Knights' Sinner

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Knights' Sinner Page 8

by Bella Jewel

  “Feel fuckin’ guilty movin’,” he murmurs.

  I take a deep breath, and jerk my hips again. A ragged groan escapes his lips.

  “Stop doin’ that baby, I’ll come so fuckin’ hard we won’t get anywhere.”

  It feels nice for him? Even though he’s not moving?

  “Y-y-you like it?”

  He lifts his head, giving me a confused look. “Are you fuckin’ kidding? You’re so fuckin’ tight your squeezing my cock, milking it even though I’m not moving. I want to come so bad, it’s taking everything for me to hold it back.”

  That’s enough for me, in a husky voice, I rasp, “Move, Jackson.”

  He doesn’t argue, gently he pulls back, before slowly pushing back in. It hurts, a lot, but the second time he does it; the pain eases just a touch. By the fifth thrust, I’m clinging to him, enjoying the little sensations rocking through my body. It’s not enough to come, I know that, but it feels nice. I feel full, overwhelmed by the body moving in and out of mine, but mostly I am tingling all over at the soft sounds of him enjoying my body.

  “Fuck, darlin’, I ain’t never felt the need to come so hard...”

  I whimper. “Please do, oh...please.”

  Call me crazy, but the idea of watching a man come just using my body, is enough to make it come alive. Right now every nerve ending is on full alert, and my eyes are glued to Jackson’s face. His jaw is tight, his eyes a little hazy, and his skin is glistening just beautifully. His hard body is moving over mine, not fast, not slow, but the perfect in between. He’s no longer hurting me.

  “Going,” he grinds out. “Baby now.”

  He lets out a puff of air, followed by a ragged groan, before I quite literally feel him pumping inside of me. His body shakes, and his eyes glaze over with pleasure as he jerks his hips gently, using my body to milk every, last drop from his body. When he stops shuddering, and those gorgeous little noises stop leaving his mouth, he drops his head into my shoulder. I let my fingers find his back, and I slide them up and down his sweat slickened skin.

  He lifts himself off me after a moment, and I feel the dull ache between my legs when he’s no longer there. I shift and a bolt of pain shoots up into my pelvis. I groan, and Jackson stops what he’s doing and stares down at me, a look of concern flooding his features.

  “You hurtin’?”

  I nod. “Yeah.”

  “Hang there, ok?”

  He turns and walks into his bathroom. A moment later he comes back out, jeans pulled up, and a washcloth in hand. He drops onto the bed beside me.


  “What?” I gasp.

  “Your legs darlin’, open them.”

  “, it’s ok...”




  I glare at him. “I can clean myself.”

  “You’re bleeding, baby, open them.”

  “I am?” I say, staring down at my thighs. Sure enough, a light smear of blood covers my left one. God, that’s so wrong.

  “Oh...oh god!” I wail, covering my face.

  Jackson snorts. “You women, ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed about. You had one crappy sexual experience, that was years ago, so basically that was like your first time. It’s normal. Men are allowed to help. Stop arguing and let me.”

  He grips my thighs and gently parts them, before placing the warm washcloth there. It is soothing, I can’t deny that. He gently cleans me up, and then goes and tosses the cloth into a nearby basket. I sit, and painfully slide to the end of the bed.

  “What you doin’?” he asks, stopping in front of me.

  “I’m going to go back to my room; I know you probably don’t want me here and...”

  “Lie down, Serenity.”

  I gape up at him. “Pardon?”

  He points to the bed. “Lie down.”


  “You think I’m that much of an ass, that I would fuck a woman, and then send her on her way?”

  He looks offended, great.

  “Well no, but...”

  “Then lie the fuck down, let me come in there and press that sweet little body against mine, maybe make love to you again, and then go to sleep.”

  My eyes widen. “You want to do it again?”

  He grins, dropping his jeans and climbing into the bed. “Numerous times, darlin’.”

  He grips my shoulders, pulling me down into his arms. He’s warm, hard, and all man. He smells like sex, crossed with that Jackson smell that’s all his own. I snuggle into him, placing a hand on his chest and feeling the bulges of his abs beneath my palms. For a man of his age, he’s very well built.

  “Were you for real when you said the first time you had sex, the man only got two pumps in?”

  I chuckle softly. “Yeah.”

  “Young men, they’re all pussies.”

  I giggle now. “And old men are so much better?”

  “You just scream my name?”


  He laughs, loud and boisterous. “Touche!”

  I smile, and tuck myself further into him. “I don’t know what this is, Jackson, I don’t even know why I am attracted to you, but I am.”

  “Yeah,” he says, his voice deep and husky. “I know.”

  “But I don’t expect anything from you, I don’t...”

  “I know you don’t.”

  “Not that I’d say no to more...”

  He laughs again. “Easy does it, you don’t want to break that pixie body.”

  “I do not have a pixie body,” I protest.

  He begins drawing circles on my back. “Yeah, you do.”

  “Ok, so I have pathetic little breasts...”

  “They are not pathetic, they’re fuckin’ sweet.”

  “Well it’s my ass then.”

  “No way in hell it’s your ass.”

  I huff. “Then what is it?”

  “It’s just the whole package. You’re tiny, like a fairy. Everything about you is petite and tiny. You’ve got this gorgeous tiny body, a pretty little face, and sometimes it looks like you’re all hair.”

  “Hey, I like my hair.”

  He wraps his fingers in it, and tugs. “Me too.”

  I yawn, and tuck myself further into him.

  “Sleep pixie.”

  I laugh softly. “Is that going to stick?”

  He pulls me closer, and reaches across to flick off the light.

  “Oh yeah.”

  I find myself drifting, and for the first time in my life.

  It’s with a smile on my face.

  ~*CHAPTER 10*~


  I wake during the night to a hard, hot body pressed against my back. My body wakes instantly when I realize where I am. I am in Jackson’s bed. Oh god, I’m in Jackson’s bed. My heart flutters, and my stomach does a somersault. I move gently, only to have Jackson tighten his grip, and jerk his hips into my ass. Oh, he’s hard. Evening wood? Or just a dream? He rubs his cock up and down my backside, and I know he’s fully awake.

  “Were you going?” he murmurs against my back.

  “Actually,” I whisper. “I need to pee.”

  He chuckles, and lets me go. “Sorry.”

  I giggle. “It’s ok, it’s not every day you wake up with a sexy man pressed against you, ready for action.”

  “You might have to do all the work, it’s too late.”

  I grunt, and roll, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I stomp quietly into the bathroom, and flick on the light. I do what I have to do, peer at myself in the mirror and cringe at my hair, then I walk back out. I’m about to climb back into the bed, when I hear Addison screaming downstairs. Jackson groans and sits up.

  “Fuckin’ seriously?” he grumbles.

  “Fuck you, Cade! I don’t want to hear it!” Addi screams.

  My body tingles, shit, I’m in Jackson’s room. In his bed. How is that going to look if Addison finds me here? What the hell am I doing
? I lean down, scurrying about to find something to wear, only to realize I left my dress downstairs. Oh. My. God. Groaning, I pick up one of Jackson’s shirts instead. He’s so tall it goes nearly to my knees, so I give up on trying to find bottoms. Screw the panties.

  “Jesus, sugar, stop bein’ so over dramatic about it!” Cade yells.

  “Oh fuck off!” Addison throws back.

  I sigh. Great. Jackson grumbles something, and climbs out of the bed.

  “I should go back to my room.”

  He doesn’t answer. I don’t know if it’s because he’s not listening, or if he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings by telling me to leave. I walk to the door, and open it quietly, before tiptoeing down the hall to my room. I close the door as soon as I get in, leaning against it, and listening a while. I hear Jackson go downstairs, and start barking orders at Cade. I hear protesting from Addison, and then I hear the front door slam. I hear light murmuring after that, which is Jackson soothing Addison.

  My heart burns.

  What game am I playing at?

  I push off the door, just as my phone rings. Who the hell is ringing me so late? I dig though my purse until I find it, and then I put it to my ear, not checking the caller I.D.


  “The fuck have you been?” Hogan barks down the line.

  I feel my entire body stiffen, and I quickly scurry towards the window and lower my voice.

  “I forgot to charge my phone.”

  “How many fuckin’ times do I need to pull you into line, Serenity? You are fuckin’ wastin’ my time, and I’ll pull you out soon if you don’t start delivering.”

  Panic washes through me. If he pulls me out, then I can’t protect the club and they’ll get hurt. I have to think quick.

  “I have information,” I lie. “I was just making sure it was correct before I gave it to you.”

  “You bring something good to me tomorrow, or I’m fuckin’ takin’ you out. You’re a fuckin’ waste of space, you know that?”

  Of course I knew that. He told me daily when I was a child.

  “I...I know.”

  “Useless fuckin’ woman. I ring, you answer the fuckin’ phone. Don’t? I’ll fuckin’ make sure you don’t disobey me again.”

  I shudder, and tears leak out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

  “I got it,” I rasp.

  “Tomorrow, you better have something good. Don’t make me hurt the kid. ‘Coz I fuckin’ will.”

  Then he hangs up. Everything I felt in the last few hours goes rushing down the drain. I’m playing with fire, and I’m sure to get burned. There’s no way around it. Someone is going to get hurt. Someone I love.


  I hear Jackson knocking at my door, and I can’t bring myself to move to answer it. He doesn’t deserve this. He deserves better. I shouldn’t be doing this to him. I see the door crack open, and he steps in, wearing only a pair of black jeans. I cry harder. God dammit. Why does he have to be so fucking perfect? Why couldn’t I have met him on a normal day? He would have saved me. I have no doubt about it. Why does it have to be like this?

  “What?” he says, confused.

  He walks in, stopping in front of me, staring down at me with a concerned expression. “You hurtin’?”

  “No, but...Jackson, we can’t do that again.”

  He looks confused. God, I’m such an awful person. He doesn’t understand why I’m acting like a crazy person. Wanting him. Not wanting him.

  “Why not?” he asks, kneeling down so he’s at my level.

  “Because, it’s wrong, and we shouldn’t do it.”

  “That really what you want?” he murmurs.

  “Yes, I don’t want this.”

  “Baby, you’re lyin’. What happened?”

  “I just don’t want it!” I cry, glaring at him. “Ok?”

  He shakes his head. “If I believed you, I would walk away, but I don’t. I don’t fuckin’ believe you.”

  “Jackson!” I rasp. “Stop.”

  He shakes his head, leaning forward and wrapping his arms around me, lifting me up and turning until he reaches my bed. He lays me down on it, bringing his hard body over mine.

  “I ain’t done, and I know you ain’t either,” he says, his lips sliding over my shoulder. “Until we are, we ain’t havin’ regrets.”

  “I’m too young, you can do better and...”



  “Shut up.”

  “Please,” I whimper as his lips slide down and he tugs the shirt out of the way, capturing my nipple in his mouth. “Jackson, god...”

  “I ain’t walkin’ away yet, at least not until I make you come for me.”


  “Goin’ to do that right now. Goin’ to make you come until you’re screamin’ my name.”

  “I’m no good, you’re better off without me...I’m trash, it’s all I’ve ever been to anyone...”

  “One person’s trash,” he murmurs, sliding his tongue over my nipple. “Is another person’s treasure.”

  “F-f-f-fuck you,” I rasp.

  He chuckles against my skin. “So feisty when you’re desperate.”

  “Just listen to me...” I protest, squirming.



  He lifts his head from my nipple, pinning me with his green gaze. “You want to come again?”

  “No!” I snap, but my body shudders.

  “Lie. You want my cock inside you again?”


  “Another lie. You want my mouth on that sweet little pussy?”

  “I hate you,” I whisper.

  “Another lie.”

  He grips my chin, and brings his mouth down over mine. Dammit, why does he have to taste so good? Why does he have to make it so hard for me to push him away? All I want to do is take his body in mine and never, ever let it go. I want him inside me as many times as I can possibly have him.

  I’m being selfish. But I can’t turn away. I can’t think of anything else but him when he’s over me like this, his body pressed against mine. I might be inexperienced, but I’m still a female with hormones, and my body is aching for him. I want him. Hard. Fast. All over me.

  “You want the truth?” I rasp, arching up as his fingers slide down my belly.


  “Right now, in this moment...I want you to fuck me.”

  He lifts his head and raises his brows. “Fuck you?”

  “Fuck me. Dirty. Raw. Primal. I want you to fuck me.”

  “Jesus,” he growls.

  “Now, Jackson.”

  “Bossy pixie,” he grins, leaning down and finding my hard nipple again.


  “Back to begging, you know I like that.”

  I mewl, and grip his jeans, tugging at them.

  “Hey,” he says, gripping my hands and moving them. “You want fucking, I’ll fuck you darlin’. I’ll fuck you so hard you will forget how to breathe, but we do it my way. You want it raw, I’ll give it to you raw. You want it primal, that’s how it comes. Fucking ain’t slow and passionate. It’s hard and sweaty. So, if you’re sure, I’m goin’ to fuck you right about now.”

  I bite my lip, and nod. He grins, and drops his head, capturing my lips again and kissing me so hard it takes my breath away. His tongue is hard, sexy and forceful. His body is flush against mine, and I can feel every, hard bit of him. He kisses me until we’re in a frenzy, just the way fucking should be. He kisses me until I’m clinging to him, tugging at his jeans. He kisses me until my shirt is in shreds on the floor, and he’s spreading my legs, both of us desperate and panting.

  I forget where I am. I forget who I am.

  All I know right now is him. I’m not even thinking about it. I just do it. I spread my legs, dragging my nails down his back. He grips my thigh, his fingers digging into my skin as he lifts it up over his hips. Then he’s inside me. A ragged scr
eam leaves my throat, as I feel a moment of burning, raw pain. He slides his cock out, before pushing it back in. My ragged scream turns to a desperate whimper, and I reach down, gripping his ass and tilting my hips up. I want it harder. Faster. Deeper. I don’t know why. I don’t care why. Screw the pain.

  “Harder,” I moan.

  He gives it harder. His hips pump in and out of me with such force our skin slaps together, the bed creaks, and our groans blend together to make a sound of pure, primal satisfaction. He reaches between us, and finds my clit. He flicks and rolls it, while picking up the pace and slamming into my raw body as hard as he can. My screaming has turned ragged, and my voice is hoarse.

  “You’re goin’ to come,” he rasps into my ear.

  And I am. I can feel it building deep inside me. I can feel myself tightening around him. I can feel my hips arching upwards almost painfully as my body tenses for that release I know is coming. Jackson flicks my clit once more, at the same time his cock slides over my G-spot, and I come. I’ve heard the moment is mind blowing, but that doesn’t even begin to describe it. For a moment, I’m almost sure I pass out. I know I’m screaming, I know I’m thrashing, but my mind feels like it’s spinning, and I’m not there with it.

  I hear Jackson’s growl.

  I feel him pull out of me quickly.

  Then I feel his hot come spurting over my belly.

  It takes me a moment to realize...

  We didn’t use a condom.




  I can hear her soft, steady breathing. The sun shines through the window, and I groan, shifting carefully to try and avoid waking her. I peer down at her sleeping form beside me, and my heart does something it hasn’t done for many years, it stammers. Fuck. Am I falling this hard for a girl younger than me, who I don’t even know? Yeah, I fucking am. I let my eyes travel over her, and it takes everything inside me not to reach out and touch her.

  Dark hair cascading out over the pillow, a tiny body that’s so fragile I feel like I’m going to break it each and every time I lay my hands on her. Those big, red lips are parted in slumber, and she’s breathing deeply. The white sheet just covers what I know are tiny, perky breasts. I watch as she groans, and rolls, her hands reaching out for me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I move closer, letting her fingers slide over my skin. Then her eyes flutter open.


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