by Vanessa Vale
Lacey. I’d never caught her name. It was pretty. Different. It suited her.
I reached down, shifted my cock. “You can’t have her all to yourself. She’s…incredible. I want to fuck her, but I want more than that with her.”
“Damn straight.” He angled his chin, rubbed his hand over his chin, whiskers rasping. “She’s the one.”
I agreed and was glad he felt the same way. “Why the hell is the sister playing matchmaker? Lacey must have men falling at her feet.”
We were.
The door opened and Lacey stepped out onto the porch. The soft breeze picked up her scent. Peaches? I stifled a groan as I wondered if all of her was so sweet.
“I’m…um, sorry about my sister,” she said, her voice tentative. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her eyes met ours, then away. “She’s a little bold.”
“That’s all right,” Micah said, putting a hand on the porch railing.
“I’m a little embarrassed,” she admitted, refusing to look at either of us.
I stepped closer, ran my knuckles down her arm. “Hey, don’t be. There’s nothing wrong with a woman knowing what she wants. If it’s me and Micah, we aim to please.”
When she finally…finally tipped her chin up to look at me, those dark eyes held a mix of wariness and eager mischief.
“You…you don’t know who I am, do you?”
I frowned, but Micah spoke. “Up until you shared your name, I thought you were Ann Marie Townsend.”
“Should we?” I asked. She wasn’t a past girlfriend. While I’d had more than a few, I wasn’t that much of an asshole to not even remember what they looked like.
She shrugged. “Nope.”
I couldn’t miss the way she seemed to relax before our eyes. Her shoulders lost the tension and she gave a small laugh and it made her eyes sparkle. Yes, fucking sparkle. I hadn’t used the word “sparkle” to describe anything in my life. Until now.
“I think there’s something we need to get out of the way.”
Her delicate brow arched. “Oh?”
I nodded, stepped into her personal space. Instinctively, she stepped back. I moved in again and I worked her backward until she bumped into the wood logs of the cabin. “Oh,” she gasped.
I placed one hand by her head, the other brushed her hair back from her face. “I’m going to kiss you.”
I wanted to give her fair warning, so if she wanted to say no, she could. I didn’t kiss—or do anything else—with an unwilling woman, but I knew she wanted it. I saw it in her eyes, the way her cheeks flushed ever brighter. Slowly, I lowered my head, watched her lips part in surprise.
She was so soft, her mouth full and pliant. I flicked my tongue over her lower lip, tasted her. When her tongue flicked out to meet mine, she whimpered. Yes, she was as sweet as I imagined. Her eyes were hazy with desire when I lifted my head. I didn’t move, just waited as she collected herself.
“There. No more embarrassment. Your interest is reciprocated.”
“Hey, what about me?” I heard Micah say from behind me.
She smiled and I pushed off the wall, let Micah see her, to have his turn.
He crooked his finger and she walked toward him. Ah, sweet and eager to please. With an arm banding about her waist, Micah lifted her up onto her tiptoes for a kiss of his own. When he finally lifted his head, he nuzzled his nose along her jaw, slowly lowered her back to the ground.
“Get on the house phone and cancel the ride,” Micah said, his voice an octave lower than before. Yeah, he was as affected as me. And by just a damned kiss.
She frowned, put her fingers to her lips.
“Don’t worry, Lacey, we’re still going. I don’t kiss—or do other things—with my clients. Cancel and then we’ll go for a ride.”
She looked to me. “I’m off the clock. I was headed home until I saw you. Sugar, go for a ride with us and maybe, if you’re still inclined, you can climb on our cocks and go for a different kind of ride later.”
Nodding once, she went inside. I heard her talking to the front desk, but I glanced at Micah. He shifted his cock. “Fuck, yes.”
I didn’t reply since she came back out.
“All right. I’ll go with you.”
Micah grinned. Broadly. “Ever ridden a horse before?”
“Ever ridden a cowboy before?” I added, with a wink.
She bit her lip—the lip I now knew was soft and plush—glanced away, then back. She lifted her chin and gave us both a saucy smile. “I’m pretty much a city slicker, but I don’t mind getting a little dirty.”
Holy. Fuck. My cock went from a semi to ready to fuck with that once sentence. Micah cleared his throat. I had no doubt he was thinking the same thing. I looked her over again. Took in every inch of her because I wanted to get her really, really dirty and I knew she’d like it. No, she’d fucking love it.
“Fine. Good,” Micah said. “If you’re new to this, don’t you worry, you’ll be in good hands.” He glanced at me, giving me the perfect opening.
“That’s right,” I added. Lightning had struck and she wasn’t married. No husband, no boyfriend. She wasn’t claimed. Yet. And there was no way in hell I was letting Micah go off into the woods alone with her. The house framing could wait. It was as if Fate had stepped in and given us this opportunity. To make Lacey The One. “Micah and I will ensure you have an adventure you’ll never forget.”
Whoever invented snap shirts was a genius because I wanted to grab the front of their shirts and rip them open.
Until their solid chests and rock-hard abs were exposed and I could run my hands all over them.
Them. Both guys.
Even after I pushed that thought away, another popped into my head. How many condoms were there stocked in the honeymoon cabin. And lube? Yeah, I might need to toss that in my bag, too. While I’d been embarrassed by Ann Marie and her matchmaking, she was right. The kisses—from both of them!—sealed the deal. Sealed with a kiss! I tried to suppress a giggle at that.
My nipples were out of my control and I had to cross my arms to cover their bad behavior because it wasn’t just my ovaries that were standing up and taking notice.
Micah was the fair haired one and Colt was dark. Colt’s square jaw was clean shaven, his hair cut short and neat. He was almost a foot taller and a foot wider than me. While he wasn’t scary, he certainly was imposing, until his kiss and the gentleness of his hands eased any worry. His piercing dark eyes raked over me in a way that had my skin heating. My lips tingling. While he might be an employee of Hawk’s Landing, he was looking at me like a man. A man interested in a woman. In everything he saw.
Micah seemed a touch more easy-going, quick with those ruthless-to-my-panties smiles. While he wasn’t looking at me as if I were prey, I couldn’t miss the heated gleam. Especially after I told him I didn’t have either a husband or a boyfriend.
What appealed to me the most was that they had no idea who I was. No flare of recognition, only heat. No stuttering or surprised pauses. Not even a “you look heavier in person” which I got from some male fans. Nothing. They wanted me. The real me.
When Micah had handed me a short list of items I should bring and I went in to pack them in the small bag he provided, I sat on the edge of the bed. They didn’t know who I was.
To them, I was just Lacey, sister of the bride that didn’t show. Not the actress who supposedly just got dumped by her rock star boyfriend.
Colt had said they promised a trip I’d never forget. Based on the looks they gave me, the kisses, and Ann Marie’s none-too-subtle attempt to get me laid, I knew there was a whole lot of hidden meaning—and lube—involved. They couldn’t have missed my hard nipples. I groaned and glanced down. Now they behaved. And they knew I was into their kisses. Both of them. Oh god. Two men.
I shook my head, then looked at the list. They were waiting for me, horses at the ready to go off on a little a
dventure. Besides the fact I was going with two extremely hot guys, I couldn’t get any more off the grid. No phones, no cameras. Nothing. This might not be the retreat Tessa’d had in mind, but heck, when God gave me two hot cowboys, I went horseback riding in Montana.
I stood, grabbed my sweatshirt, raincoat, sunscreen and the other things on Micah’s list and got busy. Glanced at the bedside table, took a deep breath, grabbed the condoms and yes, the lube.
Somehow, I’d made it twenty-six years without getting on a horse. I’d been fine with that, hadn’t known it would be remotely interesting. I’d been completely wrong. I was enjoying it a whole heck of a lot. Of course, I never imagined riding between two Marlboro men—minus the cigarettes and ten times the sex appeal—either. That made all the difference. I was practically drooling at the way their strong thigh muscles were blatantly visible beneath taut jeans. Their hips rocked with the gentle motion of the horses and had me wonder what else they could do with them. Not the horses, their hips. And their hands holding the reins? Gah.
I had no idea I had a hand fetish until now. I definitely noticed the lack of wedding rings. I spent the first hour just silently ogling them. I had to hope they were thinking I was just taking in the beautiful scenery. I was, but not the beautiful scenery they were thinking.
I did begin to appreciate the mountains, the bright green valley with spots of colorful wildflowers. The warm sun that was filtering through the fast-moving clouds, the fresh air. The peace.
“Where are you from, Lacey?” Micah asked, breaking me from my thoughts. They’d been quiet ever since we left the ranch, seemingly content without any kind of small talk. Besides some heated glances and Colt helping me up onto the horse with a little more attentiveness than necessary, the kisses weren’t mentioned and they’d done nothing else overt.
I turned my head. Micah’s cowboy hat was low on his head, blocking out the sunshine, but his dark eyes were on me, waiting.
“Never been,” Micah replied. “Heard there’s bad traffic.”
Out here, with the wildflowers and the soft breeze, LA seemed so far away. “Bad traffic, annoying people. Just busy. But there’s better weather.”
“Than this?” Colt asked, lifting a hand from his reins to signify the gorgeous day.
I looked up at the sky, saw a bird soar past. “This is spectacular. I bet winters are pretty cold and you’re stuck inside a lot.”
“Being stuck isn’t so bad if you’re with the right person.”
I shifted in my saddle, thinking about being stuck with Colt. “Are you both from Montana?” I asked, trying to keep the small talk going. I liked what I saw about the two of them, but if I left it at that—their good looks—then I wasn’t any better than my fans; lusting after the surface and not knowing the person underneath.
“We’re Bridgewater men, through and through.”
I’d passed through Bridgewater from the airport. A quaint, small town right out of a western postcard. “Seems like a great place to grow up. Your families are here?”
Micah used his finger to tip his hat up a bit. His face was less in shadow and I could see his pale eyes better. “My parents are in Bridgewater. My brother lives in Helena.”
“My parents moved to Texas a few years ago,” Colt added.
“You live in town then?” I thought of Ann Marie and our conversation, bit my lip, then bit the bullet and sought the answer I’d been dying for. “With your…with your wives?”
I looked down at my hands, afraid to see their faces. They were quiet. I was an idiot. God, such an idiot!
“Are you asking if we have a woman in our lives?” Colt asked.
I frowned a little, confused by his wording. I shrugged, afraid to say more.
“It’s fine. You have a right to know,” he added.
I glanced up at him, frowned. “No, I don’t. It’s none of my business. I apologize. I was trying to make small talk and I… well, should have asked after the weather or something.”
The wind kicked up then and I tugged my ball cap lower. I’d put it on earlier to shield my eyes from the bright sun, but it had since hidden behind clouds.
Micah laughed, drawing my attention away from Colt.
“Lacey, we kissed you. We don’t do that if we’re with someone else. We’re not married,” he said. “No girlfriend. We’ve been looking for the right woman to come along.”
I nodded. Definitely understanding. If I were Ann Marie, I would have laughed this all off, said some witty reply and moved on. Me? I felt silly. “I can understand that. So…it’s warm today.”
It was Colt’s turn to laugh. “You don’t need to talk about the weather. After the kiss we shared, you can ask us anything.”
I bit my lip, my thoughts taking a very naughty turn. Did they always go after the same woman? Did they like it a little rough and wild? Were they as dominant in bed as they seemed to be out? “Anything?”
“Anything,” he repeated, this time his tone a touch more serious. “We’ll take turns.”
I glanced between the two of them, saw their relaxed postures, their easy smiles. They weren’t embarrassed as I was, so I let it go. I took a deep breath, smiled. “Sure.”
“I’ll go first,” Micah said. “An easy one. What do you do for a living?”
I bit my lip. I wouldn’t lie. While I was enjoying being anonymous, I wasn’t going to be something I wasn’t. “I’m an actress.”
“Movies?” Colt asked.
“No.” I didn’t do movies. That was the truth. “My turn.” I kept my gaze on Colt. The wind was stronger now, stirred my ponytail. I wanted to ask him if he liked a woman on top or if he liked to fuck her from behind—either was fine with me—but no. I stuck with the vanilla question. “You’re the foreman at the guest ranch. What does that involve?”
“I oversee all the non-hospitality side of Hawk’s Landing. Stables, animals, land.”
That was a big job. Tons of responsibility. Based on what I saw of the guest ranch, it was well run and the property was gorgeous. The horse I was on seemed…trained.
“Is this what you always wanted to do?”
“Yes, but on my own ranch. But that’s two questions,” Colt replied. “My turn.”
“No, it’s not,” Micah countered. “You asked her if she was in the movies.”
Colt sighed. I couldn’t help the laugh as they fought over me.
“Your acting. Been in anything we know?” Micah asked, then glanced up at the sky.
“Clearly not,” I replied. Since they didn’t recognize me, they weren’t familiar with the Hunters show. “I assume you don’t watch TV.” Or read the tabloids. I didn’t word it as a question and both men shook their heads.
“Too busy and I hate commercials,” Micah replied and Colt agreed. “With my company, I’m outside all the time, even in the winter.”
Made sense. I knew a lot of people who didn’t watch TV, including myself. They streamed movies, maybe. “Well, I’ll have you know I’m a very famous actress.”
Micah tilted his head, studied me. I told the complete truth. While the tone may have been construed as sarcastic and meant to come across as a total lie even though it was completely true, he seemed to be deciding something about me. And it had nothing to do with being a famous actress.
“Good for you.” That was all he said.
My mouth fell open and I wasn’t sure what to think. “That’s it?” I asked. I couldn’t help it. “You don’t want to know about Charlize Theron or if I have a fancy car?”
“Is that your question for your turn?”
I huffed.
“Lacey, we want to know about you. Charlize Theron seems like a nice woman, but why would we be interested in her when we have a beautiful woman between us? When we know what you taste like?” My mouth fell open at Micah’s response. My nipples hardened.
“And a fancy car?” Colt asked. “This is Montana. A fancy car w
on’t last the mud season. What you need is a pickup truck. If you said you had a dually F-350 king cab, I’d say I was in love.”
I laughed. “With me or the truck?”
“If you were in the truck, I’d keep you forever.”
By the look in his eye, I had a feeling he wasn’t being sarcastic. He was dead serious. I cleared my throat and looked to Micah, although the way he was staring at me wasn’t any less intimidating. “Besides taking women on horseback rides, what else does your company do?”
“Camping. White water rafting. Climbing. Adventure trips. We partner with friends of ours who have a helicopter company in town to take people deep into the backcountry. Heli-skiing in the winter. The list is endless since we do custom trips.”
“If you do such wild adventures, why do this simple ride with me?”
He looked up at the sky again. “At first, it was a two-day camping trip, but I think it was your sister who called and changed it to a simple trail ride.”
I nodded, remembering my sister’s lack of interest in spending any time in a tent, even with Gabe.
“It’s easier for Matt and Ethan—our friends who own Hawk’s Landing—to hire out special trips than to have someone on staff.” He glanced at the sky again, which had me looking up, too. “Weather’s coming in.”
“So, you don’t kiss all your clients?”
Micah’s gaze shifted from the sky to me and that steamy gaze had me licking my lips. “My last clients were a bunch of guys who were friends in college, thirty years ago. I took them fishing on blue ribbon water. I definitely didn’t kiss them, and I didn’t want to share them with Colt. I don’t kiss any of my clients, Lacey. Remember, this trip isn’t on the books anymore.”
The wind whipped my ponytail into my face and I swiped it back.
“We only want to kiss you,” Colt added, his voice deep and insistent and I felt those words throughout my body.
“A storm’s coming in,” Micah said. When I turned to look at him, his gaze was once again looking up.
I hadn’t been paying much attention—especially since we were talking about kissing—but the wind was starting to blow and thick, gray clouds had rolled in. I could no longer see the tops of the mountains and it had gotten darker. A rumble came from the west. “That was ridiculously fast,” I commented. I’d never seen a storm roll in like that.