The Remix (The Hollywood Twins #2)

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The Remix (The Hollywood Twins #2) Page 2

by Amanda White

  "Are you leaving without me?" he asked in a breathy tone as he stepped up behind her. Hanna shivered at the effect his voice had on her entire body. It was deep and casual, with a strong but patient quality.

  "Absolutely not," she replied and turned to face him. He had been waiting for her, and now that most of the staff was gone, he was not afraid to make his intentions even clearer.

  "I hope not," he said as he moved closer to her and laid his hands lightly on her hips. "Or I would be very disappointed."

  Hanna raised her eyebrow and smirked. "Well, we can't have that," she said sweetly.

  "No, we certainly can't," he replied and in the next moment his lips were caressing hers, engaging her in a heavy kiss that left her heart racing. He was certainly a confident kisser, perhaps his nickname of G-spot was warranted.

  "My place," she offered, completely ignoring the fact that poor Rachel would likely be sleeping.

  "Sure," he agreed and kissed her once more as they walked out into the parking lot.

  Chapter 3

  When they arrived at the apartment Hanna was eager to get her hands on Tony. He had kept her on the edge all night with his secretive looks and his intentional gazes at certain areas of her body. She unlocked the door as he walked up behind her and they stepped into the apartment.

  “Nice place,” Tony said casually as he glanced around at the tiny living room. Even though it was small, they had done a good job of decorating it, and it was still a welcoming environment. “You live here alone?” he asked as Hanna headed for the fridge to get them some water.

  “With my sister,” she replied and pointed to Rachel's closed bedroom door.

  “Oh,” Tony nodded, feeling a little awkward that there was someone else in the apartment. But when Hanna locked her eyes on his, he didn't care if there was a whole parade in the next room, he knew what he wanted. She offered him a bottle of water.

  “You're going to need it,” she grinned and pranced confidently into her bedroom. Tony cracked open the bottle and took a long swallow as he followed after her. Hanna was not like any woman he had met before. She knew what she wanted and she was not afraid to ask for it.

  “Just give me a minute,” she requested as she headed into the bathroom. Tony nodded and began to pull back the comforter on the bed. He had already shed his jacket and shirt by the time she came back into the room. Tony would never have thought she could look sexier than the skimpy outfit she had been wearing at the club but when she stepped out of the bathroom wearing lacy black lingerie, he could barely take a breath.

  “Wow,” he managed to say as she leaned against the doorway of the bathroom and smiled seductively. “You are amazing,” he said without meaning to. It just slipped out before he could stop it. He usually played it very cool with the women he dated, laid back and distant, but Hanna made him feel like a nervous schoolboy that had never even touched a woman before.

  “Thanks,” Hanna grinned as she walked toward him. “You're not so bad yourself,” she eyed his muscular chest. He was slender with just enough build for everything she touched to be firm. He was just her style with a narrow waist and strong shoulders. When her fingertips began to explore his bare chest and her lips turned upward toward his, he was there to greet her with an eager kiss. Her hands slid to the buckle of his belt, releasing it as he continued to kiss her and his hands slowly curved around her lower back.

  There was no need for niceties when they both knew exactly what they had been longing for all night. When they broke their kiss briefly, Hanna's lips sought out the curve of his neck and the tenderness of his earlobe.

  "Mm," he muttered as his hands drew upward along her back and over her shoulders. Her hands had slipped beyond the waistline of his pants and she could tell that he was more than ready to go.

  "Wait," she gasped out breathlessly and pulled away from him.

  "What?" Tony asked with a frown. He hoped he had not done something to turn her off.

  "Just," she smiled nervously. "Would you mind if we put on some music?" she asked.

  "Of course," Tony nodded and while Hanna set up the song, he discarded what remained of his clothes. By the time she turned back around he was completely naked before her, and she offered a short gasp at how perfect his body was. His hips had that lovely slope that led right down to his quite rigid expression of arousal.

  "Come here," he instructed as he held one hand out to her and the music began to fill the room. It was the mix she had made of Kimberly Cole's song. Its throbbing rhythm filled the room, and seemed to be in time with the desire that Hanna felt. She looked deeply into his eyes as he drew her firmly against his body.

  "Let me show you how I got my nickname," he said smoothly as his hands ran down along the curves of her sides and back up again.

  "Please do," Hanna breathed and pushed her lips up against his. She kissed him firmly until his knees buckled against the edge of the bed and they both fell down onto the soft mattress. Tony focused his attention on releasing the satiny ribbons that held the lacy garment she wore together until it could easily be brushed away. Although the music was pumping loudly, the first wail of pleasure that escaped Hanna rose far above it.

  Tony moaned as he entered her and the entire room became filled with the intensity of their passion for one another. Hanna's fingernails found his back, and her lips sought out every patch of skin she could kiss and suckle. It had been a long time since she had been teased for an entire evening before she was finally able to get her reward.

  Tony was as skilled as he claimed and the motions of his hips and eagerness of his mouth to savor and ravage her breasts alternatively, was more than Hanna could stand. She was moaning so loudly that she could no longer hear the song.

  Tony was just as vocal as he was enjoying the amazing sensation of being inside of her. The bed even added in its approval by creaking and banging against the wall that it shared with Rachel's bedroom.

  By the time the two achieved the euphoria they were looking for, their moans had nearly become screams.

  Rachel rolled over in her bed, with Kyle's arm still strewn across her back. She sighed as she heard the wild sounds. The music was one thing and the moaning she could mostly ignore and go back to sleep. But the combination of wails, and the banging of the bed was more than she could take. She slammed her fist hard against the wall, pounding to make sure she was loud enough to be heard.

  "Huh? What is it?" Kyle asked as he lifted his head halfway off the pillow.

  "Hanna," Rachel muttered and banged harder on the wall.

  Hanna was still completely wrapped up in Tony's arms. He was drawing in heavy breaths as he glanced at the pounding wall.

  "Uh oh, we're in trouble," he grinned as he stared down at Hanna.

  Hanna smiled and shrugged as she reached upward for his lips once more. "Nothing I'm not used to."

  Chapter 4

  The next morning Rachel was in the kitchen starting some coffee for her and Kyle. She did not expect that Hanna would be up to share it. However, when Hanna heard her sister in the kitchen, she quietly wriggled out from under Tony who was sleeping very heavily. She grabbed her robe and hurried into the kitchen, excited to tell her sister about her night.

  “Morning,” she said cheerfully, startling Rachel who almost dropped the coffee mug she was holding.

  “Hanna?” she gasped out as she looked from her blissfully happy sister to the clock. It was far too early for her to be awake.

  “Sorry if I spooked you,” she giggled and took the mug of coffee from Rachel. “Thanks!” she said with a grin.

  Rachel was still stunned that she was awake so early and so happily. “Wow, I guess all that screaming was genuine,” she joked as she poured herself another mug of coffee.

  “You bet it was,” Hanna replied with a grin. “His name is Tony G-Spot.”

  “What?” Rachel laughed out loud as Kyle stepped out of the bedroom. He ruffled his sandy hair and fixed his stare on the mug that Hanna was holding. />
  “Drinking my coffee again, I see,” he mumbled.

  “I've got more,” Rachel said quickly. When Kyle turned toward her Hanna stuck out her tongue at the back of his head.

  “I saw that,” he growled playfully and cast a glare over his shoulder.

  Hanna drew her tongue back into her mouth and giggled. "I'll leave you two alone," she purred and headed back to her bedroom.

  "See, she didn't break anything," Kyle smiled and kissed Rachel softly.

  "Yet," Rachel added and smirked.

  When Hanna slipped back into the bedroom, Tony was still sleeping soundly. This was new for her as she usually kicked out the men she was with to go sleep in their own beds. She liked to share her bed when she was awake, but she preferred to sleep in it alone. However, sleeping beside Tony had been rather pleasant. He was not like many of the other guys she had been with. He was courteous but intense, and she appreciated the effort he had made to please her. While he slept she turned on her computer and began playing around in Garage Band. She did not realize he was awake until he was standing just behind her, peering over her shoulder at what she was doing.

  "Can you show me how this works?" he asked.

  "Sure," Hanna said and stood up so he could sit down in the computer chair. She plunked herself down in his lap and began showing him the different tools she used in the program to create the mixes she made.

  "So this is how you made the remix of Kimberly's song?" he asked curiously.

  "Yes," she nodded and showed him what she had used.

  "You know, you can do this too," he placed his hand lightly over the mouse she was using and guided her through a few tools she had not realized even existed. "This way the music mixes a little smoother," he continued as he blended together some music. "With this effect it'll come out rougher, you can even mix genres as different as rap and country, and it comes out really interesting and edgy."

  Hanna admired his knowledge of the program and his instincts when it came to music.

  "Do you mix yourself?" she asked, wondering how he knew so much about music production.

  "Sort of," he replied hesitantly. He did not want to reveal the truth too soon, but he liked Hanna, and thought she was down to earth enough not to get too freaked.

  "Actually, I work in the music industry," he began carefully.

  "Really?" Hanna asked skeptically. She had met quite a few men who claimed to work in the music industry and turned out to be chauffeurs.

  "Sure, I could actually take your remix to Kimberly's record label," he shrugged mildly. "They might like it."

  Hanna's brows furrowed with annoyance. "You don't have to make stories up, the night we had together is enough, really."

  Tony was a little taken back by her attitude. "I'm not making anything up," he insisted. "I actually produced Breaking Down, and I think your version is good enough to make it as an official remix."

  Hanna climbed off of his lap and turned to face him, her expression stern. "Tony, there is no way in hell that you work with Kimberly Cole. My life just does not work that way. I really don't understand why you are ruining this with lies. I like you fine, you don't need to pretend to be someone else." Her cheeks were flushed with annoyance.

  "Wow," Tony tipped his head back some and swept his gaze over her. "You have some trust issues don't you,” he tried to resist smiling as Hanna glared at him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He handed her one of his business cards which stated his name and his profession.

  “Oh,” Hanna said quietly as she looked down at the card. His name was not Tony Gee, but Tony Gigliono, who was the producer on Kimberly Cole's song. Hanna knew this because she had looked into it when she found she liked the song so much. “Sorry,” she added, embarrassed that she had thrown such a fit. “It's just-”

  “People aren't always honest,” he replied as he reached up and grasp her waist. “I am,” he looked deeply into her eyes. “I think your mix is great, and if you let me, I will take it to the record label and Kimberly herself.”

  Hanna could not believe her luck. She was amazed that in one night she could have made the ultimate contact, and not only that, but he was one of the best lovers she had ever been with.

  “Of course,” she exhaled, her heart beginning to pound as she imagined her remix being played for Kimberly Cole. “Absolutely,” she squealed and jumped right back into his lap.

  “That's more like it,” he grinned and drew her into a passionate kiss.

  Chapter 5

  Hanna was brimming with excitement over the possibility that her remix might actually be released by Kimberly Cole's record label. She could do nothing but listen to it in her free time, and read blurbs about Kimberly's activities. Hanna was not usually that into stalking celebrities but she liked Kimberly's music so much that she was sure they would get along if they ever met.

  While she kept herself busy working in Garage Band, she did not even notice at first that Tony had not called her all day. It was when Rachel arrived home from work that she realized he had not even bothered to text. She checked to make sure her phone was working. Hanna, as a rule, did not call or text guys, unless they called or texted her first. She was not the type to be clingy or to wait by the phone for it to ring. However, Tony had been more than just a fling and he had promised to call after all. She tried not to let it bother her as she and Rachel shared dinner.

  "So what's up with Kyle's movie Rae?" she asked as she dove into the Chinese food Rachel had brought home for them to share.

  "They are almost done filming," Rachel said brightly. "Finally he'll have some free time, but I'm not sure I'll get to see too much of him," she frowned.

  Hanna glanced up at her sister's disappointed tone. "Why? What's going on?" she asked.

  "Well he wanted to take some time off, vacation in Europe."

  "Well that sounds great," Hanna countered, still not seeing the problem.

  "It would be if I had the money to go," Rachel laughed. "He offered to pay for me, but I can't let him do that."

  Hanna sat back in her chair and glared at her sister. "And just why not?" she demanded.

  "Because," Rachel grimaced. "It wouldn't be right for him to spend so much money on me. It's not like he's made a lot from the movie yet, and he deserves to spend the money he makes on himself."

  Hanna shook her head as she stabbed some noodles with her chop sticks. "Rachel you have to learn to say yes, and let people do things for you. Kyle didn't offer because he felt like he had to pay for you, he offered because he wanted to share the experience with you. I bet he won't go unless you do," she paused and then added. "And if he does, then I will have to kick his ass."

  Rachel laughed and studied her sister. She was always so full of life and had something to say about everything. Rachel really admired her.

  "And what about you? What's up with Mr. Moan and Groan?" she inquired innocently.

  "Oh really?" Hanna laughed at her description. She had been hesitant to tell Rachel what he had offered to do, but she always shared everything with her sister. "Well turns out he is Kimberly Cole's producer!" she declared with excitement.

  "Seriously?" Rachel asked skeptically.

  "Yes, it's true, he showed me his card and everything," Hanna insisted. "He said he would take the remix I did of “Breaking Down” to the record label. See if they like it."

  Rachel stared across the table at her sister in complete shock. "Hanna, do you know what it means if they do?"

  Hanna blushed. "Of course I do. I mean, nothing's set in stone. He said he would do it, but a lot of people say things."

  Rachel nodded, glad that her sister was keeping a level head about it, she would hate to see her devastated if it didn't pan out. "That's true, but it's really great that he liked the song. You did a really good job on it," Rachel said firmly. She was very supportive of her sister's music career, and was one of the first ones to push her to pursue it. She knew that Hanna had a great ear for music and her insti
ncts when it came to mixing were the best that Rachel had ever seen. Of course she was no expert and it was hard for Hanna to think that Rachel had an unbiased opinion.

  "Thanks Rae, I'm really excited about it," she admitted.

  By the next morning Hanna was not as excited. She had been checking her phone every few minutes. Nothing. Not a text. Not a call. She was more than a little irritated. This was why she rarely exchanged phone numbers or saw a guy for a second date. She did not want to be hanging on a string waiting for some man to offer her a tidbit of his attention. When the afternoon arrived she was furious and by that evening she had stopped checking. So he had just been fucking with her after all. She should have expected that and she would not let it get to her. Still, as she used the techniques he had taught her on Garage Band, she was more disappointed about the fact that she would not be seeing him again, than she was about him not giving her remix to Kimberly Cole. It was hard to find a man who was as skilled of a lover and as kind of a man as he had seemed to be. Perhaps she had just fallen under his spell.

  "Your loss Tony Gee," she said to the empty space in her room. The next morning he still had not called, but the manager of The Garage had. He asked if she could DJ the early shift that night in the club.

  "Sure!" Hanna replied, grateful to have something to take her mind off of Tony. Even though it would be in the same venue as where she had met him, once she was surrounded by music, she would no longer be thinking about him. She was excited to be asked back so soon after her fist gig. She did not need Kimberly Cole or Tony Gigliono to be successful, she could do it all on her own. She smiled to herself as she drove toward The Garage.

  When she arrived, the club was already busy but the staff took the time to stop and comment on how much they enjoyed her remix she had played at her last gig. Hanna smiled with gratitude but she had a hard time getting excited about it after not getting any contact from Tony. As she set up her equipment she kept pushing the thoughts of him out of her head. Not many other guys had lingered in her mind this long. Every time she tried not to think of him she would see his dark brown eyes gazing deeply at her. Once the lights dimmed and the music began she was able to keep her mind focused on her job, instead of Tony Gee. That was, until his memorable voice called out to her from beside the stage.


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