Best Friend’s Li’l Sis

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Best Friend’s Li’l Sis Page 2

by Kaylee, Katy

  Taylor reached across and touched Amber’s hand. “I’m going to miss you. We’re all going to miss you. Your brother will be lost and Logan will be sad, too. Everyone loves you.”

  Amber blushed. “I’ll miss you guys too… actually… never mind.”

  Taylor lifted an eyebrow. “Uh, no. What were you going to say?”

  Amber put down her sandwich and wiped her hands. “It’s just something weird that happened last night, but I don’t want to blow it out of proportion.”

  Taylor leaned forward excitedly. “Oh my God. Tell me, what is it?”

  Amber took in a deep breath. “So last night, or this morning, really, Logan came in at like three AM completely plastered. He rounded the corner and almost fell right over me. I took him into the kitchen, made him a sandwich, got him some water, and we talked. It was just normal conversation, nothing crazy. My brother had gone off with some girl for the night.”

  Taylor scoffed. “Of course.”

  Amber giggled. “Anyway, I went to put the sandwich stuff in the refrigerator and the next thing I know, I feel Logan’s hands around my waist. He was telling me about how sexy I was, how he dreams about me and so on.”

  Taylor’s mouth dropped wide open. “Oh my God! What did you do? Did you kiss him? Tell me you kissed him.”

  Amber wrinkled her nose. “No! He could barely even stand up straight. Honestly, I think it was the alcohol talking. He was confused, I was in my pajamas, and he didn’t know what he was saying. I gracefully pushed him back and told him he was drunk and that we would laugh about it later.”

  Taylor put on knowing face. “Girl, you are crazy. I have seen the way that Logan looks at you. It started like his junior year in college. You went through a crazy growth spurt, your tits got huge and you became this curvy goddess. Every time you walk by him he sneaks a glance. I think it was the alcohol too, but only the fact that it lowered his inhibitions enough to tell you the truth. The dude totally wants you in the worst way.”

  Amber rested her face on her hand again. “You think? No. No that is not true. He thinks of me as a little sister.”

  Taylor shook her head. “No, he doesn’t. He thinks of you as a beautiful woman that he shared a house with during those tough years in his life. He thinks of you as family but the friend kind of family, not the platonic kind of family. I totally think you should hit that before you leave.”

  Amber giggled again, shaking her head. “Hit that? You lose your virginity and all of a sudden you are talking like Lil’ Kim? I am not going to hit that or anything else that goes along those lines of vocabulary. Besides, I don’t think you’re right. I think you are creating it in your head because you want me to find a man.”

  Taylor shrugged. “I want you to be happy, whatever that means. And I didn’t make it up, I just didn’t say anything until now because I didn’t want you to feel weird around him in your own house.”

  “I wouldn’t, and I don’t, because I don’t think it’s true,” Amber said resolutely.

  Taylor put down her fork, a dreamy look coming into her eyes. “It was like a dream come true for you though, wasn’t it? Don’t think I have forgotten the crush that you’ve had on that boy since he came to stay at your house.”

  Amber could feel the heat in her chest all over again. “I know. It was a school girl crush, that’s all.”

  “It was fun, though. Remember how we used to sit up and giggle about him all night and then try to catch glimpses of him from the pool? He was always so cool with your brother, never showing a vulnerable side.” Taylor wiggled her eyebrows.

  Amber threw her napkin at Taylor. “Stop. Yes, I had a huge crush on him, up until, well…”

  Taylor pointed her finger at her. “I knew it! You still have a crush on him. Oh my God, you have to act on this. It’s not weird now, because you are both out of school, and you are leaving, so if it does get weird you can vanish. Of course, you would have to hide it from your brother.”

  Amber lifted her shoulders wearily. “He would castrate him on the kitchen counter. Jordan is more protective of me than my own father is. No one is good enough for me, not even his best friend in the whole world.”

  Amber realized what she was saying and shook her head back and forth. “Doesn’t matter anyway, because it’s not going to happen. He’s probably already brooding over what he said, if he remembers. He will avoid me for several days and then act like nothing ever happened. Trust me, he is not really interested in me, and I’m not going to suck myself off into some fantasy land where my feelings are going to get hurt.”

  Taylor pouted. “Fine, but if anything else happens, you have to tell me immediately. I must know everything that is going on this summer, because once you leave for Yale and make your smart friends, I will be a memory in the past.”

  “You are ridiculous, I will never just forget about you. And as far as Logan is concerned, I can promise you your phone will be staying silent.”

  Taylor changed the subject to a wedding she had to go to in a week, but Amber’s mind lingered on Logan. She couldn’t help but wonder if there was any bit of truth in what Taylor said. She couldn’t deny that ever since that morning she couldn’t get his hands on her body off her mind. He was starting to infiltrate every thought she had, and that was exactly what she didn’t want to happen.


  Logan sat in his room with the television on, every now and then glancing at the hall to see if Amber had come home yet from shopping with her mom. She had been on his mind ever since the morning before, and he couldn’t just act like nothing at all had happened. The truth was, part of him didn’t regret saying what he said at all; it had been a truth that had been boiling in his belly for a long time. The manner in which he said it, he had to admit, was probably not the best. On top of that, he didn’t want things to be weird between them; they were the only family he really had.

  The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs caught his attention and he shifted on the bed, trying to look nonchalant. He watched from the corner of his eye as Amber passed by his room, toting several shopping bags. She was dressed in a long flowing sundress and her brown hair wisped around her as she walked. A tingle of nerves and heat blew through his belly, but he pushed it back, knowing he had to try to smooth things over.

  He sat up in his bed and muted the television, giving Amber a few moments to situate her things. Slowly, he made his way out of the bedroom and down the hall to her open door. He leaned against the doorframe and put one hand in his pocket, watching as she pulled the clothes out of the shopping bags and held them up to herself in her long mirror. He smiled as her eyes shifted up in the reflection, seeing him standing behind her. Her cheeks grew red and she folded the dress over in her hands, turning around.

  “That’s nice, is that for school in the fall?” Logan asked.

  Amber shrugged, walking to the bed and laying it down. “Not sure. Mom just was on one of her shopping kicks, so I went along with it.”

  “It’s pretty. You’ll look nice in it,” Logan replied.

  Amber didn’t say anything, just grinned and looked down. Logan took a deep breath and walked a few steps into the room. “Look, I want to apologize for what I said the other morning. I was drunk… well, that’s not an excuse. I don’t want things to be awkward between the two of us.”

  Amber put up her hands and smiled. “No need to apologize. We all have our moments. We’re good.”

  Logan looked at her suspiciously. “Come on, let me take you to dinner. It’s an ‘I’m sorry’ and a ‘happy graduation’ dinner all in one.”

  Amber paused for a moment and then nodded her head. “I’d like that. Let me just freshen up and I’ll meet you downstairs, okay?”

  Logan nodded and walked to the door, tapping the doorframe as he left. A smile spread across his lips as he hit the hallway, knowing that he was lying, he did feel that way about her. Still, he had to keep his cool. She was important to him, and he couldn’t let the confessions of a drunk man r
uin that for him.

  He headed downstairs and waited in the entrance way, looking around at all the pictures of them as a family on the walls. The sound of Amber’s footsteps grabbed his attention, and he looked up to see her coming down the stairs in the dress she had been holding in front of herself at the mirror. The front was loose and flowing, cascading down to the floor. As she turned on the staircase he could see that her back was completely exposed. The mauve color and the sheer light fabric complemented her light skin and dark features perfectly. He had to push away the sparks shooting through his chest.

  He put out his arm and she took it. “Shall we?”

  He led her out to his Jeep, parked out front, and closed the passenger door for her. He jumped into the driver’s seat, and they headed out like they had so many times before. This time, though, was different. It was quiet, but not in an awkward way. He cruised through LA to the beaches just outside of the city. There was a restaurant there that he knew she loved.

  “You know everything I like, don’t you?” she laughed.

  Logan shrugged. “I pay attention from time to time.”

  The two went inside and sat down at a table. Logan ordered a soda and Amber lifted an eyebrow. “No alcohol this evening?”

  Logan chuckled. “Figured I had enough alcohol the other night for a little while. I don’t want to mess up dinner with my drunken rambling.”

  Amber laughed. Immediately the conversation turned to school, his ideas for business, and everything in between. They talked as if nothing had happened, and it was one of the best conversations Logan could remember ever having with her. He couldn’t help but be caught off guard by how lively and beautiful she was, sitting in the restaurant, excitedly talking about her future. Her laugh was absolutely intoxicating to him.

  Before he knew it, the time had flown by and they were nearly the last people inside the restaurant. “We should probably get out of these people’s hair.”

  Amber pouted. “I was having so much fun.”

  Logan put his card in the bill holder and handed it to the waitress. “Then let’s not let it end. I know a secret spot on the beach where we can go and sit. There should be a blanket in the back of my Jeep to sit on.”

  Amber smiled at the waitress as she returned. “That sounds perfect. I haven’t spent enough time at the beach lately, anyway.”

  Logan signed the receipt and closed the bill holder, pushing back his chair. “Good. Let’s go, then.”

  They walked out of the restaurant and grabbed the blanket from the back of the Jeep. The restaurant was on the beach already, and it was only about a ten-minute walk to the secluded area he had found years before. Logan held Amber’s hand lightly as she took off her sandals and stepped out into the cool sand. He let go of her even though he didn’t want to, and they quietly strode down the beach.

  “Aren’t you going to miss all of this at Yale?” Logan asked.

  Amber nodded. “Of course I am. I’m going to miss the weather, the beach, my family, but I’ve worked so hard to go there. There really is nothing other than moving jitters to hold me here. It’s not like I won’t be back. Hopefully when college is over I can find a job out here, and can be close to family and friends. How about you?”

  “I don’t see myself going anywhere soon. I mean, there’s an internship on the East Coast, but I don’t think I am going to get it. I got my stuff in late for it.”

  Amber swiped her hand across his arm. “You don’t know that. Be positive.”

  Logan chuckled. “You’re always so happy, except during test time. We all stay away during those times. We don’t want to get caught in the cross fire.”

  Amber gasped and slapped him on the arm, both of them laughing. “I guess my whole life was getting into Yale up to this point.”

  Logan looked over at her as they walked. “And now?”

  Amber shook her head and squeezed her shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess surviving Yale will be my next adventure.”

  Logan stopped and reached out his hand. “Up over these rocks is our next stop.”

  Amber climbed the rock wall and jumped down into a small alcove of beach, secluded from the rest of the world. All around them were high towering cliffs, and the rock wall kept the rest of the view closed. “How did you find this place?”

  Logan put down the blanket. “I came across it in high school, when I used to come out and just walk. During high tide it’s almost all underwater.”

  Amber sat down at the end of the blanket, her feet digging into the sand. “It’s perfect.”

  Logan couldn’t help but think the same thing, but instead of looking at the beach, his eyes were fixed on Amber. He took a seat next to her and pulled his knees to his chest, his feet in the sand. They sat quietly looking out over the water, watching the waves lap the shore. Amber playfully kicked sand at his feet and he returned it. Back and forth they flirted, tossing sand at each other. Amber laughed loudly as she grabbed a handful and lunged toward him.

  Logan grabbed her hand and they began to wrestle, rolling until he was on top of her, looking down into her eyes. Her hand loosened, and she stared up at him as he gazed down. The passion between them was almost instantaneous, and neither of them could hold back. Logan leaned down and pressed his mouth against hers, tasting the sweetness on her lips. She pulled her hands up and pushed her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer.

  He tilted his head to the side and ran his tongue over her lips, parting them wide and feeling the front of her teeth. He explored her mouth with his, their bodies pressed hard against each other. She pulled her legs apart and lifted them up, wrapping them around his waist. He could feel his cock growing hard and wild inside his pants and he pressed it against her, gently rubbing downward. She gasped slightly, their mouths still locked, and tilted her hips up.

  The throws of passion that they were in were like a vortex, sucking them further and further into each other. Logan was having a hard time catching his breath, wanting nothing more than to rip off her dress and have his way with her. She was so sexy, and her body moved like the waves of the ocean behind him. It was erotic, forbidden, but there was no way that he could give up the opportunity. She was one of the most exciting and beautiful girls he had ever seen, and she was definitely the one he wanted to spend the night with on the beach.

  Heat pushed through Logan’s body, making every part of him pulsate with anticipation. At the same time, though, Amber’s soft skin and warm touch gave him a slight bit of apprehension. He was running head first into something that he had started out the night to apologize for. Apparently, no apology was needed.

  Suddenly, Logan pulled his face from hers, moving a piece of hair from her cheek. He looked at her for several moments, trying to read through the passion on her face. “Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, I know it’s sudden and I know that we are basically family. I just don’t…”

  Amber put her fingers up to his lips shushing him. “I’m sure. I’ve wanted to do this for a very long time. What you said the other night was something I had dreamt I would hear from you. And this… this is perfect.”

  Logan smiled and leaned down, gently kissing her lips. “Good, I feel the same exact way.”

  Amber’s face dropped slightly, and Logan tilted his head. “What is it?”

  She took in a deep breath. “It’s my first time.”

  He kissed her softly again and leaned down, whispering in her ear. “It’s okay. We’ll explore this together. I will be more than gentle.”

  Amber lifted her face up and kissed Logan’s lips, pulling him back down with her. Logan had never remembered a moment in time where he had to control himself more, but feeling Amber’s sensual curves beneath him, he wouldn’t screw that moment up for the world.


  Amber’s heart raced as Logan’s lips moved down her neck. His hands reached around her and untied the straps to her dress. Her breath was rapid, and the electricity shooting from her stomach to her chest made her
unable to speak. She closed her eyes as he gently rolled her dress down her sides to her waist, leaning down and sucking her nipple into his mouth. His tongue flicked against it, making it hard and tense, erotic sensations shooting all over her.

  Logan leaned down and whispered into her ear. “You are so beautiful.”

  She gasped feeling his hot breath roll down her neck. He moved to the side, but continued to keep contact. His hand moved up and pulled her dress down her body, his lips moving down with it. She gripped the blanket as he pulled the dress from her body and set it to the side. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to the outside of her panties, breathing warm air over her mound. It was more than erotic; it was arousing in ways that she had never imagined before.

  He moved his head back up to hers and kissed her deeply as his fingers caressed the edges of her satin panties. With about hesitation, he slipped his fingers beneath the soft fabric and rubbed them through the folds of her wet pussy. She spread her knees apart and moaned softly as he rubbed gentle circles around her clit. Carefully he moved down through her juices and pushed a finger inside of her. She arched her back and groaned, feeling the heat that her body was giving off. Slowly, he pushed his finger in and out of her, sending shock waves through her and into her stomach.

  The tension was building with every stroke. Carefully, he pulled her panties off and moved down her body, crawling between her thighs. She took a deep breath as his head lowered and the softness of his lips touched her wetness. He pushed his finger back inside of her and spread her apart with his other hand. He licked her up and back, circling his tongue around her clit. She moaned louder, reaching down and wrapping her hands into his hair. His face began to move faster, swaying his lips from side to side, deep in her pulsing mound.

  His fingers moved, pushing a second inside of her. He twisted them slowly as he fingered her, his tongue still ravaging her flesh. She wiggled and groaned, picking up her head, and then letting it fall back down. Every movement of his lips was like heaven, bringing her closer to that climax she already ached to find. He lifted his head and looked her straight in the eye as he fingered her faster and harder. She spread wider and reached up, grabbing his face and pulling him toward her.


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