Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1)

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Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1) Page 2

by V. F. Mason

  Well, at least in my experience.

  I was medium height and had an hourglass figure, and as a result, I usually wore skirts and dresses. Sometimes people teased that I should have been born in the 1950s, but I never found that amusing. I had D-cup breasts, a narrow waist, wide hips, and good legs. My hair was thick, curly, and long. Sometimes I wanted to cut some off, but no hairdresser would oblige as they said it would “ruin” such beauty. They thought I had a rare hair color that was shiny in its own way and was somewhere between dark brown and black—the color, apparently, millions of women wanted to have, but found hard to achieve. My eyes were crystal blue. My parents initially named me Caitlyn then decided to change it to Sapphire and kept my original first name as my middle one.

  Not that anyone saw much of my eyes anyway, since they were covered in glasses with black frames. I used to wear contacts, but they were expensive, and lately, there wasn't any money to spare.

  Sophie reached the gate, watching me impatiently. It always took me ages to come down the stairs after the movie, because she preferred to sit in the last row, and I had a problem with hurrying down stairs in high heels.

  “Seriously, Sapphire, how come you still don’t know how to do it quicker? It’s not like you walk without them.”

  “Because it’s hard for some people, and at work I wear flats. I have to wear heels with you. Otherwise, I look like a dwarf.” My curves and short height next to a gorgeous friend? Yeah, so not happening.

  “Stop wearing flats to work then.”

  “Funny,” I murmured, and we finally made it outside. I took a deep breath of fresh air. It was Friday night and the middle of summer, and the weather was magnificent. Strangely, New York wasn't as busy or occupied as usual. I loved the city, the magic of it, and the happiness it provided me. Some people complained about it being dangerous and too crowded, but that just made me shrug.

  If they didn't like it, they could move.

  Rude, I knew that.

  But it was the truth.

  For some reason, my mind was restless lately, as though something was about to happen. In addition, a feeling of being watched wouldn’t leave my gut. My hair stood up on the back of my neck, and uncomfortable goosebumps ran over my skin. I put my hand on my waist over the belt around my blue skater dress. The belt helped emphasize my body and didn't make it look like one big mass of breasts. I wore nude heals and held a red purse, which added a splash of color to my outfit.

  Friday was the only day off I had. I didn’t want to go home so soon, so I spun around to face my friend.

  “Where to now?”

  Sophie brushed her hair from her face, took out her phone, and shoved it in front of my eyes, as if she was ready for my question. “I want to try out this new place. It’s like the in place; everyone has been there but us.” The place was indeed beautiful, if the pictures were anything to go by, and considering the neighborhood, it was most probably expensive.

  “It looks pricey, you know.”

  Sophie rolled her eyes and raised her brow. “So? It never stopped us before.”

  “Yeah, but before, we had money. In case you haven't noticed, we were disowned a year ago.” She winced, and then her eyes started to tear up. I knew I was screwed, because tears were her ultimate weapon.

  “Please, Sapphire, you know how much I need it after the sucky year we had. It was awful. We live in a dump. Our parents want nothing to do with us, and this party…maybe Logan will be there,” she whispered, and I groaned inwardly.

  Logan was bad news and an old crush of hers, but nothing could have kept Sophie away from him. He was once a legendary musician and a member of a famous rock band, but he was kicked out for heavy drinking and drug use. He was never faithful to her, never gave a shit about her, and always shut her out. Truth be told, he probably never even considered her anything but a casual hookup. She was able to follow him around when we used to be part of the elite, but that was no longer the case. I had no desire to go in search of the asshole, but it was better to agree to the plan. One way or another, she would find him, and I preferred to keep an eye on her.


  Sophie squealed and hugged me tight. She waved with her hand and caught a cab.

  “Let’s go,” I muttered under my breath. Sitting inside the cab, I prayed for this not to end chaotically.

  Anytime I was in a vehicle, I loved to gaze out the window and admire the view in front of me, but like I said, tonight I was feeling exceptionally restless. The beautiful sight of New York at night in all its glory did nothing to calm my nerves or put me in a better mood. Sophie was retouching her makeup, making sure her lips shined with glossy lipstick while her cheeks stood out, thanks to bronzer.

  Twenty minutes later, we stopped in front of a big, dark building with a long line at the entrance. Clearly, whatever it was, the owners didn't want to advertise their assets.

  “That will be twenty dollars,” the cabbie said, and Sophie turned her head to me as she opened the door.

  “Sapphire, you’ve got it, right?” She bit her lip worriedly, and her wide eyes held mine in a begging stare. With a sigh, I shook my head, opened my purse, and gave him the money. We got out and, as always, she grabbed my hand and smiled thankfully. “Babe, I know you are probably tired of paying all the time, but I promise once I get this contract I’ll make it up to you. We could even move somewhere else.” That was the thing about Sophie. She dreamed about a lot of things, but rarely did anything to achieve them.

  When the fallout with our parents happened, neither of us was prepared for what was to come. Sophie was resistant and wanted to fight it, but I stopped her. She had no idea what our parents did, what shit they got into, and how dangerous everything was. I was just glad we got out of it alive. I had some money from my savings and, thank God, I went to college. I was able to get a job as a librarian at the university, which didn't pay much, but at least allowed me to cover rent and food for us. Sophie tried to land some jobs in modeling, but so far, no one replied, and I doubted anyone would. She was beautiful, but she was too old to make a name. Probably no one wanted her due to her reputation as a party girl, which she earned in our “before” life, as we liked to call it. She never went to college; so mostly, she sat at home or made us waste the money I earned. She had been my best friend since middle school, but to be honest, I was starting to get tired of supporting both of us, in addition to her escapades.

  “Sophie, maybe you need to take the waitressing job in that restaurant. I heard the tips are very good, and you know better than anyone we could use some money.” She huffed and brushed her hair from her face once again.

  “Girl, I’m no waitress. I don’t know how to do it, and I don’t want to learn.” It was our constant argument these days, and it made me mad. On the weekends, I worked as a bartender in a local bar, and she thought waitressing was a job beneath her. A job was a job, as long as you worked hard and earned the money honestly. How could it be beneath you? I couldn’t find any logic in her words.

  “Then you better find something suitable soon, because I can’t support us forever.” I gave her a look as she hugged me and giggled as if it was a joke. However, this time, I was not joking.

  The line was long, consisting mostly of young people. I made my way to the end of the line, dreading all the time we would spend standing here. Truth be told, my body was exhausted from all the work. The only thing I wanted was to curl up on the couch with a good book and, for a few hours, forget about reality. I envisioned a walk in the park after a movie, not a club.

  Suddenly, Sophie grabbed my arm and dragged me to the beginning of the line, where we stopped in front of a bouncer who gave a ‘fuck off’ vibe. The dude was massive; his arm seemed the exact same size as my thigh. Frightening, really.

  “End of the line,” he growled.

  “Come on, handsome. You can’t keep beautiful girls like us waiting now, can you?” Sophie sent her most gorgeous smile his way and leaned a bit in to him so he
would have a good look into her cleavage. He completely ignored her innuendo and pointed with his hand to the end of the line again.

  “Come on!” she started to whine, and he moved slightly closer to us, his face masked in a scowl with his eyes narrowed.

  “You make any more trouble, and I will make sure you’re tossed out permanently.” His voice was low, but the threat was loud enough. Sophie raised her chin and put her hands on her hips, and I groaned inwardly. She was in her all-or-nothing mood, and those never ended well for me.

  “Listen, mister—” she started, but I didn't let her finish. What the hell had gotten into her? Any mentioning of Logan’s name made her lose her damn mind.

  “Sophie, let’s go.” My voice was apologetic when I addressed the man, “I’m sorry for this. We don’t want any trouble.” His eyes softened a bit when they rested on me, and he was about to say something, when a gruff, husky, and sexy voice spoke from behind him.

  My heartbeat started to race. The voice.

  “Lance, let them in.” The bouncer tensed then stepped aside to make room for the man with the most beautiful, yet dangerous voice I’d ever heard.

  “Oh, my,” Sophie muttered, and I couldn't have agreed with her more.

  ‘Oh, my’ was right.

  The male in front of us was positively one of the most handsome men I’d ever seen, and I’d seen many.

  He was perfect.


  And dangerous.

  He had long–slightly below his shoulders—straight, honey-brown hair, which shined like the finest silk. His beautiful amber eyes were covered in long, thick lashes. They would make any girl jealous. He was tall, well above six feet, with broad shoulders and muscles all over. He was lean, but his body was in no way thin. He was wearing black jeans that hugged him perfectly, with a black polo shirt, which almost made him seem like an angel, and his lips were lifted in a smile.

  Angel of Death, more accurately, since dark colors dominated his looks.

  But what a beautiful angel.

  Sophie let go of my arm and strolled over to him, and blood boiled inside me. My hands squeezed into fists, and every cell in my body wanted to push her away from him. The idea of him with her didn't sit well with me, which was crazy, because I’d just met the guy, and it was ridiculous. The only time I’d ever felt like that was when—

  A sense of recognition hit me like a ton of bricks.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  He took a step forward, ignoring Sophie, who narrowed her eyes in annoyance. He came so close to me that I felt his breath on my lips. I was so mesmerized by him, I couldn't have looked away even if I tried. He took my chin in his fingers, his hot skin burning mine, and raised it.

  “Gorgeous,” he whispered, but then his gaze hardened into something sinful and intense, which made me almost moan, so I quickly closed my eyes to protect myself from his prying ones. Those eyes.

  I would have recognized them anywhere.

  The amber in my dreams.

  I felt a slight huff of wind on my face, and when I opened my eyes, he was gone.

  As though he didn't happen.

  Feelings from one year ago hit me hard, almost knocking me down to my knees in its intensity. My chest ached, as though it was ripped open and I was powerless to stop myself from the onslaught of memories running through my eyes. The night that ruined everything in my life but at the same time gave me one perfect moment with my Midnight Stranger.

  Once again, I felt as though I’d experienced the biggest loss there was, and it hurt.


  I finally acknowledged Sophie, who was shaking my arm.

  “Girl that was something! I thought he was about to kiss you. Come on! We can go in now!” she squealed, grabbing me, and we went inside, but she made sure to stop in front of the bouncer first. “Fuck you,” she said. He gave her a scowl and attempted to move toward her, but he was stopped by another bouncer next to him. I swear that girl could be so immature sometimes.

  “No, Lance, you heard the boss.” That stopped him, but the anger was still there.

  The boss. My mysterious stranger was a club owner. Suited him.

  Once we were inside, and for the second time tonight, my jaw dropped.

  Living in the Upper East Side as the heiress of a prestigious company for most of my life prepared me for all kinds of luxurious things, but this place was magnificent, and it managed to surprise even me.

  The gold wallpaper covered the walls while the floor was made out of black, shiny stone which allowed women to walk freely in their high heels. Dancers moved with grace on stage, probably arousing every male in proximity; waitresses wore provocative golden shorts, black corsets, and black stockings with stilettos. The light was dim, and the air was oddly fresh. The pearls dangled from the completely mirrored ceiling, decorated the corner booths that were upholstered in gold velvet and composition finished the exquisite diamond chandelier which somehow managed to give the club the mysterious allure. There were couches and VIP lounges, and apparently a VIP corner on the second floor, with a mirror-glassed balcony view to the whole club and several bouncers. I had a feeling there were cameras too, but they weren't visible. People looked as though they stepped out of Vogue magazine, and they spent more time trying to be sophisticated as they drank and danced, and it was then I understood the crowd outside.

  The people who were here got private invitations and were from the elite, the high society of Manhattan. So all the folks outside waiting in the line were meant to be playthings for the invited elite. The bouncer first had to make sure the people had good assets and could sell well. Sex could be bought. Especially in a society like ours.

  My legs shifted uncomfortably while my head was checking out everything, and with each glance, deep humiliation started to spread through me. I was an outsider in an old dress, who only got inside because of the owner. I didn't fit.

  “I want to leave.” My voice was loud enough to hear over the music. Sophie’s eyes widened and she frowned.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? We just got inside, and look at those people!” When she took off her jacket, she was left in her top, which emphasized her small but firm breasts, and jeans that highlighted her great ass. A middle-aged man who was on his way to the VIP lounge let his eyes linger on it, and he sent her a half smile.

  Gross. The man looked old enough to be our dad.

  “I thought we were here for Logan?” As much as I didn't like the guy, he was the only reason I agreed to come. So where the hell was he?

  “What about him?” She shrugged, but I saw pain flash through her eyes. “I just saw a photo of him on Instagram at a house party. He isn't coming, and I want to have some fun.” With those words, she moved onto the dance floor and forgot herself. The mood she was in meant she was about to find herself someone to hook up with for the night. It was a constant occurrence when it came to Logan not making an appearance when she wanted to see him.

  She made a move with her hand toward me, and my hesitation from earlier vanished. When was the last time I danced and relaxed? Since we were already here, my body could enjoy the music and dancing. We let go and gave in to the music. I closed my eyes in pleasure and blocked out everyone else in the club, including what they might think about two girls dancing on an almost empty dance floor. Nothing mattered in that moment.

  K-Maro’s “Take You Away” made me numb to anything else, and for once, I was grateful for that.

  Every part of me wished I could do one-night stands. Maybe it was time to end my dry spell. I hadn't been with anyone for more than a year, and sometimes it got lonely. I was tired of all the problems around me and the whole living from paycheck to paycheck life.

  I just wanted to let go for one night.

  What’s the worst that could happen if I only did this just once, right?

  I tried to block the image of beautiful amber eyes filled with desire and hunger.

  He never came back for me after our night in my
house, never contacted me after things went to shit. Wasn’t this an indication his interest was fleeting? Today’s act of kindness was just that, an act of kindness.

  A part of me felt like I owed him my fidelity, because of dreams filled with him coming after me, rescuing me, and slaying all my dragons.

  But he never came.

  It was time to accept what happened more than a year ago meant nothing to him.

  Men like him were out of my league.

  “Who were you talking to outside?” Dad asked suspiciously.

  “No one.” The bench was located far away from the door, so although he knew my favorite place, he wouldn't know I was lying.

  His brows furrowed. “I heard voices.”

  Shrugging, my hands grabbed champagne from the tray a waiter was carrying. “You must have imagined it, Dad. Rarely do people know about that place.”

  After a few seconds, he nodded, and then his hand on my lower back pushed me faster toward Benjamin and his son Erik, who stood near my mom. Erik’s eyes lit up seeing me, and I barely contained an inward groan. He would bring trouble; clearly, his interest in my breasts was still there.

  “Sapphire,” Benjamin greeted me with a soft kiss on my cheek, and I tried not to wince at it. For some reason, he always made me feel uneasy, and no matter how much I found it strange, the feeling wouldn't go away. Guess his son inherited that from him.

  Erik took my hand in his and kissed it. I was repulsed and snapped my hand back while his eyes narrowed. His touch was nothing like the stranger’s.

  “Sapphire,” he repeated after his father. I hated my name on their lips. In the same moment, musicians started to play a slow song, and his mouth lifted in a half smile as he addressed my father. “Would you allow me to take your daughter for a dance?”


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