Heat in the Air

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Heat in the Air Page 10

by Serenity Snow

  She came hard, her cries swallowed by the kiss. The air around them was cool with droplets of water. Camille’s hips tilted forward as her orgasm continued to wrack her body.

  “Ty,” she panted out.

  “You feel so good coming around my fingers,” Tylor said stroking her through the last of the storm.

  Camille caressed Tylor’s arm. “Let me take care of you.”

  “I’m good, baby,” she said. “Seeing you so sated pleasures me.”

  “Ty.” She kissed her jaw. “I love the way you get me off.”

  Tylor chuckled. “I can tell. You better try on those pants before we start round two.” She withdrew her fingers slowly, and they both groaned.

  Camille sagged as Tylor left her alone. Goddess, she’d never done this before. What the hell had come over her?

  Sex in a public place twice in one week?

  “Slut,” she muttered under her breath and then giggled.

  For the first time in a long time she was having fun even with the possibility of being attacked, losing her job, and being forced to join a coven she might not want to be a part of.

  She caught her reflection in the mirror and her eyes widened. “Oh, Goddess Divine.” Her hair was not only wavy, it was full black, now.


  This was an unexpected turn. He hadn’t expected the two to be hanging out any more than he’d expected to find them having lunch together today. But he should have guessed something was up when that bitch headmistress had called him into her office to scold him like one of her students this morning.

  They were fucking Sapphic. He should have guessed that of Camille. The pussy-eating slut didn’t even look at the men surrounding her.

  The shots he’d gotten earlier outside Camille’s apartment might not get them fired, but he would get something on camera that would. The board would never allow them to continue to work there around girls.

  Camille emerged finally, and her face held a translucent beauty that drew his brows into a frown. Her black hair—black? She’d died it between the beginning of class and now?

  Even stranger though, the strands seemed to move around her face as if stirred by a wind. He watched, captivated, wanting to get closer.

  She walked up to the headmistress who was looking at some blouses and anger tightened his gut.

  Camille ran her hand up the other woman’s back. It was a caress that should have been his. And then Camille leaned in close to kiss her ear.

  Enraged, he snapped a pic hoping he’d gotten it. He admitted he was a little turned on at the idea of them together, but he deserved Camille. She was perfect for him and he wouldn’t mind her kissing another woman on occasion as long as he took them after they serviced him.

  The headmistress said something to her and Camille smiled softly before moving away to put some items on a rack. He followed her as they headed to the lingerie department where she examined several pieces before an associate came over.

  She selected a few items and smiled when the associate gave her a grin before leading her to the check-out counter.


  She was buying lingerie for a woman to look at? To rip off her?

  Damn her.

  He clenched his fingers tightly on the camera and pain radiated through his hand forcing him to ease his grip. He took a few breaths to calm down, but there was no quieting the anger inside him. It was coal hot and boiling over.

  He’d teach Camille a lesson about snubbing him she’d never forget.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Ready to go?” Tylor asked Camille, who was examining a display near the front of the store.

  Camille gave her a smile. “All set. Let’s grab something to eat? I’m starving.”

  Tylor gave her a grin. “Me, too. What are you in the mood for?”

  “Mmm.” She frowned. “Want to try that vegetarian place?”

  “They have great pizza,” Tylor told her.

  “Oh yeah? Let’s get one.”

  “Fantastic.” Tylor led the way to the Food Court, but she threw a glance around, searching for someone. She could feel him, knew what he was thinking and she wanted to beat him to death for considering wrecking Camille’s career.

  She had survived the games humans play for years and never walked away from any job until she was ready. But maybe it was time for a change. She’d been in education for some time. There were many avenues she could pursue and still be happy.

  Tylor wouldn’t make it easy for him, the board, or Amara, though. She was storm. She didn’t conform or take the path of least resistance like water. She put up a ferocious fight.

  In the Food Court, Camille got in the very short line at Green Mushroom and Tylor moved up behind her as she studied the menu.

  “Peppers, spinach, mushrooms and green olives okay?” Camille murmured.

  Tylor looked at her, her face deep in concentration as she studied the menu still. Camille’s skin glowed gold and her hair was the rich black, the depths of the water.

  The west winds were about productivity and fertility as well as compassion and emotion. In Camille, she saw water’s strength and willingness to conform as water took the shape of its container.

  At the same time, west wind, like water, was dangerously deceptive, could lull its would be victims into a false sense of security before it rolled over them, stealing breath and life.

  Camille snared her stare right then and Tylor saw in those eyes the girl Camille had been a lifetime ago—sweet and innocent at first. But years had jaded her and turned her into a woman willing to fight the darkness and die to protect her child.

  “Drink?” Camille asked.

  “Just water.”

  “I have a better idea,” Camille told her and grinned widely before turning back to the cashier. She ordered two caramel shakes. “You’ll love this.”

  She’d never had one, but decided to defer to Camille. “I’m prepared to be amazed,” she said. And she was prepared to be so much more this time around. Camille had earned that and more.

  The cashier told them the total and Tylor reached for her wallet. “I’ve got it.”

  Camille allowed her to pay. “I’ll get the next one,” she said and Tylor snorted. “What?”

  Tylor handed over a bill and received her change before leaning to whisper in Camille’s ear. “I can afford to pay for a date, baby.”

  Camille smiled and her eyes lit with an inner fire. “So can I.”

  “I have no doubt,” Tylor murmured and kissed her ear.

  Camille held her gaze a moment longer before looking away. “Fine, be that way.”

  Tylor chuckled, lightness in her soul.

  The drinks were handed over and they stepped aside to await their order. Tylor took a sip of the drink finding it thick, rich and creamy. The caramel was delicious with a hint of salt.

  “Wow, this is great.”

  Camille grinned. “Isn’t it?” She took a pull of her shake. “So cool, too.”

  Tylor nodded.

  Their order came up in fifteen minutes and they took it to a table beneath the skylight. Camille provided moist wipes for their hands and they dug in.

  “What would you do if you couldn’t teach?” Tylor asked Camille.

  “I don’t know,” she said with a shrug. “I do have a degree in psychology. I’d probably just use that. I once thought about it, but I wouldn’t work with kids.” She shook her head. “I wouldn’t want to go through this kind of thing over and over.”

  “Go through what?” Tylor asked with a frown.

  “Being accused of improper conduct,” Camille told her. “I’m already thinking about leaving anyway. I went through the same thing with a male student and I—well you know what happened.”

  Camille had almost gone to trial for statutory rape. Having investigated it as thoroughly as she could, Tyler still decided to hire Camille because she’d been cleared and the boy proven a liar. And the board knew it. She hadn’t tried to keep it from them for
fear someone would find out and attempt to use it against Camille later.

  Camille shook her head. “I almost lost everything, my lover dumped me for another woman, and he actually told people I was frigid, as if that was doing me any good. It just made it look like I couldn’t connect with grown men.”

  “Why were you with a man?” Tylor asked curiously.

  “I was afraid of losing my job because I’m a lesbian. We only had sex a few times, and I had to fake it.” She made a sound of self-disgust. “It wasn’t the first time I’d dated a man, but I could never like them sexually or romantically.”

  She’d never been with a man, never wanted to, but Tylor didn’t hold that against Camille.

  “Things won’t go that far,” Tylor assured her and reached across the table to cover her hand.

  Camille swallowed tightly. The echoes of anger past flickered in her gaze. “I’m not allowing anyone to drag me through the mud again.”

  “I would never hurt you like that, Cam,” Tylor said and gave Camille’s hand a squeeze. “You’re already so precious to me that I can’t even consider allowing even this job to come between us.”

  Camille nodded and the clouds vanished from her eyes to be replaced with a ray of sunshine, mischievous and bright. “I didn’t enjoy sex with men, but I would enjoy a dildo, occasionally,” she whispered.

  Tylor laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She didn’t enjoy them inside her, but she had nothing against using a harness and strap-on for a partner.

  She would give Camille anything to make her happy, or almost anything because this time, she wouldn’t let her witch go.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The ride home was a quiet one as both women spent time with their thoughts. Camille was certain she would have to make a choice as far as teaching was concerned. Though she didn’t want to give up a chance to advance in her career, she was bracing for change.

  Accepting it now would make it less of a shock when the time came.

  “What will you do if you have to give up teaching?” Camille asked softly into the silence.

  “I’ve toyed with the idea of opening an occult shop. There aren’t any in the city.”

  “You’re a witch, too?”

  “Yes, though not all aurai are these days,” Tylor told her.

  “Because you blame witches,” she said angrily. “Not all families were involved in hunting aurai.”

  “No, but good witches betrayed us on the notions put into their heads by darkness. We can’t forget that, and many won’t forgive it.”

  “You do?”

  “I accept that not all witches are disloyal,” Tylor replied evenly.

  “But you won’t forgive. That’s why you won’t join a witch’s coven!”

  “It’s hard to let things go when you’re almost killed or those you love are killed, Cam,” she said patiently. “But it is my destiny to work with witches. I accept that, and I’d rather not assume they’re all waiting to backstab me, though I’m sure Amara will if It’s to her benefit.”

  “She can be intentionally dangerous?” Camille murmured.

  “Yes,” Tylor said in agreement. “I trust her to be only what she is and right now with darkness rising, she’s concerned and looking for allies and shields.”

  “She’ll use me as long as she needs me, so why can’t we just get close to her so we can use her contacts to bring down the dark forces?” Camille asked. “I mean I’m sure she wants us, but she doesn’t sound trustworthy enough to throw our eggs into her cart.”

  Tylor smiled. “You have a fine mind, Cam,” she said.

  “Thanks, but I’m just saying what I think is true.”

  “I know,” Tylor admitted. “I am dangerous if crossed, and I’d easily kill Amara and her entire coven and then move on to her family.”

  “If there’s a reason for it, I wouldn’t have a problem with it as long as you don’t kill any young kids.”

  “I’d never promise you that, but you make a good point. The problem is I can’t ally us with her any closer without her insistence on you or both of us joining her coven.”

  “We can leave, can’t we?”

  “Anytime, but it won’t be easy,” Tylor told her. “Amara will attempt to ruin our lives. Are you willing to play dirty with her?”

  “It’s not my area of expertise, but I’ll hold my own.”

  Tylor turned into the driveway of Camille’s apartment. “Good. I don’t like a squeamish woman.”

  “I don’t mind rolling up my sleeves and getting my hands dirty when necessary,” Camille answered as Tylor drew into a parking slot.

  “It’ll serve us well then,” Tylor cut the engine and climbed out.

  Camille got out, too, while Tylor retrieved her bags from the trunk. Then, they walked up to her building, hands brushing.

  “Will you be okay alone?” Tylor asked.

  She’d rather not be alone. She still had the feeling she was being watched, but she could defend herself against even a dark breed.

  “I think so.”

  “If you need me, just think of me, and I’ll hear your thoughts. It won’t take me long to get here,” Tylor told her. “In the meantime, don’t hesitate to wound or kill any intruders.”

  “Now that I know I’m a target, I won’t,” Camille promised.

  “Good.” They stopped in front of Camille’s door and Camille looked up at Tylor.

  “Goodnight,” Camille murmured and reached up to stroke the back of Tylor’s neck. “I had fun.”

  “Me, too,” Tylor said and bent to her and Camille brushed her lips against Tylor’s. If she was ever going to take a risk now was the time.

  “Call me when you get home?” Camille asked. She felt more connected to Tylor every time they touched and an overpowering need to know she was safe swept over her.

  Tylor cupped her cheek. “Telepathically,” she said. “Can you shield?”

  Camille nodded. “Yes, but you seem to pick up my thoughts just fine.”

  “Because we’re connected and I’m stronger than you.” The words were matter of fact rather than arrogant.

  Camille nodded and Tylor straightened. “I’ll try to block you out,” she said with a little laugh. “You don’t need to know everything I’m thinking.”

  Tylor kissed her cheek. “Go inside, Camille, and sleep tight.”

  Camille unlocked her door before taking the bags from Tylor and going inside.

  She closed and locked the door and opened her senses and listened with her entire being searching for signs she wasn’t alone.

  “If I’m not alone in my home, breezes rough and breezes mild make an intruder howl.”

  Blue energy rushed forth from her and ranged around the house. Camille waited until the wind died down.

  Finding herself still alone, she headed to her bedroom with a smile and excitement bubbling inside her.


  The next morning Tylor arrived at work to find a note on her desk. She opened it and scowled at the invitation to Amara’s gathering. She stored it in her desk drawer and sat down to do some paperwork before heading out to walk the school grounds as the fifteen-minute warning bell rang.

  Students were gathered in the quad, laughter and furious signing went hand-in-hand this morning as the teenagers enjoyed the last vestiges of their social time.

  She waved to a few of the students and stopped to talk to others. As Tylor lingered in the quad, Camille strolled through and she turned, picking up the faint hint of water and air. She sensed a bit of irritation and anger.

  “Miss Bay,” she called and strolled over to Camille who was wearing pants today with a blouse.

  Camille stopped, giving her an angry stare. “Hi.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I got an e-mail this morning, and I’m not sure from who,” she said.

  “What was in it?” Tylor asked.

  Camille removed her phone and brought up a file. She opened it to reveal a note. “It came with t
hree pictures of us.”

  “Well, we weren’t having sex,” Tylor murmured. “So we must have been kissing.”

  “Exactly, and the note threatened to send the pictures to the board.”

  “In exchange for what?”

  “Me meeting the sender,” she said.

  “Don’t worry about it, Cam,” Tylor said soothingly. “Go to your classroom.”

  Camille nodded. “I’m sure he’ll contact me again.”

  “Tell him to go to hell,” Tylor replied. “After tonight the board will know anyway. They’ll see us together at the club.”

  “I know, but I’m—it wasn’t just the board. The sender said he’d get Caroline’s parents involved and send them to a newspaper and tell them the school’s covering up inappropriate conduct between me and a student.”

  Tylor nodded. “We’ll deal with it if it happens,” she said and felt eyes on them. “Just go.”

  “Come see me at lunch?”

  “I will.” Tylor agreed. Camille turned and marched to the stairwell and Tylor’s gaze slid around the quad as she attempted to match up the energy she’d felt last night with that of those present.

  Tylor watched him head for the stairs behind Camille and Tylor’s power flared. The wind picked up, blew around the quad briefly before she reined it back in. She started to follow but a couple of students waylaid her.


  “Good morning, Camille,” Trent said as he entered her classroom behind her.

  “Trent,” she said in an irritated tone.

  “Bad night?” he asked. “Did the headmistress not satisfy you? I doubt her fingers were as good as a man’s cock.”

  She went stock still as she faced him, heart pounding as bile tickled her tongue.

  He laughed and it grated on her nerves along with that smug expression on his face.

  “I came by your place to see if I could—”

  “You came to my house?” she exclaimed. “If you don’t stop following me, I’m going to the police.”


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