Sassy Ever After: All About That Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Pride Commands Book 1)

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Sassy Ever After: All About That Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Pride Commands Book 1) Page 5

by Michele Bardsley

  Sweat dripped from her neck and splashed the coverlet. As Kane withdrew from her she collapsed to the bed, and rolled over. Before she could even complain -- hello, where’s my orgasm -- Aris slid on top of her. He was as hard as a fucking steel rod.

  Her surprised gaze met his smug one.

  “Werecougars are a lusty bunch,” he said. “Doesn’t take long to recover. Plus, seeing Kane plow you really turned me on.”

  “Yeah, me, too,” she said, yanking on his shoulders. “Now shut up and fuck me.”

  He wasted no time slipping inside her and stroking her into a frenzied rhythm. He tugged a nipple into his mouth and sucked on it, and pleasure made her gasp. She dug her nails into his ass and met his thrusts, and then stars exploded, and she felt like the whole world was spinning.

  And then it was.

  She felt her heart stall as her body seized.

  Aris’s face went white and then Kane was there, too, and she couldn’t tell them thank you because it was getting dark.

  Then there was nothing.


  “I offer you my solemn vow to be your godlike partner and lover. In good times and bad and in joy as well as sorrow, I give you my heart, my love, my soul. I love you, now and forever.”

  ~Fighting for Her Mate by Milly Taiden

  Chapter Eleven

  “She’s alive,” said Thomas. “But her heartbeat is weak.”

  “Too weak for my changing bite,” added Gareth. “I’m sorry.”

  “She’s gonna die unless you change her,” said Aris. He looked at Kane. They were both standing next to the couch, staring down at the woman who was to be their mate. She was breathing erratically, her skin gray, and her lips tinged blue. He might not have wanted her in the beginning, but he did now.

  When Cyn had collapsed they could think of nothing else to do but go to Thomas and Gareth and admit their duplicity. Gareth had expected his borther to come after him eventually, but he seemed less worried about their confession than he did about protecting Angela. She was upstairs packing. Aris and Kane had not told them about Cyn or her own assassination plot. First, they had to save Cyn. Then they would figure out what to do next.

  “I suggest y’all do something,” said a honeyed voice from the doorway. The blonde practically glowed with vitality. And she was nearly full term. Her small hands rested on her rounded tummy. “C’mon,” she said to her men. “She needs help. Thomas?”

  “I can change her,” said Thomas. “But as weak as she is—I don’t know if she’ll survive it.”

  “She’s already dying,” said Angela. “You must try, sugar.”

  Thomas nodded. “Very well then.”

  Kane lifted Cyn to a seated position. Thomas sat on the edge of the couch and brought her close, so that his mouth rested on the point between her neck and shoulder blade.

  He sprouted sharp fangs.

  Then he leaned down and bit Cyn.

  The air began to fill with gold sparks, and then this magic flowed between Thomas and Cyn, and when Rolf finally let her go, her skin was bleeding and bruised. And she was still gray and limp.

  The gold magic hung in the air as Thomas raked a nail across his wrist and pressed it again Cyn’s mouth. “She only needs enough to bind her blood to mine.”

  Cyn weakly sucked on his wrist, but she didn’t open her eyes. She soon fell back against Aris, shuddering deeply.

  “Now, we wait,” said Thomas.

  Chapter Twelve

  When Cyn woke up, she was pinned between two men on a really comfortable bed. Aris and Kane held her as though she was fragile, but she felt the opposite. She felt strong. Wonderful. Something felt different about her.

  She could smell them. Her boys. Not unpleasant scents. Kane was sandalwood, and Aris… his scent was a little like pine.

  Something was different. She felt … still. She frowned.

  “My heart’s not beating,” she said. “What the hell?”

  “Cyn.” Aris’s blue gaze caressed her face. “You’re okay.”

  He put a hand against her heart. Despite its lack of beats, she felt healthy. Holy shit.

  “Cyn.” Kane put his hand over Aris’s and Cyn felt some serious warm fuzzies.

  “What happened?”

  “You’re vampire now,” said Kane. “You were too weak for Gareth’s bite.”

  “Hey, I’m breathing—well, I’m not breathing, but I’m still here on the planet. That’s fine by me.”

  These two men wanted her. She had love blossoming right here, right now. From death to second chance … damn, she was lucky.

  Kane kissed her. When he was done turning her to Jell-O, Aris took his turn. As they made love to her, Cyn thought about the future, a real future with two men who would protect her fiercely and love her for always.

  Beating or not, her heart belonged to Kane and Aris, along with her body, mind, and soul.

  Not bad.

  Not bad at all.

  Learn more about Millie Taiden’s Kindle World!

  Learn more about Michele Bardsley and Her Books!




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