Make Me Yours

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Make Me Yours Page 11

by Vanessa Vale

  “Past tense. Why did you do it? Money? The pictures got you the money you needed to finish your house, right?” I glanced from Colt to Micah. “And you? What did you need, some start-up funds?” I shrugged. “I hope you got enough. I know those tabloids drive a hard bargain. You could have just asked me for it. I have enough for whatever you want to do. You didn’t even need to bare your ass to get it.”

  I walked toward Matt’s truck. He’d thankfully remained silent through all this. He grabbed the strap of my bag from my shoulder, took it from me.

  “That’s it? You accuse us of selling pictures of us having sex to the tabloids and then you walk away. You don’t want to find out the truth? To fight for us?” Micah asked.

  I didn’t turn back. “I only fight if there’s something worth the battle.”

  “It could have been you,” Colt countered. “Hiring someone to follow you, to take pictures, to end whatever fucked up relationship you had with your ex. Maybe you used us.”

  Those words had me turning. The sharp bite of them. Both Micah and Colt stood there, breathing hard, their faces flushed with anger.

  “Just as my sister said, I needed to get laid. I’d say we’re even, don’t you?” I gave them one last look, then ran for Matt’s truck. He was there to open the door. “Can we hurry?” I asked.

  He nodded, gave the men a dark stare as he went around to the driver’s side.

  He didn’t linger, but drove off before I could start to cry. I caught one last glimpse of Micah and Colt, the two men who’d stolen every ounce of trust I had left, but also my heart.



  After Matt drove away, Colt and I stood there, like idiots, staring at the settling dust.

  “What the fuck just happened?” I asked, running my hand over the back of my neck.

  I wore just my jeans as the woman of our dreams drove away, hating us.

  “Someone posted pictures of us. Shit, they’re bad,” Colt said. Each word he bit out as if spitting nails. “We need to go after her.”

  I shook my head. Every molecule in my body wanted to jump in Colt’s truck and chase her, but she wasn’t going to listen. Not now. We had to let her go.

  “Fuck. No.” I explained my reasoning and he grudgingly agreed. “We know we didn’t do it, so we have to find out who did.”

  “Damn straight.”

  Colt walked toward the cabin, the cabin that still had Lacey’s floral scent in the air. He grabbed his phone, settled on the couch and ran his finger over it.

  “It could have been that couple from the barbecue. They were insane. They’d mentioned selling that damned napkin for a hundred dollars. Maybe they wanted more.”

  “Yeah, but who knew we were up at the backcountry cabin? Lacey was right. Even we didn’t know we were going there. Seriously, who could predict a fucking act of God?”

  He didn’t look at me as he talked, but at his cell.

  “They paint her as a slut. Two men in two days. There’s no question what we’re doing with her.”

  “Do they mention us taking her together?”

  He read quietly. While I wanted to sit beside him and read at the same time, the phone was too damn small.

  “No. Nor our names. Only hers. We’re the ‘mystery cowboys’ who wanted a turn at the rodeo.”

  “Fuck,” I growled. I pinched the bridge of my nose. “You really don’t think she paid paparazzi to follow her and take pictures, do you?”

  He groaned. “No. She’s not like that. But I was angry and I wanted her to see her accusations were ridiculous. That there were other possibilities. Instead, I made her think I was an asshole. That she’d be the petty bitch she tries so hard to avoid.”

  “Yeah, that kind of backfired.”

  “Not only do we have to find the fuckers who did this and kill them, then we’ll have to make it right with Lacey.”

  Not a small order. I knew nothing about fame or LA or anything crazy like this shit. But Matt did. He’d been a professional baseball player. He could help. I shared my thoughts.

  “Yeah, he can help. So can Lacey’s sister.”

  “She’s the one who called, who arranged for Matt to come here.”

  “Then she’s protective. We need to get her on our side.”

  Colt stood, grabbed his keys. “We need to go get our girl. Make this right. Prove to her we love her. Then we’ll claim her so she never forgets. If we have to get the tabloids involved—with the truth—then we’ll do it.”




  “You have to go back to work next week,” Ann Marie said, shoving a piece of popcorn in her mouth. We were on the couch in her great room watching Sixteen Candles.

  “Why can’t I have a Jake Ryan?” I asked, swooning over the hero in the 80’s teen flick.

  “I know,” Ann Marie agreed. “He’s gorgeous. And the Porsche doesn’t hurt him at all. You had two Jake Ryans.”

  She hadn’t mentioned either Micah’s or Colt’s name since I’d been back in LA. She’d arranged for a private jet to bring me from Montana, not telling my PR firm or anyone else, not knowing who’d taken the photos. Matt from Hawk’s Landing had been really nice, intentionally quiet the entire ride into Bozeman. He’d promised he would look into the breach of guest privacy and would get back to me. I hadn’t heard from him yet.

  I also hadn’t looked at any newspapers, tabloids or even gone online. Ann Marie had gladly taken my cell and I avoided every computer in her house. She’d told me one of the papers had an article that Chris had moved on. He was old news. How he did with his band was up to him now, or whichever actress he glommed onto next.

  I hadn’t gone to my own place. I had no interest. After the party Chris had thrown, I had no idea the condition. Gabe had been great. He’d had a team from his company go in and pack up my personal effects; clothing and the like and bring it here. He’d then worked with a Realtor to put the house on the market.

  I wasn’t going back. Not just to my big, empty house across town, but to Chris. Or my job. Since we’d finished filming the end of the season, my contract was up and my agent had yet to send me papers to extend. Everyone had assumed I would return when filming began next week, me included. But my time in Montana had changed everything.

  “Yeah, two Jake Ryans,” I agreed. “But for only two nights. It was just a fling.”

  Ann Marie turned her head toward me. “You can lie to yourself all you want, but I see how you are. Those guys were more than a fling.”

  Gabe came into the room, holding out the house phone. “It’s Matt from Hawk’s Landing.”

  He was silent as he waited for me to decide if I wanted to talk to him. It was my choice; they’d spent the week allowing me to decide what contact I wanted to make with the outside world.

  Gabe was a few years older than me, handsome in an urban way. Dark haired, he wore a crisp business suit as he’d just gotten home from the office. I used to find him appealing, but no longer. He wasn’t Colt or Micah. I didn’t want the stiff corporate type. No, I wanted my cowboys.

  I glanced at the phone, knew that whatever Matt was going to say wasn’t bad because Gabe had screened it for me.

  I took it, tucked my feet beneath me on the sofa. “Hi, Matt.”

  “Lacey. I assume you haven’t seen the news. Or the tabloids.” The last word he spit out as if it tasted bad.


  He sighed through the phone. “We discovered the identity of the person who took the photos. He was an employee, a temporary summer worker who overheard the call the men made to the registration desk letting us know you three were safe at the backcountry cabin. I guess he recognized you at check-in and decided to stalk you.”

  I cringed at that word. Hated it. It meant bad intentions.

  “He was working the barbecue and witnessed the altercation with the enamored couple. Watched you leave with Colt and Micah. He said he followed you, took the pic
tures at Colt’s spread.”

  Ann Marie was looking at me expectantly.

  “They didn’t do it,” I said to her. Oh. My. God. They didn’t do it. “I said such awful things.”

  “You did,” Matt confirmed. “The situation was bad, Lacey. You were justified in your thoughts based on your history.”

  “Wait. How did the guy get to the backcountry cabin? I mean, did he take a horse? We didn’t see him.”

  “Actually, there’s an access road a few hundred yards from the cabin. It was originally made to get the building materials to the site, and it was kept not only for safety, but to maintain the cabin. A team goes up and cleans, resupplies after guests leave.”

  That made sense. From what Colt had said about all parts of the property cell phone accessible, this wasn’t much of a surprise.


  “As a friend—at least I’d like to think we’re friends—I want to apologize for what happened. Women should be protected, not shamed or sold for salacious gain. As owner of Hawk’s Landing, I would understand if you chose to sue us for the breach of privacy. I’ve already given our lawyer’s information to Gabe.”

  “Oh, um. That’s not necessary.”

  “Don’t be hasty in your response. You have a right to damages as we were at fault.”

  “No, the guy who took the pictures was.”

  “You can be confident in knowing he is no longer an employee, that our lawyers have sued his ass for breach of contract, NDA and other paperwork he signed at hiring. He is also being arrested for selling inappropriate photos without consent.”

  “I didn’t know you can do that.”

  “I can’t say that the charges will stick, but there’s nothing wrong with scaring the crap out of him in the meantime.”

  I had to laugh at that.

  “Thank you for letting me know.”

  “You’re welcome. If there’s not anything else, I’ll let you—”

  A thought struck me. “You didn’t fire Colt, did you? It wasn’t his fault.”

  The words fell from my lips with a harsh breath of relief. They didn’t do it. It wasn’t either Colt or Micah’s fault. They hadn’t sold me out.

  “He wasn’t working at the time of your…incident, therefore has broken no employment rules. What you do in private is none of my business. As for what happened on Colt’s ranch, I would assume he will be filing charges of his own for trespassing and a few other things.”

  “Good. Good for him.”

  “Take care, Lacey. If you ever wish to come to Hawk’s Landing again, please contact me personally.”

  I offered him my thanks and hung up. There wasn’t more I could say. His guest ranch had technically made a huge mistake and I paid the price. He could do nothing more than apologize and pay any money I wanted if I sued. He didn’t deserve this mess any more than the rest of us.

  “Well?” Ann Marie asked. While I’d been talking, she’d paused the movie and Gabe had slid in to sit beside her, pulling her into his side.

  I told her about the employee, what he’d done.

  “We can talk about suing Hawk’s Landing another time,” Gabe said. I had no doubt his firm had a whole floor of lawyers. “As for the tabloids that purchased the photos, I’ve gone ahead and sued them. Slander and other things. Big lawyer words I can’t even remember. There will be a retraction tomorrow. While it won’t take the paper versions of the stories out of circulation and people may not believe it, the photos are off the web sites.”

  “It won’t matter,” I said. “The damage is done.”

  “They blocked out Micah and Colt’s face and kept yours. They were intentionally harming you, personally.”

  I shook my head. “They can write a retraction, but I don’t want them writing the truth. If they do, they’ll find I’m in love with two men and I won’t see Colt or Micah hurt. I’ve done enough to them already.”

  “You’re in love with us?”

  I spun about, knocking the cordless phone to the floor. There stood Micah and Colt just inside the doorway.

  They looked so good. Big and hot and perfect. Yet I could see they looked tired, weary even.

  “What are you—”

  They stepped into the room, blocked the big TV over the cold fireplace. “You’re in love with us?” Colt asked again.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, my voice at first a whisper. I said it again. Louder. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

  I couldn’t stop saying it because I was. The words I’d said, the accusations. I ached to go to them, but they wouldn’t want me. I’d thrown them under the tabloid bus and fled.

  “That’s not what we want to hear, sugar.”

  Gabe stood, pulled Ann Marie to her feet. She looked equally parts stunned by the sight of them and equally enthralled. It was obvious she knew nothing of their presence. As for Gabe, I knew he was in on this. Matt, too. “Let’s give them some space, doll.” She gave me a reassuring smile before her husband tugged her out of the room.

  Colt and Micah came around the huge coffee table and sat on either side of me. I felt their heat, breathed in their scent, absorbed their presence. It was like a heavy rain after a drought. I needed to be with them.

  “This is insane.”

  Micah cracked a smile. “You’ve been saying this all along. Yet you say you love us.”

  “Right?” Colt added.

  I glanced at both of them. So strong. So perfect. I nodded.

  “Say it, sugar.”

  I cleared my throat, pushing down tears. “I love you.”

  They both relaxed then as if they’d been waiting for it, needing it to survive. They grinned and I couldn’t help but smile, too.

  Micah pulled me to him, actually tugged me onto his lap, tipped my chin up and kissed me. It was so good. Sweet and hot, my body awakened to his touch. He groaned and I whimpered.

  “My turn.” Colt lifted me onto his own lap, kissed me. Tongue was involved. Plenty of it. I wanted them to toss me down on this couch and have their way with me, but they had other plans. Plans that involved…talking.

  “You heard Matt,” Colt asked, brushing back my hair.

  “That it wasn’t you,” I replied.

  “That’s right.”

  “I…I knew it wasn’t you, yet I was so angry, so upset that the words just came out.”

  “We know. And I said some things that were hurtful. I didn’t mean them.” Colt tipped my chin up. “Will you forgive me?”

  “Yes,” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around him, holding on tight.

  “We came here to claim you, Lacey. You can’t get rid of us that easily.”

  I turned my head so I could look at Micah, but Colt wouldn’t let me move from the hug. “Easily? You mean a stalker and tabloid sex photos?”

  “Yeah, so if we can handle something that simple, we can survive anything. As long as we’re together, right?”

  I laughed at his sarcasm. “Right. Your careers, your lives must be turned upside down. I mean, your parents must be hiding in embarrassment.”

  Micah ran a knuckle down my cheek, seemingly unfazed by the very embarrassing exposure. “We’re not seventeen. We’re grown men. I think all our parents know we have sex. They’re just glad we’re having sex with The One.”


  “Everyone in Bridgewater is waiting to meet you.”

  I frowned. “Me? Or Jane Goodheart?”

  “You. The woman who is so important to us that we’d put it all out there on national media.”

  “International,” I countered. “Don’t forget, I’m very popular in Korea.”

  Micah laughed and I felt the rumble of Colt’s chest.

  “They want to meet you, the woman we’re going to marry. The woman who stole the hearts of Colt and Micah.”

  “Stole your hearts?” I asked. My own was beating out of my chest.

  They nodded, before kissing me again. I loved being shared by them.

  “How is this going to w
ork?” I wondered.

  “You don’t shoot your show all year, right?” Colt asked. He didn’t give me a chance to respond. “Even though you’re successful on your own with your career and we’re possessive bastards, we won’t stifle your dreams. But we will make you fire your PR firm. They suck. You won’t be going on any international tours either. No press shit. Just do the job and come home.”

  “To us.”

  “I don’t want that,” I said.

  Micah frowned, tensed.

  “My contract is up for negotiation. I’ll work it so I can live in Montana. With you. I’ll come here and stay with Ann Marie for shooting, but I think the writers can work me out of the show.”

  “But you’re Jane Goodheart and immortal now that you’re a vampire. I say you kill off Kade. He’s an asshole.”

  I stared at Colt wide eyed.

  “What?” he asked. “We watched the show. All of the episodes. We love you, as Lacey and as Jane.”

  “You’re a really good actress,” Micah added. “We can role play anytime you want. I’m thinking sexy librarian.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “I can do that.”

  “Can we get out of here now? There are too many people.”

  I cocked my head to the side at Colt’s question. “Ann Marie and Gabe will give us privacy.”

  He shook his head, kissed the tip of my nose. “No, sugar. Not this house, LA. Your brother-in-law has a plane ready for us. To take you home.”

  “Will you come with us?” Micah asked.

  I didn’t have to think twice. “Yes. Take me home.”



  I didn’t give a shit about money. I had enough to purchase my land and I was patient in building my house. I had simple needs. But I could get used to the private jet. While I had no idea exactly how much money Lacey had, she was certainly a millionaire. I knew, from those damned tabloid magazines, how much she made an episode. Unless she was an idiot with her finances, she didn’t need to work. It wasn’t her money that funded our trip back to Montana, but Gabe. Her brother-in-law was as eager to see Lacey happy as we were.


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