Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1)

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Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1) Page 7

by V. F. Mason

  The minute he was done, I knew coming here was a mistake.

  His face transformed from gentle and caring to angry and disgusting. Panic built up inside me. I tried to bolt, but his hand painfully grabbed my arm and pushed me to the floor, ignoring my cry of pain. I sat up, and fear paralyzed me when I noticed the gun in his hand. I couldn't breathe or move. The world around me shattered into tiny little pieces. Sobs sounded loudly in the silent room, and after a moment, it dawned on me they were coming from my mouth.

  “Shut up,” he snapped, and hit me across my face with the gun. My cheek burned. My fingers touched my lips and there was blood. I closed my eyes from the unbearable pain, afraid to make a move for fear of how unpredictable he was. “Did you tell anyone about this?” I shook my head. He ran a hand through his hair and opened his cell phone to make a call, when a familiar ding of the elevator rang and the doors opened again. None other than my father stepped out of it and took in the scene.

  Uncle Ken pointed the gun at me and snarled at him. “Mind explaining to me how your daughter found the contract? You have them lying around your fucking house?”

  Dad’s face was a mask of anger as his hands clenched into fists.“No. It was secure in the safe. Someone put it out there for her to see.” His eyes landed on me and they darkened. Was there agony in them for a second? “You hit my child?”

  “She was ready to expose us. Came rushing to me for help.”

  Dad crouched in front of me and took my face in his hands, moving it from side to side, examining the damage. They both repulsed me. The dizziness in my head made me want to throw up. With the little strength still left in me, I pushed back with my hands and rested my back against the couch. Two men, who were supposed to always protect me and love me, stood in front of me and wished for me to die.

  “She’s a liability,” Ken said; no fucking way was he an uncle anymore. Dad’s jaw ticked. “She always liked all those fucking charity cases and homeless pets. You think she’ll keep her mouth shut about this?” Dad still said nothing. He picked up the contract from the floor and ripped it in two. Ken laughed, and that laugh chilled me to my bones. “Won’t help, friend. We need to kill her.” My eyes closed; the end was near, and if Ken betrayed my trust, how could I rely on my own father, who never showed me any affection? “We’ll play it off as suicide, some bullshit story about unrequited love or an overdose of drugs,” Ken finished.

  Then it was my dad’s turn to speak. “Sapphire is my daughter.”

  Ken snapped, “And? I wouldn’t hesitate to kill Sophie if she found this shit.” Oh, my God, the man I considered an ideal father didn't even care about his own child. How could he have been so lovable and caring all those years, if we were nothing but pawns for him and our lives meant nothing in the grand scheme of things? Hopefully, my friend would never know how little she meant to her dad. If the piercing pain in my gut was anything to go by, the feeling would suck.

  “I don’t care, Ken. She’s my flesh and blood. I was the one there when she was born. I raised her. She’s my kid. No one touches or kills her; you got it? I’ll deal with her, and she’ll keep her mouth shut.” My eyes opened wide with shock. Dad was trying to save me? He took a step closer to Ken, both facing each other as he poked him with his index finger.

  “You tell people about it, fine. If anyone touches my daughter, I will destroy you and the rest of the team. You know I have enough evidence. No one touches her. Do you understand?” Ken snarled and made a move to gut punch Dad, but he saw it coming and blocked the blow, sending Ken to the floor. “Stop acting like an idiot and keep your mouth shut. The same immunity for her as your own kid. If she loses so much as a hair on her head, you’ll pay.” Then he picked me up in his arms and carried me out of the apartment. My cheek and lip hurt, and my head ached from the stress, so I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me.


  My soft footsteps padded on the wooden floor as I entered the kitchen wearing a purple robe and feeling painfully shy. My skin was flushed red, and since I was makeup free, I resembled a teenager.

  Dominic stood, flipping something on the stove with a spatula as his other hand grabbed a glass of wine nearby and poured it on the dish, which immediately sizzled and created a little steam. The air was filled with the smells of garlic, tomato sauce, and grilled chicken.

  “Smells really good.” He glanced at me over his shoulder and winked.

  “Penne Arrabiata with chicken. Should be ready in five.” A man who could cook, seriously? It was a wonder Dominic was still single and no woman had snatched him for herself.

  I hopped on the bar stool and, oddly enough, found the whole image in front of me relaxing. Finally, he shut off the gas, placed the meat on the pasta, and put it in front of me. Then he picked up two glasses of red wine that stood on the counter, ready.

  “Thank you.” Grabbing the fork, I took the first bite and closed my eyes in pleasure. Italian food, in my opinion, was the best in the world. “It’s really good.” The wine was too sour for my taste, but it calmed my nerves.

  “Mom’s recipe.” His words made me pause with my fork halfway to my mouth, and I wondered if he would continue. Hoped, even. “She used to make it for us when we were upset or down. We loved it so much that Damian and I eventually learned how to prepare it. Sort of stuck with us, I guess.” He shrugged, but the pain in his voice was hard to miss.

  “That’s sweet.” I chewed a bit more, and then whispered, “My mom never cooked in her life. I think she found it beneath her.” No matter how much I tried, it was hard not to be bitter. Deciding not to dwell on it much, I finished my food and shifted my focus to the huge piano. “You play?”

  Dominic followed my gaze and nodded. “I do. Do you?”

  My cheeks heated up. “No, I wanted to learn, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. But I’d love to hear something though.” He put the dishes in the sink, went to the instrument, and opened it. He then sat on the bench, looked at me, and motioned with his finger for me to come closer.

  Dazzled, my legs followed and I ended up next to him.

  “What do you want me to play for you?”

  “You want me to choose?”


  “Anything. I just love the sound of it.” He stayed silent for several seconds then cleared his throat and slowly started to play the melody, which I recognized instantly.

  “The Way We Were” by Marvin Hamlisch.

  Dominic’s eyes were closed, like in a trance, as he gave everything to the music. The sense of sadness and longing overpowered me, and the only thing I wanted to do was hug him and make it all better.


  October, Harrison residence, 1995

  “Mama, again!”

  My mother was so beautiful. She was laughing and hugging us as we played the piano. It was cold, really windy, and rainy, so there wasn't much to do outside. Mama came up with the idea of pasta and music night. Daddy was at work and was supposed to be back any minute now.

  “Dominic, that’s enough, don’t you think? We’ve already played five songs. Aren’t you boys tired?” We shook our heads and she laughed again. That was the thing about Mommy; she always smiled, was kind, and smelled like cookies. And she was always there when we needed her.

  “The piano, Mommy!” Both of us begged, because it was our favorite. Usually, Daddy was home by that time, and we would sit on his lap and watch Mama play. Since tonight it was only us, she made us scoot aside as she sat between us and motioned with her finger for us to be quiet.

  Then she played.

  Damian and I swayed to the music as we listened, and watched her fingers move quickly and effortlessly on the keyboard. We heard the door open, and Dad came in, greeting us with a smile. He quietly put his briefcase on the kitchen counter, came behind Mama, and kissed her softly on the neck, which earned him a smile from her. Then he patted us on the head and closed his eyes, allowing himself to relax and enjoy the music.

  Damian and I slo
wly dozed off to the music as we always did, and then both Mom and Dad carried us to our beds and kissed us goodnight.

  We slept tight.

  Then the next morning, life as we knew it was over.

  We ended up in a constant nightmare that lasted eight long years.

  I opened my eyes on the last cord of music and shook my memories off. It was constantly like that. The minute I played something that reminded me of my parents, everything felt like shit, and it always came back to that last night all those years ago.

  Sapphire was sound asleep on my shoulder, her breath even, and she looked so damn innocent. She made my heart clench. I closed the piano slowly then shifted and picked her up. She mumbled something in her sleep, but said nothing. Laying her down on the bed made her bathrobe disclose every secret her clothes could hide from me. I gulped because she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, but I covered her up quickly. Leaving her side and making sure the nightstand lamp was on, I closed the door and went to my room.


  The nightmares.

  Fucking nightmares that didn't let me sleep.

  All the things that were done to us.

  All the cries begging for help, but no one ever came.

  Blood, so much blood.

  And tears that shamelessly slid down our faces.

  Laughter, awful laughter, of those who got off on our pain and made us feel more of it.

  Until we didn’t find salvation in it.

  I did. Dominic was different.

  He was a kind, generous soul who wanted peace.

  Just like our mom.

  Our sweet, beautiful mom who couldn't survive this shit life.

  I had never blamed her for what she did, although it made me wonder sometimes, How could she have done it? Didn't she at least have hope that someday we would come back?

  The glass in my hand shattered into a million pieces from all the pent-up anger inside me. My hand was bleeding, but I didn't give a fuck.

  Sapphire was fucking with my head, and it was time to make my move. I usually gave my victims more time, but not this one. I needed her. I was acting stupid and reckless without her touch.

  Sapphire’s life as she knew it was over. I just hoped I wouldn’t become one of her nightmares, but right then, I didn't give a shit if I did.

  As long as she was with me, nothing else mattered.

  The whole drive home was a blur for me. Dad made it to the house in record time, where the party was almost over. He told Xander, our head of security, to take me upstairs and, under no circumstances, let anyone enter my room, not even my mom.

  Once I was left alone, I rushed to the bathroom to see myself in the mirror, even though I knew nothing pretty awaited me.

  My right cheek was swollen, a purple bruise forming across it. My lip was split, with dried blood on my chin. It was impossible not to wince while touching it. A headache was killing me, so I took a couple pills to numb some of the pain and grabbed the hot water bottle I used during my periods to warm myself up, but put cold water inside it instead. Once it was full, despite the pain, I pressed it against my cheek and lay down on the bed, muffling my cries of agony with a pillow. My body trembled, and even two blankets did nothing to warm me up. I’d never felt so cold in my entire life. Suddenly, my cell phone rang, making me squeeze my eyes harder from the pain in my head. I never thought a ringtone would be the most disgusting sound I could hear. Not even looking at who it was, I answered.

  “Yes?” My voice was hoarse and quiet.

  “Sapphire? I’ve been texting you for hours. What the hell are you still doing at that party?” Sophie asked.

  “My cell wasn’t with me. I’m sorry.”

  “Are you all right? Something is off about your voice,” she said tentatively.

  “Yes, I’m just tired.”

  “Are you sure? I can come over,” she offered.

  “No!” My scream was probably loud enough to wake the dead, and it made her pause for a moment. I cleared my throat to elaborate. “The party was boring and my head is killing me. I just need to rest; that’s all.” She couldn't come here. As long as she was unaware of the evil in this world, she was safe.

  “Well, okay. But I’m calling you in the morning to check on you,” she warned, and then added, “Steve’s saying ‘hi.’” Steve had been in love with her since we were ten, and he followed her around like a lost puppy. Although she never wanted a relationship with him, she didn't mind crashing at his place whenever she felt like it. He had an apartment in Brooklyn, and that was where she decided to hang out until I fulfilled my family obligation and we could go back to campus.

  “Say hi from me too.”

  “Sure, bye, babe. Love you.”

  “Me too,” I whispered, and then hung up the phone. Deciding sleep was the best cure, I dozed off.

  A soft touch on my sore cheek woke me up as my mom stroked me gently. Her eyes watered as she kept on mumbling something I didn't understand. My dad stood by my window, sipping whiskey.

  I sat up, ignoring the still present pain in my head, and pressed my back against the headboard.

  “What’s going on?” At my question, Dad turned his head to me, and my stomach flipped from his expression.

  Nothing good clearly.

  “You cannot live here anymore, Sapphire,” my mom said as she sobbed, trying to take my hand in hers, but I removed it from her grip.

  “Do you know about Dad and his business, Mom?” She nodded after a bit, destroying the last hope that maybe she had no clue what he did. But even after knowing that, she still stayed with him? What kind of fucking love was that? “How can you live with yourself, Mom?” Her face moved as if I slapped her, and she cast her eyes down in shame.

  “That business fed you all these years, made sure you had everything you wanted.”



  “The company—” I started.

  “The company gives nothing. The only reason I’m playing nice with it is so I have a great alibi. You wouldn't understand, Sapphire.” He finished his drink and the glass fell to the floor, surprisingly not shattering. “You shouldn't have gone to Ken. Now you have left me no choice.” Dread filled me.

  “You’d kill me?”

  He shook his head. “I know I’m a monster and despised for what you believe. Your mom and I love you. Ken won’t keep his mouth shut. I can’t leave you here or help you out.” His words confused me more by the second. “You’ll leave the country. I’ve found a house for you in Europe. You have only two months left in college, so you’ll build your life there and I’ll put money in your account.” So staying here angered his partners in crime?

  Europe? Accounts? Money?

  “I don’t want it.”

  He raised his brow. “Excuse me?”

  “I don’t want it. Not your money. Not Europe. Nothing.” His jaw ticked.

  “Then you’ll be out of my fucking house tonight. You can pack a bag and forget you were part of this family. No one will touch you, but you won’t get any help from me.”

  There wasn't really a choice. Nothing could have made me stay with them. I couldn’t ignore the truth I discovered in the study after I saw how dirty the world I lived in was. I had never worked a day in my life. Never had to struggle. I always had food and clothes.

  At what expense though? At the expense of innocent lives?

  They were my parents. It was impossible to shut off my feelings toward them all at once. But living in this world with them, while they acted offhanded about it? Never.

  “Okay.” Mom started to cry harder and made a move to hug me, but I stood up abruptly, breathing heavily. “No. Stop it! Don’t touch me.” Her hand froze then she hugged it to her chest. Dad’s eyes narrowed as he spoke in his low and dangerous tone, which didn't allow for any arguments. He threw papers on the bed, along with pen.

  “Sign it. The documents make sure you want nothing from this family and you are no longer an heir to Blake Enterp
rises.” His face darkened. “And remember to keep your mouth shut, Sapphire. Those people can do despicable things, and I won’t stop them a second time. And don’t bother going to the police. We have our people there too.”

  God, he even corrupted police officers? It shouldn't be surprising; that kind of organization had connections everywhere. How was it possible to get justice then? How could I live with myself in this world if I knew about them?

  With one last glance at me, he left the room, leaving me alone with my still sobbing Mom.


  “How could you love him?” I suddenly asked. “He is a monster. He kills people. He destroys lives. He cheats on you left and right. He probably hits you, if I think about it now.” Her face flinched and I knew I guessed right. So many revelations in one night. “How could you live with yourself knowing what you’re covering up?”

  She stayed silent, looking at the wall, and then replied in a hopeless tone, “Love makes you do questionable things. Once you fall in love with a man, it’s too late to question him or go against him. He becomes your only right. No wrong.”

  Was she for real?

  “Mom, those jewelry boxes you have? They’re thanks to those children whose childhoods were stolen. You can live with that, just because you love him? If that’s love, I don’t want any part of it.” She shook her head, went to the door, and then turned around to speak her final words to me, after which I never saw her again.

  “You cannot understand love unless you experience it yourself.”

  No one could love a monster.

  And no one would ever convince me otherwise.


  The sunlight made the room brighter than any other light could have. It was all over my face, and after a minute, I opened my eyes. I felt goofy and sleepy, but at the same time, I was relaxed, and finally had the best sleep in ages. My body wasn't sore; in fact, it felt pretty damn good, and I didn't want to leave this soft bed ever. Then I blinked, because I remembered where I was and why this bed felt so damn good. Obviously, my shitty bed in my crappy apartment wasn't anything like this one.


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