243

  I, a Man (movie), 428–29

  I, Libertine (Shepherd), 322–23, 327

  I Am Curious (Yellow) (movie), 335

  Ian, Janis, 388

  Iannello, Helen, 346, 348

  Iannello, Marky, 346–48, 545–46

  Ianniello, Matthew “Matty the Horse,” 464–65

  Ibsen, Henrik, 108

  Iceman Cometh, The (play), 351

  IFC Center, 533

  immigration, 63–65

  Immigration Act of 1924, 88

  Indira Gandhi’s Daring Device (play), 530

  In Dreams Begin Responsibilities (Schwartz), 196

  Industrial Workers of the World (IWW; Wobblies), 91–93, 104, 106, 119, 122, 161, 293

  In God We Trust (Shepherd), 322

  Instanboul (play), 375

  Institute of Jazz Studies, 273

  Insurgent Mexico (Reed), 118

  International Exhibition of Modern Art (Armory Show), 96, 100, 102–4, 143–44

  International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU), 76, 77

  International Longshoremen’s Association, 64–65

  International Psychoanalytical Congress, 59–60

  International Style, 187–88

  Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), 59

  Intimate Memories (Dodge), 82, 83, 106

  Ionesco, Eugène, 334

  Irish immigrants, 64–65, 94, 156, 217

  Irish Village, 64–65, 218–24, 282–83

  Irving, Washington, 16, 19, 341–42

  Isherwood, Christopher, 228

  Israel, Lee, 532–33

  Italian immigrants, 63–64, 156, 216

  Italian Opera House, 64

  Italian Village, 159, 213, 216–17, 343–48, 359, 405

  I’ve Got a Secret (TV show), 264

  Ives, Beryl, 129

  Ives, Burl, 194

  Jack Delaney’s, 449

  Jackson, Jonathan, 442–43

  Jackson Park (Chicago), 98

  Jacobi, Herb, 204–5

  Jacobs, Jane, 337–41, 345

  Jacobs, Marc, 550

  Jacobs, Robert, Jr., 337

  Jaguar, 462

  James, Henry, 20, 73–74

  Jane Street Gallery, 247

  Jargon Society, 401

  Jarry, Alfred, 353, 375

  Jarvis, John Wesley, 15

  jazz, 186–87, 202–8, 271–77, 278, 284–85, 287

  Jazz Gallery, 384–86

  Jazz on the Wagon, 381

  Jefferson, Thomas, 12, 15, 156, 456

  Jefferson Airplane, 379

  Jefferson Market, 18, 95

  Jefferson Market Courthouse, 58, 169, 171

  Jefferson Market jail, 38, 147, 169

  Jeffery, Mike, 412–14

  Jewel Box Revue, 459, 475

  Jewish Defense Organization, 490

  Jews Without Money (Gold), 192

  Jimmy James and the Blue Flames, 412

  “Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog” (Twain), 36

  Joan Baez (album), 393

  Joan Baez, Volume 2 (album), 394

s, Ted, 274–75, 290, 296, 324

  Johansen, David, 505

  John Lennon for President (album), 497

  Johnny Staccato (TV show), 310

  Johns, Jasper, 265

  Johns Hopkins Hospital, 186

  Johnson, James P., 207

  Johnson, James Weldon, 73, 85

  Johnson, Joyce, 277, 301

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 433–34

  Johnson, Malcolm, 219–20

  Johnson, Marsha P., 468–70, 481–83, 540

  Johnston, Jill, 523–24

  John Wesley Harding (album), 487

  Jones, Hettie Cohen, 281–84, 304–5, 383

  Jones, LeRoi (Amiri Baraka), 271–73, 280–85, 358, 359, 400

  Jones, Randy, 533

  Jones Street, 72

  Josephson, Barney, 206–8

  Journal-American, 462

  Journal of Albion Moonlight (Patchen), 304

  Journey Down, The (Bernstein), 186

  Joyce, James, 143, 144, 150, 184, 268

  Judson Dance Theater, 373, 376

  Judson Gallery, 373

  Judson House, 373, 426

  Judson Memorial Church, 57, 78, 217, 372–76

  Judson Poets Theater, 373–76

  Julius Bar, 130, 356, 463–65, 467, 479

  Jung, Carl, 59–60, 81

  Jungle, The (Sinclair), 89–90

  Junkie (Burroughs), 252, 293–94, 299–300

  Just Kids (Smith), 491

  Just Say No (play), 541–42

  Kaback, Seymour “Sy,” 502–3

  “Kaddish” (Ginsberg), 291, 409

  Kammerer, David, 291–92

  Kaposi’s sarcoma, 538

  Kapp, Chris, 528–30, 541–42

  Kaprow, Allan, 236, 266, 373

  Karp, Ivan, 236

  Kaufman, Murray, 529

  Keating, William, 221

  Keaton, Diane, 513

  Kelly, Tom, 218–24

  Kemp, Harry, 90, 104, 110, 119–20, 124, 127–28, 130, 176

  Kempton, Murray, 373

  Kennebunkport Playhouse, 367

  Kennedy, John F., 234, 421, 490

  Kennedy, Robert F., 430–31

  Kennedy, Stephen, 384, 386

  Kennedy’s Children (play), 368

  Kenny’s Castaways, 54, 551

  Kent State shootings (1969), 440

  Kern, Jerome, 125

  Kerouac, Jack, 289–93, 297–307, 458

  Bruce and, 421, 422

  Desolation Angels, 301, 302

  Five Spot and, 277–78

  Pull My Daisy (movie), 311–16

  On the Road, 289, 298, 301–6, 315

  The Scripture of the Golden Eternity, 400

  The Subterraneans, 231, 282, 291, 295, 301, 306–7

  The Town and the City, 166, 298, 299

  Kerouac, Jan, 298

  Kettle of Fish, 380–81, 405–7, 451–52

  Kieft, Willem, 5

  Kiesler, Frederick, 187, 200

  Kilgallen, Dorothy, 422

  Kimball Hall, 74, 440

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 321, 434

  King, Stephen, 365

  King Kong (movie), 449

  Kingston Trio, 378, 392, 393

  King Street, 13

  Kirkland, Sally, 369

  Kitchen, the, 503, 505

  Kitt, Eartha, 204

  Klein, Calvin, 548

  Kligman, Ruth, 249, 251–52

  Klüver, Billy, 255

  Koch, Ed, xi, 326, 343–46, 348, 425–26, 535–38, 541–42, 546

  Koch, Kenneth, 234, 248, 257–58, 369

  Koenigswarter, Pannonica de, 275

  Kornfeld, Lawrence, 373, 375–76

  Koutoukas, Haralambos Monroe “Harry,” 362–63, 375, 466, 530

  Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 81

  Kramer, Larry, 478, 507, 522–23, 538–42

  Krasner, Lee, 199, 249, 251–52

  Krassner, Paul, 284, 429, 431

  Krim, Seymour, 362, 371

  Kubrick, Stanley, 261

  Kupferberg, Tuli, 408–10, 494

  Labadists, 10

  labor unions, 75–77, 91–93, 209–10

  La Cage aux Folles (musical), 532

  Lacy, Steve, 287

  Ladder, 459–60

  Ladies Almanack, The (Barnes), 151

  Ladies’ Home Journal, 135

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence), 334

  LaFarge, John, 57

  Lafayette Hotel, 93–94, 342

  Lafayette’s Café, 93, 149

  La Guardia, Achille, 208–9

  La Guardia, Fiorello, 156–57, 208–13, 536

  Lait, Jack, 211, 217, 218

  La MaMa, 365, 368, 370, 531

  Lamantia, Philip, 300, 305

  Lamont, Corliss, 389

  Lane, Amity, 70

  Lange, Jessica, 449

  Lansky, Meyer, 210

  La Salle Academy, 447–48

  “Last Leaf, The” (O. Henry), 59

  Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald), 181

  Latin Quarter, 56

  Latin Quarter (Paris), 30, 31–32

  Lawrence, D. H., 522

  Leary, Timothy, 316, 384, 441

  Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 36, 39–45, 339

  Le Bourgeois Avant-Garde (play), 531

  Ledbetter, Huddie (Leadbelly), 193, 280, 377, 387

  Le Gallienne, Gwen, 124

  Léger, Fernand, 200

  LeGeros, Bernard, 520–21

  Lehman, David, 257

  Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, 375

  Lehrer, Tom, 419

  Le Jardin, 516

  l’Enfant, Pierre, 8

  Lenin, Vladimir, 192

  Lennon, John, x, 320, 485, 493, 494–97

  Lenny’s Hideaway, 356, 369, 461

  Lenya, Lotte, 351

  Leo Castelli Gallery, 236

  Le Poisson Rouge, 551

  Lesbian Feminist Liberation, 523

  Les Crane Show (TV show), 462

  Leslie, Alfred, 245, 254–56

  background of, 254–55

  Cage and, 263–64

  Cannastra and, 297

  Piscator and, 350

  Pull My Daisy (movie), 309–14

  Village bars and clubs, 248, 249, 276

  Lester, Julius, 334

  Let My People Come (musical), 381

  Letterman, David, 320

  Letters from Bohemia (Hecht), 174

  Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (Agee), 197–98

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 200

  Lewis, Edith, 94–95

  Lewis, Sinclair, 133–34

  Lewis, Wyndham, 143

  Liberal Club, 81–82, 93, 95–96, 108–9, 110, 119, 131

  Liberator, 122

  Library of Congress Archive of American Folk Music, 194

  Liebowitz, Fran, 519

  Life (magazine), 241–44, 245, 274, 303, 409, 411, 510

  “Like a Rolling Stone” (song), 403–4

  Limelight, 324–27, 524

  Lincoln, Abraham, 42

  Lincoln Center, 339

  Lindfors, Viveca, 503

  Lindsay, John, 340, 348, 450–51, 470, 486

  Lindsay, Vachel, 98

  Line of Least Existence (play), 375

  Lion, Alfred, 205–6

  Lion’s Head, 445, 448–52, 455, 456, 457–58, 475–76

  Lippmann, Walter, 100

  Lispenard’s Meadow, 7

  List, Dan, 331

  Little Africa, 56, 65–72

  Little Disturbances of Man (Paley), 435–36

  Little Italy, 56, 61–64

  Little Red Songbook, 92

  Little Review, The, 142–45, 146, 152

  Little Tammany Hall, 165–66

  “little theater” movement, 107–8

  Little Thimble Theater, 127

  Live at the Village Vanguard (Gordon), 202–3

  Living Theatre, 178, 352–55, 395

  Loeb, Gladys, 176

  Loeb Student Center, 440–41

  Loft, the, 512–13

  Lomax, Alan, 193, 207, 280, 390, 403

  Lomax, John, 193, 387

  London, Jack, 89

  Lone, Les, 326

  Longacre Square, 110

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 42

  Long Voyage Home, The (play), 110

  Look Homeward, Angel (Wolfe), 183, 184–85

  Lorde, Audre, 524–25, 541

  Lorillard, Jacob, 18

  Lost Generation, 140, 180

  Louis’ Tavern, 250, 296

  Louys, Pierre, 459–60

  Lovin’ Spoonful, 369, 404

  Low, Jackson Mac, 263, 266

  Lowell, Amy, 100

  Lower East Side, 25, 50, 63, 87, 486–87

  Lownds, Sara, 407

  LSD, 285–87

  Luce, Clare Boothe, 149

  Luchow’s, 52

  Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 210

  Ludlam, Charles, 264, 514, 530–32

  Ludlow, Thomas, 10–11

  Luhan, Mabel Dodge. See Dodge, Mabel

  Luhan, Tony, 119

  Lumet, Sidney, 509, 511

  Lusitania, 120

  Lyceum of Natural History, 33

  Lynde, Paul, 204

  Maas, Peter, 450

  McAuliffe, Kevin, 448

  MacBird (play), 381

  McCarthy, Charlie, 204

  McCarthy, Joseph, 122, 181, 489

  McCarthy, Mary, 195

  McClelland, Alec, 58

  McClure, Michael, 300, 400

  McClure’s, 85, 94–95

  McCormick, Ken, 435

  McCourt, Frank, 449, 450

  McCrary, Tex, 320

  McDarrah, Fred, 290, 402

  Macdonald, Dwight, 197

  McDonough, Jimmy, 363–64

  MacDougal Alley, 51–52, 251

  MacDougal Street, 68, 231, 314–15, 423–24

  no. 110, 382

  no. 116, 380

  no. 137, 81

  nos. 92-94, 488–90

  MacDougal-Sullivan Gardens, 136–37, 186

  Macero, Teo, 187

  McEvoy, Dermot, 445–49, 451–52, 550–51

  Mcghee, Walter Brown “Brownie,” 194

  MacGraw, Ali, 498

  McGuinn, Jim, 404

  Machado, Agosto, 470, 529–30

  AIDS and, 538

  background of, 466–67

  Cino and, 360, 362, 363

  Judson and, 373

  Julius Bar and, 463

  Marsha Johnson and, 469–70, 474

  Solanas and, 429

  Stonewall Uprising and, 474–76, 480–81, 482, 512

  West Side waterfront, 466–68, 521

  Machiz, Herbert, 256, 352

  McKenney, Eileen, 72–73

  McKenney, Ruth, 72–73

  MacLeish, Archibald, 197

  McNally, Terrence, 357, 358

  McQueen, Steve, 250

  Mad Hatter, the, 128

  Madison Square Garden, 57, 105–6

  Madness of Lady Bright, The (play), 365

  Mafia, 209–14, 217, 285, 344, 414, 450–51, 464–65, 470–73, 480–82, 486, 516

  Magnolia Bakery, 550–51

  Maiden Lane, 6

  Maids, The (play), 364

  Mailer, Adele Morales, 328

  Mailer, Isaac, 328

  Mailer, Norman

  Advertisements for Myself, 228, 329


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