Alexei (Her Russian Protector #8)

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Alexei (Her Russian Protector #8) Page 16

by Roxie Rivera

  The disappointment and fear dissipated as I listened to Kylee. “If I hug you right now, I’m going to squeeze the air right out of your lungs.” I laughed and let all that pent-up stress escape. “You are seriously the best friend who ever lived.”

  “I know,” she said and jokingly polished her nails on her dress. “I am pretty fucking amazing.”

  “You really are.”

  “You know,” she said, leaning back against the pillows, “this is probably why he’s so drawn to you, Shay. You two are exactly alike. You’ve always been afraid to get involved with a man because you saw the way your mother got knocked around and the way she let her boyfriends hurt you and Shannon. You’ve always been driven to be something great, to be somebody, to break away from your humble beginnings, and I bet it’s the same for Alexei. He’s been in prison and ran the streets for a Russian mob boss. God only knows what he’s seen. I’d be damned afraid of falling in love, too, if I had seen how truly terrible people can be to one another.”

  Everything Kylee said made sense. “But how do I get through to him? Because, Kylee, I really, really care for him, but I can’t be just a mistress. I can’t be this pretty little thing he dresses up in jewels and parades around town. I need to matter.”

  “You do matter, Shay. He’s just fooling himself if he thinks he can keep you locked away up here like a fairytale princess. Deep down inside, he knows you aren’t kept woman material.” She sat up suddenly, as if a thought had struck her. “You need to be the best damned mistress he’s ever had. You need to show him what he’ll be missing when you walk away.” She climbed off the bed and crossed the room to grab her cell phone. “Because you do have to walk away, Shay. At some point, if he doesn’t give you what you deserve, you have to get up and walk out.”

  “I know,” I murmured sadly. “I thought about that all morning. It’s so tempting to get caught up in this fairytale he’s offering, but that isn’t real life.”

  “No, it’s not.” She tapped away at her phone. “Okay. Seriously, you would not believe how many articles there on how to be a kept woman! This is wild, Shay.”

  “No.” I pushed off the bed and shook my head. “I’m not playing by those rules. If I’m going to do this, I’m doing it my way.”

  “Yeah, but these women are like professional about it, Shay. They have tips and tricks and—”

  “No. He told me that he wants me, just as I am, so that’s what he’s going to get. Me. Simple, quiet, unadorned me.”

  “That’s all well and good,” she said, tossing aside her phone, “but what are you going to do about the sex? Because last time I checked you’ve only rounded second base and that was when you flipped out on Luke Garcia the night we graduated high school and he stuck his hand in your panties.”

  “That wasn’t the only place he stuck his hand,” I muttered unhappily. “It hurt.”

  “He was a jerk. You shouldn’t have let that one bad experience put you off sex forever. There were so many great guys you dated in college. They would have been good farm team sex partners, you know? Now you’re in the big leagues, and you’ve never even hit a base run!”

  “It’s too late for what-ifs, Kylee. I’ll just have to figure it out as I go.”

  “If I had to guess, Alexei is one of those one-in-a-million lovers. Let him take the lead.”

  I laughed nervously. “Like I have any other choice!”

  “Maybe we should watch some—”

  We were interrupted by my ringing cell phone. The sound of my sister’s ringtone had me flying out of the bedroom and racing through the living area to reach my phone in time. I snatched it off the counter and answered in a breathless rush, “Hello? Shannon?”

  “Shay!” She sobbed my name. “Oh my God! Are you okay? Please tell me you’re okay!”

  Sagging with relief upon hearing her voice, I leaned against the counter. “I’m okay.”

  “I heard about what happened to you last night, about what Lalo did to you.” She wept. “I’m sorry, Shay. I never meant for any of this to happen. We just thought… We never… It wasn’t supposed to go this way.”

  My earlier anger with her vanished. “It’s all right. I know you didn’t mean for me to get hurt.”

  “But you did,” she sobbed. “You did, and this is all my fault.”

  “It’s too late for that, Shannon. We don’t have time for this. Where are you?”

  “I’m hiding out in a hotel in Pasadena.”

  “Pasadena?” I was already calculating how fast I could get there. “Where is Ruben?”

  “I don’t know.” She started crying again. “He went out to get some money, but he didn’t come back.”

  I had a bad, bad feeling about that. “Listen, Kylee and I are going to come get you. Okay?”

  Appearing beside me, Kylee nodded vigorously as she tugged on her boots and slipped into her jacket. She raised her voice, “We’ll drive all night if we have to, Shannon, but we’ll get you out of Texas. We can hop on the interstate and get her to New Orleans.”

  “I’ll need money, Shay. I’ll need to go underground and stay off the radar.”

  “I’ll get it. Just hold on and wait for us, okay?”

  “Okay. I love you, Shay. Please be careful.”

  “I will be.” After hanging up, I glanced at Kylee. “Where the hell am I going to get cash this late on a Saturday afternoon?”

  “Do you have your checkbook in your purse?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “We’ll go see Abby at Kirkwood’s Pawn. She’ll give you a fat chunk of cash. She knows you’re good for it.” Kylee grabbed my arm when I started to run for the door. “Shay, are you sure you want to do this?”

  “What are you talking about? Of course! She’s my sister. She’s scared. She’s alone. She needs me.”

  “Yes, she does, but you promised Alexei you wouldn’t leave the apartment.”

  My heartbeat pounded against my eardrums as I realized I had to choose between my sister, my flesh and blood, and the man who had risked his life to save mine, the man who had offered me protection and security, the man I had been secretly in love with for almost a year.

  “If I don’t help Shannon get out of Texas, they’ll kill her. Nikolai Kalasnikov sat right here in this kitchen and told me that last night. Shannon is a dead woman if she stays here.” My heart broke as I accepted that I was going to ruin everything with Alexei even before it had really begun. “There’s no choice here, Kylee. I have to save my sister.”

  “Then we need to move,” she urged and thrust my hoodie into my hands. “We need to get out of here before Stas gets back.”

  Like a couple of spies trying to escape a covert operation, we took the stairs down eleven floors rather than risk running into Stas. By the time we reached the parking level, we were breathless and promising each other that we would take up CrossFit because we were so weak. Somehow we managed to avoid seeing anyone in the garage but that didn’t stop Kylee from racing out of there like a bat out of hell in her truck.

  “This is one of those times where you really want to thank your lucky stars we’ve networked so much,” Kylee said as we pulled into the parking lot across the street from Abby Kirkwood’s pawn shop. “Bet you never thought all those business major mixers we went to would lead to this.”

  “No, I sure didn’t.” I hopped out of the front seat of her truck and waited for her to join me before dashing across the street and into the shop.

  Thankfully, it wasn’t very busy. There were a handful of customers milling around the place, most of them in the electronics section. I had hoped to run into Marley, my neighbor and a longtime employee of the pawn shop, but I didn’t see her anywhere.

  “Shay! Kylee!” Abby Kirkwood stepped out from behind the jewelry counter to come over and give us big hugs. “It’s good to see you! Are you here to pick through my vintage handbags again?”

  “Oh, don’t tempt me!” Abby had some really fantastic fashion items come into the shop. I had
been lucky enough to grab a vintage Chanel 2.55 last Christmas for a steal. “But, actually, um, I was hoping you could cash a personal check for me.” I didn’t see any reason to beat around the bush. “I recognize it’s asking for a big favor but—”

  Abby smiled knowingly and slid her arm around my shoulders. “Come over to the window.”

  Kylee stayed behind to look through the showcases of jewelry while I walked with Abby to the bulletproof windows at the rear of the store. Leaning close, Abby whispered, “I heard about your sister. Whatever you need, it’s yours.”

  “Thank you, Abby,” I whispered right back and blinked away grateful tears. “I feel bad asking, but all the banks are closed so—”

  “It’s not a big deal. I know your check is good.” She squeezed my shoulder. “I’ll even give you a break on the interest,” she teased with a playful wink.

  While Abby unlocked a door and entered the reinforced and protected cashier area, I walked down to the open window and began filling out a check. I hesitated when I got to the amount. How much would Shannon need to survive in a new city? How long would she be unable to work? I made a hasty calculation and wrote out the five figure amount. I decided not to think about how long it would take me to earn all of that back. My sister’s life was worth every penny in my bank accounts. I would give them all to her if it meant she would stay alive.

  Abby glanced at the check after I pushed it through the small opening in the bulletproof window. She didn’t even blink at the amount. “I’ll have to do a mix of big and small bills. Is that okay?”

  “Yes, it’s fine. Whatever works for you, Abby.”

  “All right. Hang on. I’ll be right back.” She disappeared into a locked room where I assumed they kept their safe.

  I glanced back to see Kylee inspecting gold chains. It wasn’t the type of jewelry she liked to wear so I suspected she was looking for something to use in a clothing design. Feeling anxious and exposed, I looked around the shop, counting and recounting the customers. I didn’t recognize any of them, but the paranoia gripping me made me sensitive to every glance.

  “Okay,” Abby said as she reappeared at the window with a stacks of bills still wrapped in their bank yellow, purple and brown bank bands. She counted it out for me twice before placing the money inside shopping bags. “Can I see your ID, please?”

  “Yes.” I slipped it through the small window. While I waited for her to record the necessary information, Kylee wandered over and joined me. “I guess you didn’t see anything you wanted?”

  “Nah,” she said and then nervously looked over her shoulder. Moving closer, she whispered, “There’s some guy watching us. Don’t look back!” She hissed when I started to turn my head. “Brioni suit? Bruno Magli boots? This guy isn’t part of Lalo’s crew or those backwoods skinheads. I can’t see any tattoos on his hands or neck. I don’t think he’s part of the Russian crew either, but he looks dangerous and familiar.”

  Mouth dry, I smiled at Abby who gestured toward the locked door after pushing my ID back at me. “Let me come around and meet you. I’ll have one of my security guys walk you out to your vehicle.”

  “Shit,” Kylee whispered frantically. “That guy is coming toward us. Keep walking. Keep walking.”

  Just as Abby stepped onto the main floor, she looked behind us and broke into a wide grin. “Besian! I didn’t know you were stopping by today!”

  “I thought I would come into the store and browse.” His raspy voice carried an accent that was quite unlike Alexei’s. When he stepped into view, I noticed that Kylee’s dangerous description fit the man perfectly. He wasn’t as tall as Alexei or as muscular, but there was a menacing, intimidating air about him. My internal alarms went crazy. I needed to get away from this man and quickly. “I never know what might catch my eye.”

  “Uh-huh,” Abby dryly remarked. “Marley’s not working this weekend so your eye will just have to keep on wandering.” She pressed the bag of money into my hands. “Take care of this.”

  “I will.” Surprised by the weight, I held it close to my chest.

  “Shay, Kylee, do you two know Besian? He’s, um, a very successful local businessman,” Abby said with obvious amusement. “But we won’t talk about what type of business he’s in because this is a family friendly store.”

  Besian laughed. “You make it sound so scandalous, Abby. They’re just clubs, and it’s only dancing.” He turned his full attention to me. “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Shay, but I think we have a good friend in common.”

  “Oh?” I asked weakly, already knowing the answer.

  “Alexei.” He studied me closely. “I have to admit I’m rather surprised to see you.” His gaze flicked around the store. “Is Stas waiting for you outside?”

  “That’s none of your business, Mr. Strip Club Owner,” Kylee interjected forcefully, “and we’ve got somewhere to be.” She put her hand between my shoulders and propelled me toward the exit. “See you around, Abby.”

  “Wait! Let me get a security guard—”

  “No need,” Kylee said quickly and pushed me forward. “We’re fine.”

  “Thank you, Abby,” I called over my shoulder as Kylee hustled me out of the store. When we hit the street, I glared at her. “That was rude!”

  “Fuck that guy,” Kylee grunted. “I remembered why he looked so familiar to me. He’s a loan shark, Shay. He used to run a book for the Albanian mafia thugs over at the Black Eagle Club. He’s one of the bastards who used to own my dad’s debt. He took our boat and our car and my horse.” She hurried across the street at my side. “He’s one of the reasons Daddy put that rope around his neck in our barn.”

  “Shit, Kylee.” I hated that such awful memories had been dredged up for her. She had been fifteen when her father had hanged himself in the barn where she had kept her beloved horse—the horse he had been forced to give to Besian only a few days earlier. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. Nobody made Daddy gamble or embezzle. He did that himself.” She wrenched open her truck door and hopped inside. As she cranked the engine, I buckled my belt. “But assholes like that made it too easy. They took advantage of him when he was down. They kept feeding him credit because they knew they could collect on all his collateral, even after he died.”

  As she hit the gas, Besian stepped out of the pawn shop, a cell phone pressed to his ear, and watched us drive away. Never one to go quietly, Kylee actually rolled down her window and shot him the finger. “Vulture!”

  “Oh my God! Are you crazy?” I twisted in my seat to see the gangster’s shocked reaction as she punched the accelerator and tore down the busy road. “You just sat here and told me that guy is affiliated with the Albanian mafia. Are you seriously trying to pick a fight with someone like that?”

  “I’m not afraid of people like that anymore.” Kylee gripped the steering wheel tightly. “I’m over being pushed around by criminals.”

  Still aghast at the trouble she had probably made for herself, I pulled my phone out of my purse and called Shannon. She didn’t answer so I texted her for the name of her hotel and the address.

  Hey! We have the cash. We’re headed your way. Be ready to leave as soon as we get there. What’s the address?

  “Why isn’t she answering?” I asked, worry edging into my voice.

  “Maybe she’s almost out of battery. Maybe she’s in the shower. Maybe she went out to grab something from a vending machine.” Kylee reached over and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t panic. I’m sure everything is okay.”

  “I hope so.”

  A few seconds later, my cell phone chirped with a message alert.

  “What’s she say?” Kylee asked as she merged onto the loop.

  “She’s at the Spanger Motel.” I opened a map app on my phone and punched in the name to get directions. “Take the loop to 225.”

  “We’ll have to grab 146 to get up to Baytown and then hit the interstate to take us into Louisiana,” Kylee said, al
ready thinking five steps ahead. “It’s nearly five, and it’s getting dark. It’s going to be a long drive.”

  “We’ll trade off behind the wheel.”

  My phone started to ring. It was Stas. I ignored the call, but guilt gnawed at me. Staring out the window, I chewed on my thumb. “Alexei is going to be so angry with me.”

  “Yep.” Kylee didn’t even bother trying to convince me otherwise. “I would suggest you wait to call him until we cross the state line. By the time we get your sister situated in New Orleans or Baton Rouge and make it back to Houston, he’ll cool down.”

  “No, he won’t.” My stomach churned violently as I accepted the truth of the situation. “I said I trusted him. I told him I would stay put and let him protect me.”

  “Yeah, you did. He swore to protect you. He didn’t say shit about your sister. He can’t expect you to sit in that apartment, living the high life, while your sister gets her throat slit by some cartel hitman.”

  I ran my thumb up and down the screen on my phone. “What if there’s another way? What if he can help her?”

  “You need to stop second guessing your decision, Shay.” Kylee glanced away from the windshield and held my gaze. “You told me what happened last night with Nikolai. As far as Alexei’s old family is concerned, Shannon is as good as dead. If you call Alexei, if you tell him where she is, do you really think he’s going to choose between his old mob boss and you?”

  “He won’t betray me. He’s not like that.”

  “No, he probably wouldn’t, but at what cost?” Kylee bit her lip and shook her head. “You’re his mistress, his girlfriend. Sort of. You’re not his wife. The loyalty he owes you doesn’t come close to what he owes Nikolai. You’re a bright, shiny new thing in his life. That history he has with Nikolai? That shit goes way back, Shay. Can you imagine what Nikolai will do to him if he finds out that Alexei knew about your sister? That he helped you get her out of the city?”


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