ICE: Knights of Silence MC

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ICE: Knights of Silence MC Page 8

by Amy Cecil

  He shrugged, knowing that he didn’t have a choice, and said, “So how do I get in?”

  Straight to the tough stuff, that’s our Skeeter. “Well, we think we have a plan. We’ve been thinking about setting you up in one of their bars. You’ll have to do something that impresses one of the patched members. Haven’t figured out that part yet, but my thinking is once you befriend a member, then hopefully you can get in with the club as a hang-around. That way, you will be inside and you can keep your ears and eyes open. Anyone got any ideas?”

  Rebel spoke up and said, “How about if we set up a fake ambush on the bar?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want any of our boys or Skeeter getting hurt.”

  Reb jumped in again, “Ice, I don’t think you are understanding me. Skeeter can come into the bar, find a patched member, and tell them that he overheard a couple of bikers outside talking about taking down the bar. When they start to ask about the bikers, he can describe our cut. Then, once the Satans are on alert, you know they will head outside. We can then do a drive by, see them all ready to fight and just keep going.”

  Nodding in agreement, I said, “You might have something there, but this could backfire on us and cause an all-out war with the Satans. If that happens, you all ready for that?” I looked over to Ryder and Spike for their thoughts. Skeeter just sat there and listened.

  “I think the plan could work with a bit of fine-tuning,” Ryder said. “And about the imminent war? Look man, we have been trying to rid Edinboro of the Satans for a long time. This could be the start of the end for them. This is a chance to get intel on that Brianne chick, but also on the club as well.” Ryder looked around to the others for their thoughts. All my guys nodded in agreement.

  “Man, this was not how I was expecting this little rescue mission to go, but Ryder is right, we’ve been dealing with these assholes for a long time. It’s time we do something about it.” They all agreed and I then added, “We’ll need to take this to the table. This isn’t a decision that we can make without the input of the whole club. Let’s get Skeeter squared away first. So, Ryder, you think it can work?”

  “Yeah, I do,” he replied. Then he added, “I just think we need to iron out the details.”

  Spike chimed in and asked, “Hey man, do I get to kill anyone?”

  Shaking my head, I replied, “No, no killing. Spike, you know better, there is a civilian involved. Everyone comes out whole.”

  Spike seemed disappointed, “So you mean I can’t kill anyone?”

  “No,” I replied, “no killing.”

  Spike shrugged. “It’s a good plan. But I would love to kill those sons of bitches!”

  Patting him on the back, I replied, “You’ll get your chance. When we go in and actually raid the club, I’m sure you will have plenty of opportunities to make your kills.”

  Skeeter interjected, “Who said anything about killing anyone?”

  “Not gonna happen, Skeeter. We’ll keep you safe. We know this isn’t your war, but we need a civilian to help us get what we need. We just figured you would be perfect. Young guy in awe of the big bad bikers, if you know what I mean.”

  Skeeter nodded, looking a bit more relaxed. We spent the next hour or so going over the details. Our plan was going into action on Friday, two days from now. This had to work. The last thing I wanted was for Skeeter or one of my boys to get hurt. It just had to work.

  After we left the diner, we all headed back to the clubhouse. Once we arrived we all headed for the bar. I knew it was early, but after planning and scheming all morning, we all needed a drink. Looking around the clubhouse, I didn’t see Emma anywhere, but Honey was at the bar getting our drinks. “Hey Honey,” I called out, “have you seen Emma this morning?”

  Looking tired and sullen, she replied, “She came down earlier and got some coffee. Then I saw her leave with Tiny, about 15 minutes ago.”

  What the fuck! “Where did they go?” Honey shrugged. What the hell? She knew she was not supposed to leave here. I can’t keep her safe if she isn’t here at the clubhouse. I know I may be overreacting and I have no facts yet, but something tells me this whole thing with Brianne has to do with Emma and her association with me. I just can’t put my finger on it.

  “Ryder, get Tiny on the phone, find out where in the hell he took her, and tell him to get her back here ASAP. And so help me, tell him if anything happens to her on his watch, I’ll have his head, not to mention his patch.”

  “You got it, Ice.” Ryder made the call and when he was done he added, “Well boss, it seems that Emma wanted her laptop. Tiny took her back to her apartment and he said that he was bringing her right back.”

  Nervous about this whole situation, I looked over to Spike and said, “Back them up. I have a bad feeling about this.” Spike nodded and headed out.

  Fuck this shit. Why did she not stay put? I told her that I would send Tiny over today to get her laptop, but that didn’t mean that she was supposed to go with him.

  The next couple of hours were pure agony for me. Finally, I got the call from Tiny. I could murder the prospect. What in the hell was he thinking? I’ll feel much better when they get back. I kept staring at the door until they finally returned. First came Spike, cool as ever. If I had not sent him, they probably would have gotten run off the road – or worse. Then Tiny came in, looking scared. He should be. I’m not finished with him. Finally, Emma came through the door. They looked like they had been to hell and back. She saw me and headed my way. I got up from the barstool I was sitting on and without thinking pulled her into my arms. The relief of seeing her safe was overwhelming, and all I wanted to do was hold her. I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to her.

  “Caden,” she squealed, “you are schmooshing me!”

  I had to laugh. She used to say that all the time when we were kids. She always asked if I would give her a schmooshing hug.

  Chapter 10


  “I can’t breathe!” Emma said, muffled. Yes, I was still hugging her. If I had my way, I would never let her go. When I finally released her, she stayed so close to me. When she gazed up at me, I could feel that familiar sexual tension that I had felt back when I started to develop different feelings for her. But this time, it was different. I was not the only one experiencing the sexual tension; I could see it on her face. The heat in her eyes was as clear as day. She wanted me!

  I couldn’t help it. I was so relieved that she was ok, I didn’t ask. I wouldn’t have been able to wait for a reply anyway. I pulled her against me and crushed my lips to hers. My heart sped up as I tasted those lips for the first time. I couldn’t believe it. I was kissing the lips that I had longed to kiss for so many years. My cock got hard and began straining against my jeans, especially when she parted her lips, inviting me in. As I kissed her glorious mouth, her taste started making my head spin. Suddenly, she pulled away, her cheeks flushed, and immediately I felt cold. She stood there for several seconds and then turned and ran to her room.

  Fuck! What have I done? I stood there for a minute and looked around, the boys just staring back in shock. Then I heard the kitchen door slam – Honey. I’d deal with that later. Right now I needed to go upstairs and talk to Emma.

  As I started to walk away, I turned back to the boys and said, “We will discuss today’s ordeal later. Church in an hour. Round everyone up.” Then I turned directly to Tiny and said, “I’m not finished with you. Stay put.” I turned and headed upstairs.

  When I got to Emma’s room I could hear her crying, and I immediately opened the door. At this point, knocking was pointless. She was lying on her bed, face down, crying. She used to do that when she was a kid and didn’t get her own way, which was not very often. “Emma?” She didn’t answer. I waited a couple of seconds and then said again, “Emma?”

  Her voice muffled by the bed and her own tears, she yelled, “Go away, Caden!”

  “Sweetheart, I’m not goin
g anywhere. We need to talk about what just happened.” I went into the bathroom and grabbed the roll of toilet paper, and then sat on the bed next to her. “Here,” I said, handing her the toilet paper. “Dry your eyes and talk to me. Why are you so upset?”

  She sat up and grabbed the toilet paper from my hand. Pulling off a sheet, she dried her eyes and blew her nose. She still didn’t speak, and I felt that a little more coaxing would help. “Emma, sweetheart, we need to talk about this. Since when have you ever not been able to talk to me about anything that’s bothering you?” I nudged her and she smiled shyly.

  Then, she looked at me, eyes swollen, and said, “Caden, I can’t. I can’t do this now. Please don’t make me.” She sounded just like she had when she was a child. Part of me didn’t have the heart to push her, but I was not about to let this go another minute. Something very intense happened between us downstairs and we needed to get to the bottom of it.

  I leaned into her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. She started to cry again. “Emma, why are you crying?”

  Muffled, she said, “I can’t tell you.” Ok, now she really sounded like a child. At this rate, we would never get anything settled between us – and I have church in an hour.

  “We need to talk about this now. I have a meeting in less than an hour, and I will not leave things with you unsettled. So, why don’t I start … I kissed you. You kissed me back. I’m not gonna say I’m sorry, because I am not. I have wanted to taste those luscious lips of yours for a very long time.” There, I said it, now I am just waiting for all hell to break loose. Hearing her tell me again how much she hates me will just be the icing on the cake of this shitty day.

  She sniffled a couple of times and then said, “You have?” Now that was not what I was expecting – I was expecting her to yell.

  I brushed my thumb over her cheek and wiped away a tear. I said, “Yes, I have. Does that bother you?”

  She turned away and got up from the bed. She started pacing and then said, “I am not going to do this now. I can’t.”

  I got up and walked over to her, placing my hands on her shoulders to stop her pacing. With her facing me, I said, “Look at me.” She would not. “Emma, I mean it. If I am going to tell you everything, you will look at me when I do.” She hesitantly looked up and I continued, “Did you really think that all those times that I pushed you away was because I didn’t want to be around you? Or that I stopped caring about you?” She nodded. “Well, you are wrong. I pushed you away ‘cause I was developing feelings for you that I should not have been feeling. You were a teenager and I was an adult. It was not right. But, it seemed the more I pushed you away, the more you came back, until the day you came to the clubhouse. Emma, I knew you were coming. I set that whole thing up so you would stop once and for all and I would not be tempted to take advantage of you.”

  She looked confused and asked, “But Caden, why? You were so mean and hateful to me that day. And how did you know I would come to the clubhouse?”

  “It was all an act. I meant none of it. I knew you were coming because you texted me.”

  “But you said you never got my text.”

  “I lied.” So now she knew the truth. This could go two ways. Either she could really hate me, and that would be the end for me … or, she could realize how I feel about her and run into my arms. Holding my breath, I waited for her to say something. Anything.

  “But that girl, you were still with her.” Again, that was not what I was expecting.

  “Yes, I was. I’ll be honest with you; I’ve been with a lot of women. Just because I couldn’t have you, doesn’t mean that I have gone without. But, none of them were you.”

  Quietly, she asked, “Honey?”

  Fuck, I didn’t want to get into specifics with her … but I am not going to lie to her again. “Yes, including Honey.”

  “I thought so.” She turned and sat back down on the bed. “Caden, I know you are looking at me for some type of reaction to all this, but right now I feel nothing. I’m numb. I need time to sort this through, and you have a meeting to go to. Just leave. We can talk about this later.”

  Well, I guess I was wrong. There was a third option on how that conversation would go. I’m not sure I like this one, but at least she isn’t telling me she hates me. Realizing that it was best to do as she asked, I quietly left the room and headed down to the chapel for my meeting.

  Chapter 11


  After Caden left, my head was spinning. All these years I had believed that he didn’t want me. I was sure that he would never be interested in me in that way, especially with all the women that he had available to him. I know how women are drawn to bikers; I saw it firsthand with Brianne. I always told myself that I would never be one of those girls that hangs with bikers. But if I’m honest with myself, I am definitely one of those girls – just one that is only interested in one biker.

  Realization of what just happened finally hit me: OMG! He kissed me!! I can’t believe it. He finally kissed me. I swear I thought I was going to melt into him. My heart was beating so fast and loud, I’m sure he could hear it. And the kiss hadn’t been sloppy like Mark’s kisses; it was hot and passionate. His tongue was soft and controlled. Our lips moved together as if we were in a very well-choreographed dance, just like I always imagined it. All of a sudden I felt giddy.

  He lied to me. He hurt me so badly; I should hate him. I should leave right now and never turn back. But I can’t. I love him. Does he feel the same? I doubt it. I’m sure his feelings are more lustful than loving.

  Just then my phone began to ring. I looked over at the display; it was Mark, again. I let it ring a couple of times and answered it. “Hello.”

  “Emma, what the hell is going on? I’ve been trying to reach you since yesterday.”

  Well, good to talk to you, too. Why does he always have to start a conversation like that, yelling at me for one reason or another? Out loud I said, “I’m sorry, Mark. I told you in my text, I just needed time.”

  “Time for what, Emma? I thought we settled everything when you agreed to marry me.”

  So, do I tell him now or just string him along? If I sever this relationship now, then I will be free to explore what is happening with Caden. But, is it fair to do this over the phone? On the other hand, I don’t know when I’ll be able to leave here, and I can’t handle getting phone calls like this every day. “Mark, I think …”

  Before I could finish, he interrupted me and said, “Why were you at the apartment today? I thought you left town.”

  What?? How did he know I was at the apartment today? He was at work, so I know he could not have been there this morning. “How did you know I was at the apartment today? Are you following me?”

  He stuttered and said, “O-Of course not. Why would I follow you? That’s ridiculous. I was going to meet a client and happened to drive past. I saw a black pickup truck parked outside, and a guy on a motorcycle out front. I was sure that they were not there to see you, but then you came out and got in the truck. What is going on, Emma? Did you go to the Knights? Is that who you are shacking up with now?”

  Ok, now I was pissed. He is spying on me. “You know what, Mark? Where I am and what I am doing is none of your business. This engagement is officially over. I didn’t want to do this over the phone, but you are being such an ass. I don’t need this right now.”

  I should have just hung up at that point. That was my first mistake. He was silent for a minute and then yelled into the phone, “What the fuck, Emma?! You can’t break our engagement!”

  “I’m sorry, Mark, but I just did.”

  “Well you little bitch. You can’t get rid of me that easy. You and I are meant to be together. You don’t realize what you just did, the fate you have cast on the ones you love. You’ll be sorry, and you’ll come running back to me.” Then he hung up.

  Well, if I had been unsure about any decisions that I have made in the last twen
ty-four hours, I was not anymore. My conversation with Mark definitely convinced me that he has changed. I don’t know what has changed him, but I am certain that he is not the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. And what was he talking about when he said “the ones I love”? Could he have something to do with Brianne? Could that be why he wouldn’t help me find her? No, no, no, I refuse to believe it. It can’t be.

  It was all too much. Brianne missing, staying here, being followed this morning, Mark and Caden … it was just too much. I needed to get out of here, but I knew if I left someone else would get in trouble because of me. I needed a drink. That’s it. I was not a drinker, but right then a warm shot of whiskey sounded very enticing.

  I left my room and headed downstairs to the bar. All the guys were gone except for Tiny and the bartender from last night – I couldn’t remember his name. Honey was also standing behind the bar. Oh great; just what I needed right now. My need for that drink overpowered my distaste for Honey, so I marched myself right up to that bar. Honey ignored me and continued wiping the bar down. She had several shot glasses lined up on the counter as if she was expecting a big crowd. “Excuse me?” Nothing. Not even a glance my way. So I decided to just ask her. “Honey, may I please have a shot of whiskey?”

  Shocked by my request, she finally acknowledged me. “Coming right up.” As Honey was placing my drink on the bar in front of, one of the doors across the room opened up and an array of bikers emerged. They all headed straight for the bar – I felt as if I was being bombarded by leather. The last one out of the room was Cade. He paused at the door and scanned the room. When he spotted me, he made a beeline right for me.


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