A Promise To Keep

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A Promise To Keep Page 8

by Christina Tetreault

  “Then we can still go up to North Conway tomorrow. As long as we leave by one on Saturday, you should be back in time.”

  Should be and would be were not the same, and she didn’t want to risk being late. “Let’s wait. If the weather is crummy tomorrow night, we can’t ski, and it’s silly to spend over four hours in the car for only a couple hours of skiing on Saturday morning.” She took her favorite pajamas out, a pair of soft plaid flannel bottoms and a long-sleeved New England Rebels shirt.

  “Maybe I’ll bring you back here tomorrow then and give you a full tour of the house. We can start in the shower and work our way to the master bedroom.” He infused the perfect amount of seduction in his voice. “After, we can check out the hot tub and then head down to a guest bedroom or two.”

  She imagined them naked in a hot tub. Like he had Sunday, he wrapped his lips around a nipple and tugged while his fingers stroked her. Her heart hammered inside her chest and her breathing quickened. “I’ll dig out my bathing suit.”

  “Don’t bother, Kels. Bathing suits aren’t allowed.”

  Dampness gathered between her legs, and she wished she’d told him to come over rather than call her.

  “You probably have school stuff to take care of, and I want you to get plenty of rest tonight. You’ll need it,” Drew said. “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  Schoolwork, like she could ever concentrate on lesson plans or homework assignments after this conversation. “See you tomorrow.”

  She ended the call and switched on the television. She’d set her alarm for an hour earlier and get some correcting in before work. Tonight she’d never get Drew’s words or the images they evoked out of her head long enough to focus.


  Holidays, no matter which one, and middle school students did not mix. Today was no different. It didn’t help that every year the student council sold roses the week before Valentine’s, which were then delivered to the fortunate recipients during homeroom. The student council had done the same thing when she’d been in school too. Now, as it had then, it always caused both tears and smiles because there was always at least one person in every homeroom who wanted a flower but didn’t receive one. Kelsey wished the school would do away with the annual sale. She’d suggested the student council find a better fundraiser. Lila, the faculty advisor for the student council, insisted the students loved the tradition. So this morning students had gone from classroom to classroom delivering the red and pink roses.

  “You’ll have the whole period to finish the test. If you’re done before the bell rings, start reading chapter ten. Before I hand out the papers, does anyone have any questions?” Kelsey’s eyes swept across the classroom and stopped at the lab table in the back. Jenny Small and Matt Harris looked as though they were sharing one seat. There wasn’t a sliver of space between them.

  Oh the joy of teaching eighth grade. Of the three grades she taught, her eighth grade classes were her least favorite. Kelsey started passing out exams as she made her way to Jenny and Matt’s table. If she told them to separate from where she stood, the whole class would turn and look their way. She’d rather not embarrass them or distract everyone from the exam.

  Too busy whispering to each other, they didn’t notice her when she reached their table. “I need you to move apart.” She kept her voice low, but the two girls at the next table heard her and looked over.

  Matt and Jenny put several inches between them. It was a start, but not good enough. “You can do better.” She handed Matt an exam once he’d pushed his seat all the way over. “And Monday I’ll be reassigning seats.” Doing it now would waste time, and the students deserved the full period to complete the test. She passed an exam to Jenny, who had turned a light shade of pink.

  A light knock disturbed the silence in the classroom before Kelsey reached her desk again, and Catherine, one of the school secretaries, entered. If the office needed a teacher or a student, they usually called. Rarely did they show up at the classroom door.

  “This came for you,” Catherine said softly. She held out a glass vase full of roses. “I was headed down to the supply closet anyway, so I brought it with me.”

  The first-floor supply closet was down the hall from Kelsey’s class. Kelsey doubted it was the main reason the secretary had made the special delivery. Catherine lived in North Salem and was known to be a busybody. Like the rest of the faculty and staff, she knew Kelsey wasn’t involved with anyone. The sudden appearance of flowers would’ve caught the secretary’s attention.

  Kelsey accepted the vase, glad the students remained focused on their exams. “Thanks. You didn’t have to, I would’ve come down later and picked it up.”

  “They’re beautiful. Whoever sent them has great taste.”

  She heard the silent question. Catherine wanted to know whom the flowers were from. Kelsey didn’t need to open the card attached. She knew.

  “They’re from a good friend.” If she said Drew’s name, the whole middle school would know he’d sent her flowers by the final bell. The entire town would know by dinnertime.

  Catherine’s smile dimmed. “Well, enjoy. They’re beautiful. My husband sent me a nice arrangement as well.” She walked out, closing the door behind her.

  Setting the flowers down, Kelsey glanced over the class again. Everyone was still busy, their heads bent over their papers. She opened the card and read the message. Happy Valentine’s Day. See you tonight. Drew.

  Kelsey tucked the card into her desk drawer. She didn’t want a nosy coworker reading it and asking questions.


  She touched the send button on the fax machine but didn’t apply any pressure. She’d printed the papers before school and read them over twice, once at lunch and then again during her prep period. The contract read as Carolina said it would. Bancroft Automotive would officially go on the market next Wednesday. Carolina’s commission rate was 5 percent, and the contract expired six months from the date of signing. If the business didn’t sell by then, Kelsey could either sign another contract with Carolina or find a new listing agent. Although she couldn’t guarantee in writing a sale would result, Carolina verbally assured Kelsey finding a buyer wouldn’t be difficult.

  Kelsey removed the papers from the fax and glanced over them one more time. I’m making the right decision. She looked through the office door and into the first bay. Paddy, one of the full-time mechanics at the garage, was bent over a car, hard at work. He along with the other employees knew her intentions. She’d told them before the first real estate agent walked inside. They’d all been disappointed by the news but had supported her decision.

  The main door into the office opened, and Luke Small entered the room. Roughly ten years younger than her dad, Luke had worked at the garage longer than any other current employee. Following her parents’ death she’d handed most of the day-to-day operations over to him. When the idea to sell first started to take root, she’d told him before anyone else.

  “Afternoon. I didn’t know you were coming in today, Kelsey.”

  She held up the papers. “I need to use the fax machine.” Kelsey put the stack back into the machine and pressed the send button. Beeping sounds came from the device and then each page passed through it before getting spit out the other side.

  “You decided on an agent?” Luke asked, pointing a finger toward the papers.

  “Carolina Marcus,” she answered. “The one who was here yesterday.”

  “You’ll keep me updated, right?”

  “If I accept an offer, you’ll be the first to know.” She reached for her purse. With the contract sent, she could go home and get ready for whatever Drew had planned.

  “Before you leave, how’s Jenny doing this quarter?” Luke asked, referring to his youngest daughter. “I haven’t seen her touch a book since Christmas. She always tells us she finished everything at school, and then goes upstairs to talk on the phone or whatever teenagers do these days.”

  She’d noticed Jenny’s grade h
ad slipped a little this quarter but not enough to worry her. It wasn’t uncommon for a student to get lazy or struggle from time to time, depending on the topic. Maybe the recent change had nothing to do with the work itself. Maybe the cause was Matt. “Jenny’s doing okay. The class had an exam today. I haven’t had a chance to look them over yet. Hopefully, I’ll get them back to everyone soon. If you have any concerns, please feel free to e-mail me anytime though.” At the beginning of every school year, she told parents to contact her whenever they had concerns. It never hurt to remind them.

  Luke opened the door leading into the garage bays. “Thanks. I’ll ask her about it.”

  For Jenny’s sake, Kelsey hoped she’d done well. Luke and his wife put their children’s education above everything else. She hadn’t taught their oldest daughter, but when their son had been on the verge of failing her science class a few years earlier, they’d pulled him from every sports team. They hadn’t let him participate in extracurricular activities until the following school year.

  Kelsey slipped the contract into a folder. Later she’d add it to her filing cabinet for safekeeping. “Enjoy the weekend.”

  She left the garage and turned onto Cedar Street, thoughts of work, Luke’s daughter, and everything except Drew gone from her mind. The scent of roses filled the car. As far as Valentine’s Day gifts went, she preferred chocolates. Actually, she’d prefer almost any type of junk food to the roses. Unlike her mom, she’d never been much of a flower person. They looked and smelled nice for a few days, and then died. If Kelsey maintained some self-control, she could make a box of chocolates last a couple weeks. Still, she appreciated the gesture. Drew wasn’t her boyfriend or anything remotely close to it. He didn’t have to send her a gift. Did the fact he’d sent flowers mean he wanted her to be more than his lover for the weekend?

  An inner voice said yes. The same voice insisted he wouldn’t risk their current relationship for a simple weekend of sex. Not when he could get any woman he wanted. Another more suspicious voice nagged at her. Lust and sex didn’t equate with love. He might only be interested in a weekend of hot sex and assume she wanted the same. Considering her behavior Sunday night, she couldn’t blame him. She hadn’t shown any self-restraint, and had even helped remove his clothes.

  If that was all he wanted, was it enough for her? Would she be able to go back to being just friends after getting a taste of her fantasy?

  I’m about to find out.

  The card and gold-colored box on the coffee table grabbed her attention before she dropped the bag containing her school materials near the sofa. Her bag hit the floor with a thud, and she picked up the card.

  I knew you’d rather have chocolates. We have dinner reservations for five at Tuscany. See you soon.

  She smiled at the short message. Hadn’t she thought a similar thing in the car? He knew her better than she’d thought. Kelsey opened the box and inhaled the sweet smell. She didn’t recognize the name on the cover, but they didn’t look like something you’d pick up while buying a gallon of milk. Looking over the various shapes, she picked a round one and popped it in her mouth. Dark chocolate laced with a hint of coffee exploded on her tongue.

  Wow. Yeah, this was not something Drew bought while he did his weekly food shopping.

  Kelsey selected one more candy. This time she went for a rectangular one, then she closed the cover. She’d have to put this out of sight, otherwise she’d eat the whole box before the day ended. Biting into the candy, she closed her eyes as creamy caramel hit her tongue. This is one dangerous box of candy.

  Before she did something silly, like eat five more pieces, she carried the present into the kitchen and put it into the cabinet she went in the least, the one over the refrigerator. It was about the safest place she could think to keep the sinful treat.

  “Time to get dressed.”

  Every Friday, teachers and staff members could donate a dollar and wear jeans to school. Kelsey always took part, which meant at the moment she wore dark blue jeans, a bulky gray sweater, and boots. She couldn’t walk into Tuscany dressed like this. Thankfully, she knew just what in her closet would be perfect.

  She’d once read every woman needed a little black dress. Kelsey had exactly that, one. She’d bought it a few years earlier for a New Year’s Eve party, and since then she’d worn it to a retirement party and two weddings, including Sean’s, so Drew had unfortunately already seen her in it. If she had more time, she’d call Ella and ask to borrow the dress her friend had worn to Jessie and Mack’s wedding. Ella had bought it while in Paris, and it was possibly the most gorgeous dress she’d ever seen. Unfortunately, time wasn’t on her side tonight. Even if it were, she couldn’t call Ella now. The moment she asked to borrow it, Ella would have questions. Lots and lots of questions. Questions Kelsey would happily answer some other time, just not tonight.


  The updated weather report he’d seen this afternoon claimed the mix of sleet and snow, which had been predicted to start in the early evening, wouldn’t reach them until well after rush hour. Considering the dashboard clock read quarter to five and there wasn’t a drop of precipitation, the meteorologists had been right for a change. Drew didn’t care much either way. He drove in all kinds of weather, however with the storm expected he’d opted for his SUV with its all-wheel drive again tonight.

  Adjusting his tie, Drew opened the car door. Each time he came over he found it a little easier to get out of the car and approach the steps. A few more visits and he might manage it without the knot in his stomach.

  Light escaped from a single window on the second floor. He’d been upstairs enough times to know it was Kelsey’s bedroom. Additional light spilled from the windows downstairs.

  Drew climbed the steps. He could just walk in. He had a key, and she was expecting him. He wouldn’t, though. He’d ring the bell and wait for her to let him inside.

  Before he could do anything, the door opened.

  Not that he’d needed the reminder, but the black cocktail dress reinforced the fact Kelsey was a grown woman. “You look incredible.” He stepped inside, the knots in his stomach dissolving and anticipation taking their place.

  Two splashes of pink spread across her face. “Thanks.” She cleared her throat and licked her bottom lip. “Come on in. I only need my jacket, and we can go.”

  He’d thought about kissing her again all day. Before they left the house, he planned on doing it. Then later, after dinner, they’d finish what they started Sunday night. “First, I need to give you a proper greeting.” He slipped his arms around her and lowered his mouth toward her. If they were a few minutes late, Tuscany wouldn’t give their table away.

  Kelsey stiffened, and for a second he thought she’d pull away. Just as suddenly, she relaxed again and met his lips.

  He really intended the kiss to be a sweet one, nothing like the ones they’d shared Sunday. That type would have to wait until later when they were at his house. His intentions went out the window the moment she parted her lips for him. Sliding his hands below her waist, he pulled her tighter against him and drank in the passion of her kiss and the taste of her.

  Kelsey moved her lips away first. “I hope you don’t give everyone a proper greeting.” The same fire he’d seen in her eyes Sunday night danced there now. “It could make certain situations a little awkward.” The lips he’d been devouring a moment ago curved into a smile.

  Despite the sudden discomfort their kiss was causing, he couldn’t help but smile too. “That particular greeting is reserved for you, Kels.” He couldn’t resist giving her ass a little squeeze before he moved his hands back to safer ground. “We should probably go before I decide to show you what other activities I have reserved just for you.”

  Originally opened as a family friendly restaurant, Tuscany had been turned by the new owners into an upscale Italian restaurant when they rebuilt following a devastating hurricane. Many people in town had thought it was a bad idea. In their opinion, North Salem didn’t
need any fancy establishments. If people wanted those, there were plenty within driving distance. Despite the initial opposition from some, the business did well. In fact, it was his parents’ favorite restaurant. He’d never been there, but if Mom liked the food, it must be good. When it came to food, she was the most critical person he knew. Dad wasn’t far behind her.

  Drew hung both their jackets in the coat checkroom. “I’ve never eaten here. Have you?” he asked, putting his arm around her.

  “Not since they rebuilt. Ella and Striker come often. They get takeout from here too. She loves the food.”

  Unlike at Masterson’s, no cheesy Valentine’s Day wreath hung from the hostess desk, and soft Italian music played in the background. “Welcome to Tuscany, Mr. McKenzie,” the hostess greeted when they approached. “Your table is ready. Please follow me.”

  He’d certainly been in far more elegant restaurants, but his mom had been correct. This wasn’t the type of place families with young children frequented.

  “Let me guess, that happens all the time,” Kelsey whispered in his ear as they followed the hostess through the dimly lit dining room.

  Drew didn’t need to ask what she referred to. “Not all the time, but a lot.” In the beginning it’d made him uncomfortable. Now it didn’t faze him. The constant recognition might bother Kelsey, though. Considering what he had planned for them down the road, he’d have to help get her past it if it did.

  “I hope this is satisfactory,” the hostess said, stopping at a table.

  He couldn’t have asked for a more ideal spot. The table was tucked near a back wall and there were no overhead lights near them, giving them at least some privacy. If possible he’d prefer not to have any high school friends or fans bother them during dinner.

  “Perfect. Thank you.” He hated moving his hand off her waist. Now that he’d given himself permission to touch her and she didn’t seem to object, he didn’t want to stop. Their current location made keeping it there impossible.


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